Resolution-PC 90-52RL~OGU~I()N ~?~~~~.~~.~__Z A RESOL',TJTION pF 1HE APIAHEIM CITY PGANtdING CUMMISSION r,no~~rrr~; ANO RCCOMMENDING TU 1'HE C:C:~X COUZICTL AUCYTIQN OH' GCNCRAL PLAN A.b1ENAM[:NT N0. 292 4iEiLR~AS, tho City Council oE the City of AnahAim did Adopt the Anaheim General Plan by Resolut..zori No. E9R~-644, showing tk~e goner~l dQSCi•iption and QxL•ent oF. p~~ssib]o £uture developmont with.in t2ie cityt and Whereas, puisuant to a Planning Commiasion request for an amendment ~o the Lar.d Use E13ment of ~lie Ceneral Plan, in ca~formance with Sectians ana 18.03.030 of the Annheim Municipal ~ode, sl•.aEf prop~red a GeneraJ. Plan Amondroenh t;o rede,igz~aY.E~ t:le stucly area f.rom tche axistinr~ Msdium APnsity 12esidonrial desiqnation t.o tne T,ow-Meaium Density R~sideritial ilesiRnation a»d the study ar~a cons.isks of lpproximately 1. U9 acres gaiierally bounded by Pear]. Street t•u th~ north, Wcst Strvet to ti~e east, the alley south of Uear1 Street ~o the souk.h and Carl.eton Avenue Lo the west; and WFIEREAS, thQ Plarui.ir.g DepartmenL- doemed it appropriatp, pursuant to the provision~ oF the California Environmental Quality act, that there are no siynif.icant environmental impacts and recor~manded tha~ a nogative declaration be approved; and WHEREAS, the Ci.ty Plann.inq Commission did hold d publ3.c hear:in~ at ~he Civ.ic Center in the City of Anaheim on Feb4uary ?.6, 1990, at i:3p p.m., nutice of said public hearing haviny been duly given as required by l~w a:id in ~ccordanca ~ith tiie provis.ions of the Anaheim Municipal CodQ, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and agaznsk said proposed yeneral plan am~ndment and to investig~te and mak~ fa.ndinc~s ancl recamm~ndakion~ in conneati~n therew.ith; and h`HEfiGAS, said Comr~iission, after ciue consideration, ingpeation, :irivestigar.ioii and study made hy itse~if, and aEter a11 evidence anci reports offec•ecl at heari~~g, DO~~ FIEI:EE3Y F:[Nd: 1. Thal- staft c:oziciucted a cletailed aix.~lysis ~f the General Plan dQSiynati~n.,, zoninq and land u~e and identlfi~d 1.09 acrss on vhich inconsistencir:s ex:ist betwcen e~cisting lanc~ uses and the General P.lan designatioiiioc e.xisting r.oning. 2. 1'hat evidence presenL•ed substanti.ates ~he neod for an amenciment to the Anahei.m Gon6ral 1'lan and t}iaL ExhibiC A ne ddo~,ted redesigrating 5ubje4t area for I,ow--hiedium Den,ity Rcsidential. 1317r -1- PC90-52 ~ .. ., . - ~ ~ ';i1 ~:ALIFQRNIA ENVIR~N?QGNTAL_~T,j~~I~y' p,~_~~F':[NDIid~~: T.hat tho Anahraim City Planning Commissic,n has reviewed ~ho proposrxl to amend tlla Lflnt1 UsQ E:lemQnt. oP the Genc~ral P7.an to chsnge tlie current designa~:ion oE MAdi~.un ilensity Resi.dential to Law--Medium DQnsity Residontial on approximately 1.Q4 acres gc~n4ra1.1y boundeQ by Poar,l Street ta the nort}i, West Str~+~F to the east, tha alley south oL- P~ar1 Street ta khe south ancl Carleton Av~nue to th~ westJ and does hQroby approve the Nc~g~~tivo Declara':ion upon finding that i.t has considered the Nagative b~claration together with any commt~nts rec~ivQd duri.ng Lhe ~ublic revi~w process and furt2i~r i-inding on the basis of the Init~.al Stiidy and any commen~s received that there is no subskan~ial eviclence that tho praject ws.11 have a significan~ ~ftect:r~n LhA environment. ~?~, NOF~. TFiEREFOR~, }3E IT RESOLV~D, that puz•suant to the ~bove findings, the Anaheim City Planning Camnission c?oes hereby ac~opt and recorc.mend ta the City Counci7. oF th. Cxty of Anaheim adoption of General P1an Am~rnc~ment No. 292 - Land Use ~;lement - Ext~ibit A, redesic~n~~titiq subjocr araa I.ow Medium Donsik~ Itesa.denti.al. ~ TFi~ T'OkEGOINC R~SOLUTION was adontQd at ~he P~anning Commission m~eting ot Februazy 26, 1990. ~' ~ ~~~~ i ~~ i• /: ~~--~,%,'r.r ~~ ` / ('.IiAIR.MAt3', ANAHEIA! C. TY P'LANNTNG CObIIrfISSION ATT~ST: ~'~i~-l'X. ,, ~ . . _ _ _ _ ~_ _ ~~,t,~ ~ _ __ SECRFTARY, ANAHEIh1 CTTY YLANNING CUt+CdI~SI02d STATF. OF CAi.I~'01RNTA) COUNTY OF OfiANGE ) ~S, C7T~ OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith I.. Hzrris, Secretary o£ the Anaheim C.~ty Planning Cornmi~sion, rJu hereby certify thaC th.e ior~going rPSOa.ution was ~+as~ed and adopted at a meetin~7 0~ the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on FQbruary 26, ~!990, by the following vote of the members tkiereof.: AYES: COMMISSIOPIERS: F3GUAS, BOXDSTUN, FEL/~HAUS, HELLYER, HEEtBST M~ BURNGY, MESSE NOES: C~2rR~tISSIONEF;S: NOt7C ARSENT: COMidISSIONFRw: NON~ IN WiTNESS WHF.REOF, I have hereunto set my hand l:his ,?G~ day o E ~ly+t~ (~ . 19 9 0. ~'l~s-.n- .--- --~~~~''~~---~'~'~~-''-1. SEC.C2E2ARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLbNNING C02~SISSION - 4 _. 2 _ PC90-52 '~~