Resolution-PC 90-73RESOL~ITTQ~; NQ.__(?~~U 7_~. A RLSULUTTON OE' TEIE AN~HEIM CITY FLANNI~(G COt~t:[SST.ON TFiAT PC'1'IT'tOtd FUR R~CL,ASSIFICATIUN Nb, (39-9Q-•.7 BF GRANTED WFIEREAS, tlie Anaheiro City E~lannin~ Commiss.ion c~id recefve a verified potition for P.ec].a:siEir.ar.ion oL c•r,rtain ~eal prop~rty situaCed in the Clty of ;nahr.im, County oE Ora~iqe, St<>..t:e of Calif.ornia, describecl as f:o~lows: t~~~ccr~ i: TEi()~E PUFtTIOPIS OF LOT , 2 AND 3 UF 1:STATE OE MARY STE20f3f;I., I27 THF. CTTY OJ' ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF OTtANG~, STATF. QF f.'J~i,7 i~'~?RNIA, AS SHOWN Oi1 A MAP THER$Ok', RFCOftD~D IN aOUK :t PAGF,S 76 AND 77 OF MI~rEGLANE0U5 RF:CORUS, LO:; ANGEI,E~ C:OTJNTY, GESCRIBEU A;; F'OLL'OWS: DEGI.7NID]G ON '1'HC PIOEtTE{EA5T CQkTl~F OF SA'!D LOT 2 AND L2UNP1ItiG THEI~CF, SOUTIi l.ri° 00' UO" E:dSt, AL,t7PIC TI~~ ~ ~ASTERL'1 LINE THEkLOF, 50.32 FEF,T TO THE: NORTH~:AST , Co~trrErt OF '1'Hf: LAtiU COP~4'CYE;D TO ii'r:RT'HA EbELIhr, A ` MARRII:!) WOMArI, [iY UECU RE;CORUl,U M.'~RCIi 22, 195%, xcr BUOf~ 3t3~17 PAGF. 1~37 OF 0['FT~"[AL RECQRDS OF SA7D Q.TiANGE "OU1, . 2'HGt: ~ L :;~, ~: l{ 7•~ ' :~ r) ~ 15" WEST , nLOCIG THE NOR'TFiEBLY LIl~IE OI' SAIll LAND COiiVEYEU TO EAGI.ZNG, A!7D I'_T'S {9~S:CERI,Y PROLONCATIOtI 97.50 FL•'F'C': TFiENCE NORTH 15° 00' UO" WES'r 18.Q7 FEE7'; TFiENCE SOUTEi 79° 56' EAST 32.25 FEET TO THC PIUR'PHWE;ST CORl7E& OE' 5AIV LOT; TF1E:I~(CE NOiZTI~t 'l4° ~ii' 15" L;~S; I65 FEET; TO THE: PUINT I3GGIPJCiIt1G. E'ARCF.f 2: ~OT SGVF2I (%} qf' Zt?~; "ESTATE QF MARY STRC~BEL", AS 5HOPJi7 027 A t~:AP I2ECORUED 'Iti BO(li{ 3, YAGF.S 76 h:JD 7'l OF MISCt:LLAt1F•.OUS Ri~CUkUS OF I,OS ANC+ELE:i, C~JUNTY, CALI FUi2IdIA. EXCF.E~TTPIG THEREEROtd I'OR PUFiLIC SIDL•'47ALK PUKPUSE;S A STIiTP 6 1/2 F'Ef;T L9:UE ALOt:G TEi~ EA5TEk(.Y BOUNDI,HY A~ COt~Vi;YED TO Tf~.F, CITY OP AUAFiEIM, BY DEEp RECOItDEU APRIf. 13, 190G, zrr [i00K 131, PAGc. 112 OF ll£EUS, RIsCORDS OF GR7,tiGE COUII'TY, CALIFORNIA. PARCL•'w 3 ; LOT ii OF THE "F.S'TATG OF MARY :iTRORFiL", IN TF~E CITY Ok' At3AIiEIht, CUU2JT: rJF ORAtJGF„ S';A'PE OF CAGSE'OR2dIA, AS E'F.R MAP [tECORDED It7 IIOOI: 3, PAGf:S 76 APID ~7, M1SCEf.I.AlIF.OtJS RECORDS OF' LOS AtiGELES COUPJ'TY, c'Ai.IF~6t1It\. 2.353r _~_ P(:?U-7;~ .r;;. WfiEREAS, Lhe CiL-y Planninq (:omm.issicn did hold a publir, haaring a~ Che Civic. Cent-ar in tha CiL•y ot Anaheim on Marc2~ 7.6, 1990 at 1:30 p.m. , n~tice of saia public hear.•iiig }iaving be~n clu]y giv~ri c1S roquirod by law and in accordancc wi.th Y.l~e prov.isions of the Anakieim Munici~al Code, Chapt:or 18.03, to hear and C011S1CZE3C ev.idEance tor and agai.z-st e~~id proposo~i roclassif3cation ~nd to invasl:igate ancl make Eindings ancl r~,~commonda~ions in ccnnecL•ion ~herewiCl~; and P~HEREAS, said Commi.ssioii, after d~i~ ins~ection, investigation and stucly mada by itse~f and in its behali, and af.ter clue cons.~daratiun of al: evidence anil r~parts o[tered at said l~earing, daes fti:d and dotermine the 1~11owing !`acY_s; 1. ThaC tt?e petiL-i~,ner proposF;s reclassi:ication af subject prop~:rty frorn r2ie CG (Ccmmeccial, Genor~l) 'Lone to th~ RM•-1200 (Residen.t.ial, ldu].tiple-Family) or a less iciten,e z~~ne. 2. T11aC the Anat~eim Gener~l I.~lan designates subject pro~erty for ~ueciikm den:,ity land uses. 3. '1'li~t the propose~cl reclassificati~~i of subject property is necess.~ry anc?/or <~HSirt~bl~ Lor thc nrclecly 3I1Cj prop~r dti~velopment of the corrununity. 4. ThaL Ch~ ~r~~osed recl~~ssificatioii o£ subject property does pro;,erly relate to the zones ~ind their. permitted uses locally establishecl in ;:lose proximity Lo subject pronerty and to the zones and ~heir permitted uses qenerally established ChroughouL tne community. 5. Tha~ tlie propose~i recla~sification oL subjec~ prop~rty r~guires tne dc~d.icatioT: of abul.ting st:roets in ~ccordance with the Circulation ~lement cf the Ger.eral Plan, due L•o tha anticipated iucrease in trafEic which wi11 be ~Jeneratecl by the i.n~ensif.ication of land use. 6. Ttiat no o~ie indi~ated ttieir prQSence at said pub:tic l;earing .in opp~s.ition; and that no corresporusence was received in opposition to subject petition. CI~LL~ItCiI.11___._E~IVI_E2QidMENT~.t~_. Qi1ALI1Y___A~T_ FJi~DIT1~: That the Ar,aheim City ~~laiining Cornmission has revieweci ttie proposal ~o reclasszfy subject pruperty from the ~G (Cornmorcial, General) Zone co t}i~ RM~'1200 (Re~idential, ldulitple-Fa:nily~ or a:ess irih.ense r,oc~e ~nd to construrt a 2A-unit, 3-story r3eck-kype housing apartmenC complex w.ith waiver uf reqitirecl elevators on an irregularly--shapecl E,arcQl ot land consi~Cing of approximately 0.6C acre, having appr.oxima~~ frontages ot 70 £eet ~n t:ie east side of Clementina S~reet }nd 125 Leet on the west sicle c~~ Lemon Sr.reet, havinq a maximum ~lepth af approximateiv 330 f.eet, a:ic1 be.ing l.ocated a~,proximate:ly 175 feet south o~ the centc~rline oE E1m St:reet and fu: ther described as 416 S. Clemontine Street; ancl does hereby approve the tlegative Declaration upon iinding that it hns considered the Negative Dtciarakion toyQthc~r with any commer~ts receivr~Q during thr~ public review process anci fucther finding Qn r,ho basis oE the initial study and any cornments receiveci chat ~..tl°CC is n~ suhstanCial evi~encH that tt-e projecr. will have a siyniEicant ~Lf~ct on the envirunmenk. -'l- E~C~4-73 ~.- s-- .:f;^,~ """,`.. NOW, TI~~RLFO~t~, B~ IT RL•'~;OLVFA LhaL tkia Anaheim City Planninq Commission does harepy gronl• 311~J]QC~ Felitiun fur Roclastiification and, by 3~ ~~oing, chat Tirl~ 10-'Loning oC tho Anaheim Municipal Code be am~nded to excluclo thQ ~bove-described pr~~p~rty from the CG f,Commercial, Genexal) Zone and to incorporate sa.id describecl propc~rLy in1:o the RM-12AQ (Residential, Mu1~.i~1Q-Family) Zone upor~ the fol:lowing conditions w2iich are hereby found to Y~~ a nacE,sary prerequisiL-e to the propused use of 5ubject properL-y in oriier to k~reserv~ the sa£~ty anci gene:al welf:are ot the Citizans oE ~ha City of l~naheim; 1. * Tliat a Lot Line Adjustmen~ Ylat to cnmbine Che t;irea (3) existzng lots ;~uch t:nat any new building lies completely w.ithin onQ (1) narcal shall be subrnitt~a Co the Subdivision Section for roview and approval by the City ~n~~ineer an~l sha11 theri record~d in tha OPfico o£• the Orang~ Courit:y Record~.~r, 2. * That the leyal owner of subjeat property shall irrevoc.ably oC1:er to cledi.cate to the City of Anaheim a stri~ oP land thirty (30) faet in width from the centerline of th~ sLreeL• along ClemenL•ine Street for street widening purposes. 3. 'fliat che legal i ropert~ oweier shall prep~r.•e and recorcl an unsubordinated coven~nt limiting occupancy of each apartment unit to no more than two !2) per~ons (othc~r than childr.en uiicler the age of: twq (2) year,) per bedroom. S~tid limitation s2ia11 bE included in each lease/renCul agreemetit. A cupy of t2iQ covenant shall be submitked to and approv~cl t;y the C.ity AtL•orney prior to recordation. A copy of *he recorde~i covenant shall then be furnisht~d to the Zoning Division. 4. 'That ari urisubordinated covenant stia'll be rec~rded agreeing Lo provido the retit~r of each ~iwe~ ling unit ~.~itli writte~i informition obtained fr~m the School Di~CflCt~S~ pertaiiiing Co pussible avercrowcled con~i.tion~ and businq status of the school(s) serving the dwelling unit. A copy o[ the covenant shall be submitted to and approved by Lhe City Attorney prioc to record~~tion. A copy ~P the recorclecl covenanti shall be furnish.ed to the 'Lunir.g Division. ~. That ~:,e owr.er ~~t subject pcoperty sliall sui~mit 1 1QL-ter requasCi.nq terminatiun of Ker.lassificztion tro. 07-88--15 and Variance tlo. 3700 to Che 7.oniag Divi:;ion. G. 'That priur L•o ttie inkroduction uf ari ordinance rozoning subjQCt property, Conditi~~n Nos. 1 through 5, ab~ve-ment•ioned, shall b~ compleL-ed. The provis.ions or riqhl-.; granted by t}aia resolution shall becomo null and voi.d ay act.ion of the Pl.,~tuzinq Commission unless said conditiai::; are co~npl.ied with withir. (1) on~ lear from the date of this r~solutior~, or such fµrCher time as thH Ylanni.ng Commissi.on may grPnt. --3- PC90-7:i ^ ': '? ''~ ~ a;,,~.. 7• * ~'tiat approv~il uF Ch.is ,~pplication consh.itutHS ~r~prova:L of thc~ ro 0 xea«~gC ol~ly to tkie extent that it c~inpa.iQS with tlie Anaheim Munici Zoninc P P 3Rd J Code and any other aAP].icablQ pa]. regul<~tions. Approvll do~s not a.ncl~,~dE~ City. State and F~deraJ. comp).~~~CC or dpProval of thF request rQg~~.~in~lorl or findings ay ~o orclinance, r.eglila~ion or requiremeni:. g 1ny o~h~;r applicak~le asterisk (~) are rrqtlited ,5Y c~stablished laws, tcodes,mrQgilla~jo~s ~nd ac~reom<~nts ~ncl arr~ not subject to negotiation, an BE IT FURTHER R~SpLVI;D tha~ tho l~n~,heim Cit Y ~lanning Commission does hcreby find a:~d cietermine that adoption of t•his Resoiution is predic~tet~ Upp.tl apFlicant's com~li~r~G~ wzt.h each and all oE the cond3tions hareinab~ve set farth, e~PzQSS1X dc'clared 5houlci atiy such coriditions, or any part thc~reof, bg irival.id or t;:z~nParceable }~ comp~tent jurisdiction Y ~he Cinal juagment o.f contained, sPaall b~ deemedtnull a d~voRisalution, and an pp`~ny co h ro~n y a r~valc THE POREGOING RESULUTION ivas adopted at ~he Plannin meet.ing of March 26, 1gg~, . 5 Camm3ssic,n ~ ATTFST: `_'____ f.~+- l~' _.__ ~ . , i~• --~~./i('t-V/ 5~~~~T~RY. ANAHEIM CTTY PLA2INING CQMM.ISSIUN STATE OF CALIFpRNIA ) COIINTY pfi pg~~1G~ ) J J. CTTY OF AtdAHCIM ) x. Edit}i T,. Hxrris, , . Commission, do h~ , Secrc.tary of t~h~ An~,r~,im Cit adopted at a 1ne~tir,~y certify that the foreg~ing r.e.,~~l:~t.ion Was y ~lanning 26. 1990, b 9 of t}~~ ~na}i~im City P1c3nriin ~ag~~'~ and y Che; follo:~ir~g vote ot rtle member, tiiereoFommission held on 24arch ~'YES : CO'n4ySl S5IONL•'RS : NflrS : IIUYUS'L'JPJ, AB: EriT; COMMISSIONL•'I25: 2i0NE COA4rfISSIONERS: FELUHAUS ~OUAS, FlF,I~L~GR, FtERBS'I, t~IC BURNEY, t~fESSE IN WTTN~SS WEliiRCUF, I have hereun~c, set my hand thS:; of _._~n,n _ 1490. ~~-L ~_h._ . ~ .a!'~ ~ny ...~ _ ~ ~', .-. _ ~ ~:,t:.-~~..,..___~._-_-_-.~~«.,..~~ SECf2F,TAF.it, ANAF{EIM Ci•C'i pLANP~IP7Ci COMMISSTUti _ . , . ~ , , . ,~~...~_.~ --~~...; ~ .:-~.. _ ;__ ~`~-~ ~`~ ~~y.•. r ~„~/,I~ / ~ / c:Fr~~rc~}.~atr, Arr~xF~f~t rz~Y Pr,Arirt Nc cot '._. ~IhfISSION 'i j , -4- PC90-73