Resolution-PC 90-272ritiuUfs~ ., . .,. _ .. , : , . _ _ ~; t~ ;!~ .r ~~ Y''i ~ .C:~0~1~~.9~ . . ~n ..~ A Y ~ 1 RESOLUT70N NO. PC90-272 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAFIEIM CTTY PLANNING COtdI~STSSTON TI~AT PETImION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMZT NO. 3362 IIE GItl~NTED, IN PAFtT WHGREAS, the AnahQim City P.lanning Commisaion did raaeive ra ` verifiied Petition For Condii:iona.l Use Permit fox certai.n raal piopert•y i' situat.ed in the City cf Anaheim, ~ounty ~f Orange, State of Califarnia, descri.bed as: PARGEI~ A: THE WEST 250 FEET OF THE NORTIi HALF OF T'HE SOUTH'AEST QUARTER OF TH?~; NORTHWEST QUARTER OF .SECTION 2i, TOWNSHI'P 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, IDI THE RANC:-~O LAS BOLSAS, I,YIIVG SUUTHERL`L OE 7.'H~ SOUTH I.TN~ Or^ THE PRdPERTY COIvVEYED TO R. B. Ht1TFIELD AND ),dAMI7' J. HATFxELD, HUSf3AND AND WIFE, BY DEEn DATFD JUL'L 18, 1955, RECORnED AUGUST 5, 1959 7N BOOK 3164, PAC,F 361, OFFICIAI, RECORDS, AND 47ESTERLY t?F TF~T~ WE!.iT LZNE OF TRIICT 1454, REC,022UED IN Ei00K 175, PAGTs'S 3£3 AND 39 O~' MISCELLAN~OUS MAYS, KECORDS OF SA~L ORANGE COUNTY. EXC~PTIN~ THEREFFtOM ~NX PORTIOIVS OF SAID LAND I:ICLU.DEU WITHZN EUCLID AV~PIUE. PP.RCEL ?.: ~;s~ TEIAT PORTION OF THF. SOUTH FiALF OF THE SGUTHWEST QUART~R OF TCiE NOR?HWEST QUAR'~~R OF S~CTION 21, ~'OWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, 7N TFIE RANCHO LAS BQL^aAS, LYING WESTERLY OF TFiF. WE5T LTI~E OF TRACT NO. 1454, RECORDED YN BOOK 175, PAGES 3a AND 39 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RFCORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY, DESCl2IBED AS FOLI,OWS: BEGINNING AT TEI~ NORTfiWEST CORNER OF THE SAUTH HRLF OF TH~ SUUTHFIEaT QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUAI2TER GF SECTTdN 2]., TOWNSHIP ~1 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, IN TH~ RANCHO LAS BCLSAS, RS Sf90WN ON A MAP TFiEREOF R~CORUEll IN BC~OK 5;, PAGE 7 2~N~ FOLLOWTNG, MISCELLANEQU~ MAPS, RE~ARDS OF SAID QRANGE COUNTY, AND RUNNING THENCE FAST J~LC~DlG TE?E NORTFI LINE OF SAID 50UTH HALF, 131.71 FEET TO 2~HE NORTHEAST CORNE.R OF THE SOUTEi 20 ACFtES OF TH~ SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTr,R; TEiENCE WGST ALONG TEi~ NARTH I~INE OF TIiE SAID SOUTH 20 ACRES, 1313.7?. r^EET Tn THE NORTHWESI' CORN~:R OF THE SAID SOUT:i 20 ACRES; THENCE NORTH ALONG THE WF.ST LINE OF SAID SOUTHWE:S'P QUARTER, 6.74 r'BGT TO TfIE POINT OF B~CINNTNG. CR~Q53MP -1- PC90-272 r*'~>, ._ + t E}tCEPTING THER~FROM ANY ~OR'PION OF SAID ~AND INCZUD~U WITHiN EtICLID AVENUE. P~1RC~L 3: THC NORTH 60 FEET AF' Z'F1E WEST 250 I'EET OF THAT CERTA'tN LANA SITUATED IN 'PHE RANCHq LAS f30LSAS, ~ AS SHOWN U~1 A MAP THLREOF RECORDED IN BWK 51, PAGE 7 AND FOLLOWING, MISCFLT~ANEOUS MAPS, RECOKDS OF SATD ORANG~ C:OUNTY, DESCkISEa AS H'OL.LOWS: BEGINNING F~T THE SOUTHFiEST CORNER Oi TH~ NOkTH HALP' UF THF: SOUTHWES'I' QUARTER OF TEIE NORTHWEST Qi7ARTER OF ' SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANG~ 10, WEST AND RUNN?NG THENCE NORTH ALONG THE WEST LTNE OF SATD NOR~'H HALF, 22'L.g6 F~E~; THENCE EA57~ 656.92 FEE'.r` TO Fi AOINT WHICH IS 895.21 L'E~T NORTH OF 'PFi~ SOUTH LINE QF' THE SOUTH LTN~ C~F SAID ~OU~'HWEST ~UARTER; THENCw NOdtTH P}1RA~,LEL WITFi SAID [~IEST LIN~, 99.55 F'E~T; `rHENCF EST 656.92 FEET TQ A POINT AN THE EAST LINk~ c1F SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTEFt WHICH IS 994.76 FEEi NORTH ~JF THE SAID SOUTH L7NE j THEPICE SC7UTH AT,ONG SAID EA5T LIN~ 324.f31 F.EET TO TH~ SOUTHEAST CORN~R OF THE SAID N012TH FIALF; THENCL WEST AL~NG TH~ SOU~H ZINF, OF THE NORTFi HALF, 1313.71 F'EF.T TO THL~' t'dINT dF DEGINNING. EXCEPTING TEiEREFRbM ANY PORTTON UF SAIU LANq INCLUDED WITHIN EUCLID AVENiJE. PAY2G'EL 4: TIiAT POR'PIO1V QF THE W~S'P HALF OI~' THE NORTH EiAI,F OF THE SOUZ`HWEST QUA12'PER OF THE N022THWEST QUARTER OF SECTTON 21, TOW:dSHIP 4 SOCITH, RANI`,E 10 WEST, IN THE; RANCHO LAS IIOLSAS, AS SH04JYd ON A MAP THERFOF ItECORPED IN BCk?K 51, PAGE 1C OF MISCELLAtJEOUS MAPS, R~CORDS OE' SAID ORIINGE COUNTY, DESC~2IBED ~1S FOLLOWS: ~~ ~ ~; . r;;~ BGGINNING A`f A POINT ON THE WET LING OF SATD N(~RTFiWEST QUARTER, SAID PO:CNT BEfIJr pzSTANT 222.86 FEET FROM THE 80UTHWEST CORNEIt OF SAZD NOkTH fIALF OF' 'PHE SOUTHWE5T QUARTER OF THE NORTHW~uT QUARTFR OF SAID SECTTON 21; '!'HENCE NOF2TH ALONG SAYD WES'.C LINE TO A FOTNT THAT TS UISTANT NORTH 101]..71 F~ET FROM THE SOUTHWBST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARZ'ER OF THE hORTHW~ST C,~UARTER UF SAID SF.CTIGN ?.1; THENCE EAST 656.92 FEET TO A POINT TFiHT IS DI5il-NT NORTH 1016.51 F~ET T'ROM THE SOUTEI LTNu OF SI~ID SOUTIiW~ST QUARTF.R; THENCE SOUTH TO A POINT THAT IS DISTANT ~ASTERLY 656.92 FEET FROM SAID WE3T 7,INE; AND NORTH 895.?.1 FROM 1'HE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHW~ST ~UF1RTEft OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SEC;TION 21; TEIENCE HESTER7.,Y 656.92 FE~T TO THE 1~OINT OF BE~:INNING. -?. - F~C90-272 ~'''~: ~f ~. - - ': , ~,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ `~~' ,t;} ~,6".~;" ~._..~ PARGEL 5: THE N~RTH ~.00.00 FFET OT~' TcIE WEST 253.60 FEF;T OF TH~ NORx'H 10.U0 ACRE3 OF THE SOUTH 2O.00 ACRES OF THE SOUTHWE3T QUARTER OF THE NORTHWE5T QUARTER OF ~E(:2'ION 21., 'I'OWN5HxP 4 SOUTFi, R}1NGE 10 WES7', AS PEIt MAP RECO~ZDED IN BOOK 51, PAC~ 10 OE MISCEx,I,ANEOIiS MAPS, IN THE aFFICL~ Or TH~; COUNTY RErpFtDER OF SAID COUNT'Y. P11R~CEL 6: THAT PORTTON OF LC)T 1 OI' TRACT NO. 33Q3, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED TN BcwK 110, PAGES 33 F.NA 34 OF MISC~LLANEOUS MAFS, IN TFIE OFFTCE OF THE CO'UNTY FtECaRDEEt OF 5AIA COUNTY, LYING WFST UF A LINE THAT IS FAFtALLEL WITH AND DIS'PANT EAS7' 253~G0 FEET FFtOM 'PHE WEST LINE UF SECTION 2J.~ TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, IiANGE 10 b:ST, TN THE RAPTCHO I.AS BOLSAS, AS SHODiN ON A MAP RECORDFi? IN BC10F: 5~, PAGE J.0 OF MISCE':,LANEOUS M1~Y8. WHLRLAS, t11e City Planning Commiseion did ho].d a public hearing at tha Cfvic Cent~r. in the City of Anaheim c+n Dec:ember 3, 1990, at 1:30 p.m., noti.ce of said public hearing having boen duly given ae r~quirQd by law and in accordance wi.th the pr.ovieions of the Anaheim Municipal Cod~, ChaptQr 18.03, to hear arid corisider ev7.cience for and againet said praposed cond~.tional use parmiz and to ir~veatigate and niake finr~ings and recommendat~ons in connection th~rewith; and WHEREAS, eaid Commier~ion, after duQ inEpectfon, inveatigation and etudy m~~o by itc~elf and ;n ita behalf, and after due c~nsiderati.on of all evidence ~nd reports offereci at said hearing, dnes find and determine the follawing fact~: 1. 'That the propoeed use i~ properly one for whiah a conditional uae permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal c:ode Sectiond, 1£i.21.050.270 anc~ to retain a pr.ivate fine arta callege for gifred per~s~ns w3.th mental rEtardati~n, with waiver of the f~llowing: (A) SECTION~ 18.U6.050.0212 - Minimum number o~arkinp epacea. (324 requir~d; 134 exietin,g) 18.Q6.~50.0265 18.Ob.Q80 18.21.066.O1U ancl 18.44.06Ei, 050 (II) SEC'PIONS - Reauired ae~backo ~or inotit.u~ional and church ar~d 18.21.063 uses. ~ (L5 foot eetback raquired for parking areas adjacent to residential zonee; 0 to 5 feet exiating adjacant to RS-7200 zoned property l.i.nes ) -3- PC90-272 ~.~J/;•X4'. 1 r.., . ,...... . . . . ' . . . , r~4f~ , p'n~t~ f (C) SF.TIONS - Dtaximum f.ance height. s;1d (D) S~CTTON 18.44.Q62.011 - Maximum s~rixctural heiaht a3is~c~nt ta sing.lc~_ familv zanincx. 2. That the requeated waiver (A) is berQby grantad on the basS.s ;~;; that the parl~trig wai~rer will not cause an increasn in traffic congestion i.n ~ the immadiate vicinity nor advarsoly af£ec~ any adjoinin~ land uses and g~-anting ot thQ parking waiver under t:~e condi.t±one impoaed, iE any, w.fll ~not be dei;rimental to th~ peacP, health, ~afc~~y and ~eneral walfare of the citizene of the City of Anahoim. 3. That the requosted waiyer (B) ia heroby granted ori the baeis that t~hare 3re apecial ci,rcumetdnc:oe anplicable to the property s~.ich as size, shape, tapography, locati~n arid surraundi.ngs whiah do nnt appiy to oL-her ' identic~lly zoned praper~y in thP e~a.-ne vicinity; and that dtzict agplication of the Zoniizg Coaa deprivee the proper,ty of privileges er~joyed by other propertiee in ~he identical zane and claseification in the vic9.nity. ,'; ' 4. That tho requested waivers (C) and (D} are hexeby denied on , the baei~ that t*~e~ were dele~ed. ~ ; .r;: . ~~ ~ :Y' , 5. That the prpposed use wi.ll. not adversely affect the adjoin.ing lanci uaea and the growth and davelopmerit of the area in wtiich it ia propo~Ed to b~ located. 6. That the aize and ehape of t1~e aite proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development nf the propoeed uAe in a manner not dntrimental to the particular area nor to ttie peace, health, aafety and general wel£axe of ttie CitizFns of the Gi.ty of A.naheim. 7. That th~ granting of the Condttional Use Permit under the ccnditions .impoeed, i£ any, will n~~ be detri.m~ntal to the peace, health, aafety and general welfare of the Citizens of ttie City of Anaheim. 8. That the traffic generatec~ by thP pioposed uge will not impos~ an undue burden upon chs atreets and highways designed and improved to carry th~ t.raffic in the s~roa. 9. Tha~ no one indicated their pr~eence at said public hearing in opp~oition; and that no cor.reapondence waa zeceivecl in oppoei~ion to the sub jr~~t pet3.t.icn. NQS~, TEIFREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED th~t the Anaheim City Planning Commiseion does her.eby grant subject Petition for CQnditional Use PermLt, upor~ ~}ie ~oliowing canditf.r~ne which are hereby found to be a necc~ssary pr~requi.eite to the proposed uee af the aubject property in order to preserv~ thQ saf.ety and gensral welfarz of the Gitizons of the City of Anaheim; and furth~r tha~ th~ property owner sha~1 be responeible ~~r all the cnnditione impoeed. 1. That the legal ~w-ier of• aubject prope.rty ehall dedicate to the City of Anaheim an easement five (5) feet in widtti alan~ hhe ~ntize east property line (exce~t that p4rtion facing Edda Lane) fur public utility purposes. . `:it ;1'~%,}Q'p .-f~ ; -4- PC90-272 :« i i'~ ~"'~1 . ._; i'. ~ : i.c}l~ :ra 2. * That trash etare.~e ar~a~ ~l~all be provide~,l and maintained i r. a location acaeptak~le ~~:.o t}ia Street Maintenanca a:~d Sanitation u:Lvision and in accordance wi.th a~~provad plann on fil~ with said divi.si~n. 3. That the on-site 1an~seapi.rig and irrigation ey~tem shall b~ refuibir~hod and maintained in complianct with C~ty atandards. 4. * 7'hat a six (G) feot high mason~-y block wa:Ll enall be maintained along all intericr property lines. 5. That subject property ah~11 be develop~d substantially ~.n accordance with plan$ and sp~cifications 9ubmitted to i:he City of Anaheim by the petitioner and whicti plana are cn file with the Planning D~partmEnt marked Exhtbit iJ~s. 1 and 2. 6. That there ie no time limitation on thi.s conditional use permi~t. ; 7. That Condition ivos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, above-mentioned, ehall be { complet~sd within a period of ninety (90) day~ from the datQ of this F reaolution. 8. * That approv~l of this appli.catinn constitutea approval of ttie proposed requeai: only to th~ ~xt~nt that it complios with the Anaheim Alunicipal 2oning Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal. regulations. Appr~val do~s not include any act?_on or findinge as t~ compliance or appr~val of the requeat regarding any other appZicable or.dinance, regul~tion or. requirement. Conditions marked with an asteriek (*) arQ required by establish~d laws, codee, r.agulations and ~greemeriLs and are, therefore, not subject to negotiation. i3E TT FURTHE;R RESGL'~.ED that the Anahe:m City Pl~nning Commiesion doea hereby find and detez•mine that adopti~n of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon appliaant's campli.ance w'th each and a1.1 of the candi'~ions hereiiiaY~ove se+: farth. Should any such c~ndition, or any par.t thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment oE any cuuzt of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any appro•vals herein contained, aha:11 be ~leemed null ~nd v~id. THF FAREGOING RESOLUI'70N wan ac~oQted at ths Planning Commission meeting of Decemk~er 3, 1990. ~"~ ;..c'. ~ ,ra r-`, _..... CI~AITdWOMAN, ANAHETM CITY F'T.~1P~NING COMMISSIUN ATZ'EST : a ~ ,,,~" f ~ % .cr~:.~ : _.•J //SF ETARY PRO 1'EMP 6 ' I~i AHEIM CITY PLAN~ G COMMISSION -5- PC90-272 r' ';; , .; ,, ~'% , . . ,~~ {ll ~~ff,'7~~'f~,Mhl~~lrr':r'!hln k~~ii~.~'~Yi r '..~,~. ~':.- ~ ~,.... . ._ ~ :~,.,a.~: _.,.. ~. , . . .. 7 ~ , +, rr:l~,,~i irv1:~A';~t H ~.~ .n`` '7+1R r _•.!~~ E ~ ~.(,rr, ~R ~~~ ,ri ~ ~ ~ ~~.r ~ r~ ~ •q,~,~i r,~ i ~ "~"O r ~ m_ r. ~r, ntiw~~q~.g .. ~Y~'~ ~;s^`~ ~ ! ~e1rW~~ ~. - . . r!-~~~1 ~ , i c ~i STATE UN' CALIFORNIA ) COtINTY OF ORAt7GE ) ga, ;i '°~.ti C~TY OF ANAHETM ) ~~ ~ I, ~7anet: L. Jeneen, Secr~tary Pr~ Tempore of ~he. Anahei.m City Planning Commi~+sion, do hereb ~ertif :~;;:, y y tha~ the fo•regoing rpsolution was p~,ssed and adopted at a meeting of the Anah i t;t~, , on Decombor 3, 1990, by e itii City Planning ~~~3,g6ion held •the following vote of tlie member~ t:hereofa ~ AYES: COMMISS]:ONERS: BOU.'~S~ BOYDSTUN, FELDHAUS, HELLXER, HEN'NINGER, MESSE, PERA?A NOES: CObShIISSIONER5: NONE ABSENT: CaMMISSION~RS: NONE 'a• ~ IN WITNES ' S WEiER~OF, I have hereunta set my hand ~hia ~`J ~ d.ay c~ ~ / .~s2 L~~~ 1990. / . - ; ~; a ( ~r ~ ~ -- t9~no ` ' ~ ' / HE`PARY YRO TE~h4~ E ~ ~ ~ ~; NAHEIM CITl PTJI~ ING CO.MMISSIUN si s