Resolution-PC 90-69~r~~~ R~_5~~~1~'~4N NO L_P~ _.20_6 ~ A NUNC PRO Z'UNC 12ESOL'UTION OF THE AtJAFit;IM CTTY i~LF.PlN;CNG COMMi5S10N AM~I~DINr, R~SOLiJTTON N0. PCgp_2g Gfi1~Nx~D IN (:UNJUNCTION WTTH GENFRAL PI~AN AMENAhiL•'NT N0. 2D7, AND R~:SOL~UTIUN N0. PC 90-30 GRANTED '!N CONJUNC'.fION WITEI RF.CL~ASSIr.iCATION NQ, f39~9p_3t3, gEgp~CTIVELY WI3EI2EAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commiss:ion adop~ed Resoluti.on No. PC 90-29, in connec:t.i.an wil•,h (;eneral Ylan ~1m~ndment No. 289, Exhiksit A, on January 29, 1990, xocornmendiny r~design~t3.nn of study area from Medium Donsaty rosiden~ia'i to 'Low-Medium llensity rosidential l:~nd uses; and WFiEREAS, thP Planning Commi.,si.ori qr;~r~ted Reclass3.£ication No. a9-90-38 on Janu~r:~ 2g, 1990, to r._-classily Area e as d8scribod in said reclassi.fication to hhe RS-5000 (F~?S1dE,+ri~i31, Single-Family) Zone, t~nd exclur,iing Area A; aiid WHEKGAS, the vote of tho Planniug Co~nmission conCained i.n.Fiesolution No, YC90-2g was incorrect and should be amonded to re~d as follows: AYES: COMMiSSIONERS: IIOYDS'CUN, FELn~::,US, HELLYF:R, HERBST, ~ MC BURNEY, MLSSE NO~S: COMMJSSTONERS: FlOUAS ABSE:NT: COt~tISSIpNER5: NOrIE A'FiEREhS, t}ie vote af the Plancting C~mmission contained in 12esolution No. PC90-30 was incorrect and should be amen~r.d tn read as follows: A~CES: C,QhShI£SSIONEkS: BOYDST[JN, BOUAa, FE:GDFiAUS, IiER$ST, MC DURNEY, MESSE NOGS: COhQdISSIUNGRS: HELLYER AASENT: CAty4~:ISSTONF:R$: i70N5 TFIE FOREGQI2dG RESOLUTTON was adc,pt:ed at t.he Pl~iining Commis~ion meeting oI March 12, 199G. , ' ~ .1 -•r ; ~ :/ i.. . . ~ ~'_ , '",i L ~~ , , ~J , ~.~.. ~ .:~~~ t;~v~-~i. t tir~/ ; .._,,_"`__t '~~~ ~- _. CHAIRWQMAPt, ANAHEIM C7TY PLANNING COA~/,ISSION `~~ ATTEST; / • ~ __._ _~~_c~~~ ,l ~t.~,~4, _ ~.t_~~ _______~--- SF' i~;TARY., ,'~NA~iGIM (;ZTY FLAPINIPtC COMN,ISSI0J1 2707I _.1 _ Pr_,0-~9 ~~~s°; :; ; '.; ,, ~ ,. ,., _ . ~ _ ., , , , ,,. ., . , a , ., , ~ .^~ r.,~[41~`r!!i ~ .r:~;e,. STATE Ok' CAI:IFORNIF. ) COUNTY DF~ OR.~NC,E ) ss. CITY OF ANI~i~IEIM ) T, EditY: 1,. EIarris, Secr~tar.y oi` the Anahoim City Planning Commission, do herc~by cerL•i.fy tha~ the forego.ing resoluL•ion w•s~s pussed and adopted at a~neoting of the Anahoim : ity P].ar.ninc~ Commission .ho1a on March 12, ].990, by the fol.:lowing vatc~ of the m~mbers Lhor~~o~: AYES: COMMISSIONERS; FSOYLI~'rUN, kZ0?JAS, E'I:LUHA;!S, FiET.i.YER, MC B~JR1iF.Y, MESSE NO~.S; C0:~4r(Z.~Sl'ONEFS: NUNF, ABSENT: COTTSISS~'CUNERS: HERBfiT ,IN WTi~NrSS WF7EF2E~F, T 2iave Y.ieretinto sel my hanc~ t:his ~,Jt~, cia - ~~f _~ ~ . 1950. ~....~ ~ ~ ^ ~~ -- / _~ ..~~~ ,~-~ ~Q,~ ___.~____ _ SECRETARX, ANAHEIM CIrY PLANNING COtrA3ISSTON _7._ p~go_6g ,, ~