Resolution-PC 90-56;. J`,f, ~ ,, ,xr~~-~3 ; , nL~..~Q~VTION N,Q._~?~~O~~L ~ A RESOLUTTON UF ::Hts ANAH~TM ~ITY PLAN~TING COMMISSION TFRMIPIATING ALL C'ROCG~D7NGS IN CONNECT.T.ON NiITE~ CONDTTIpNAL USE: PE~2MIT N0. 5013 WHEREAS, on plovembQr ].7. '1963. Concli~,:~nal Uso Pormi.t No. 5Q8 was grantQd ur,dec~ Rosolution No. FC 97, by the Ari~heim Plunning Commission tio ~:;; establisli a comprehQnsive rc~crQational araa aC 7335 Nortti Sunsh.ine Way, -~+ WEiEREAS, Stephett I. Bierman, ~roperty owner, tias submitted a lett~t , requestii~g termination of Conditio.na]. UsQ Permi t Yo. 50Et, as a requiremQii~ oF Plan Check No. 6-2~, NOW, TFIBREI'OR~;. BE IT RESOLVF:D thai: thQ Anaheim City Planninq Commission does hereby tozm.inate 311 proceedings in connection wirli Condi.tional L',e Permi~ No. 50t~ on t:he b~ sis ~f the f•r~xegoirig Findings, TH~ FOREGOTNG RESOL~UTION was adopted at t:~e Planning Commission meetinq oF. February 26, 199Q. ' ,' ' , ~ ~~`~ ~.~i~Lf • • _ J ~~`_^~'~!~;- CEII~IRMAN, Ah~Fi IM CITY P[,ANNING C~JMMISS.ION ATTEST; - ~'~~ -~__ . S ECR ~TARY, ~~~'j~`~-`-"-'"-'~ A2tAHEIM CT_'I'Y PLANNING (;OMMISSIOt7 STATG OF' CALIFORlIIA ) COUNTY OC ORANGE } ;;s. CITY OF 11NAHEIM ) I, Eciith L. FIaicis, SecreCary of the Anatioim City Planninq Commisgion, do hereby certify t:hat the foregoi.ng rosolution was passed ana ado~,ted at u meeting oE the Anaheim City Planniny Cortunission hold on February zb~ 199~. by t:he fo].lowinq vote of the members th~reof: AY'E5: COIv4+dISSIUPJERS: fiERf3ST, [iOyDgTUN, H~I,f YT•.'R, FELDEiA[l; , i30LiA5, MC FiURP~EY, MESSE iIOES: COhtAtISSIONCRS: PlOidE ADSENT: COh~tISSIO*IERS: NOtJF. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have }ierounto s~t my ttand tliis Z6th day og ~'~y. 1990. ~~~ .~=~ , , ___.__--ri~~ ___~~' _-~~.._~__ --- SF:C;HF:TARY, ANAfiEIM CITY PLANNING COA4~fISSIOtJ 1319r PC90-56 ~