Resolution-PC 90-274;~~ RFSOLUxION IVQ. PC90-274 ~~ A RE50I,UTTON OL' THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAZ' PEZ'ITION FOR COND7TIONAL US~ PEF2MIT R0. 3365 BE~ GkAIJTEb ~ ,.;~ n~~s~a~ t ,; ':~~; , ;'; SdFiEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commiseian did roceive a verified Petition for Canditional Use Permit gor. cnr•tain real p.raperty aituated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, 5•~ate nf Cali.fornia, ~ deecribod As: F~ARCEL 5, IN TF1E CITY OF ANAHETM, COUNTY OF Ol2ANGE, S'!'AiE OF CALIFORNIA~ AS SHOWN ON A PARCE.L MAP rILEA IN HOOK 2 PAGE ]. GI' PARCEL M}1PS, ZN T.3E OFF'ICE OF THE CUUNTY RECORDER OE' SAID COUNTY. WHEFtF,AS, thc~ City PZanning Commieoion did hold a public hearing ~ at the Civic Cer~ter i.n the Gity Uf Anaheim on Dec.ecnber 3, 1990, xt 1: 30 p.m. , notice of eaid public heazing tiaving beec~ cluly given as requi.red b,y law and in ; accordanr:e with th~ provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 16.03, to hear and coneider svidence for and againsL- ~aid proposed conditional use pdrmit and to inveetigate and makE findings and r.~calnm~:-dations in connection ti therewith; and WFtEREAS, oaid Commisaion, after due in~pection, inv~stigarion and stucly made by itsplf xnd in it~ ber~alf, and aftor. dua coa~idgration of all Qvidence and roporto offerod at s~i.d h~aring, dc~es find and det~rmir,e the foltowl.ng facte: 1. Taat thQ proposed uee ia properly c~ne for which a conditional use permit ie authorized by Anaheim Municipa~. C~d~ 5eation 18.03.Q30.010 to retain a 324 aq.ft, apray booth. 2. That the proposod une will nor. adversely affect the adjoining land unee ~nd ttic~ qrowth and developme^t of tho area in which i~ ie proposed to be locat9d. 3. That the ~ize and ahape of tn~ eite proposed for the uee is adequ3te to allow the full dQVelopment of tha ~roposed use tn a manner nut r.: detrimenta~ to tha particular area nor to the peace, health, safoty and general wel£are of thE Ci.tizene ~f tt-e City of AnahQi.m. ,: 4. That tho granting of the Conditional Uee Permi~ under thR conditions imposed, if any, wi.ll not be dekrimental to the poace, health, AafeCy and gor-eral wolfare of the ri~cizena of the City oE Anahaim. 5. That ttie traffic generated by the pro~oeed uee will not impose an -indue burd~,ii upon the c~treete and higho~aya de~igned and imprnved to carry the r.raffic in the area. C1t1055MP -1- PC90-274 .e ,; ~~ .~ ;;>s, ;a ~:'!~ •n , K~a~.~ .~~1~ ~; , 6, That no one indicated the:Lr pre~ence ~t eaid publia hearing in opposition; and that na correopondence wae recrjived in opposition i:o ~he eubject peti.tion. CALIF'nRNIA ENVIRONMENTAL~UALI~ C~' IrIN~D N,G: That the Anaheim Cit.y Plannin~,7 Commiaeion hao reviewed the ~,rap~Aal to retain a 324 sq.ft. apray booth on a rectangulazly-shaped parcel of land ron~isting of approxima~ely 0.~3 acre having a frnntage of approximately 1Q~ feeL• on ~the eae~ ~id~s of National Stroet, havixig a snaximum dep~h ot appr.oxi.mately 185 fee~, being 1.acated approximately 180 fee~ north af th~ een~erline. of Liberty Avenue and further referred to aR 1808 Narth National StreQt; anrl does hareb,y apnr.ova thP NegAtive Declar.ation upan finding that it hae ~•oneidezed •~t~e Negative Declaration togettier with axiy commAnta r.~ecaived duz~ing the pubiic rev~,eW prncese and furth~r finding on the ba~io that the tni~ial study und :,~ny commentA received thai: there i~ no eubetantial ev~dAnc~ that. tho projact: wi17. have a eignif icanL- effect on the env3.ranment. NoIJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEq that the 7.,naheim City Planning Commieaion does hereby grant subject P~tition for Canditior~al Use P~rmit, upon tha f~ilowi.ng conditi~nR which are hereby founcl to be a. necessary pr2r~quis.ite to the propoeed ueo of the du~ject prop~rty in order ~o preserve the eafety and genr~ral welfare of the Citizene of the City of Anaheim: , 1. That a fire hydrant ahall be insi;allod and chsrged ae required and approved by the Fire Department. 2. * That f ira ~prinklere shall be in~talled Por •the apra~y paint booth as rQquired by thg Fire Department. Saic~ booth e}~all also be protectad fzom the waather by a roof atruct~ire approvad by the Fire nepartment. 3. Thr~t th~ owner/developer ahall obtain a pEarmit from the Fir.e Departmc~nt t~ oporat~ the spray booth. 4. That subjoct property ehal.l be cisvel.oped eubgtani:ially ici accordancn with plane and epecificationa eubmit~ed to th~ City c~ Anaheim by the petitioner and whicli plane are on file with the Planning Aepartment markecl Exhibi~ I~ds. 1 nnd 2. i. 5. That the o;aner of eutject ~roper.ty 9ha11 aubmit a lettar to the Zoning Uiviaion requesting t~rminat.ton of Condirional tlse Per.mit No. 1970. 6. That Conditi.on Noe. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, above-mentio-~od, c~ha11 be completc~d within a period of ni~ety (90) daya fram the da~e of thia r_QOOlution. 7, * That ai~proval of thia applicatiun conatitutes approval of ~he propoged requeet only to the extent that it compliea wi~th the Anahe3m Mur.icfpal Z~ninq Code and nriy other applicable City, State and Federal ~-Qgul.ati~ne. Approval doee nat includ~ any action or. findinge as to co~npliance or approval ~f the requ~st regarding any other applicab].A ordinance, regulation or. rec~uirament. Conditionfl marked with an aaterisk (*) az~ required by es~abliehed lawe, codES, regulation~ ancl agreements and are, therefore, not eubjact to negotiation. -2- PC90-.27d ,,~~1~; ':';r lrt ~~.'v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ',:r s> 1`i~°"'~"p~ ~;. ~~ iu ~1i~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~i `~~ ~, '~ ~a ;,, ~~~~: BE IT FURTHER RESOI,VED that the Anaheim City Planning Commiosion ;;,;; doea hereby find and dotormine that adoptian of thie Reaolution i~ expzensly predicated upon applicant's campliancQ ~~ith each and all of the condit3.one hereinubove set forth. Sh~uld any auch condition, or any part thereof, bQ d~:clared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment oE any court of cnmpetent jurisdic~ion, i:han thie R~so].ution, and any appr.avala herein coritained, ahall be d~em~d null ~tnd void. `, :~ 'rHL I'ORFGOING RESOLU'~ION was adopted at the Planning Commission meeting of DeoQmber 3, 1990. ' l' ; .:~; , ._~~.._.. -- -'. -- ~ri-.~_~,-- -: (~-t c <., ''~,~ , ''f: ~1: ; L;:.•'..i. c. /..:.-' CHATRWUMAN, ANAEIEIM CITY P ANNII3G CGMMISSION }1TTEST: ~ ~ / . C CRETARY PRti T PORE APtAHEIM CTT~ LANNING COMMISSIGN STATE OF CAI~TFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OFtANGs ) ~s. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) z, Janet L. Jenoen, secreta.r.x Pro Tempora of the Anahoim City P].anning Commiasion, do he.reb,y certify i:hat the foregoir.g res~lu~i~n was paased ar.d adoptQd at a meating of th8 Anaheim City Planning Commieaion held on December 3, 1990, by the following vaL~ of the membera thereof: AYES: CQMMISSIONk;RS: BOUI~S, BOYDSTUN, FELDHAUS, ~SLLYER, HENIIINGER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONFRS: NON~ AB~EN~: COMMISSTOt:' x~: IJONE ','~ IN 4'vI'1'NF,~S WHEAEOF, i have har~euntu set my hand tha.s ,~ day ~~~~g~_ ~ 19 9 0 . ~ ~~--~ ,~ , ~-*' ^~.----.~.-~ ~ ~ RETARY PRU T~M/P /E~ C~-~ IAHETM CITY F~L~I~FTi~1~TG COMMISSION ' „t,!Y ~.,', . -3- PC9~-274 `;: :,.,. :~~1I ~t~~ ~~