Resolution-PC 90-43, , ~ ww. RI;SQC~~J'I'I~N.., NO,~_._f'_C__9U~`~~ ~~ A kBSOLUl'IUh 0[~' TF1F ANAFi~TM C~TX f'LA21~iING COMMTSSIUN ~UOf':I'TN~ AN'D RC(:bt~Qv{ET(DING TO CITY COUNC:TL ADOPTTON OF GrP7ERAi. PLA~l AMr,CInME:NT rIU. 2Ei~ ~ ~,APiD iJSr ELGDIENT Wf•fi'PLAB, t:he C.itk~ Counci:l af. ~1•i~ Ci.t,y ot Anahe~3.m ciid adq~~t thQ Anaheim Cenera]. P.l.an by Ft~~so.lukion No. G9k2-G94, stiowing the general description and exte-nl-. of possiblo Luture deveJ.opm~.it; witrin the Cir.yp an~: WtfERGAS, Planrzing Commissian directe~] staf:f to initiate ar~ am~nc~mc~nt to t~lie Land Use Eleament oi Ch~ .General P1an to redesignate the s~udy ar.ea from MEdium Density Resid~ntial to Low-Medi.tiiu DQrial~~ Residential for tho area consisL•ing of ap~roxi.mately 9 acr~s located norL•h ana west oE the nurt}iwest corner of• Ball koad. and WQ,tern Avenue, having Er~ntagQS of a~n.roximately :i98 feet on the iiorth side o[ Fiall Road anc~ 1,0%0 feet or: the west s3.de of 54estern Avenue; and W'i~:RLRS, thE~ Ci~y P'l~~nniiig Commission dir.1 hold a public l~f>ar.i~ig a~ ~hg Civic Center it. tlie Ci.ty ot Anaheim on February i2, 1.990, a~ J.:30 p.m. , noCic.e oP said public h;;uriug having bec~n duly given ;:-s rcquired by l:~w and in accurdance witt~ Ctie provi5.iuns of *_t!e ~.nahaim M.unicipa.l C~~de, Chante: 1$.03, to hear and consider eviclei~ce for and agair.•~t said pro~.osed G~rieral Plan lUnendment and to i ~~tigate aiid make fitidi.ngs and recommendations ix~ connection th~rE~with; anc] WfIEREAS, s<<icl Cocnmi,;;ion, att•.er duc.~ inspection, invesL-igatian an3 study rnacie by ii.self and in its behalf, and after due consider~tion of a11 e~~idence and reports oifered at saia h~aririq, does fi.nd and determine the Following Lacts: 1. That: evidenc•~ presented inc3.icaCed that Ctie propertios at the sourhwe,~st cornEr of Terariimar and We:;tern ar.d Clie s~uthwest corner of I'airr:rest and Flester.n ~hould bc e.~xcluded from thi:; redesignation. 7.. TtiaL- evidenr_e px•e~enheci <_,ubstantiates the need tor an ar~en~ment. to the Anatic~irn General Plan a.~ci that ~3~;ti.ibit h, as modified ~o e:ccl.udo the above m~~ntioned areas, b~ adoptc~cl redesiqnatz»g subject area for Low-Madium r~E~nsity I~c:sidc:ntial land use~~, rath~~r th:~n Medium Density Rasitlential l~nd ~ ses . 3. i'}l~t t•.tice prvposeci am~~~nd:r~erit: i.s consist:etit witti th.~ existin~ land use l~G'2lsitii~s. CI~C,IFUE~~~I1~ _~t7V~ROtJMe_~JTAL__.Qi)I~T,ITY___J1C'i'___FIt71)iiJ,~;;, Ttiar, t;he ~.nahei.m City Planning Cornmissi~~n h~+s t•ev.iew~rd the pr.oposal ~o amUnd the Land Use El~ment of tlie General Plan to change the c,~rrr.nt land use designation frnm Medium Densitv ResidenCial to Low-Me~]lurn ~ensity Resid~ntial ~n an aro;, consisting of approximately 9.0 arr~:s l~cated nurth and west of thA r~arthwast cor~~er of Ball Rcad en.:i 4lestern Avenu~, havinq approximat•e froy,tages of 398 ftet on the nc~rr,h side oti [ta11 RoaQ and 1070 i~et on r,hc: west :>iclr. oE Wes:.ern Avenue; a»d doas thr:r~CorU approvc the tJeg~tivrr Decl~ration on the basis that it has considered Chn proposed Nngariv~ i~c~cla:ation Cryt~kher w.ith ~~ny comrnents receivc+d during ttie public T•nvi~:w ~,rocess and turttior f:in~ing on thc~ b,:s.is oC the .tin.itial Stad~ ancl any commenk5 rn~Qived ttiae th~~re is no suI~stantial evid~nce L•hat the nxoj~~t will have a siqnificant effect on ~hrs enviconment. 0713b -t- PC 90-43 ~ t ~ . , ~,~. NOW 'TH~:I2LIORr, BE TT RE50LVEI), r,hat pursu~nr t:o tho above Iindings, the At~a~iraim C;ity Pl~nninn Commissic,n does 2ierUby adopt, and roccimmenc:i to the City Cr,t~nc:il o:C the City ct 1.naheim adoptio~i c~t Gencral Plan Amendment No. 2$9-Land ilse Elemetit, Extiib.i~. A, ~s modiPiacl, to redesigiiate a portion ot tha study ~r~a [rom Mc~ci.ium Density Re;siclenti~l l.o I~ow-Meazum Dens.ity Rc~sidetitial land uSE'.5. 'iEtE rOREGOING RES()LU'['IGN was adopl-.ecl r~C ~he Pl~nning Camm.ission mec~tirig of F'Ebruary 12, 19y0 ;-, ~=~-~ ~~ ' f ~ , ,%~~!- r~ : E.~.-~~~ --+~~-+ _~ ~ ~-~_~_ ~.' ~l __ »~ C~IATRW6P~AN PRO 'tEMFORE; A2v'AFIS'.M CITY PLANIQING COMMISSION ATT~ST: ' ;J ~~ ___-_ `~~ ~~ .~4~-~((~n.~~, ---------------------- SECKETAItY, A21A:icIM CITY 1~LANCIJ:;IG CUMMTSSION STAT~ OF CALIFOFttIiA ; COUNTX OI' Of:11NGl: ) ss. CITY OF nPIAHi:IM ) I, Er~ith I~. Eiarrir, Secre:::~ry of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby cartiPy that t;he fore<~oinq resolution was passed and adopteci aC z meeti.ng oi: the ~>riaheirn Cily Planning Commiss.ion hold on February 12, 1990, b~ the following vote of lhe member<~ thereof: AYES: COMMrSSZG:~.:RS: BOYJSTUN, DOUAS, FELDHAIJS, HE[,LYER MC IiUkNEY, MF.SS~ ITOE;~: ('OhII~SISSIONERS: PrONE ABS.r•,piT: COMMISSTOt?Ei2G: H~RHST , IN WITIi~SS 4;EiEFtGnT', I r,ave hcreun~o set my haitd this ,~22~~!_~~ '~ay o E,~-~i~, 19 9 0. (/ (,~ _ ~ ~~ ,j . ~., ~ ~ Ir ~~ ,Q~i .: ., ~~~( ~~ - - _-_--x•~------------_ __..__ -_--•__~'-------- SECRF'TF.RY, ANAII::TN, CSTY Pf RNl•7Ii1G C02r4dI35TON -Z-- PC90-43