Resolution-PC 90-30i+: :~~`' RE_S,41~UT1(l;~__NU. P(;._~Q~3_Q. A RBSUL~I~ION 0~' TIiE ANAFiL'iM CI'TY PGANNItJG COMMISSTON THAT PETITY~N FOR R~:CL'ASSIEICATION N0. 89-90-38 BE GRAN2{'D, A5 MODIFtED WH~REA5, tho Anaheim C.ity P1ann.ing Commis~ion ill~ roc~:ve a vorified peLition for Roclassificar_ion of. cerCain r~at pr~p~rCy situat~c:i 3.n thQ C.ity of Annhoim, Coun`y ot: C~rar,gc~, Stat:cs uf C~.liforni~-r., described ~ s Lol.lc~ws: l~rp~.,.A ApL~r~ximately 2.0'7 acres con5isting of parcols located on rha east• side of HesteY'n Averi~ie, be~aintiing appr.cx.im~~taly 160 feet south ~f L-he cent~~rlin~ of Ter3riimar Drive and Qxtendinr~ sou~h a~prnximatc~Iy 300 Ee~et, tiav:ng a maximum d~ptli of approximatc~ly 'l76 fEet 1nd further de:scc~ibcd as fl~~-910 Soutn We:,tern Avenue. rr.Gs~ ~ Approxirnately ~1.39 a~r.es consistin~~ ot chose 9 parcels iocatea on the north 3id~ of Hall Road, beginning approximately 290 fe~t wast of the centerline ot ;~~zlliday StcQet ancl eaten~iing west ap~iroxi-nately 65S feet, having a maximum depr_h of :~pproximately 290 :~et anrl furY.her desc_~rihed as 3087-3131 Wcst Hall Ro~d. V7ilERLAS, the City C'tanninq Commis ,iun did hold a public heariny at t.ie Ci/ic Center .in the Ci~y oi Anatieim or. January 29, 1990 at 1:30 p.m., Twtice of aaid puhl ic -.~earing having t~een duly yiven as required by law and in accorciance with the pcovisiuns of the Anaheim Muiiicipal ~O(.IP_. Chapter 18.03, to he:ir Yncl consider Qvidence ior anrl against s:.id proposed rE%laasificatic~n and to izivestigaLE and m~+ke Eir.din~s anci rr.commendati~ns in conr.ec.tion :.hecewith; and 'r~tF.12EAS, said Comrnission, after d~.xe ~.n~E~~r.tion, investigation snd study m~de by itself and in its bchalf, an~4 atr.er du~ con~iclerati.an ~C all eviciQncP arid report3 oEferod at. said t:~:~ri.tty, doe:; f.ind and deCermine tha £ol.low~ng fac~s: 1. That re^lassiEi.catio-- of: sub.ject prapecty is proposed from t:he ftS-A•-93,000 ~P.@51CJ(!Ll~lfll, A~ricultural) ~~nd RS-7'lC0 tHe4idential., S:ngle-Ftvnily) Zones Cc _}ie Rt'.-30Ga (R~:;:dcnt:i~il, Mu2tiple-Pamily) or a les^ intense zone. 2, Th~t t.h~ Pl.~iining Cnmmi~aion d~~termined at th~ pub:-ic hearing that those properties in Aroa A along 'r~est~~rn Aver.~.~Q s;~oul~3 be pxc2utled a:d nor. be rnc~assifiad :s~~. th:s time; and that those px~perties in Area B should be recla~safied t~ r.~~e RS-50n0 (Resid~nti~+l, 5ir,71e-•:'ami:y) 'l.one raLher t.han tO Ch@ RN-:f00U ZOt1F!. ii3 ~~:.'~pU5rd. pc, 90-.'0 1269r r.,, $~ . i ~', ~ l' I Y' ~ i' „ :,i ~e cammunity, public hearin rh`~t approximaCely 50 intere:,ted porsons wei•e g in opposition; a~.~d t:ha~ na corcespond~tice was~r~ceivedLiia.id oPp~si.tion '-o sixbject petition, 3. Thal- the Anatieam GE:nora.l l~l~tl ~urreritly dasignatQS ;ut~'ecL• Property tor Modium D~nsity RQrsidc~~~r3.a1 lrind uses. 1-n-endmant No. ?.7 FIowQ~~r ~ g ra~umr,:~ndad tor ado~tion b, ,. ~ C~neral Plan rodosiq~,iata sub n~~ 1 ttie I.i~~nninq Commis, j pr~F?er~.y F.o Low-t4tdlum Densxt ~ion wnuld Y ~QSid~ntial Zand uses. 4' ~'hat the propo:;ad zeclassification of mndified, is necessary and/or.• desir~~ble Eoi• thr~• subject Propert or tha corr~nunity, arder:l Y' as .y ana proper dev~lopmQnt 5. xhat the ~ropostd rec.lassiticat,ion of subjecC propert modified, dovs properl QsrablishQd in c.lose proci~titty to Sub•~~tE'sror~~ their Y~ `'g pei•mit~:e~ usas loca.ily parmitt~d use , 7- P p~rty ancl to ~kae zones and their gerl~rally nstabl.is}~ed t:hzoughaut tt ~it~ ---4- - --- 4_ .- 4A.f_IP RN_IA__Et~VIR. NM~NT~~L._4Ul1G,i'I'Y_ ACT_.F'INpI~Ii~: That 1 Planning ~'ommission has reviewed the prcposa], to reclassifhe„1-naheam pr~F'Arry Erom i.h~ RS_A_.,~3,OOU (Xesidential, Agrirultural) ~' ~ubject (Resirlenr_ial, Single-I'amil • ~n~ RS-7200 Sing1Q-Famil Y) 7,ones to thFr R~-5pDU (Rr.siciQntial, y) Zon~~ and to amend the Lat~d Use El~mec~t of Erom h_}:~ c~rrent ~esignation of bfediiun L~ , ~he General Plan L~W-Medium Density Resici~ntial land tise deS~gn~~tiondfor~lal 1~.nd use to the approxima~ely 2,p7 a~i•es con;;isting ot those ~~r~~ ~ of W~;~te_n ~vanue P~rcels 2~~;~~Pa onconsisting ~f c~t TerIInimar Drivp beyinriinq ~~proximat~ly .160 feet sou~}1 of th~ east side muxi.mwn ;~~ t ~nd ex;.~naing south approximatel i r~je centerline ~-h p£ ~pproxiroately ).;G fe~C and fitrtt~erYdespribed~a3ags~g91~ South t~~stern Avonue; an~9 Lor Arca B cor.;;istin consistir,g oE tho:;e 9 parcQls loc~~ed on the north spdAOaf.mBal.i~Roac79 `~cres beginning approximatel Z ~tnd exter~din w, y 90 fect west oi the centerline of fiallida ~ 9 ts~ approx:m.~tely 655 Ceet:, )~~~in } StreEt approximately ?.g0 fr_~t ~nd fuctt~ec described as 308'l~`~ximum depth of doc~s herf~~y ~pProve t}ie Neqative Declaration upon fin jjnl West Ball Road; ,~n~ consider.ed the iveq~~t.ive Dec,arat-ion toqether with an ~ that it h.~s during the public review prucess .~nd furchnr findi., Y cumm~nts re~eive~d initi~l study ~~n~ ~n~, cemnen~ ; rerei ~~ 9 on the basis of thQ , ~ r.hat the proj~~r will havt a si nific~inttetfect1~an `h~nonV~rumm~tial ~viclence Ilt. NOW. TNI~:REFORE. ~E IT RESOLVED r.hat: the An,~heim Ci~y P.lanning e:ommi~,ion daes t~ereby r,rant subjec:t Fe~ition for R~~~lassific•ation as rncer,tioned and, Codc be ~mended~tagexaluclc/~h~a;~~o~~le 1~- . 2oninq ~f ~}~Q j~n~hc.im N,unicipal (Residentia.l/Ayri~-ultural , ~P'cri~p~ A~•ea Ei from rhe RS_A_ into thn P.S-5000 H,,.. ~ zonc :~ncl ~c, i~l~orrorate sai!~ ~e5~rib~, ~3~000 cor.clitiun which is her~bytfoundln?1~~ F,~mily) zune upon the tcliowlpg~pertie, ' tc~ ba .3 nc;ces~ Y P.ropo:ted use of suLject ~~roperty ir, or(3cr t•,~ sal orerequisite r.o the wolt~~re c~f tlie Citl~eus of the P~~'~erve thp safe*. City vC An~7h~!irn: Y and geraeral 1• Gener:~l E~l~~n ~rj~~F (~1 ier to l+nendmPr,c 270. introdur.tion ot :~n ordi~~~~~~, 278 SZ r~ :a~tiln? subj IJII b~ apprnved by the ~c~ Anahnim r~ty Cnuncil. ^f: 90-3A ~7;e~ 4t , , ~ . : ; , ~ ,'""~ .''::•.' ; ~ ` ~ r~~ Fii. ~T FURTHF~ RCSOLVGD that thc~ Anlhdim City Planning Comml.ss.ion does heruby f.i.nd and c~etermino that: ~do~,tian ot tYiis Reyolution is ~xprossly pre!13catod upon appl3canL';i comp'l.i.ance w.ith Qact- and a.ll uf the condi.tions hc~rQinabovo ~et f.orth. Should any ~uch condirir~ris, or any par~ thc~reof, be decl~red invalid or unPn~orcaablo by the final judc~nQnt of any couc~t ot com~ietent jurisdickion, ~hen tkii~ ResoluCion. and 7ny approvt+ls hc3rein cont:ained, shall be deem;3d null anci void, THE FOREGUItJG RESOLUTION wa~~ adop~~d at hhe Pianning Gommission moet:ing oE Januarv 29, 19~U. -. ~ ____~ 1 %;, ~ ~~; , ~__1_ .S.~~J,~=.~.~ CFIAfRhSAN, ANA.IIFIM .ITX PLANNING COMMIS5ION 1.TTEST: / ----- ~~-. ~ ~~1~~ -----------• SECRETARY, ANAHEI M CT Y PLI~NNI2dG ~OMMISST~N STATE UF CALIFOR~IIA ) COUNTX OF ORANGE ) ss, t:ITY OF ANI~HEIM ) I, Edit,z L, HarL•ig, Secrc~tary of the 4naheim City Ylanuing Commissxon, do herc~by cQrtify tkiar. tl?e forggoing resolu~ion was passed an~l 3C1G}~L6d at a moating of the Ana:-.eim City Ylanninq Cornmiss`.or, held on Jani,~ary 29, 1990, by the tollowirig vote of ~ttie members thereo£: AYES: COT~IZSSIOt~iGRS: nOXDSTUtd, FiOUAS, FE;LDFiAUS, FiELLXER, HERF3Sx, M(: BURNEY, MESSI: NO~:S: COMMI5SION~RS: NONE ~pSF,NT: COMMISSIUNCRS: NONE ~ I*1 WITidESS 'v1HEE?EOF', I have hereunCo ae~ rny hanrj this ~~~_/_~" da~ of _~_~__ . . 199U. ~ ~ . ~ ' ~_,. -----`--k~-~..~~.- ~~.__--- ------r~~f~S.! L-~-~'~.._.__-_-- SECF2CTARY, ANAHEIM CTTY PLAtdNiNG CUMMTSSIr1N ~c oa••3o