Resolution-PC 90-6, ~ . ;',},` ',a,y t ' '~~ , , RCSU[1uxz4~ . ~I4,_ 1~(~q~.Q¢ `~-R~.~Q4~IT.~'I(~N Q~THE I~NI~IiEIM ~I~TY PLAN~7I13~..~~MMI~~~.Q.~I TFIAT A,~1r ~IU?1~t1T~.0 ~O~IDI2I~;N1~..._4E' 1-I {~.~QV~L~. ~OND~TTONI~L_~ISE PEft2~1T _N0. _ ..-----, ~~? .. ~044 _DE nFHI~U WHEIiEAS, Condition~l Uss P~cmiti No, np y tbfl F1~~nning Commission on Septembc~r 1?., 19~ig, }~x Ra oluf:iors No. PCV 8- 54, to perm.it a public 9azre hall wit}i on--sale liquor .in an exist.ing restaurant; and WFiCR~AS. Alan S. ?,all, ~tto~nc~y ~~or kh~ own~r, lettar requesting ~unendment to Condition No, has submitt~a a ~c~rt~ining t;o aay,, and hours ~f o„ 2°~ RQ~olut•ion No. PC88-254 p ration for the Qxisti.ng public dance hall. ~^IEIEREAS, t:h~ C.ity P),anning ~omm~ssaon di~i hold a the Civic CenCUZ in khQ Cit;y of Atl~hf,:,r o~l Janiiar Public hearfng 8t notice ~f s;~id public n~~aring havi:-,~ been dul Y 3• 1990 at 1:30 p.m„ ~ccard~~.nce with tho provis:.on~ oE t:he Anahe~m~M,un;c p~leCodc3,~ Ct apter 18a03n to hear and consider r~vidonce for and a ains permit and to investigat~ and m~ke fitidinys and rQ~ ~ m ndat ons~inl~ion~l use therewith; 3n~ connection WEIERF,AS, said C.ortu~ission, aEtec• due inspsction, invs.3tigation and stud~ mc~de by itself and in i~s b~1~a1f, and aftor due cons3deration of. all e~videnr.e anrf report;;; afL-ered at saic hearinq, does find and dete~minQ the fo.ilowing tacts; z. Th~r Cond.ition t7o. 2 of Resolution Np, p(`gg_x~q ci1rrHntly reads as fol.low~: "That tha public dance u;,e i;; approve~l for Saturdays and Sundays only, and that tha rear a.P.M, to 1 A.M. on Fridays, closed at all times durinq t:lie btisines~ (wcgt-facinq) do~rs shall rema.in hours for dai~cin~J, ^ 2. That t}3c• peti~ior,er requests mcdification to Condi,*.ion No, 2 to permit tlia publ.ir_ dance tlal~ t~s-a hours to bc eatended to l•he following schedulr_; 'fhursdays and Sundzy3: ~:30 n.M. Co I2:30 A.M.: trid~ys ancl S~tu~r3a1s: ;1:.30 P.M. t_o 1:3~J A,M.; and ftolidays*: , a:~~l ~.M, to 1:30 1-.M., (~ }folidays c~ns.ist ~,f.; C~~risr_mas lndependence day, V.ietname,e t~nw y~~r D~~~~ Thanicsq.iving Day, Mernorial Day, J:~nuary or Februar ~=~ame as ChinesQ PJew Y~ar _ usually in Y). Now Yrr.rs Aay. Labor D.~y and Ea:,ter Day, ) 3• That inforrnat:ion included in t:he ST_aEt ReP~r~ to th~ PlanninR (:a-runission, dated Januar staCE in the Flanning D~partmenr_ ~ hav~l ] terrnihted ?thatg Subjecto~ bl~ r`'emt~nt hall faci].ity ha3 bacn sub;ttantially modifird ~ ~ danco largor sc~at{ng capr~~itY an,~ el~mir,ation oE the ,re taupant~scs:vicelt anQ Chat s~aff ha;,, therQfore, c~eGerminecl r_1~~ CX}~9t~r{~ viola~ion oE Conditional Us~ ~Ermx~ ~1~,.. ~ sAtuat~on c~nr;ritutes e a new cond:tional use permtt for thF~ cl nco4~ha12 ~s1CiC r~ir. ua ly ux ata~mur,thbe pror.oased and ap~Q~~d. 122~r ..1 _ PC 90-Ob S .. ';'..~ . • `-~ ~;I~i~I~Q12~IT~.___~HVIR(~NtQ~NTAL--.4U~LI'~Y 11~T FINDING~ That nlthough tt nogativo doclar~tio~7 from ttie r.equiremenL ~o PC'OC~f39 an onvironmental impACt ropQrt was previously A~j)lOVQCl by the Planning Commission ir~ r,onnecl-i.on with tho ~raginal ap~roval oJ: ~ubject condi~i~nal u3a perni~t, st~itt lias deL•armi~aed ~hat sutPici~;nt~ changQ3 l~av~ takon placo ~a modify F~ntl expand tha oiigir.ally al:provQC~ use iri ~uah a manner as ta con~til:uto n viulation ot ~ubject concl3•ticinal usQ parin.it ~-nci to rc~quirc~ procc~ssinct of a nt~w candit+~na'1 us~ ~ permitJ cand, r}zQrofnre, a naw init.ial stucYy will hlvo ta be prepared and , ~ubmitte~d tu dote~rmin~ the actual prujecl et'f~Gt, .if any, on the environm~tat. NUw, 7~EIGR~~ORG, ElC IT J.tESOLVF.D C.h~t• l•he Anaheim City Planning C~mmi~sioii doe~ her~by d~n1~ slibjE~ct F~etition for ~nendment to Conditional U~e F~ermit No. 3044, on tho basi.s of the afore~mentiont~d findings. TFIE FO1tL~0ING RESdLU7'IUt1 was a~lopted af the Pl~nninq Commission m~etiny of January 3, 1990. _ .,;,. , , ----- = r ` __ ' ~ ~ ,.~1.._. . . . ;;.,., . : , , :~' ' ~ _,__,._:i._.-. : CEiAIRW01dAff PRO TGM, ~ATfAH~~.I}~t CTTY PLANNING COMh1ISSI0N ATTEST: i ~ ,? ~ ~. , . r .~--- ~-~-~.~. - ,..e:: ~.;.~::~~~ AC/'I~T NG SECRET RY., AN;~HEIM CI'CI PC ANNING COMMIUSION STATE OF CALIFORPJIA ) CQtJNTY OE JRANGE ) ;;s. CITY OF AtIAF~GIM ) I, .~anet: I. JencF~n, Acl:iny Secretary of the Anaheim City !'Ianninr~ C~mmission, do hereby certify ~h~~t thp foi•egofng resulutiun was ~?asssd ar.d ac~opteci at a meeting of the Anaheim C.ity Planning Commission held on ,3a~~aary 3, 199Q, by the follawing votQ oE t:he memb~r3 thereof: ~-YE~: COtdMISSIONCRS: DOYDSTUN, BOUAS, rEI,DHAUS, fIELLYEK MC BURNEY, MESSF; ' P70F.S: C~MMISSIOtTERS: MOtJE A~3SENT: C'OMMISSIOtiE125: HF.RBST ~ Itr WITME:SS W3iEFkEOF, I havc h~r.eunto set my tiar.d r.h.is •-,,-~ '~ of;i.;i.~:'~l.~':._:~h990. ' .. /~r.._. ~~y _.~ ~ , . -: ,_ ~.,_ ~ . . j =," " AC2'TNG SL•'CRETARY, A2~AFiE1D:~~1~TX PLANNti1G COMMISSIOlI ~ ~l- PC y0-06