Resolution-PC 90-281r~y,'1{~tgr~ ~ r ~'?.i narY~';~Hr` G ~;C!~ t r i1,(~ v ~ j'YI~ if l f~~ ~.v r- ~ u 1 f~, ~ v r ~. F i~ ~t~ •T~1.'J ,,.~,' l t' ir~idr i ~.~` ',t:~v i ~ ~ „ ~.~ ~ ~?Y'7 41 ~ l~i ,FtS~tr . r~ i'1uJ; . . . .. , . ~ . . . . ..~~ :Y,i,.: \~ `4~+^~ ~ W~ 1' R_,.,FSULUTION N~J, PC90-281 A FtESOLUTION OF THE A~IAHEIM CITY T?LANNINC, COMMISSION TFi~AT PET:CTIOIV FUR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3359 HE GRANT~D WHEREAS, the Anahelm CiL-y Planr~iny Commisaion did receive a verifi.ed Petition for Gonditional Us~~ Permit £or certain real property situatQd in the Ci.L•y of Anaheim, Coiinty o:E Orange, State at California, de~cribed as: FARCFL 1, AS SHOWN ON T~TAT CERTclIN "LOT LTNE ADJUSTMENT k~LAT NQ. 139 RECQRDED N~V~MBLR 1, 15&5 AS INSTRUMEPIT NO. ~t5-423458 OF QFFICIAL R~CORL'S OF ORANG~ COUNTY, CAL'LP'ORNTA. F1LL THAT r~ERTAIN LAI~D SITUATED IN THE STAT~ OF :~; CAT~IFORNIA, CUUNTY OT' ORl1NGE, CITY OP' ANAH~IM, `~`~ DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: t~ARCEL A: PARCELS :t, 2 AND 3 AS SHOWN ON A MAP FI~EU ZN BI~OK 220, PAGF:S 42 AND 43 OF PARCFL MAPS, RECORDS OP' ORANGE COUNTX, CAT.IFORNIA. PARCEL ~: nARCEL 3, AS SIiO"~)N OIV A 24FaP FILP:D IN 6U~K 196, P}1GES a AND 9 OF PAF2CEL MAPS JN TFiE OFFICE OF .CHE ~ CUUNTY RECORD~:D AF ORANGF CDUNTY, CALIFORNIA. i: ' WHEREAS, the City Flannir.g Commisaion did ho3.d a puk~lic nearing ;~, a* the Civic Cen~er in the City of Anaheim on D~cember 3, 1990, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said ~ublic hoaring having been du1.y g;.ven as rtquircd b~ law and in ~' accordance with the provisiotte of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapt~r 1li.03, i' ''? to hear and consider evidence for a.nd agaii~st eaid pr.oposed c~nditional use f'• perrnit and to investiyate and make findinge and recommendations in conncction ~; ther.ewith; and that said pubiic hearing wae contlnued to the Der.omber 17, 19~0 ~ Plannin, r.ommic~~ion meeting; and WHEREAS, oaid Commiseion, after due insp~cticn, invesi:igatxon and atudy made by its~l~ ;~nd in ita behalf, ~nd after due consideratinn of al.l evidence ~tnd reports affered at said heariny, does fin.d and det~ermine the follow.i.ng facts: CR1065jj -1- PC90-2$1 . . ~''.ff~~ ~~ ,~` ~.`~ ~ ;;, ' i: ~' ~ ,_. ~':':~ya ~ , '~ ~ ~ . , . .. . .. ' ~~~1 ~{dr.;J i .M~ ~ ~ .~ A,f ~ y~ f ~.'s ,,i' J.. That tl~~ praposed use ie properly one for which ~a `~i canditional uoe permit is au~horized by Anaheim Municipal Code Sectinns "~' ; ~nd 18.05.043 i:o perm:L~ twn r"r~ESi:anding mor~umeant ~igna. ',i~ 2. That the r~roposed uee will not adversely affect the ad~oining land uoea and th~, growth and development o# the area in wh:~ch it is '1' praposed to be locatecl. ':~; 3. Tl~at the ~ize and ahape of ~h~ site propasad far the use i~ adequate to allow the full devElopment of the pro~osad use in s manner not detr.imental to th~ particular area ~iar t~ the peace, healkh, oat,3ty and general welfarE of th~ Citizeric~ o~ th2 City c~f. Anaheim. 4. That the granting of the Conditional Uae Permit under i:he conditions im~osed, if any, will not be detrimental to thp peace, health, saFety and generaZ welfare ot the Citicens of. the C.i.ty uf Anaheim. 5, That the traffic generated by tY~e ~roposefl use wi1]. not imnoae an undue burden upon ths streete and hignways designQd and improved to cdr.r.y tha tra.ffic in the area. ~. That na ~n~ ind~.cai:ed their ~~resence at said public hearinc~ in app~r~ition; ancl that no corre~zpnnclence ~vas recAived in opposition {:o th~ subjoct pQtititin. C~:LIFORN'tA F;NVIRONMENTA_L QUALITY AC'r FINDINC: The Planning Director or his author:zed raprer~entative has determined that the proposed pzoject t~1.le with~n the dofinition of Categoricai ~xemptions, Cla~~ 11, as defined in the State L'IR Guidelines and is, therefore, categorically e;cempt from the requi.rement to prepare an EI12. ~ i, ~`,. NOW, TI-I~REFORE, B~ ZT R~~OLVED that the Anaheim City Planning ~; Commisaion does her~~y gr.ant subject ~etition for Conditional U~+E Yermit, upon the following r.onc3itione which are her~by found to be a n~ces~ary prere~uisite ; to th~ proF,oaed use of the oubjeci: propert;y in arder to preaerve th~ safEty ~', ana general wel~ar~ ofi th~ Citizens of the Ci.ty of Anaheim: , 1. * That plans eubmitted for huilding permita shall show con£ormance wi.~h Engineering S~ar.dard Qlan Na. ~37 pert~tix~tng to sight di~tance vieibility. 2. * That thi~s Condi.i:ional Ueo Per.mit ir~ gr.anted aubject to the adoption ~f a zoning ordinance in connection with Reclaesitication No~. 87-8g•-26 and 90-91-11, now pending. 3. °rhat srabjec~ vraperty ehall bE develnped eubstantially in 3ccardance with plans and spe•~cification~ aubmitted tu the City ~.r Anah~im by the petitianer ~.nd which plane are on ff.le with the Planninc~ De~artmant marked , ~xhibit Avos. 1 ar.d 2. ~. That prior to issuance of a building permit ar within a peri~d of one (1) year from the date of this re~olution, which~ver occurs first, Condition Nos• 1 and ?., above-mentioned, sha11 be complied wi~h. Extensicne fo.r further time to complete said conditior,s may be granted in accnrdance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim M~anicipal Code. '~2~ PC90-281 - ,~ ~~~ ~ 5. That pri.or tu final building ~~nc1 r.uning inapoctions, CondiL•ion No. 3, abova-ment.ioned, ehall be compliQd with. .. . ~~;, t + S7~r.1p ~ . . . ~ ,'.~.'.ti~: rt~; '_{ 6. ~ ThAt a~provt~l uf thie Hpplical:i.on conetituten e~pprovral of the propoa~d requeat o~ly to tt~e extent that it compliee with tho Anahai.m Municipal Z~ning Cnde and any ather applicabla City, State and Federal regul.r~L•ion~. Approval doaa nat include nny aaL-ton or findinge Ra to comp'li~nce or approval af the rr~quoet rec~arding any other applicable ordinance, regulatiort r~r rASui.rsment. Canditions markdd with an aeteriek (*) a.re ~equired by eatabiiehad lawa, codee, rAgulationn and agreementa and are, therQf.ore, not eubject to nogotixtion. EE IT FUh7'HER RESOLVED that the AnaheiR~ ~ity Plannir.g Conuniseion doea hereby find and determinr~ that adoptfon ~f thia Resalutlon ie expressly predicsted upon applicant's cnmpliance with Fa.ch and ~l.l of tha condition3 hereinabove aQt forrh. St~ould r~ny ~uch condiL•ion, or any pa.rt thei:eoF, be cieclared in~v~lid or unenforceaUle by the final yudgment of any couzt of ~ a~mpetent juriFdicttor., then this ReAOlution, and any approvals h~rein ,~ cuntainod, $hall be dQ~med null and void. THE FOREGOIhG RESOLU~PTOtd wa~ ad~~,*_ed at the Pl.ac-ning ~ommi4~ion me~ting of D~cember 17, 1990. , !, ,~. : ; . _ ; j r(< ; ~ 1~, i:) f_~+ 1 ' ~ CHAIRWO~lAN, ANAHFIM CIT~PLANNING COMMISSION AT~rc~~ : ,,, y . ) ,- 4% ~~ ~ , ~~ ~ __-,r= c~r~'~,~, '~ .•, _ SE:_RETARY~ ANAHE1'i:':~.~ TTY PI~ANNiNG COMMI^SION .,, .,.. •........ _ ,....». ., STATE OF CALIrORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANC:E ) oa. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, ~dith L. Harr.ia, S9cretary nf ti~~ Anaheim CiCy Plannina Commiesion, do hereby certify that the for~~going r~~,,~luti.on was paesed and adopted ht a meeting of ttie Anaheim City Flanning Cort3,~,Lasion held on December 17, 1990, by the following vote of tho memberd thereofi••,~ ~~. AYES: COMMISSIONF.RS: BOUAS, BQYUSTUM, ~IELLY::R, HENNINGEi~, l~:ESSE, PERAZA NOc,S: COMMISSIONER3: NOt1F. ~`~, A95ENT: COMMTSSIO~iF,RS: FELDlfRtSS w~_ IN WITNESS WHEK~:ctF, i havt~ hereunto eeL my hand thin ,~'~~~1" day of. ,~~, _, 1s9Q. CL . ~ ~ 1 ~, J- '',, .r._. .(J-~.~. Q^.".~..:, ~~~~ ;,~ SECRETAR , AyAHb:iM CITY PLANNIti(- COMtiISS2UN ~''`ti, ~. ' '' i ;x;.. . , -3- h~~ PC90-2A 1 ~~'`~ ' _