Resolution-PC 90-284,'"'„~ ~ ~, . ~ ..,~~~~7~~ RESOLUTION NO. PC90-2$4 ~ ~ ~ ~ i~'~~ :;~i,~ ~"r,,t', A RESOLUTION Or.' TEIE ANAHEIM CITY. PI'.,AIdN:ING C~MMISSION THAT P~TI~TON FOR V~RIAPI~~ N0. 4103 rsE GRANTED, IN PART WHEREAS, th~ Anahoim City Planning Currmission did recoi.ve a v~rified Petition for Vari~nce for certain real property situater~ in the City o:[ Anaheim, County of Urange, State r~f Cali_fornia d~ecribed a~: PARC~L:i 1`PHROUGH 8 TNCLUSIVE, AS SHOWN nN PARCF.L MAP Nc~. 87•-446 AS PER MAP F'rLED IN bOQK 253, PAGES 41, 42 AND 43 OF PARCEL MAPS IN THE OFFICE VF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF' SAID COU~VTY'. WHEREAS, the City Planning Comrniasion did hold a public k~earing 1t the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on December 17, 1990, at 1:30 p.m., notic~ of Aaid public hearing havicig baen dul,y given as reguired by law and in aacordance with the pravi.siona ~f the Anah~im Muni.cipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conside.r evi3encF for and aaainet aa.ici propoaed varianc~ and to investigate ana mak~ findings and rscommer~datians tn connection thesew.tth; and WHEREAS, said Commise_Un, after due inopecti.en, investigation and study made by itself and in ik.E behalf, and a_ter due aoj~aid~3ration af .~11 evidence and reports of£~r~d at said hearing, 3oes find and determine the follow.i.ng fact~: 1. T1~est ~he pet.itio.ner_ rRC~ucst9 wai.ve.te of. the f.allawing to canatruct 3£reestancl.ing signu under. xuthority of Section vT.2.C.5 0£ Spa_cific Plan No. 88-3 (SP 88-3): (Aj SE~TIQNS 18.05.~98.011 and 18.73.02~-.]0~ (B? SECTIONS and 18^ 73_ 020-100 - Dtaximum nUmb~~: of freestandincr sione. (1 permitted; G propoeed) ~ - Pc~rm.ittE~d loaation of freestzndi.na r~ian~. (minimum 120,:feet sQtback £rom intarior property lines required; 25 and 93 ~~et propo~eci for 2 eigna) (C} SECTIOtJS 18.05.093.U231 ~ Mi,nlm;~m di,starirQ between freestandina aiana. and 1f3.73.07.0-100 (;~00 feer_ requireci; 103 and 200 feot proposad between 3 aigns) CR10?OJJ -1- PC90-204 ,; ;:; :;~ ,:,a : ~;,, :, y~; l ~""t,~ ~~~ 2. That tY:e above-mentionnd cvaivera (A) ~nd (B) ara hereby granted on the baais tha~ therQ .-re dpecial airoum~tanr.ee applicable ta tha proper~y such as ~ize, ahapa, topography, location ~;id aurroundings wkiirh do n~t apply L~ o~:hQr ideritically zoned property in the same viainity; and that strict app.licatian af the Zoning c:or~e dQprivea the property of ~rivileges enjoyed by other proper.ties in the tdentical zuno and c].as$ificativn in the vicinity. 3. That the abave mentionQd waiv~r (C) ie .ereby dQnied on the bas.is th~c the proposed pnl.e sign is not in keeping wi~h the m~nument siqn previouely a.pproved in c~n~uiiction ~vith the original sign pragx~m for SP 88-3. ~}. That tt-ere are excep~ion~l ~r extr.iordinary circ~imacancee or cundiL-iona applicable ta i.h~ propc~rty involved or t~ the intend~d uae of the property th~t do not apply generally ~o the proper.ty or clasg of use in the aame vicinity and zone. 5. Th1t the r~quested variance ae granted, ig ~,ecer~aary for th~ pr~aer•ration and enjoyment of a~ubst.antial property right possee+eed k~y other praperi:y in the eame vj.cinity a.nd zone, and denied to the property in question. 6. 'Phat the r.equested variance aa qranted, will not be materially deLrimeiital to i:he Y~~.iblic welEare nr injurious to the property or improvemente in such vicinity and zone LI1 which the propeaty ie located. 7. That r.c~ ann indicated thoS.r preser:ce at said public hearing ;.n oppasiiian; ar.d that no correr~pondence wae rece'_,red in opposi.tian to eubject petition. CALIFOItNIA ENVTRONMENT.AI. UALI'CY AGT FINDIlVG: The Planning Direc~or ~r hia authorized repreaentativP has determined that the proposed prqject fa11a within the definition of Catego.rical Exemp~iona, Class 11, am defined in the State EIR Guide7.ines and i~, therefore, ~a~~gorJ.cal'iy exempt from the requirement to prepare an GIR. NOW, THEREF~7RE, IiE IT RF.SOI,VED that the Andne+~n City Planntng CommiesiaYi dae~ hereby grant aubj~ct Petition for Variance, upon the folloc,ring canditiona which are her~by found to be a neceaeary prErequisite 'to the propoaed uc~e of the c~ub ject property in orcler to preserva the aafety and gori~ral welf.are of the C'ttizens of the CiCy of An~heim: 1. That an ~~n~ubordinated covenan~ in a f~rm eatisfactuzy to the City Attorney anci Zoning Divieion sh~ll be rF~corded wi.~h the dffice of the nrailge C~unty RQCOrder f:o guaran'.:ee that the entira mixed uge complox approved in connection with SP 88-9 shall be managed and mnintairied as one (ly in~:egral parcel for purpuaeca of par.kin~, vehicular circula~ion, signage, land ueage and architectural contr.ol and that the covenant wi~.l be ref~renced in all deeds tran~ferring a11 ar any part of the property. Z. That subjQCt property ehal.l be developed aubotantie.tly in accordanoe with plans and specifics~tions aubmitted to the Ci~y of An~heirn by the petitioner and whi.ch plans are on file with the Planni,ng Dapartment mark~d Exhibi~ Nos. 1 thrc~~gh 7. CR1Q70JJ -2- , „~~. .~,~,~~~:~~ _ ,rep i PC90-284 ;. ~ ,?! ~ ~ , ~ ; ` j' i',~~<"i+f. , ^", y~~ ~ , ~ .~~~~ f~1'ii d '; 3. That prior to iosuance of a building p~rmit or within a pc~riod af ane (1) ~ year from the dato of this resoluti.on, whichever occura firet, Cundition t 110. 1, above~mantioned, ehall be complied with. Exteneione fcr fur~her ~, time to compldte ~said canditions may be grantad in accurdanca with Sectian , 16.03.090 nf tihe AnahQim Municipal rodd. ~ 4. That prior to f inttl building and zoning inepe4tiane, Condition No. 2, ~ aUove-m~i~tioned, sha11 Ue comp~.ied with. `~ 5. Tha~ approval of thid ap~licati.an conntitutes ap~roval of thr~ proposed request ocily to the extent. that it complies with the Anaheim Municip_1 Zoning Code 3nd any other applf.cable City, St~~te and FEd~ral rpgulatione. Approval doe9 nat ir~clude any action ~r ti.ndings ae ~o ~~7~',l~l.iartce c~r approyal ~£ the requeet regaz:ding any other applicable ordinanc:a, regulation or. requirement. BE IT F'i1RTHER RESOLVED that the Ai~aheim City P1~nning Coi~unission doee hereby find and deter.minp tha~t adopt:ion of thia tiecolutian is expresaly ~redicated upon ap~licant's eompliance with each and all of the conditions har~inabove set farth. Should any such condi.tioris, ar any part t.i-ereof~ be declared invalid cr.• unenforc~abls by L-he final judgment of any aourt of competent jLiriediction, thEn thiH Reaoltition, and any ap~rovals herein c~ontainQd, shal]. be deemad null and void. TH~ FOREGOING RE~OLUTTON was acl~pted at the Planning Commiasion meeting of December 27, 1990. ~. ,., % t ;~, ~ ~ , :.r.. ,~ 1_.4 ~~ ~ ~ ; H TRWUblF1N, AMAEI~IM GITY PLANN~NG t~OMMISSION AT'PEST: . ~~ ~. ~ ~ ~'' ~ ~___._.~ SECRE RY, AN:~HGTM CI'PY °L}1NNING CGMMISSION STATE OP' CAZIFOHNIA ) CUUNTY OF OFtANGE ) eg • CITY OF ANAHE]'M ) r,' Z, E;dith L. Harris, S~cre~ary of L-he Rnaheim Cl.ty Planning a, ' Commission, do hereb~ certify that the foregoing reROlution was pasbed and ~ adopte@ at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Ccmmission held an DQCe~r~ber „ 17, 1990, by the fcllowing vote of ~he memhers thereof: RYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUA:, [iOYDSTUN, FELDHAUS, HELLYEFt, EiENNZNGER, MESSE PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NUNE ABSENT: COMMISSIONFRS: NO:IG J ~.~i~ aax IN WITNFSS WH~REOF, I have hereunto aet my hand thi.a , ; of ~. 199Q~ - ~ / ~ f ~ SL:CRFTARY, ANAHEIM C?TY PI~APiNING CQMMIS5ION CP1107QJJ ~a- ;; ; ~':, , ., . ~`:.'~ ~ . . . . . YC90^284 . ~ . . ~~,i ~~~~ ,"1. , ,~