Resolution-PC 90-78~,~~;,~~~, ~ 1i~9~~Ix~L~?? N~~_~2~~Z~ A RESOLUTI()N OF TFiC ANAHETM CZTY PLANNING COMMJSSION THAT PETITTON i'OR COtdDITIONAI, USL" PERMIT r10. 3?.50 EiE G~tANTED WEiERCAS, thQ Anaheim City P1~ann3ng Commission d.i.d racoivo a veri~ied ~et~r.ion for Cun~3itional Use Perm3.t fnr ~ortain rc~a7. pr.oparLy si-:uated in the City oE Anah~im, CounLy ef Orange, St:aL•e of California, described ~s: THAT PORTION OE TH3 SULISHWEST QUA.Ft'.l'ER Ob' THE SO(1THWEST QLJAI2TER ~JF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP ~ SOUTH, RANCE 1~ WEST, IPt TFiE FANCTiO SA.Pi JUAN CAJON DF S~1NTA AN1, AS SHOWN QN A MAP FECORI)Eb IN AOOK 51, PAGF 10 OF MISCELLAN~UU;~ MAPS, RGCORD5 OL ORANGE COLiN'rY, CALII'QRI3IA, DrSCRIBE~ AS FOLL0~9S: B~GItdNING AT 'PfiE POTNT OF It1TERSECTION OF THE CENTLRLTNE Oi' TH~ STATF HIGTiWAY AS IT E7fiISxED ON OCxOBFR 9, 1926 W:[TH T.HE SOUTcIi;ASTERLY LI2JE OE THE T12ACT OI' LAND FORMERLY owz~r•.n AY ALVA E. FiARGROVE AND ELIZAFiGTH HARG:tGVE, SAID POIN'i BEtNG SOUTEi 45 DEG. WEST 722.10 FEF.T FROM A YOINT 2$f3.3~ I'EET WEST OF THE NORTHEAST COFNER Oc THE SOUTHWEST QUARTF.R UE' THE SOUTE~WEST QUARTER OE SAID SCC'_~ON 23; THENCF NORTHWk:STERLY ALONG SAID CENTGRI.I~JG OF TfiE STATE HIGFiWAY 211 F~ET; T:1F'NCE NORTEI 45 nEG. ~AST 257.75 FE~'~; ~HENCC SOUTH;.ASTERLY 7.11 ~'E~T, D:ORE OR LESS TO A POZNT IN SAIU SOUTFiEASTERL'1 LII3E OF ZHE LAND FORt~IERLY OWNEU BY HARGROVC 273.5 FE~T NOkTH 45 DEG. E:AST OF TTiE P()I'.~T OE' Bl:G7NI~ING; THENCF SOUTH ~15 DEG. WEST 273.5 F~ET ALONG SAIL~ LINE TO THF F'OZNT Fi~:GINiIING . WHGRE~~S, the City Plannir~g Comnission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Cenh~r i.n the ~il~~ Uf anaYi~im ou March 26, 199C ak 1:30 p.m., no'tice of said publ.ic hearinc~ tiaving been clu?.l qiven as roquired by law anci in accordar.ce witYi r,he provisions ot th~ Anaheim Municipal Code, Chupter 18.03, lo hear and consider ovidence Eor an~9 against said proposed conditional use pe~-mit ancl to invostigate arid make finclinc~s and recommendations i.n conneetior- therewith; and WFiEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and i-i it5 LehalE, an.~i ~after due consideration of all evidence an9 report~ offez•ed at said hearing, does f.ind and determine the iollowing tacts: 1. That -tti ~~ner requests approval of. a conditional us~ permit under author i.ty of Cocle Se~'• ~~ 18 .46. ~ 50. (130 tn pormit ar. amusemenr (Go-Kart) facility. 2. That t}~a prer~rud use .i:; h~reby grantec3 for a heriod nf thzee (3) years, to ~xri:~ on March 2b, 1993. 135Hr -1- PC90-76 .7 -••Rfli!:. 3. Tliat ~lle proposed usr~ wi1.l no~ adver.sQly nELdct the acljaining land use~:~ ~~nd the growth and develorment of the area in wh_ch it is proposed to bc locateJ. 4. Th~t t.h~ size and shapa of the site proposod L•or the use is aciequat;e to allow ttie tu11 developmen~ ol: tki9 pro}~os~d use in a mar.ner not detrimental to rhe parti.cular area :ior tc the peacc~, health, safety and general welfare o.f l:he Citizens oL- rhe (;ity o£ Anaheim. 5. 'Ctiat: trie gr~nting o.f t2ie C~nditioiial LTSe Permit under t;ho conditipris imp~sed, i.f any, o~ill not be det.r: menY.al to the peace, health, safa~y and goneral welfare of the Cih.izens of i;ho City of Anaheim. G. That tlie tr~L-£ic generated by l•hE proposed use will noh. imposa an undue bti:rder~ up~n th~ at~r~ets ancl highways designed aiid improved to carry the Craffzc xn the area. 7. That no one indicated l:lleir presenre at said public hearing in opposit:i.on; and thaL• no correspondence vras ra~~cived i» oppositiori to the subject ~etition. C'AGTF RNIA ENVIi20PIMENTAL, .Q_UAi,1TY _ ACT rINDTP7G: That the Anahei:~i City Planning Comma.ssion has reviewed the proposal to est~hlisli an amusemenr (Go-KarC) f~cility an a rectangularly-shaped parcel of laz~d r.onsisL-ing of approximatQly 0.99 ~cre liaving a frontage of approximataly 211 feet on tha northeast side ot Anaheim Boulevard, having a maximum ~~ept.Y~ of approximately 205 fQet and beino located ap~~r.oximately 1220 f.eet north af the canterline of CZ~udina Way and furthpr des.r,ribed as 1700 South AYiaheim Boulevard; and does tiereby approve the Negative Declara~ion upon fi.nding that iL- txas cons3.dered the Negative Doclaration together with any ccmments received during the nub.lic review proc~~ss and furthE~r finding on ~.he basis of the initial s*udy and any comments roceivecl that ~here .is n4 substaziLial evidence that the ~rojecY. wi11 have a signifir.ant ei`fect on L-he envi.ronment. ~ NOW, TH~REFORG, f3E TT R~SOLVED khat the Anaha.im City P'l~nning Commission dn~s hereby gr;~nt subj~~ct PF~it?on for Conditional Use Parmit, up~n the Lullvkiny conditions which are hereby found to be ~ ner.t~ssary prereqaisite tn the prnposed use of the subject pro~,erty in order ~o preserye the saf•ery ar.d general welfare oP the Citizens o.E thQ CiL-y oi' Analioim: 1.* That the legal owner of sui~ject proporty sh,~ll irrevocably offc~r to cicdicatQ to the City ot: Anat~eim a strip of .lanii fifty (50) feet in wicith ; frorn the c;eciterli.ne of the stree~ alang Anaheim Boulevard for streek ' widening purposes. ~, 2. That the pekitioner shall subrnit !'our (4) set~s of plans to the Orange County Hea1t-h Departmer,t; and, a.fter apgroval, sha1.1 suUmiL- ~.hree (3) of Chose iour star.ped "approvecl" s~~s to tlie City of Anah~im Fire Department for xevi~w and apprr~val of the installati~:i of Che undergroiind gas tanY.. 3. Tha~ currentlp servic~d £ire exhinguis}iQrs sha1Y be prov.ided w.i.thin sever.ty t5ve (75) txavel feet of the Lueling area. A.* That pr.ior t~~ issuance of a bui.lding permir, the app:opriate traffic s.ignal as3essment fee sha11 be paid ta th~ C.ity of Anaheim in an amount as established by City Couucil res~lution. -~- PC90-70 :.~,, 5.* That pursuant to Chapter 17.31 "~idaiL-aonal d~ve].opment faes - Anaheim St8Clium '$'txsJ.ne38 Center of the Ar~aheirn Muniaipal Code, a dove:lopment fee for the Anari~im Sl:aclaum Fiusiness Cenr.er sha11 be ~aid ~o the City of Anaheim in an amounti as determi.ned by the City Caunr,il. 6.k That pursuant t:o ChGptex• 17.30 "int~rim dsvelaprnont EQbs - Anahoim 6usinPSS Center" ol`. ~he Anaheirn Muni.cipal Code, a developrriant fe~ for the AnaYieim Stad.ium Business Cenrsr sht~11 be paid to tlie Ciry of Anahoim in an amount as det;Prmined by thQ City Council. 7. That the existing ~nost north~xly driveway on An~heim Aaulevard shall b~s retii~ovecl aiicl replaced with standard curb, gut~er, sidewalk and landscapiny. $,* That plans shall be submitted to ~hQ City Traf£ic Eiigineer for h~s re~~iew and approval ahowing conEormance with Engineering Standard Pl~,n ~ps, 43ti and 6U2 pertaininn to parking standards. Subject property sllall therr-.uZ~on be developed anft maii~tained in conformauce with said 1~'1 an~ . ~ ~ 9. That the dri~•eway on Anaho.im IIoulevard sha11 be cor.structed with iifteen (15) Foat r~dius curb returxis as required by t:he City Sngineer in con.Eormanco wiL•h Engineering Standard No. 137. 10. ~ That trash storag~ areas sha'1J. be provided ancl maintai:ied in a location acceptable to thc Street DSaint•ez:ance and San:itation Division and in accord~nce with approved plans on~ file with sai.d Aivision. 5uch informatinn sl~all be specifically stiuwn :~n ths plans submitted for buildinq permits. 11.. That a fee f.or st;re~t tr~~e pu.rposes shall be p~iifl to rhe City' of Anaheim based on length of streeC fronL-ac~e along Anaheim BoulQVard in an amount as establ.ishecl by City C~~unci]. resolut.ion. 12.* Ttiat prior to issuance ot a buildin.g permiL, the Stadium Ar.ea water E~cilitie~ fee3 and/or. advances shall be pai.l to ttze Piak~r Enqineerang Division in accordance with Fule 15D of the Ware:r Utility' Rakes, Rul.es and Requlations. 13.* '1'hat all air conditioning facilities and otY:ar roof and c~round maunterl ec{uipmQnt shall ~ae ~roper.ly shielded from view. Such informaticzi sha11 specifical7•Y bR sirxrwn on th4 plans submitted for buildinq permiLs. 14. That pr.ior to t:he r_ommencernent ~f 'the activity authori2efl under ~chis rosolution, or pri~r tu L•he time t:hat a building permit is issued, or within a period ot ninet}• (9~) days from the date of this re~o~ut.ion, whichever occurs L•irst, the 'legal owner(s) of subject propertcy shall executo aiiu recorcl ~n unsubordinated coveiiazit in a form apprAVed by the City ~htoz'nc~y's Otfice wherein such owner(s) n~ree not to contost the formation of any asaessment distr.ict(~) which m~y hereattor be formed pursuant to tl~e provisions of Develepment Agroement No. 03-01 betweQx~ ~he City of Anaheim and Anaheim Stadium Associates, which disi:rict(sj ~ould include such legal groperty owner'~ propQrty. -3- PC9U-'!8 ~rti.,~` ~ 15. That the pr~pr~sal srall comply with a7.]. signiug roquiruments of the CH "C~mmercial, Heavy" 7one, unlests a variaYicQ a.Llowi~ng sign wa.ivors is a~aprovecl by the City Council, Planning Commission or Z~ning ~dminist,rator. 16. That ariy freestanding sic~n an suY~joct property shall be a monumenl- type nut exceadinq four (~] ).feet. in hPigh* t~ncl stiall be subjecY. tc the review and upprov~l of the City TrafFic Engineer, nr.ior to issuar.ce, o£ a siqn permii:, to verify adequake 1inQS-of-sie~ht. 17,* That ~he on-site landsr,aping and irrigatiari system shall be refurbished and rr,ainta3.nad ixi compliance with City standards, ].8. That th~ parking arca adjacent to Anaheim Boulevard shal] bo scr.eenod from vie~v by a minzmum 1:ive i 5) f:oot wide f'u'lly landscaped and irrigated ~lanter arQa. Such ir_formakion shall bo speci.fically shown on th.e plans submitted for building pormit.s. 19. That l-.!~is conditional use permit i;: grantc~d far.• a perior~ of (3) years, to expi.ra on March ~6.. 1993. 20. T.hat pr.iar to installation of more than Four (4) arcade devices, an Arcade PermiC shel.l be applied for an3 approved subjQCt to Municipal Code Chapter 4.1~ "Amusemenl Devir.es". 23. T.hat subject pro~erty shall be developed substant.ially in accarcl2n~e with p.lans and speci~ications submitted to the City oL• Anaheim by ~he peta.tioner and which plans are on iile with the Plaiininr~ DeQartiaent markHCi Fxhiba.t rros. 1 throL:gh 3. 22, That prior to commencr.ment of z•esoluti.c,n, or pr.ior. to i~suance periccl of one (1) year from the or,curs first, C.ondit:ion Nus. 1, 2, above-mentioned, nhali be complie6 complete said conditions may be 18.0~.090 oE the Anaheim Municxpal the activity autharized by this of a buildinq permit, or. within a date of th.is resoluL-ion, whi~hevor 4. 5, 6, 0, 10 through 13, and ].8, with. ~}:tensiona for f:urther. ~ime to granted in ac:coriiance wiL•h Section Cade. 23. Tha~ Qriqr ta the cominencement ot the ac~ivity suthorized by this resol;~t;i.on or f.inal building and zon.ing inspecti~ns, whichever occurs Cirst, Conclition DI~s. 3, 7, 9, 17 anci 21, abave-rnentioned, shall be compiied wit~. 24.* That ~pproval ~f this 3pplication c~nstitut:es approval of the px•oposad requesL• only to the extent that it complf es with the Anaheim Municipal. 7oning Code and any other applicable C.ity, State anti Federal regulat?.ons. Appr~val does not include ariy ac~ion or findings as to compliar~.ce ur approval of tha request regarr3ing anx ot.her applicable ordinance, rQgulation ar requirement~ Conditions mar;ced with an asterisk (*) are required hY ~stablished l~ws, codes, regularions and agreement~ and are nat subjecl: to nec~otiatian. -`~- PC90-78 ,_ ,, ~ ,, , ..; ,, . , . ,. .,; :.. ~ . ' . . ~ ~ . . , . , . . . . .. ~ , " . ~ 1 ~ Ir - J'i~ , i ~1~'~, ~'tj.:Y; .: .. _ . ... . . = i ~ .~i t ~ ~ ~ r ~ ,,.• d ~."y i ~~ Ix FUR7.'HT:'R .RESOI'~VEA thaL the Ant~heim City Planning Commiss:icn doas hereby Fzn3 and determine that ~d~ptfon of this Resolution is expressl,y ~ ~redacaL•od upozi applican~'s complipnce wath ea.rh anc~ a1Z QE ~.he conditions ; heroinabove se~~ foxth. 5ho~xld anv such conditions, or an declared iiiv~llid or unenfurceal.,ie b~~ tha final iud ment ofr arlth~~eO~~ bQ campetent jurisdictian, then this R~solut:ion, and gar~ a y ~urt o~ ; containad, sk~~t].1 be deemed null and voicl, y PProvals her.ein TH~ FOR~GOZNG RESOLUTlON was ad~~ ed aL- thQ planning romcnission meeting o.f Mar.ch 26, 1g9U, ~ : i ~ ,r, ~. ~. . _~ " i \~ ~~~ r ----~ =-~,-6-~' ~~ ~ . ~i.~, l, J,~ '.---CI•I;>ZRMAN. ANAHEU. CITY PLANNTNG C- g5I0N ATTEST: ~ ~~~~~ ~ _ - -~ .~_ '~~ SECRRTAF'Y, p,Nl~HgIAq ~zTY ~'LANNTNG COMMISSION STAT~ UF CALIFORNIA ) CQliNTX 0~ 012T~1~tGE ~ Sy. C?1'Y OC ANAI3LIM ) I. Sdith I„ ?.iarris, Secretar Commission, do hereb ~ Y ot the Anahei;n City Planning y erkify tbat the for4going res~l,1tion w~s passed and adopted at a meeting of t:.he Ar. tieim Cit~• Planning Commission held on March 26, 199p, by the following vote oE thQ members thereof: AYr5; t".Ot~MISSIONERS: BOYDSTIJPt, BOUAS, H~RgST, MC gURN~Y, MESSE NGES: COhIIrfTSSTCNERS: fTii;I.~LYCR A~3~~Nr: COr4vfISSI0NE125; T~'FiLDHAUS ~ ZN ~VI:CNESS WHEREOF, 1' havo hereunt:o set my hanc~ this ,.~~k. oC- . 1990. -- ~ day --____ ~~ __ ~~ '.~.~,~ SECRETARY, ANi1H~IM CITy pLA1~~ING CObiMISSION -•5- PC9~-78 ~~