Resolution-PC 90-29• ~ ,o,~ ~! RESOL,i~'PTON TTO~TPC ~Q-2~ A RrSOLUTTON OF THE ANAHETM CITY PLANN?NG COMtdISSTOId ADOPTING ANL RECObII~iCNAING TO CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF C;ENERAI, PL~AN AMENDMENT 11U. 287 E'ERTAINT.riG TO THE LAND U~E EL~MENT WIIFREnS, the City Council oF the C::ty of Anaheim did adupt the Anaheim General P1~-n by Resolution No. 69R-644, showinc~ the general. descript.ion and extent o£ possible futiir~ ~eveloprneni. with.in the f~ity; and WHFREA.S, Planning Corimissian direeted statF to ix-itiate an amendrnent tio the Lar_d Use Element o£ the Gryneral Flan to redosignate the study area frort~ MQdium Density R~sicient:ial to Low-Medium DensiLy Rc~side~~tial for Araa A consisting of approximately 7..07 acras cons:isting of those parce].s lacaL•ec] on tTie easL sidQ of Western Avenue, beginnin.g approximately 1Fid ieet sr~ath af the cente•rline of Teranimar Drive and extendiYig so~;th approximatoll~ 300 feet, havi•ng a maximum depth of approximate].y ?.76 teet axid .further i~escribnd as 850-91Q Sou~ch ~festern Av~enue; and for Area E~ coris~.stiny ~P approximately 9.39 a~re3 conszsting af 9 parcQls locatec~ on tha north side oE Ball Roa~3, beginninq app.roximatel~~ 29(1 Peet west of the centarline oi Ha7•1z9ay Str~et an~i extending west approximatEly 655 ie~et, tiaving a maximum clepth o£ approximat~ly 790 feet and further described as 30E37-3131 West Ball Road; and WFiEREAS, the Czty Planniny Commission did holci ~ public hearing ~t the Civic Center in tha City of Anaheim on January 29, 1990, at 1~30 p.m., notice af. said publi.c hearing having been cluly given aa requi.red by 1aw and in acc~rdance with the provisinns of tlxe Anaheim Municipal Code, C}xaptnr 18.03, to hear and coxisider evidence for and against said proposed General plaz~ Amentlmenk. and to investigate and makA fizidings and rt~com.mendations in connect.ion therewith; and WHEitEAS, said Commission, aiter due inspectiorz, investigation and sr.~~dy made by its~l.f and in its behalf, and after duP consid~erstion of all evidence anci repor~s offered at said heari~ig, does find and dPtexmii~e the following fact,: 1. ThaL evidence ~~rPSented substantiates the need £or an amenciment t.o the Anaheim Genera~ Plaiz and tliat Exhibit A b~ ~do~tec~ redesignating ~ubject area for Low-M~~ium D~risiL•y Resideritial l~nd uses, ratrer th3n Medzum llensity Re~3idential land uses. 2. That t2-.e propased amendment is consisY.er~t with the existing I.and use uensities. PC 90-29 1268r ~YR+. ~~TaTFORNI~ ~NV~RON~I.ENTAL Q~1_ALITY ACT F'.INaINC~.i That the Anahoim City Pla~nxng Commission has ~QViewed the proposal t~a amend tlie 'Land Use rlemen~ c~f the General Plan i:n change the curxent land use desiqnation from biedium Density Residential to L~w-tQQdium Density Rasidential on Aiea A cons.istinq of approxirnately 2.07 acros cox~sisting of parcels located on i:he sast siiie of WesLorn Avon.ue, beginnir~g a}~proximate.ly 160 ftet south ot the centerlin~ of Teranirnar Drive ~ncl extQnding south a17proximately 300 feet, hav.ing a maximum d~pth of apprax~.mately 276 E~et• and further described as 850-91Q South Western Avenue; ~nd on Area B consistin~ of approxima4ely 4.39 acre~ consisting of 9 parcels loca~.ed on the norL•h side of Ba11 Road, Ueginni.ng approximately 290 feet west of th~ centerline af Fial~iday Stree~. and extend.inq west approximately Ei55 iPet, hav.ing a maximum depr.h of approxi.matoly 2~0 ~eet and furth~r described as 30E1%-3131 West Ba7.7 Road; and d^~s ~li~refore approve the Negative Declaration on the basis that it has con~iderE<1 the proposc~d Neyati.ve Dsclaration together with any commerits raceived during the public revisw proc~ss and further finciing on the ~~sis of tho iriitial Study and any comments rer.eived that there is z~o substantial Qvidence that thE project will have a sigx~ifxc~nt effect on the Qnviron.~ient. 2~pW, TIII:REFORE, BF tT RESOLVED, that I~ursuant to r.he above finding, the Anahpim C~ty Planning Cammission doQS hereby adopr ?:.d recommend to the City Council of tho City of Anaheim adopti~n of Gen~ral Plan Amondment No. 287-Land Use Element, Exhibit A, ta redesignate the study area from Medium DQnsity ItQSide:ntial to L~w-Me~i.um Den,,ity ResidenL-ial land uses. T:iE FGREGOINC ~C~'SOLUTION was adopt-ed at the Planning Commission meeting of Januazy 29, 19~0. ' . ~~ /,,// .r' i:' 'i'' `r' ~ ' ~~i~~,_ ,~ ~~_ ~-r.:--- ~~'-~.._.:;~ CFIATkMAN, ANANF.~TM CTTY PLANN2NG COMhiISSION AITEST: ~ ~ ' ~-~ ----- SECRr.TAF2Y, ANAFiETM CITY ~I,ANNIPIG COMMI,SSTO~I _z_ PC 90-29 .~ ~4,~."r~,'y. Ifl1Yt~ i STA'?'~ OF CALIFORNTA ) GOUNTY OI' ORI~NGE 1 ss. CTTY OF ANAH~IM ? ~ ~i'.~!~.~ r~~~ ~ I, ~dit~~ L. AarriC, Secretary of. h.he Anaheim ~ity Flanning Cotrui~a,ssion, do herebv cartify th~t the foregoin:J r~solution w:~s .~asset~ and adoptecl at a~ncastiii~ ~f the Anaheim Citt Planning C~mmission held on January 29, 199U, by the following vote of the men~bers ~hereo.f: AYES: COhfMiSSIUNERS: BOYDSTUN, BOUAS, FEL~DHAUS, HELLYER~ HERBST MC BURVEY, MESS~ NOES: COh4viISSI0NE~5: NONE ABSENT: COMMiSSI01~ERS: NOP7E; TN WI'.~NESS WtiEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand this _~ ~'/~'' _ tlay af ~~~ '___~. 1990. ~ ~ 0 ~~pi~, ~ -- .~~`^~ ~ ~ Lrl~t.'``.~ --- SECKETARY, ANAHF'IM CITY PLANPITNG COMMISS'I~Iv -3- PC 90-29 ';f. . , . . ., ~ .,. ~.,.'jV