Resolution-PC 90-45+. .. . . . - .,.T': ~u4'~ RE OL TInN NQ~, PC~~Q,4~ A RF:aGLLrTiON OF THG .ANAH~TM CiTY PLANNiNr, COt~4riTSSTpN RECOMMEND2NG TO THE ~ITY r,OUNCTL ADOP'PT.ON OF GENERAL PLAN It2dENDMENT N0. 290 - LAND USE ELEMENT 'WHEREAS, ~he C.it,y Council of thc~ City oF Anaheim did adopt the Anah~~im GenHral Plan by Resolutzoii No. 69R-64~, showin descrip~ion and extont of possible f uture development wxthin h,he ~^i~he g°riQ~al y: an~ h`.HEI21''.115, Planning Commission di.rected staff to initia~e an am~ndment to the Land Use ElomenC of the General Plan to r~d~signate ~he study area from Medium Densi~} Residential to Low Density Residexitial for ~ho arAa consxstinq ~f those six (6) parcels locuted on the north sid;~ o£ Palais Raa~l having a cnmbinad fruntag~ o~ arnroxim~tely 420 feet on the north side of said stroet, baginning approximately 27H feet c~-sL of ~he centerline oF Eizclici Straet and Fiirther ftescrik~ed as 16~I9-1677 We;;t Palais itoad; and WHEREAS, the City P1~~nning (:ommi.ssion dicl ho:ld a public hearing 3~ the ~i~ic Center in th~ City o.E Anahaim on F'~bruary 12, 1990, at '1:30 p.m., notice of said public. hear,ii;g havir,g beE~n duly given as required by law and in accordaiice with t.he prnvi.sions uf the Anaheim Muriicipal Cade, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidc~nce for and against suid progosed General Plan Amr~n3ment. and l~ investic~ate and make findii~gs and Lecommendations in connection therQ~vith; ai-d WHEE2EAS, said Cornmissiori, aCter due inspection, investigation and study made ~y itselt and in its b~half, and after due cansideration o~ all ovidence and reports offered ut saicl hearing, dpes find znd dotermine the follc,wing fac.ts; 1• That evide.nce presan~ed substantiates the need for an amenarnanl to the Anaheim General Plan and that Exhibit A he adopCed red~ssignating subject araa fo~• I.~w Donsity Residential land uses, ra~her t han Meclium Dr~r.sity Resident.i~1 land uses. 3. That the praposed ,mendment is c~nsistent with Che existing :~and use denszti~s . ~A~ RN:~A ENV=R023MGNTI~L_Q~A~TY A~'~ FIPJDT= NG: T:~at the Anaheim CiL•y Alanring Comm.issi.oii has rev.:ewed the proposal to amend the Land CJso Llamen*_ ~f tho ~enoral Plan to ch~nge t}ie currant land uso designati.on from Medium DQns.itf Residential to Low Donsity Resi.dential on an area consisting of those six (6) parcels locat•ed ~n L•he nerth side of Pa.lias Road having a combined frontage oE approximatRly 92p feat on Lhe north side o.f sa{d s~reet, beginning approximdtely 278 feet east of t2~e cer~tarline uf. Buclid Stroet and itirther describc~d as 1649-1677 West Pa1zi~ Road; and does therefore approve 0715b PC 90-45 .~.:,, ~.. ~ ~. ;~ -. :';~- ~ tt~e Negative D~cl~i•n~ian on th~ b~~is th~t it has conaidQi•ed the prop~n~d Negativo ilocZaration c~qor.her with any comm~nts re~ce~ved during the public roview process and further findi.ng on thn basia oE tho In;.Cia1 Stu~y And tsny cammr~nts roceivad ~ha~ t,~ler~ i,y no substantiAl ov.id~nce that th~i pro joch will r4~~ ~ s=qnific~,nt qCf.E?CL on tho Qnvironmo~it, NOW, TFI~R~FOR~, BF: IT R~SOLVEU, thaL pu; suaat to tl~e abo~e f{nd~ngs, the Anahe.im City P1Annl.ng Comrnissior~ do~s horeby adopt and recornrn~nd to the City Coun.:il o` tlie Ci~y of At~ahe.im ecloption oE Gonc~rai Paan Amendmen~ No. 290 ° La~l3 Use Flsm~r.t, F.xhibit A, to redQSignate thr study aro~ from Med3um ~e:~s.{r.. 8esicienti~l to Low Deo^•ity RPSiclenti:-1 l~rid uses, THE FOREGUIltG KESpLUTI0t7 was udoptc~d at ~he Planning Comrningion n~eatinq of Fabruary 12, 1990. .__--~~~~--~~ ~ ,~"~-:.~;t ~.~~ ~{~...._. CHAIRWOMAtJ F~20 TEMPO , "~`~-' r.TTEST: 11~AFiF.iDf CITY PLAN11Ii7G COMMISS[ON .~ , . ~- ~ i ;z , -,~ ~ ~ -1 ~ ~ _~~~---_-~-=- -~:~,L_ - SiCRF.TI,RY, ANA}fEiM C1Ti PI,ANiIING CQbQ,4IgSIUt! STAT': OF CAi.IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGg ) 5i, CITY qF ANN{~iM j I. Edith L. tiai~is, Secr~r,~ry of ~he Anahefrr. City Planninq Commission, dr, hc~.pby Cartj,fY r}~~r che ioregoing resa.lution was ~a3sed and udapt~d at a mQetitiq of the An~he;m ~ity Planning Comrnxssion he]d on February 12. i990, by r_hQ followiny v~tQ of Che R,emb~r~ thereof: AYf:S: COt~l15SIONERS: HOYDSTUN, 60UI~S, FEI,bf{~US, NEf_LYEd NOES s CO:MIISSIONf:RS: t70N~URNEx, M4''SF ABSP.NTs ~:OtdMISSiONFRS: FiERBSx w~WITKE55 A'~IER~OP. I have horeunLc set my hand t1~[s ~~~ of ~ . 199A. -_______._.r_ day / ~ ,~ - -- - -- -~~.~L~ SF.CRETAHY. ANA}1gIM _ __---~ ---~ rITY PI.A~CINTl~~ C0~ tJ ~w _- _2_ PC 90~45 ;: ,f ;~