Resolution-PC 90-72~ ,,f~,'~?~1 Krs9z~4~i93~i_ r-.o,_._~G_~9_~2 11 It~SULUTiUN 0~' 1'HE ANAHEIM CI'1't I~[~1~NilINC- COhftdTSSZON TEIAT PGTITION ['OK COPIDI'tI0l7AL U5E ~'ERM11' P10. 37,5~i $E GRAtd'TFD WFI~I2EAS, thc Anah~im CiLy Planniny CommiSSion did rQC3ive~ a vvi•? tiei9 Pe~tiLion f.or Cor~d.ir?.on~a1 U,e Pcrmit for certyin r~!~il prop~rty ~itu~.-Cc~d in the Ci"y oC Ana:~Qi.m, Coun~y of br.~~n~e, State of Ca.lifor.nia, doscribod ~s: LUT 59 OI' TRAC1 tl0. 223'), itl THE CITY OF I~NAFIG'.M, AS PL•'R MAP RLCUf1G~D Itl SQUK 61, PAG~S 35, 3fi Atln 3Y OF MISCf:LLht1F,~)U5 MAl'S, IN THE UFF'TCE OF TEIL•' COUNTY ~ccounf,R QI' 5AI(~ CODUTY. WEiERFAS, tlie City I'lanni.ng Cor~tnissio-~ did hold a pubiic hQarfng at the Civic Center in the C.ity oE ~n~heim on M~-rch 25, 7.990 7C ?:30 p.m., notice cf said pi-blic he~~ring havinq been duJy given as r~~c;uiroci by law und .fn accordanco with tt-e pr~v.isions o[ Che Anaheim Munlci.p~l Code, (:h~pCer 18.03, tc hear and consid~r evidenr.e tor and ac~ainst. s~~id proposeii ronditional use permit and to investi~~;~te and ~nake fin~~.ings and r~commendations in cannection the rewi Cl~; and WFIERE:AS, ,aid Cornmission, after c]ue insnectian, i:iv~stigation and sv~.tcly m~~c?e l~y its~lf. ~ind in irs beh~+lf, r;nd af:~ez~ c1~E consicl~raCion oL all evidencc ~xnd report,~; offered at s~iic? he<.trin~, do~.~s find ~nd det~rmin~ the foll~,hing fac~s: 1. Thar_ petitioner ceque;r.s approval r~i ~ conditianal use permit. un<ter ;tUt~IOI'.t:y of CaliCornia Covernmc~nt Cor3e Sect.io~i 65II52.1 tu rF_r._~~in a 300 sq. L[. "gr~.~ltiy" unit: wit:l waivr.r o£ th~• Loilowinq: a_F.CT_I~iT_7_P_,.2.`-',_4~,~_~_f.0.~~ - Mi_n:mum_~,i.~~._Y_s=rci. (l~_[eet requ:red; 5_t.4_A___f._~r~ existing) Z. Ti:at tii~~ r,~questecl i+~;iver is }iere~y gr~~nted on tlie basis that there are s~eci~l c;cc~.imsCr~~:ces ~pplic~b?e to the property such as size, sh~te, topcgrap}~y, lor_4tion anc] surroun~lings which ~lo not apply to ~.her identica.ly zoned proper~y if~ thn saT~e vzcinity; an;l that stz:~ ~ applic~~~:ion of the 'I,or.iny ;,od:.• cleprives tt:e proF~erty of grivileges erijvyed by other ,~roperties in the ic:enticn.l zot:e ~~nd c:l~issification in the vicin{ty. 3. Thac: Lhe ~•r~posr.cl use W:.~i r.ot ~dversaly .~flect the adjc,i~tinq la~sd us•~s and r,tie ~.~I~OY74i~ ar.d d«•:~lop;nr.nr of r_h~~ .~rr:a :i. wt~iclti it is proposed t.u 2:e lor.a: ed. '~, l~lilL t.ll!? Sl'7,r! c7i:Ct ;i~lil()0 O~ L}]P_ Slt@ ~3L0() O i(~(~ ~OC ~t'IC USE! ~$ adc~:~ea,+te r.o allox t1:e Cull ~lr~vel~~p~nent. uf thE~ proposed u3~r in a manner not c'etrimc~ntal to r_1;e ~,1r~..ic~~lar ~~rea t:or to t;h~ peace, health, safety anrl c~~~ncrol weltare of fhc~ ::iti2er.^ o: the C.itf o: An:ts:eim. 5. 1'h~~t t1~c crr.i~}r.:rzq of. th~~ Cenciit.iana2 Use Pe:mit cndPr the it,r:cli t ion:> irrsp~as«~1, i f an f, wi ! 1 noe t1~ der r imenta i to tihe pe~~Ce, haalth, s:~fet:y .~nr.l g~sr,ciit Wa~l:are ~~C t_:~e ~it~izE~r;s ~f the Cir,y oE 1,naF.eim. 13r~2r -1- P(:90-72 ;~ , . --- , t ~ _ , ~;;,s;.,~~; fi. T'Ililt t}~n ti~f.L.ic c;~~n~r,~~y ~Y t}1e proposod usQ will not impose ~n unduP btis•~;t~n upo,z ~iit~ ~Y.re~~t:; ar~c3 h.i~7hways ~]~signed tinr.l improved to carry rho lrattic iii l.}ie are~~, '. That 3 pc,r,ons iu<lic~tc~d their prc~stnc:e a~ s• id pubiic h~ar3ng iii opp~s.i~ion; 1nd ~hat•. tio correspottideiic;c~ was rec~ived iii oppasit:ion to tho sii}~ject petLCiori. ~~LtE'QFtiJl_A __._.F.~1VI;t(1tJME~ITAL._ .._Qti_i~.LITY_,_._I~~T~FI~JpIN : f~.ix•ector ur his auth~>rized xepreseri~at.tve h~, rl~t~rmined Chat ~t;}iQ prop~sed r-•o jer.t f~~,:,:; wir.hin khe defxititiati of Categ~rical i;xemptions, Class 5, as detined in thf~ St:ate GIK Guidolines ~r~d is, tha~zeCor~, categoricx~lly Qxc,mUh from the requit•ament to pre~~ar.e tiri EI1?. NOW, TH~REFn~~~ ~,,; 1~1• R~SOL,VED l.hat the Anaheirr, City Planninq Comrnis~:~~-: ~ues bereby qrank sub;ject Petition £ar CaY~ditional Use Pormit, i.poi. L•he tol.low.i~ig co»ditinns wh.ich ,Zrn hereby found to b~ a necessary prRrcqui,;c:e ~o ~}ic ~ropo:;ed use of t:he subject property in ordoz t~ prQServP the :afc~ty an~~ ye:~er.al weltare oC the Citiznns ~f +_hc 4i.Ly of Anahein;: 1• * That prior to :issuance of. a bu.i:d.ing perr_it, the appropriate traffic aic~n~l ~~sse~smenr_ Lee shall i~n p~.l~a r~ tr~ rity of AnaheSm in an amnunt ~~s c:stab.li.,tied t,y City Coiincil _esc~lnr;~,~, 2• * Ttiat th~ leqal owner of subject properrv ;,;,,~11 1~;;~rict the occup~ncy of ehe granny iinit t_o one (].) ~; ;~•~~ (z) adults, rath of whom are sixty (GO) years n£ a:f.- ;;~ older and are .; family member relzted to Ehe occuQ~r.t; r,f +~}ie pcimzry single-family dwelling or s~~bject ptoperkys ~~ and, furtlierrr,ure, ;t~all recorcl an un;;ubor~lin.~ted covei-ant against tho ~ pruperC~ s~-:esr.riclir;g the occupancl of said unit. Said covonant sh;jll he s~hmir_ted to the Zoning Divisicn for transmittal to khe City Attorney'; OEfice tor review anc: approval prior to r~cor.da~ion. Pr.oof uf recordation stial: t}ien be subm.ihte3 to the Zoning aivision. 3. k TtiaC appropi•iate pai•k and recrc~tion in-lieu fet~s snall bs paid to the City ot AnahQim in an an;ount as established by City Counc.il resol.uh.ion. `~. * r}lat ti~e consti•tic:r_ion ~ul•horized by t}iis rr.so:utio~- shall bo ~~~rveci 3;~~ underyrout~d uti lities, ~. * That all .~ir co-i<l.it.ionin7 ta<:;lities an~l othr~r r~~of a~id ground mounted ~~n~~~,r,r~,tnr ;};~~11 p~. pcnperly ~hielded fron view, aucl the sound buE~er~d I.-om adjacen~ re.~sicten~.i.~: ~::~~~,•riFS, Such 3nformation sl~all apecifir.ally be shown r~n ~he plans suhr~itt~~d t~r b:~,i:uir~y pcrrr~f.ts. n• " That the c1ci:;ring ;Lruct~are ;chall c~:nply witt~ the tninimum st~ndards of ~~i~ ~1tY ef Anah.n.xm, inr_•lud.ir,g the Unif~rm Quildiny, Plumbinq, E~.C~tC1Cil1, f;~i,yiny. N.echanscal a~id Fire ~:odes as T~t~p~r3~2 by the !'1Cy ,~ of l~rahcim. , ~~ ~? ~ r ~_90-'12 ~; Y ' ::^Nt. 7. Th~L subj~~r.L property shall b~ dovolopecl ;~ubstar~tially in ~sccordance with plans and specif tc~~tions subrr~ittoc~ to tY-e ~ity of Aiiah~im by thr~ p~~iti~nar and which plflns ~r.o on tile w3r.h L•he Plarini.ng Dep~rtment markad ~xh.ibiL- rros. 1 and 2. ti. 'That Con~it•.i~n N~s. 1 throuqh 7, ~bove-mont.ioi~c~d, sliall be completeci within a pe~riocl ot nin~ty (90) days f.rom the d~~t~ o~ thi.s resoliil;ion. " 9. * That approval ot t;hi, applicutiun constitutes approval of the prop~s~a requost only to tho extont that it complies w.ith L-he Anahc~im MunicipA] 2oning Codo and any oChor applicabls CiY.y, 5ta~e ancl FQ~1era1 zc~!>>ar.fons. Approval dues nat include ariy act.ion or f:indinga as to ~~tmnl i a,+~~ ~ ;,l,r: ,;,,"~ vi 1.i~~ CEic I1QSC T@ ardin c1ri At}lQx ~ `' 1 9 g y pplict~].e ordinancQ, rc~gialation or requirement. Conditions marked w.ftt~ an asterisk (*) are raqu.ired by establishPd .laws, cod~s, rogulations and agreomc~n~s and are not subject to nQga~iation. RE ZT FIJR'i:~L•'K RESOLVED that the Ariaheim City Planniz~g Commisslon doe:: herc~by find ancl detarmin~: that adoption of this Re~olution is expz•essly pi•edicated upon applicant's complian~.e with each an~] ~~11 oE the .:onclikions hezei.n~buve set forth. Should any suc:h conditions, ~r any part thereof, Le declared invalid or unenEr~rceabl~ by thc-r final judgment of any court of comp~;t~nt juris~lictiaii, th~zi this Resolution, and any apgroval~ herein contained, sha11 bc deemed null and voicl. THL•' FORF;GOiNG RESOLUTi~~N ua, adop~ed at th~ Planning Comn.ia~.ion meetin~ of Marc11 26, Y990. ~ ~ ,; I , . ~ _'~.r._LLY. :''`~~/ !, - I , ' ~ ._ - --__ GiAIRMAN, ~N1+d1EI CITY PLANNING CAA4tISSION ATTES'P; _ , ~ __.^__._.~_~~GGfi.~ /~-d~i~L.~.----~---_____ SECRF.TARY, 11NAHET:d CITY YLA~tN:NG COMbf~S5I0N STAT~ OF CALIFOP,NIA } COUNTY OC ORANGE: ) .,3. CITY UF AHA.HF:IM ) L, Edi.th i.. il~rris, SecreY.ary of tho Anat~eim City Planning ~o;ivr:ission, do harQby certi-E~ that t`~e foregoiz-y re3olution r+a3 passed and adopted at a mQeting of tt~e Anaheim Ci:.y Planninq Co:nm.iss.ion held on Har~., 26, 1996, by the foll.owing vote ut tt-~ members theraof: AYES: COMMIS5IONE:RS: f30YDSTUN, F30IJA5, NEI.GYER, HERPST, MC BU...`~LY, MT:oSE NOES: COA4~SISSIQNERS: NONE 11Ei5ENT: CUlR~STS5IONERS: I~~f.AFIAU5 Iti WZTIIESS WHERE~F, 1 ha~~~ ltert~untt, ::~t my hand thin _?~i day af _~_ . 199a. ~ ~-_ ,~__._-._- ' _L?~~-.~s.~-~_____ SECEiF.TAItY, AtJAH~IM CITY PLAlItJItJ^v COhLMI5S10tt ! >r;~ _; -3- Pr90-72