Resolution-PC 90-44kZE~QL, TIQN _NO`~_~Q;44. A RESOLUTION OF TF1E ANAFiETM CITt PLANNING COhfNfISSTON GRANTING 'TH~ PrTTTTpN FOR RGCLASSIFICATTON N0. t39-90-39 WHEREAS, the AnaliPirn City Plann.ing Cr~mmiss.ion did inih.iate Reclassification o£ certain real property sa.tu~ted in the City at Anaheim „ County of Orange, Stato of CaliEor.iiia, described as fol].ows: P~r~s_.1: An irregularly-sh~~,ped parce.l ut land consi~Cing of a~proximat~ly 1,12 acre, }iavinq a froritaye of !~6 feet on lhe wcst side of Western l~ven~~e, haviny a depth of 610 Peet ar~d it;rt:~er de~cribed as 919 South WeStern Avenue. P~.~~1~?: A reclangularly-shaped parce~l of lacxd consisting o~ approximat:ely Q.p3 acre, having a £rantage of 13~ feet on ttie nozth si,do of Bal'1 Road, lirsvir,g a depth oF 272 Eee~ and further dFSCribF.d as 3221 West Ba11 Road. WHEREAS, tbe City Planning Commis~ion did hold a public hearing at the Czvic Center in the City oE Anaheim on February 12, t990, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said pub'lir, hearinq hlving beer. dul~~ given as requirod by law and in accortlance wirh the pr.ovis.ions of the Anaheim Munic.Ipal Code, rhaptar 18.03, to hear and con,ider rjvidence for and against said Yropoaecl Reclas~ification ancl to invRSti~ata and make :iridir.ys $I1CI r~commQndations in connaction therewith; and WHF:R?D.S, saiil Commisf310~1~ aftor due in4poction, investigat_on ancl study made by itsPlf and in its behalE, and aftcr due con5ic?era~ion ut al1 E•videneo and reports of•fc~recl at saici hear.in~, dc~es find and determine the following fmcts: 1• Tb~-t rec,lassifica~ion of ~ubje~t property is pruFossd. fram the RM-1200 (Rasi.denL•ial, Multiple-Family) 'Lone to the .2M-2400 (ResidRntfal, Multiple-F~amilt ) or a .los:: :ntense zone. 0714b -1- PC90-•44 2. T~at tiho Aiiahaim General Pl~n currontly ~esic~nates subject propart~ for M~dium UQn~ity R~sidQntial land uses. Flowever, Gonoral Plan AmondmenL No. 289 recommnneie~cl foc adoption by the Planuing Commis~ion would r~designate subjecC prop~rty to L~ow-•Medium Dc~nsity Residen~ial land uses. 3. TY-at the propos~d reclassificati~n of sub~c~ct praperty is necessary and/or dcsirabla L•or ~hQ urderlX and pr~per development ot ttio community. 4. That thc~ praposec3 reulassiticatioii of subjeat property does properlp relate to the zones and Lheir permitL•ed uses locally astablished in close pro~;imity to subject r~ro~erty and to tho zones and their permittod uses goneral:!y~ established throughout tt~e communit~~. 5. That approximat~ly 5 into~.•esled persons were prosent aL• the public hearing; and ~hat no curr~spondence was rocc~ivod in opposi~ion ~n subjQCt peti*..ion. .~A~IrQRNTA GNVJR~NMGNT7~_L 4U_P_LITI_A~_ FINL?iNC~; Tliat the An3heim City Planning Commiss.ion has reviewed tbe ~roposal to amenc~ tha Land Use E1~ment uf the General Plan .Erom the ~;urrent d~signa~ion of Mediw~i Density Resideni~ial land use to the Low-M~dium Densi~.y Residantia.l land use c3esignation and to reclass:ify the Eollowir.g subject proper~ie9 from th~t RM-1200 (Residc~ntial, Multiple-Family) ZonQ L-o rhea RM-2~100 (Residential, Multiplo-Family? Zone: FarCQl 1, aYi irregularly-shaped parcel ~f land consi3tinq of ~pproximstoly '1.12 acre~ having a frontage af ~pproximntoly 96 fe~t on the wast side of hestern Avenue, having a maxin~+un doprh of approx.imately 610 feet and furthar described as 919 South Wsstern Avenue; and Parcal 2, a ract~nqixlarly-shapeci parcel of land consistinq of approximate'ly 0.83 acre, having a fr.ontag3 of approximately 134 feet on thc~ north s.ide of. Rall Road, havS,ng a naximum depth of approximat~'ly 272 feet ar.~ further iiescrib~d as 322J. WesL Ha11 P,oad; an~ does tiereby approve the Negative Declarution upor, finding ;:hat ik h~s considerecl the .Vegative De~laration together with nn; comments received during the public review process and f~irth~i t'ind?n~ ,~i tihe basis o.f the initial study and any cammenta recoived that there is no substankial ev3dence that the project wi.ll have a signil:icant effect on the enviromnen~. NOW, TFi~REFORE, BE IT RESOLV~D the~t tho A,~aheim City Planaing Commission does hereby grant su.bject Petirion for ReclassiEication xs menti.oned and, by so 8oirig, tk~at Title lU-?.onittg o£ th~- Anaheim Municipa~ Coc9e be ~~naQa to exclude the aliove-de~cribed ~roperties from the RM-1200 (Residential, Multiple-Family) Zone and to incorp~rate said dc~scribed propertaes in~o the RM-2900 (Residential, Multip.le-FamiZy) Zone ugon the following condition w2iich is h~reby Cound Co be a ne :QSaary prerequi~ite ta the ~roposed use af suhject property in order. to prQServe the safety end general wc~lfaro of thc Cih~zens of the Ci.ty of Anaheim: 1. Th,~r. rrioc~ to introduction of an ordinanca r.ezoning subject property, Goneral Plan Amendr~er.t tJo. 289 srall be approved by the Anahefm C.ity Council. -2- PC90-44 ~~ . . ~ ,r ~~ ,`i; ~k~ IT FURTIi~R R~SO1~;1~D that tho Anaheim City Plt~nn:ing Cnmmisoion c7oes herc~by Ea.nd ar~d detrarminc~ ~hat adoptic~n of this Reso.lution is expressly predicated upon compliancb with dach and al], of ~he cond3tions heroinabuvo set f:oxth. SYiould ar~y such conditions, ~r ~ny part tk~ereuf., be declt~rAd invalid or unenf•orceablo by the tinal judgmenC of any court of competont jurisdictiazi, then L•his Rosolution, ~~r.d any a~provals herein coritaaned, shall be doemad nu11 and void. TFiE FORE;GOING RESOC,UTION wa~ adopted at the Planning Conuniasion me~~ing of P'obruary ].2, 1990. -!~ -~.~~/ ~c "Cc_-/ ~ir~~~l.~~~ C.C-.1: ~(.c..,,~,. ,~- -~.L ..___~_..G-y-~ ~HAZRWOMAN, PRO TEMPORE ` . T~ ANAHEIM c:t'PY PLI~NNING CAMMZSSTUN '~ ~; ATT~ST: /% . ---- •- ~~ =~2~ `_ ,n~ /% ~~ sr.c n --~~' a~ ~__~~~ ~-'~ ____ _ ____ ETI:RY', I~.tiAFiETM CITY PLA2JNIrIG COt~fISSION STAZ'~; OF CALIFO.RNIA ) ~OUNTY QF ORANGE ) ~s, CITY OF ANAFIEIM ) I. E3ith L. Harris, SQCre~ary of the Anaheim City Planning Commissian, do hereby cert;if.y that the faregoir.g re;olution was p~ssed and ; adopted at a mee~ing of the Anah~szm City planning (~ommission held on E'ebruary 12, 1990, by the ~~Ilowing vote of th.e membars thereof: I': '~`-~~`~: CO2yIIdISSIONLRS: BOYDSTUN, BOUAS, FEL,DHAU~, HL:.t,Y'~R MC IIUf2NRY'~ MEu$F, NOLS: COMMISSIONERS; NONE AHSENT: CUMMISSIONERS; HERBST '' IN WITIJESS WH~REOI', I havo fiereuntu set my h3nd this i"~~i` of . 199c'. _ ` day __ _ ~ ~ ~ / . -4~_ ~--- ~---`-~? _ SCCRETARY, ANAHE;.M CITY LANNING COMMI55ION -3 PC9G-44