Resolution-PC 90-32r ~ RE~QL 1~TTpN NQs~P~~q-a2 A RESO~U~ION OF T.HE I~NAHEIM CI'iY PL~I~NNTNG I:GMMTSSION Z'HAT I'~TITIOZI E'OR CONDTTTONAL 1.15E FE't2MIT N0. 32:.•t6 BE L~:NIEn WHGREAS, the Ana2~eim Cir.y Planning Commi~sion dxd receive a ver:.{ieci PeY.ition for Condition.al Uso Pnr.mit Eor cerl:ain real proparty situated iYi ~lie i:ity ef AnaY,oim, Cou:-~~ of prange, State of CaliEornia, described as: TFiAT PORTION OF THG SW 1/4 OF TFiE Sr 1/4 UF SEC.'TIO~ 13, T. 9~ 5, F2 lU W, S3M, IN TFiC ftANCFifl SAI1 JUA.IJ CAJON AG uANTA I~LiA, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, CUUNTX OF Gi2ANGG, STATE OF CAT..IFORNII~„ AS SHQWN ON M~1Y RECORDE;D IN BOOK 51, PAGE 10 UF MISCELLI~NCOUS MAPS, rrr 7'HE UFFJCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDiR Ur SAID COU~iTY, DESCRIBED AS FOL.LOWS: BLGINN'ING kT TETE ~ASTERLY T~RMINUS 0~' THAT CQURSL DESCRIBCD AS N 89 D£G, 02' 32" W, 175.00 FEET IN TH~ IIOUN'DARY' nI' YARCFI. 3 OF FINAL ORDER OC CONDEbiNAT'LON (~TATE F'ARC~~,) B6419 F'IL$D IN SUPi:i2IOR COJ~iT CASE N0. 119537 :[N ANA FOR SAID COLJNTY, n ~ERT'CFIED COt'Y 4F SAID ~'1NAL ORDER F3EING RECORDCD JUNE 3, 1964 IN BQOK 7073, PAGE 21~1 OF SATD OFFICIAT~ RECORDS; THENC~ ALONG THE EASTERLw PROLONGATION ~F SAI~ COUEt5E S 89 DEG. 02' 32" E, 318.46 E'ECT TO ~ rrorr-~~ucLxz CURVE, COY7~:AVE EASTEftLY AND ~TAVTI3G h RADI[TS OI' 300.00 FEET; TFiEl7CE NORTHER'L:~C ALONG SATD CURVE, FROM A TF.~TC.k:N:f WH:GCEi BEAR5 N. Ot~ DEG. 57' 28" ~, THRUUGEI AN A~TGLC OF 4Q DGG. 56' ~13", 1~N ARC DISTANCF. OF 214.39 :~E~T TQ A POINT IN TEIRT COURSE DESCF2IBED AS S 52 AEG. 13' 12" W, 24.15 FEF,T TN THE Ei~UNDARY OF SAlb PARCE'L 3, DISTANT TIiEREUN N 52 DEG. J.3' 12" ':,, 2.55 FEET FROtQ IT5 SOUTI•IWESTFRLY TEEtMINUS; 7'EIEN~G ALONG LAS~ SAID HOUNDI~RY THE FOLLOWING COiJF2SE; S 52 liEGe 13' W, 2.55 F'IiET; S 53 DGG. 20' 07" W, 25A.88 I'EET; and S 79 DEG. 38' S3" W 1f33.6ti ~EET TO THG FOINT UF DEGINNING. TFiF:RE: SFIALI, IIE NO AIIUTT~12' S ItIGHTS OF ACCCSS OVER AND ACROSS 'CHF' CQURSE llESCFIBED AEi~VB WITH A LE~NGTH 0~ 21~! . ~9 FEE'f ANU TE{G GASTERLY 50 . 00 I'EET Ok' TFiE~ COLIRSE DESC:RIB~D A}30VE WITFI A L~~NGTH OC 318.90 FEET. iHI' NQRTIIER[,Y 2 FEFT U~' SEGMF.2~T I OF STA'TE RLLINQUJSH2nENT REQUEST N0. 1077, BECORDED O:;TOREit 30, 1984 A5 DOCiJMENT N0. 8~1-4h647.2, OF OFFICII-.L FtECQRl~S, IN TH~ OFFICE UF 'CHE COUDITY RE~'ORDER OF SAID f.OUHxY. ~ 1'l,RBr -1- PC 90-37 WFIEREAS, rhe City P1anx~ing Commis~.ion did hc~1c1 a public hc~ar.ing ~t thQ Civic Contor ,in the City of An~,heim o~x January 20, 1990j and at 1:30 p.m., nc~tir.e of suSci publ.ic hoar.ing having bc~en duly g9ven a~ requixed by law and in acc;ordande with the _provi.sions ot tho 3~nnhoim Municipal Code, Chapt~r 18.03, to ao,~r anci co.a~id~r evidenc~r fQr and agAin3t said proposed conditional use permit and h~~ investigate and make findinas anfl recommendations in connection ther~with; ~n~ WHFREAS, said Comrnissior., after duo inspQCtion, iiivestigat:ion and study macla by iCse'1F an;t in its behalf, and aftQr due con~iderat;ion oF all evidence and raports after~d at said h~aring, does find and c~eterm.ine the .following f~cts: 7•. Thak thP petition~r requests approval of a conditional use r,erroit under ;~ut2iority ot• Cade Sectiun 18.4~.05U.,330 t~ permi~ an unmai2ned cellular telepYione station with a 6U-i';~,o~ kiiqh microwavc; monopole ~nd w3th waivers oE t;tl~ following; (a) ~e~~x4n_.~41.0 2 1'1 - ~_~Q,.__ M~ximum ~Lru~;~.~r_~1 __~Q~~1~. (~~ermittecl: ~_fQqt- liigh structures when locatcd 2 Feet frnm RS-5t~00 zoning; propesad: 1Q=f~~~ high f'ar_ility shelter) !b) ,`~z~.i.~;i n 11~4~',zQ~2~~1Q - Min;im~,un -~~.rL~t~x"~.~@~~~+~• (,perm,itt~d: ~(Z~g~ fr.om ,B~Z1 Road; propo~ed: n~e, ael•b~~ck ~o ~i0-foot h.igh monopole with attachmE•~ts) 2. Thar. the propnsQd use is hHrebv denzed ora the basi~ o~ its proximitl• tc a single-family rQS.i~entzal area an~3, fu~~her~, t;hat the Cit~r og Aitaheim is currentlY ss:udyi.ng thas pnssib~lit;y of undergrounding all utilities and t~llow?nq t:his pple would t~z contrary Co that intent. 3. ThaC the requested waivers are hereby 3eriieci ~n the basis L-hat L•here are no special cir•c~~mstancey applicable to ~he propart,y ,^uch as size, shape, top~grap:~y, location and siirroun~zng~ whir.h do not e.pply ~o or_her identically z~ned p~oPar~y in the same vicinity; and that st:rict app],xcatior. of: the Zoning Code does not deprive the ~roperty of privi:teges enjo1ed by or.r.er proZ~ertioa in the identa.cal zono arld clas;~ificatien in the vicinak:y. 4. That the propo~ad usr~ will adverso.ly affec:t the adjoin.nne~ land uses and the growth and development of h_he area .in whiat: it is pz•opi~sod tio be lor,ated. 5. That; th~ six~ and shap~r ~f the site proposed Eur the use is not adc~quate to allaw thR fu11 develapment oL• the proposad use in a mannQr not. ~.letrimentzl to the parlicul~r area nor. to tho peace, 3~ealth, safety ancl general welfare of the Citi~Hns cP the City uP Anah~im. '2^ PC90-3'l ~ ; ~ , *;~„ ~ ~ ~ ~~, , :: ~ ;': ~s~ 6. Tha~ tlie qranting oi tkie Cor,ditional Use Permit wil:l be dat~imental to ~he peace, health, safet~y aiid gEnoral welfare of khe Citizer,s of the City of Anaheim. 7. That the tra£t'ic genar~ated by ~he proFosec1 use wzll impose an undue burcien upon the st reets and highways de;igned and im~arovecl to carry the t:raffic in the area. ~` $. That ~J persons indicar..ed thei.r r.,resenr.e at the Janu3ry 26f.ki public ' hoaring in opposil:inn; and approximately 1G people in;licatod ttic~ir prea~nce ixi opposition at the I'ehruary 12th public hearing and ~haL• a pet.itior. was received in upp~sition to the ~ubject petition. ~ALTP'QRNTA LNVIRONMENTAL__ UALITX~_A4T FINDTN~: That thQ Anaheim City Pl~nning Commission has reviewed the proposal tu permi.t an unmanned cellul,~r r.el~pho.zQ station with ~ 60-foat high microwave monopole with ,y waivers of maximum structural hc;i:7ht and min.i-num sY.ructur~l setliack on ~n i.r.r~g,xlarly-~Yiaped parcr~l of l~nd consistirig o~ a~?proximately I.4 ac.r.es, !iaving a Frantage of appraxim:ttely 350 .CeeL• oci the norti: sic~.^ of 'Ball Rond, ,~a having a maximum deplh of apProximaLe!.y 200 feet, being 7.ocatecl ~.pproximately 325 fe~t east of the centerline of 5unlcisL- Street an~l f.urther describod as '+ 2501 East Ba11 Road; and does 2iereby approve the Plegativa DeclaraL-ian upon fizidir.g that it has consi~iered the Ne~ative UeclaraL•ion together with any comn~ents rPcPived durin7 ttie public review process and furtlier findirig on the b~sis oL ths Iiiit.ial Stu~9y and any comments received that thore is nc substantial eviderice that rlxe pr.ojecr_ wi11 }ir-sve :.~ sigixif.i.cant effecL on the environmer,t, NOW, THFREFORE, D~ 1T ki:SOLVED, t;tiat tlle A.naheim City Plar.ning Comm:ission does hereby deny subject PcatiL-i.on for Conditional Use Permit, aii the basis of L•he aforement.ion~~d f.indin~3s. '1'EIL FUTtGGOING RFSULti'TIUN was adopted at L•he Planning Comrnission meeting of F~bc•~~ary '12, 199n. ~:; ,~. ~ • ~ ' • `, : ,: '' -. -~::~; .. .. G..^._._.._"'_ __ CHAIftNlt\tl ANAEII:TM C~I'PY PLAD?t•I:ING CUhIIYfISS.fON AT.TEST: ~' } ~ ,~ ' ~ /7~ °' ~G~i~~s!l~t~~----- -- -•--•.~_`~ =v~-~-_~._. __. SECF2E'IA71Y, ANAFiE]~t-S (::TTY PI.,ANNTNG C.t~t~fISSTOid ~ -3- PC90-32 Y~' R ~ , ~ ' iy ~ . ,t "~ ' ,1,,. ~ i;~ ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COrJNTY OF OR~i~IGG ) ss. CITY OF ANAH~IM ) I, E~fth I,. Harriu, Ser.reY.ary o~ Ch~a Anaheim City i'lanning Commission, @o haraby cor~ity Chat tY,e xoregoing resolration, ~vas passtd and adopted at a meati.ng ~f the Anaheim C.iCy Pl.anning Commission held on Eebr~iary 1?., 1990, by tho follawing vote uf Lh~ members rhereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, MESS~, HERBST,, iiELLYER NOES: CCMh~fIuSrONERS: BOYDSTUN, FELDHAUS, MC BC7R2~EY ADSENT: CAMMISSIONERS: rIONG ~ I23 WITNESS WHE~REOF, T 1'1FiVP :hora~xnto set my hand this ~-~.'1.~.. day of ~ _ , 1990. y~ ~ ____~.12!~•~~ _.. ~ ~(' T 'C7L./~/~.a:T.+ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIt7G COMMISSION _q_ PC90-32 0