Resolution-PC 90-5~~;:~::~j FtESOLUTION N0. PC~O _0~ ~~1~11~n1 ! A. P.ES~LUTION Ok' T.IiE A,~1AHEiM CITY PL'ANPIING COMM?SSTQN THAT PETT'.CION FOR CONDITIONAL~ U'SE PERMIT N0. ;~232 BE GRANTED FIHER~AS, tYie Anaheim Ci~y P].anriing co~~s5~on. a.~a rece.ive a verified petitiori £or Rer,lassi.fication for cer.taizi real property situated in tha City of Anaheim; County of Qrange~, described as follows: L~OTS 7, 8, 9 ANU J.0 OF TRACT N0. 4 D3 , AS P~R MJ\P THEKEOF RECURDED IN IIOOK 17, kAGE 2Q OE' b1ISCGLr~ANEOUS MI~PS, FtECORDS OF SAID ORANG~ COTJNTY. 47HERr~.S, the City Planning Commission did hold a gublic heas~ing at thc: Civi: Center in the Ci.ty of Anaheim an January 3, 1.99~J at 1:30 p.m., noL-ice ~f e,ai.d pub'lic heariny having been c~u1y given as r.ocZiiired by law and in accordance wittz the provisions of the Ana.t~eim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cc~nsider evidence for and agair~st saicl oroposed condii:ional u~e permiL and t~o investigaCe and make fi:idings and recommRndations in connection therew?.t~; anci WI?~REAS, saicl Conun.ission, a.ftex clue inspec(:ion, investigatio,i ant~ si:udy macl~ by .itse].f an~ in its behalf, ar.d aftQr duP considaration o~ all evidenr.e and reports offered at sZid hearirzg, does f.ind and detQrmine the £ollowing facts: 1. 'lhat ~re j,~etitionar requests approval oP ~ conditi~nal u~e permit under authoz•ity oE Code 5ection to per.mit on-pr.err,i.ses sale and cansampL-iorz of b~eer an~l wine~ in conjunctzon with an exisLing pool hall and with waiver oE the Po~lowing under authari~y of Cocle Sec'tion ]_8.06U.080: S~~T70N~_~}I~6.(~Q_021]. - ;rlinimum n,~ml~~r yf .p~rkin~s_p~ce$. ~~Q6,05U ~22 (173 required; ~¢ proposed) 1$.06.050.0235 ~n~ '1~.~4.066~5Q 2. Thnt the parking :~ziv~r will not rause an .increase in traFfic ~ongestion in the immediate vic:Enity nor aavexsQly aFfect any acljoining ].and ases And grant.ing of the parkiny Waiv~.r unddr ~:he condi.tions i.mr~osed, i~ any, will not be dahrimental tc the peaca, health, safety and genoral welfare ~t the citizan~ af the City af• A:~aheim. 3. Tha'-. the p~oposed use wi.ll not adversely affect tk~e adj~.ining land usFS and the growth and devel~pment of. the area ?.ri wkiich it is pro~o~od to be 1~cated. 1219r -1-• PC 90-05 ~ l"a P ' !l ,.t`ni~. 9. Th~t k2:~ size and shape of ~2ie sito propr~sod ~or the use is adoquatc~ to a11o~w ~he full dovelopm~nr nf tha proposed u~e in a mann.er not detrimental ~a the particula~- ~1rQa nor to the ~eace, health~ saf~~y ~n~ general welt•arc~ oL• the Citizens o.f t:he Ci.ty nf AnaYzaim. 5. T'hat ~hQ gran.tinc~ of the Conditional Use Pc~rmit under the r.onditions imposed, if any, wi11 not be aetrirnental to the ~eace, hea].th, safety and r~eneral welfare of the Citxzens of the City of Anaheim. 6. That t.tio traffic generaced by the pro~~osed use will not impo~e ~n undue burc;e~n upon tlie strQaY.s ancl highways desigs~ed and improved i:o earry kh~ traffic in the area. 7. That no onn indicated tl-,eir preseilcc~ at sai~ public hearing in or~posa.tion; and that no c;nrrespondence was receivod in opposiG~.on to the subject peti.tion. i.A.I,~RNTA ~NVIFONMGN^_Af. ~TJALITY _ A~T_ FINDIN~: That the l~naheim City Planninr~ Commission has reviowed t~.ht~ proposal ta parmit on-promise sale and consum~r_ion of beer and wine ixi conjunctian with an existing pool hall and wiL-ti waiver of minimum numb2r o:f Yarking sgaces on a rectangularly-shaped parc~l of l~n~i consisting of approxim4te~y 0.6 acre, having a f.rontagg of appro~imately 200 ieet on the nortr side of La Palma Avenue, havir.g a depth of appro~eim~tely :130 EEet, and bea.ng• ].ocated approxim~tely 3d0 feet west o£ the centerlir,e of F.uclici Street anci further described as 1729 Wes~: La Palma Avenue; aiid cioes hereby approve the NegaLi~~e :)e~laration upon f9.nding that it has considered the Negativ~ DPC].aration taget2ier with any camments roceived during the public review ~rocess and furtrer. finc3irig on the basis of the initia]. stuc~y and any commenCs recEivQd tr~ar. there is no substan'tial evidence that ~he projec~ will have a significant offect on the environment. NOW, THEREFOR~, BL'' IT RF.SOLV~D that the Anaheim City Plannxng Commission does hereby grank subj~ct Petition for Coriditional Use Permi~, upon the followinc~ condiLions which are hereby f•ound to be a necessary prerQquisite to the orop~sed use of thQ ~ubject property in c~rdQr to p:eserve~ the safoty and gener3l we.lfare of ttie Ci~izens of the Ci,ty of Anaheim: l. That st.reet lighting fa^,ilities ~long L',~ Palma. Avenue shall be inst~llod as required by the Utilities Genera.l bfanager in accordance with ~g~ciEacations on file in Che O~Eice o;E t.he Utilitie~t General Manager. 2. That L-he existing driveway at t.he soutreast corner of subjoct property sha.ll be r.ernoved and replaced with staiadard cixrb, gutteY~, sidewal;c and landscaping. 3. T.Fiat tbe driveivax at tY~e southwest corn~:x of subjec.t property shall Y~e reconstructed L•o accommociate L-en (10) foot rac~ius cur.b return~s in con£ormance with Engineering Standar.d No. 137. 'z` PC 90-•05 ~ ~:;'''' "'~ `"~'~ 4. That a Fe~ sha11 b~ pai.d to thr~ City of A~iaheim ~or tree planting ~alang La P~lma Avenue (Lot Nas. 7, 8 and 10 only) in an amnunt as esrabla.shed by City Council resalut.ion. 5. Z'hat an ur.~subordinated r~ciprocal acces5 and parking, agreement, in a form satisfackory to the Ci.ty Attcrney, shall be ..ecorded wit2. the Of.fice of the Orang~ County Recorder. A. copy ~£ the rscorcled agreemont shall then be submitted L•o the 'L~ning Division. G. That no alcoholic beverages excert ~eer and wzne shal~ be sold ar corisumed on tii~ premises of subjact f.aci~;.;:~ . 7. That trash storage areas sha11 be refurbished to the satis~ac~ion of tY~e Street Main~enance and Sanitatiorz Division to co~riply w.ith approvQd plans on file with said D:ivision. 8• * T}~at a11 air conditianing facilities ~rid other roof- and yro~xnd-muunted eq~zpmenL- sha7.1 be pr.operly sh9~lded f.ram vi~a~r and the sou:.id buffered from adjacent resideutiaZ properti~;~. 9. * That the pro~osal sha11 comply wir_h all s'_gning requiromen+,:s of the CL "Commercial, Limitecl" Zone, unless a variance allowing siga wdivers is ap~+roved by the City Council, Planning Corru*~issinn or Zonzng Administrator. 10. * That the legal owner oP subject prope.rty shall zrr.evocrab:Ly oFfer to dodicate to tYze City of Anaheim an additioanl strip oF land along La Pa1ma AvPnue, mQasured wRSterly Cr~m the ultimate .right-•c~f-way line at the coxner of La Palma Avenun and Euclid Street, and varxixig in width from twelvE (12) feeL L•or thz fi.rst thrne hundred ~Ee+~t and then trnns5tianing fram twelve (12) f.eet Lo 0 feet for the next ~hree k~undred (300) Eoet. 1'l, That the business hours of operation shall c]ose r.o later thln I2 midnighr on Mondays throuqh Fridays, and no later Chan 2 A.M, on Saturda~s anfl Sundays. 12. That thQ on-premisas salo and c~nsui~ip~ion ~f beer and wine shall tiake place onYy in conjunction with the po~l ha11 operation. 13. That ihi:, use is appxoved f.or a per.iod of ~ive t5) ye~rs (sim.ilar to the lease) un~i]. January 3, 1995, unlass Purther time is requested by the pelitioner (ixi writing) and a L•ime Qxtension is gxanr.ed by the ~'lanning Commission or City Cauncil. 14. * That subjQCt facility shall be subject to Chapter 4~24 "Amu3ement and ~ntertainmen~ Premisas - Pool Roo-ns" of the Anahc~im Municipal Code. 15. That subject pro~ert:y shall be develoQed substantially in accordance with plans and speciL•~ca~ions suUmi~ted to the City of AnahPim by the petitionc~r. and which plan3 ar; on fale w;th the Planning Uepartment marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. -3- PC 90-05 , , ~ .~ i ~ 16. Tha~ prior ~o ~o~nencema11C of thE' ~CLivi~X authorized by this x.~gn~,ution ox within a Perioc! of one (1) y~ar fr.~m rhe nate of this resol~a~ion, whieliover occUrs f.~rst. Condition NO~• 1 r.hrough 5, 7 through ~p~ ~,4 and 15, above-m~n~~xot1e~1. sha11 b~ compliP,~ With. Extensions t~r gurther time to comp~~r~ said condit.iuns may be gr'anted in accordance with Section 1fS.03.pg~ of the An~hQim Munic.~N~l ~ode. 17. * That approval of this applicatio~ ~~ns~ituk.es appLOVa~ of xhE prQposed r.QqUe~~, anly ~o tih~ ~xtenC that lt Co~np:lies witrl ~he Anahsim Maniaipal Zoning Gade and a~~' other aPP1icable City. 5tate and FederaJ. regulation5• AL~pzoval doe,, npi: inc~ude ~nY a~tion or. findings as to compliance Qr ap~~~val of. Che ze~u~~t iegar.ding an~, other aP~1icable orclinance, regulation or rPquirement. Conditi~n~ m~~k~d With an asterisY. ('~) ~re required by ostabliSh„a 1aws• codesd regul~~xons ~nd agx'eernent~ and az•e n~t subject t:o T1e9oti~~ion. g~ IT F~RrHER RESOLVED thati ~he ~naheim Citiy planning ~on~mission does hereby find and ~ete•'n~ine that ~aoP~~on og this Resolution is Q~pr~ss'ly predicated upo~ aPplicant's compliance w~th ~ach anc~ ~~~ of rhe condi~zons hereiz~abo~E set forth, Stlould any sua~ ~ond~,Lions, or any pa~"ti ~her~of~ be aeclarecl invalid o~ unenforceable by t~~e tynal judcp~ent of any caurt oE competent jurisdx~t.ion, then this Reso~.uticz?; and ~nY approva~s y:erein conL•ained, sha11 be deemer~ n'~11 and voxa• ~~~ rORGGp~NC RESOI,UTION wa5 a~~pptQd at the Plannir.g ~~~~ission meeting of Jailua'~}' 3, 1990. 199~~ ~ ~/ _. l ~ / ~' ~....1~' ~~ %~.~ / //~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ CFTI~I MD,l1, A23AH~ CTTY PL~'•~NZNG Cp~iTSSIQN ATT~ST: '~ {/~~~:' -~/~~ ~f, 't;' '~- ~~~•r ~ ------~-"~-----. A TTNG'S~CRETARY. .~11`i,~HEJM CITY p~,~,,NNING ~~~tJ.S$rpN , r: STATh OF CAL~I'O~NIA ~ COi1NTY OF URANGE ) ~, , CITY OF ANAFIEIM ) r, t7ane~ L. Jensen, Secre~1xy ~~ the Ariahaim Cit Commission, do her~b y that th rF. nq olutior_ ° y Pla~ning y ~erL•ii e£o ~~~ :es wa. p, ;`~d and adopted at a meetin~ of tihe Anaheim CirY. planninq Cornan.ission held on January 3, 1990, bp tYiQ fo1lowing Vo~~' ot the membQ~'s thezeof: AYES: CUhfMISSxOIQ~RS: BOYDSTUN, BOUAS• F$GAFiAUa. FiERb~T, ~.r~LLYER biC BUP,p1g~!, NfE5SE NOES: CO:rSMI5SI0NLRS: NONE AASENT; rOMMIS5i0HE~S: NONE '' Itd WI'~NF~SS WF~EREOI', o ~" rr~~, 1990, ~, ~ i~._ '",, _ / ' ~/~ ~` ~ ~ _i. I have k~ereunta seti n~Y hand thi~ ~~...~. `_l~YT~~C, da ~ I ~~_..-_-,%-.;,._„__~ . „ , . _.,..~, _ ZNG SECK~T RY•~ j'`ANAI3EIM CIZy pLANNING ~~~xSSION -h-~i pC 90-05 ~