Resolution-PC 90-39.~ RL~4?I~;1TIUt,_ NS~.,__r~.~Q_~~ A RESOLUTION OE' THE ANAHEIM (:ITX PLANNING CUMMISS:[QN Tt1AT E'FTITIO~t I'OR VARIA.NCE N0. 4020 BE GRANTE;U, I?I PARx WFiGRGAS, the An~}~Q.im Cil}• F.lanning Commission did receivo ~ veriti~d Petition for Variance Lor cert~~i.n roal property sikLated in tho City of Anaheim, Co~~nty of Oranq~, StatQ of. Cal.ifc~rn.iz, dc~scribod as fo:l2ows: I.OT 6 OF TFiE GRESSWGLf, SUBI7IVISION, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, C~UNT'1 OF QRANGE, STATF OC CI~LIEORtIIA, AS PER MAP RECORllEU SN BOOK 6 PAG~; 47 Or MISCEP.LANF.OUS MAPS, IN rFiE UFFICE 0~' THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAIll COUtiTY, i,YI:1G WITHIPI TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP N0. 88-153 WFiER~AS, tt~e C.ity E~.lanning Commission did hold a public h3ar.ing at the ~ivic Center in the City of knaheim oi: February 1'l, 1990, t~t 1:30 p.m., notir_e oC sa.id publir, hearing having baen duly given as required by law and in accordance With ttie pro•risions ot the Anaheim Municipal Code, Ch~pter 18.03, ~o hear and crnsider. ovidence for and against said proposed vari~ncn and t~ Investi~ata and make ~indings an~] recommencl:~tions ~n cnnnection thereWith; and 4iilEREAS, said Comrnis::.on, after due .inspecti.on, investi5ation and study ma:le by it:;e:.: an~.i in .its r,ehalf, and aftNr du~ cor.sideration of a11 evi.dence and repor.ts oPfare~l at saiu hearir.g, doe3 find and deterrr~ine tho following fact~: 1, T1iat the pe-i.t.i~~nt~r requests Waiver of th~ following ~o constrt~ct 2 condo-ainium units: (A) ~s'C_C~Q?l~_~~~'_1_,9_~_t4~~ - Mini~mu?n~i.~~~r~~ .1?gr~~3W~] 1~13<L~d~• ~??S!_1_f~,_3~Q2C?:_Q?0 (?,.Q.QQ_sg_. f~,.:. required: 2_.~SQ~c,~,i~t~ Propos2d) CII) ~Q~iQI~_.1~,_~1.~_Q.~~_~_4~?0 - Kinimu~4S_~~~?~i4?3~7~!l.~isurg_~r~~. ~n~i_10_,_~4..02Q,.Q20 (1,QQQ_~c~,.f~t ~er ~init requiredt ~$~_.~c~..ft. proposet]) (C) Sc_~ti.Qn:.___1f3..3_1_,~1.~6,_052 -• Requir~_~t__y_~hir.l~-•aGCe~;~• ancl.-_1$13!1 _¢20._..QGO {~crmitted: n4__..P_arking_.sP~~~~.__~o h~r.~;_.~~t~4 L~.u~71 ~_C__.i~l_:'e43.: propc,sed: ~l---~'~'-~k-1n`~--_sP_c~Se~.----~.~~k~4~5s .P~rL ~ti~~~.~) (~}} S~•cL.isn_s 1~,_Q4:_Q4~,_1Q1 - M4;rir~um _fen~c h~i_~}~_G 1.a.,.3 :~ 06 ~1. 021 an~a __1 C_,_3~- ._Q2Q . ~20 2. That r_he ~buve-mnnr_i~ned ~+aivers (.A), (B) ar.d (C) hereby gcanted on ~}sQ b~sis th.at there are sper.ial circumstances ar,plicable to thg propAr~y ~u~ch r.s size, :chape, t~pogcaphy, loca:ion :~nd ~urr~un~]ings which do nc~ apply ta o~.h~>r idcntically zonr_Q pcoperty ;r. the a.~me vicis~ity; rnd that srrict applic.ation of the Zoninq Cocle ~eprives the properky of privilt~qas cr.~oycd by oth~r ~,roperr.inz ;n the i:icnt.ir.al xone and clasaif..tr.atfon .in th~- vic5nfty. 129~r -1- F~C ~d-39 ~i . ti~, ~ ~ 3, Thut tho rocluQStoci waivor (b) is unrieces~ary b~cau;a~ ic w~s deletad by r~viso~t plans submit;tecl by thQ peti~ioner pr3.nr ~o tho public I~earinc~ but af~~r th~ pablic noh.if.ication, 9. That there arQ excc~ption~zl or extr~ordinary circwnstancos or conditions upplicab.lt~ to tl~c pr~perty inva?.vE•d or to the intendec? uso nf khe prupNrty that do not apply gc~nQrally to the prorec•ty or class of use .in the same vicinity and zone. 5. Thal- the rec{ue,ted v~irianc~-, as a~proved, .is nc~c~ssary for tt~e pcest~rvation and enjoyman~ of e substantial proporty ~igh~ posse~sed by oth~r proparty in th~ same v.icinity and zone, anc3 denied co the property i~: que ,t-ion. G. That the reques~e<l variance, as approvecl, will not be materi~lly detrimental ro thc~ ~ublic welE~~r~ ~r injurious to t}ie propecty or i:nprovements in such vic.inity and zonP in wYiict- t,hQ property is loc~ted. 7. That na one i.nd.icated their prosE~nce at s:~id public hear?.ng in oppos.ition; and that no correspondence was rece.ivad in apposition Co svbject retition. Ci.!.I.I~OFt~II)1___ENVIROt1T;Et7TA[,___QUl~L7TY __1~s~r__ F_rrrnrt~~,: The Piann3ay Director or his autt~orize3 representativo has cletermined that tlie proposed prujec~ ~all:; wilhin t~e det.inition cf ~ateg~riczl Exemptions~ ~lass 3, as defincil in l•he S~ate ~:IF2 Guiaelines anu is, thc;refore, categoricaZly exempt from the i•equic•emrnt ta J~:epare an F.IN. i10W, 'PFiF,F2EFOP.E, HE I'; RESOLVEU thaL the Anaheim City Planning Comrnission does herc~by gran~ subjcct Petition ~or Vari.nce, upon the following conci.itions wliicl~ are~ ;~er~b}- found to be a txecessary prQrequisite to the proposed use of thQ subjoct proporty In order to preserve ~he saFety and generaJ we]farQ of. e}:e Citizens ~f ~he ~it:y of Anaheim; 1• That a cash payment .h~ll be. made to the CiCy of: Anaheim :or khe cost of th~ remo~~al of exist:nq stre~L• improvements alonq La Palma Avenu$ anQ r~consr_ructioniconstrurtion of fuli stre~t impro~:aments at the ultimate lor.ytion. 5aid p~tyment sha11 be made prior to issuance of a building perrrit. w 2. * Tbat t'ire :~~rir.klers .;}i, 'll be installed a, r~qulre~ by tne C.iCy Fire Depart:nent. ~. " T}iat ~ri.or to issuance of a b~iilding permi!:, tt-e approprinto Eects due :or primary mains and fit•e prpt:ection services :ti~l: be ~aSc] to the Water Utilitj Uivision in z~r.noc~lancn with Ru~es 15~ and 20 of the W~ter (SLitiLy Itates, Kvl~s .~nct Reguiat:on,. 4. * Tha:: pr.t4r to issuar.c•~ vf. ,a buil:fing rermit, the appropria~GA trafE~.c signal assr.s3m~nt fee ,hall be paid r,o the 'ity ot Anahejm in an amount ~s e.^,tablishc~ by i:ity Council rQ;;olution. 5. * That rull-up g,ara~e d~ors sF,a17 hP uhorrn on plans ~ubmirr.ed for buildfng pecmfts. Siid doncs shall t~r insCallc•d ~nd maintained as shoMn on s~~bm:tte~ plan~. _Z _ PC 9G•-39 ~•.: ~.~-, . ~~ o. * 7'hat strent ligtiting facilftiow A1ong La P~lma Av~nue shall be in~tallod t~s required by tk~e Ut.i].iti~s Gon~ral Managor in accordance with apecifications on tilo in the OfticQ uE the Utilities Ger.eral Manager; or that~. securitiy in ~ho tprm o~ a bond, cer.titicato oE dep~xlt, lEtter of crodiC, ~r castii, in an amour~t. and form satisfact;ory to the City of Anaheim, stiall ba posted with khe Cit! r.o guaran~~e th~ satisfactory complotioz~ ot ttie a}~ove-men~ioned improveme~its. Sa.id sacurity shall be posteci w.ith the CiL•y of Anat:eim prior to issuanc~r oE a builc~ing pormit. 'Ttie above-xequired improvements sha11 be installod prior to occupanc,y. 7. +t That sub;QCt prop~~rty sh~711 bo served tv undergroun.~ utilities. 8. * ThaG praor t~ issua.~ce nf A buil~.iing pormit, appropriate park arid rucreatioii in-lieu fer~s sliall b~ paid t•o the Czt.y aE An~~heim in an amount as establxshea b~+ Cihy Co~incil resolution. 9. ~~ That a parcel map to record the divis.ioii of s~.~bject property shall be su)~mitted to a~nd approved by Chc~ City cL Anaheim a.nd t};en be rocordQd in the Ut1'ic:e of the Oranqe County Recorder. 10. * TY,at r.rash s~ora~e a:eas s~a11 be previ~ed ancl maintained in a location acceptable to ~_t~~ Strett Ma~.n~enance and ~anitation Division and in ~~ce;~rc3c:i~ice wi.th apgruved plans on Ei1Q with said Div.isi.on. Such information s}~all be speciiicaliy st~~)WIl oz~ the plans submit~ed f.or L•ui? :. ; pern~.its. 11. * Th3t all air cunc9itionir~q Cacilities and other roof and grounci moiinted equipmenC ~~hc+ll be propr.rly ,hi.elded from view, at~d th~ sound buft~red f.z~om adjacent rasidenkial proper~ies. Suct~ information shall b~ speci fica2ly s'riown on the plans subm.it:~e~) for bui.ldinq permiL•s. 12. That all plumb.ing or other similar pipes an~i fixturFS located on ttie exteri~r af the buildinq ~hall be fully sc.reenad by architec.tural devices and/or. aFprorri~te build.inc~ materials; and, further, such inCormation sh~~ll be sper_itically $tIONTI ~n ttie plans submitted fnr b~ilc3i.ng permits. :13. * Th~t prinr ko issuance of a bu.ildinc~ permit, satisfactory evid~nce sha.ll be pre^,entQd Co the Eiu.ildinq Division sho~~ring r,hat the pcoposed projec~ is in confozm~nce With Council P~~licy Numbec 5~52 "O,cund Attctnuation ii~ Resi~,]enr.i~il Projects" anrt with Noise Insulation Scandards specified in the Cal.iforn.ia Admi~istrative C~;de, Tit1e 25. 19. That aa.sh~r an~ dryer ho~kups shall be incorporated inCo each condom3.nium clwelling ~nit and snall be shown on the pl.~n3 submitted for building pecmits. 15. * ahah th~ on-~sirc~ l~n~i~c.~~ing and irrigat;ioc~ system s}:all be m~Inkained In comp2i:snce wi~h City srandarc.I.,. lFi. ~ Th~t this Varlance is granCer.l Lor a re~idar.tial ~undominium project !n thF; R*5~-120c? zone and that, in .~c:cordance wiCh Cudr Se~:ti~n lU. 34.020.020, t;tsr. c~M,-3UOQ z~r,e clt~v ~SoE~mr_nt atan~iard~s shail he complied xith £or Che devolopmer.r, ~E subjr.cc i~roE.i~r;y. »3' PC 30-39 F ,:; ; ; • . ,.;, ,-. , i~ 11• 'Ph~t all blot:k wa11s anci foncing sh~ll be plant~d and rnaintained with c2inging vinos ta elirninaco gra£Eiti opportun3.tie:s, lg• *'rtlzr the logal ownor af subject property sliall irr~vocably ofEer ~o dadic,~to to the City oF A.nahc~.im a strip of land fifCy threa (53) fdeti sn width Prem the centerline pf tho str~et alorig [,a Palm~a Avenue for atreet widening purposes, ~nclud.in~ ; fifCePn (15) ~~or :~diiis corner rRturn. 19. * That a fQC~ for strea~ li~hLin Anaheim for ttie street fton ayeuralong pattl SC eQtia rl ~arihamoun~ 8S Qstabl3.shed by Ci.ty Coiincal resolution. Z0. * That a fee for street tree purposes s}~a11 b~ paid t~ thQ City of Anaheim for the st.rGet f.rontag~s ,~lung La Palma T-venu~ and Patt Stroet i~i an amou.nh as established by City Counail rc~solurion. z~• That subject propQrty ,,hall. be deyo2cp~d subst~antially in accorc~ance with plans a2id ,pecit.icatzcns submitted to the City of A~i~-heim by rhe petitiuner ancl whirh plans are on file witti the Plannir-q Department mar1tPd Bxtiibit Nos. ]. L•hrough 3; provide~ however, that e.7ch unik shall hav~ a minim:un 1 3/4 battirooms (the 3/4 bathrooms shall include a shower). zZ• That prior Y.o issu~nce of a buildin (1) y~ar f.rom the date r.~f this rosalutioit, ow! ichevora occu sd firste Conditiori Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0 ~}irough 14, 16, lg, 19 and 2Q, above-mQnkioned, shall be ra;nplied wit:h. E::tension~ for furthar time to cc~mplete said conditions may be gran~e~3 .i~i accordan~:e with Seckion J.8.03.090 of the An~heim Mu;~Sci~a1 Code. ~3• That prior t~ fint+l building and ::or~ing inspection~, ~ondition Nos. 2, ~' ~• 17 and 21, above-mentionecl, sha12 he complied with. 24•* That approval of tlii~ application c~nstitutes approval of the ~rop~~gd rc.~e{uest on:1~ rc Che extent that it compliQS with the Anaheirn Munfc.ipal Zoning C~dc and any other applicable Ci~ regulations. Approval Goes not includc~ any action Sortffndings r~eYtp c:ompliance oc approval of rho requESt rt~gzrdinq any other applicable ordina~ice, re~ulation or requirement. Conditions marked wit•h an a:tlurisk (*) are required by established iaw3, cocles, roqulations and agrQPmonts and ~i•e not 3Ub)@C~ t~ 7iegotiation. BE IT FURTf?ER RF:Sf'C,VC~) t}~at Che Anahe3.m City Planning Cornmission does hereby f.ind and determins that aciop~ion of thig Resolutioa is expressly prec:.ic~ter7 ~~pon ~pplicant's comnliaiice with carh and all of the condit~ons heroinabove ;et forth. Should ~any such condltinns, or any pdrt thareoE, be declared invalid or :1nenEorceablr~ by th~ Fi.na; judgmant of any couxt of c~mpetcnt juri.sd:ccion, t:hen thfs Resclution, anr.l atiy approvals herQin cont~~inFsd, sh,~11 b~ deer~ied ~uall and vc,id. a_ PC 90-39 .~t . . .. . .. _ . . . .. ~ ~~'~ . . ..... .~ . . . .• , r,~'.~~-~-.~.,.~~1'i1.J"~Il1.1~11 r~~ . ~ ~~t ~. :+ i ~ ' ~~ ,.~wt 1.9 ,.;~f ;:: I'HE E'O1tEG0ING RESOLUTION w~s c~aopt.ea a~ the P1ann:inq Commission meeting o.f February 12, 1gyp, ~~ -~ ,,tl'/'~ll.~~-I-.,LiiLl.,7-~~~~~~...r_ _ GyLQ./L(.C,~, ) CFIAIRWOMAN, PRO TGMPORE~ ~ ~~~ s AN'AH~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIpN x ~ I+ '' ?,T.TF.ST: ~' • l~~/,~i ~ ~~~~ ~~~ ' _____ ~~---_-.~~ .~~~,~ _----_-_ SECRETAil`l, ANJ~HEIM CITY PLANttING COI~SISSION STATE OF CALTFORNIA ) ,~~ COUNTY OE ORANGE j s5. CITX OF A:IAfiGIM ) ~' ` i, I, Edith L. Commissaon, c3o }iereby Eiarri;;, Secr~rtary of thQ Anah~im cortify th~tt th f Cxty Pl~nning ~; ' adopted aC a meeting oE e oregoing resoluti~n tne Anaheim Cic:y Piann:ing Coinmission tii was passed and el i ! 12, 1990 by tlie 2'ollewi~ic; vote of the membcrs thereaf: c on February A'.IES: COMMTSSIONF.RS: F30CiAS, F~OXDSTUt1, FELDfiAUS, FiFLI,YFR, N.E~SE, MC BURNEY NOES: COh4yfISSIONEkS: NONE ABSEP7T: CplrL~iISSIONERS: HERt3ST ~; ~ IN WITNESS Wf?ERF,UF, I have hereunto set rny hand - o f ;~ 1 khia ~2~ da . .~ r ~ 9 9 0. . y , f ' . ~ ~ c ' ~ 't ' ~ / f ~.~ _ ~ ,~ ---- ~ ~"`~ SECR~TARY, ANAFiEIM CITY PGANNING COMMISSION -5- F'C 90-39 :