Resolution-PC 90-76K~~.QGfiTIQ~ NQ.: P~qQ-1~i A kI'5(~I,(JTIUN OF THE AN~iEIM CITY PLANNING COhIIytISSTON THAT PETITION FOR FfiCLASSIFICATION N0. 89-~0-48 Ei~ GR~INTED WHEREAS, L•tiQ Anahaim potit.ian tc~r Reclassif'icati C.iky P1~n-iing C'ommission did reaceive a verif:led oii Anaheim, ~ounty oP Orangc c~f c~rtuiri roa7. praperty StaL•e F situated, in the City ot , o . California, described as follows: PARCGL 2, A.S SflOWN ON A hfAP F7L' ED IN $OOK 84 I~AGES 5 TO fi TNCI.USIVE OF PARCE;1. MAl'S, IN ?~HE OF1'ICE OF TFi~ COUNTY RECURI)ER t;F ORAN'GE L'Oi1NTY, CAT,IFORNIA. WFIER~AS, ttie C:ity Planning l;~rnmiss5.on clicl hold a public hoaring ~t the Civi~ Center in t:he City ot l~naheim on ~farch 26, 199p aC 1:30 p,m., notice oE said public hearing 2taving been diily cfiven a; required by 1aa and in ~iccordance with L•k~e provisions of the Anahe.im Munic:ipal Code, Chapt_er 18, 03, I:o hear f.,nci coiisi~~er evicience for znd against said. pr~posed reclassifi,cltion <<t~~ ta invesrigo-~te ax~d mcike find5.nas ancl re~oirmendatioas in connection Ct1NL'QW.1tI1; and V7FI.F.RF.AS, said Corrunission, a~t~:r due ins~ectiou, investigation and sh.udp made by it;,elf a.nd .in its behzlf, and after dua consideration of all evidence ~znd reports offered at said heariu~;, do~s fi.nd ar.d detQrmine the L•ollow.ing facts: 1. That tlie petitioner proposes reclassiLicaGioi~ oP Subje~t px.dpQrty f.rom th4 FtS-A-43,UOU(SC) (12esidonti~l, Agt•icultura~-Sconic Corridor Overlay) zone to the CT~(SC) (Commec•cia.l, L.im? ted•-S::~tiic Corridor Over..lay) or a less intense zor-e. 2. That the Anaheim Gcacier,-zl P1;3n design~tes subject prop~rty foi• Genexal Commercial Iand iises. 3. That t.he pro1.osed reclassiFication of subject property is necassary and/or des.irable Lor Y.hE; oriler.ly and pr.o}~ar davel~pmenL oF thQ cumrnuni L-y. 4. Thar rhe proposed recll^,s.ificat:ioci ot 5ubject pxoper~y ~oe5 properly relat•e to t•he zc,nes and their pc-rmilted uses locally establishec:l in close proximity to subjc~cL r:oper~y and to ttie zone,, arid their perm.itted uses generally t~,tabl.ished r,hroughout the community. 5. Thal• t.he proposed reclass.it.iccl~ion of sut>~jc~~r proparty requires t:he d~dication and improvement oC abiitting streets .in accordance wiCh the Circulal•ion ~;lemenL• of l:he l'-eneral P'ian, due to thn anticipaked incre~se in traf.fic wtiich will be~ gerierated by t}ie intensifzcation of land u~e. ti. Ttiar one pr.r ,on indiC3ted thoir presei~ce at• saSd public hearing in cpposi~ion; and tt~;jt no correspondc~nc~ was i•eceived in oppos3.t.~on to sub;ject petition. 1356r _~_ PC90--7~i ~A~~QFtNT~___ENVIRQN~iFNT;,L__~U~\LITX~~_'~~.FTNDIN~: '.Chflt~ tha Anahoim CiLy P'lanning Commissiun h~s rr~viow~d tha propr.~sal to raclass:ify subjoct. properY.y fr~m Che RS-A-~13,OC~(SC) (Residential, :agricultuxa].-Sconi.c Corridor OvorlGy) zone ta t.he CL(SC) (CommQrcial, I.imitea-ScRZ~ic Corr..idor Over]a~•) or a loss in~ense z~ne an~9 to ~ermit a 3Q-un.i.t ~ummerr..ial retai'1 center, inr.luding J.4,OOQ st~uar.t °eeL- oE semi-enclos~d fast !:ood rEaCaur~nt.s and 1 treest.andinc~ restaur~mt. with ouL•door seating and on-premise s~lc~ ~nd con:~umption aL alcoiir~lic b~verag4~s anc~ with wHiverS af min.'~mum number ot• par.king spaces, minimum struct:ura]. selback and prohibit~d roof`-mounted ec~uipment on an irrec3u.l.arly-shapod parcel of larid cons.ist3.ng of ap~roximxtely A.4 acres locaL-ed north and west of. Lhe nor.thwest corner o.*: La ?alma Avenue aiid Imper.ial Fiic~hwa;-, having approximaL-e PronL•ages oC 60 feet on the norh.h side oP ~~ FaLn~ Av~~tiuc+ an~ 70ti f~et on the wesY. side of Imporial Highway, ~nd turther describ~ad ~~s 1521 NorLh Imperial Iliyhoray; and does hesreby appro~re the Negative Dec]ar.~aCiun upun tin~~ing t}iat it h=+~ con~idered the Negative Declarat.i~n, togottv~r w.ith any c~irunenLs received during the puk~lir. review process and furth~~r finding an the basis o£• the init.ial study and any r.cmments rer:eived that t:hero is no subst.antial eviclencc~ that the project wi11 havo a significanl efferC oi~ tha environment. NOW, '~HEI2EFORF:, BE IT R~SULVED that tk.e Anaheam CiL•y Planning Commission dues hereby grant subject Pe~ition for Reclassifi.cation and, by so doing, that Title 18-"Loning of the Ana}ici.m MunicipaJ. Code be amPnded to exclude the above-~escribed pr•ope~rLy from tlie RS-A-43,(1Q4(SCj (I2a~i.dential., Agricultural-Sc:Pnic Corridor dverlay) 'Lane ar.u zo iricorporate said clescribed pr.operty intc, rh.c. rr;~g~~ (~,~~nc~rcia]., Limited-Scen.ic C~rridor O~~orlay) ZonE~ upon che ~oll~wing conditions which are hPrAbg (ounci to he a necessary prerequisit.~ to t2ie proposc~d use ot ;,v'oject proparC~ in arcler to pre~erve the safety and general wc~lfare of L-h~ Ci.:i2on, ofE the City of Anahaim: 1. Tha~ the legal owner of subject pi•operty shall irre~ocab2y offer to dedir.at~ to the City of A;~aheim, an additi~nal strip of Iand twelv~r (12) feet in wictth ~long La Pal.m3 Avenue. 2. That pl;~ns shall bF: :;ubmitted ~o thf, Cit:.y Isngine~r .cor review and appro~al for reconstL•ur.tioli ot the rne~ian on La Palma Avenue from Imperial Highway to the drivew~y ot: th~ adjacent prop~r~y to rhe west nf sul-~ject property. Saicl rc~construction shall be completFd priar ta E.inal buildl.ng and zoning inspec~ions. 3. That Lhe legal ow~i~r of subject property sh~11 :-cquir~ n rQCOrded unsuborclinated covenanL- gr~nti.ng an access easement from L:~-e lagal groperty own~r immudiately w~yt oL subject property f~r ir.c7ress and egress purpuses ta sub~E~ct property. Said easemQnt sha11 be desi~~ned in a manner ~atisEsctory r.o '~he CiCy 'CrafEic Etigineer. and said coven~nt ~I.all be i:i a forn~ ~atisfactory to tha City Attorney. A copy af the ~eco~•ied covenanr sh:~~~l be submStted ro the Zoniny Division. 4, lhat the owiier ot subject ~roperty shall submit a letk:er r~qu~stinq termination ot Reclassi£icatior- No. 84-85-4, V.~rianc:R rro. 2974 and Conditional Use I~ern~iL- Na. 'LuQS to the Zoning Div;siori. -%•- PC9Q-?6 ~ ~r . r -~ ~,;vn7 i~ ~• The 1ega1 owner of subjor.~ px~~~r~y sh~ll irrevoc:ably o~fer t,o ded3.cate to thQ City of Anaheim, Lhree hundred (300) Eec~t of land twelve (12) feat in wid~h ~long Imperi,,~l Highway nortti of the drivewa decelerati~n l~ne. Tho deceleration lane shall be subj ct fto the r.eview dnd approval o£• r.tie City Z'raffic ~;nginoer anci ,hall be improv~od prior to final huiJ.dina and 2~n.ing inspe~tions . ~• That: ;^ior to the introduction of an ardinancQ rezonin Condition Nos. 1 thrc~ugh 5, abovQ_mQntioned, shn11 b~su o~~ ~~tea p~rt~, provisions ar right5 r~ranted by this resolu~ion shal;, becamo n~ll anri vohd by action of the Planning Commission unless saic~ condztions a~e complied wi~h within one (~.) p~ar L•rom the date of Eime as the Planninq Commissiom m~ ~his resolution, or sur.h Furtn~r y grar.,t. 7. That appruval of t:his applicA~ion constitutes a request only to ~he extent that it complies witlpPthe~lAnaheim a ~~ 'Loning Code az~:l any ot•lier applicable Ca.ty, State and F~ ~ pO3Bd Municipal Approval does noL- include any acti.on or Findin S a~Y•al regU1~Ciqn~, approval of the requQSL- rogardinq an ~ ~S to complianeQ pr regulation or. requiremen-:. Y°ther aPp~.icabl~ ordinance, BE IT FURTfiL•'R NGSOLVED ~hat the Anahc;im City Plannin hereby find and determinc~ r_tlat 1do tion of ~! Commission does predicated upon ap~licant's cornplianc;e with each landReall ~ition is hereinabove sQt torth. ~XPrQSJ~'y S:~ould any such conclitio:~s, or an or rhE cnnditioiis declarad invulid or uz~pnforCedbl~ b Y part thereof, b~ competent jurisdict.ioii x thQ iinal judgmenL- of containeci ~ then this Resolution, ~n~ anY court of . sh~ll bP dee-r,ed iiu11 3tld v,~zd, any ap~.rovals her.ein 7~HE ~~RBGOING RESOLUTIQN wus adopted at the plannin meeting of March 7,~, 7,9yp. ,;: g Commission , l ., , ' '..11,~f«lc:i~_~~'`°~Iic:Ci~ ~P l~~~V~ ''~t.rh.5f~ _. __._~,4.t,-4-r'-=~~~'s ::~_1---~ CHAIR2~f11N, AIGAHETM ~ITY PLI~jNING COhIIdISSION ATTEST:~7 _ --~---~-M~~!~L'._.___~~~~ -~'~i , SE:CRGTARY. ANAHCIM CITY Pf. r ~__"--- ANN:.NG COMMISSIOid -3- PC90-7G r~ InS9r ~ ,r +~, ' ~/! ~':~I s~A~L or caLiro~rrz~ ~ COUNTY ~F ORA2dGF ) s;; . CITY OF ANAZiFIM ) t. Edith L. Commission, do herRby ce Fiarris, Socra~ary o:E khe Anr~heim Ci.ty P1annlnq rtiFy t}izt "Y ad~pted at 1 meeL-ing of 1990 ie fc,rec~o3.ng reso~.uti.on was }~assed and the Anaheim City Planna~ C i , by th~ fo].lowing vo g omm ssion held on March 26, te of the mcmbe.rs t2iereof: AXES: COMMISSYONER5; NOES: COMMISSIONERS; BOYDSTUN, BOUAS, HBLLYBR, HE1iBST, MC nURNEX, MESSE NONE ABSENT; COMMISSIUNERS: FELUFiAUS IN WITNESS WHEREOI', I rave hereunY.o set my hand t2iis of _!~-~ • ~ . 1990 d ~._ , ~ 7 ay . `` ~~~~~1 ~4 `^ -__G_.= -- r~ a-____. S~i.RE:i'ARY, ANAFiE.IM CITY PF~ANNI2dG COhIM:CSSION -4- PC9U-?6 T . ~~:,y.; . . ., , ~ _ - _ ~1