Resolution-PC 90-28,r~1w~, R~OLU~ION N~. PC90-2~1 A NUNC FFtO TUNC RESOLiJTT~;: OI' TK:, ~.N1-HiEIM CITX PLANNIN~ CGrIIvilfuSTON AbfEt~::2:~~ RESOLI~?'aU1v :?~. PC09-219 GRANTED IN CONJU'NCTZON W.T.iH CQNDTTIO:IAL U5E YG:"!?T N0. 3176 WHEREAS, the Anal~eim City Planning Cnmmi3si.on grai~ted ConditiU~ s? Use PPr.miL No. 37.76 by Resolution llo. PC89-21y ozi September l.l,. 1989, to permit a'l-story, 18 un:ik, "affordable" senior citizen's apartment complex with waivex of minimum huildi.ng site araa per dwelling unit, required type o£ parking spaces an.d mizi9.mum structura.l serback; and WHFREI-S, the legal ~9escr.iption contained in Hesolution No. PC89-219 was iizcorrect and shr~uld be amc~nded in. its entirety ta r.ead as foll~ws: "The C::sterly 71.16 ~eet of Parcel ]. as shuwn an a. map recoidefl in L~ook 1~, pag~ 24 oP Parcel Maps, records of Orange County, C~+lifornia." WHEF~AS, Condition No. Z9 wa~ incorrecL•ed an.3 should b~ amended to read as follows: "].y. That prior to issuance oL a bui3ding ~ermit, the legal property owner shall entQr intu an unsubordinated recordod agreemen~ with the City uf Anaheim Fu:suan~ t~ (:alifornia Govarnment Code Se~*_.ion 65915 and :~iiaheim Municipal Cud<~ Section 18.94.0407 ':o pravido that six (6) o,~ thQ residential units shaJ.l be rented as very loN incornt hov.sing as definecl in Ca1ir`ornia Govermnent Code Secti.oxi 6591.5 and with appropriate rental controls as approved by the City of Anaheim for a~,er.iod of not l~ss than thirty (30) years from the date of issuance of. ~c~upana~ germits." NG'W, THER^EORE, }~31: IT R.E50LVL•'b, that the Anaheim Cit-y Planninq Com-nission doe~ hereby a,n~iid Resolution No. PC89-'119, nunc pro ~unc, as ~tated above. iHE FOItGGOING RESOLUTTON was adopted at thc~ Planninq Conunission moetincJ of J~naary 29, 1990. ! --••_~~ 14-~ G:~__:.~.'> ~---~-~ ~'' / -_-------- - ~-~- CHAIRMAI3, ANAFiEIM CITY PI~ANNING COD4JLSSIUN r~rTF:sT: ~J . /^~ ~ _'~Cr.` =. ~~LLG...' '~_`_ ,aJ C ~~J __'__ -T^ SECRETARX, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIAI4 1272r PC90-28 '~ __ _ , ,. o-°Y~ S'IA.TE 0~ CA.LTFORNI.~. ) COU~IT'1' OF ORANGE j ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edit:h L. Harris, Secret:.~ry of the Anaheim Ci~,y~ Pl.anning C.ommissinn, do hereby cFlrtl.fy that ~he f:oregoi~ng resolutian was pasued 3nd adopted at a meeting a!' the Anaheim City Planning Commission held an January 24, 1990, by th~ follawing vote o:' thQ niember~ thereof: AY~~: CQhL'+4I55IONERS: FlOUAS, BOYnSTUN, FFLDHAUS, HGLLX~R, HERBST, MC BTJRNEY, MESS~: tTOrS: ~Ot~II~fIfiSIUNEa^: NONE AHSENT: COIyII~IT.riSIOPiGR5: NONF 1. ~f"~., ~ IN WITNESS PJHERF.OF, T have hEreuntn set my hand this,~U ~ uoy ot ~c_.l ~, 1y90. u _ _ ~! _~- ~ ____ SEC,R~TARY, ~AFI~IM CITI PLAI3NTPTG COtv4dISSION -2- PC ~0-28 ",r: ~~ ~ ::a'rn ~„ i,: ~ { I..` ; '' ~ - -- , .. , ,,..::~