Resolution-PC 90-8d:;'tlEt^ R ~~.~OI,UT T QN,_'JQ1__~'.~~,2: _~ ~3 p''"'jn, A R~SOLUTTON OF `.CHE~ ANAHGI.K CITy PLANNING COhII~lISSIQN '1HAT ~'FTI'.~ION I'OR RECL~ASSII'I(:A:fION 1d0. 6g-9~_3~ gE G1211N:fk;D WHF,REAS, th~ Anztieim Ci.y Plannin verifip;I pe~_;tion for Reclassification for cortain reallproP~r.~.~si~uated~in t:he Cfty of Ana-~eim; County o[ Urange, descri.bed as £c;llows: A rQC~unyulaz•ly shapea pnrcel consistinc~ of aPproximately 2.43 acres, havinq a frantage of 266 feet on the wQSt side of Knott Streot, having a dent:2: of 400 feet• and being lacated 95 feQt norl-h of• .he centerline af Cerritos Avonue. WHERF,AS, tiz~: (;i~~, plannin p at the Civzc Cen~er iii ~t-e Ci~~ q Commission did t.old a ublic hearing riGt:1CQ of s~:-ici public hearing }i1vi.rlg b Qn~ duln J1nuary 3, 7.99p at 1; 30 p.m., accordanca wir.h the pz•ov.isinns o~ L-he Anatiezm tunicipairCodQ~e~h ptRr 1g,~03n t~ hear and considec• ev.idence for and aga.irist said proposed reclassificntion and to .i.nvesti.gatc~ an~? inake findings and recomrnpncla~ior.s in conngction therewith; anti WFiEREA^a, said Commission, atrQx ~iue inspecCzon, investigation and stu6y made by itseli and in its behaaf, and attar due cc:-sideration ~f all evidoiice and rep~rts ofi~red at said haaring, 3oQS fin~ and deta.rmino thQ ~ollowing f•acts; ~• 1'hat lho petS.tioner proposo~ reclassificatian of property trom the RM-1200 (ltesidantial, tdultiple-p~il subject (Residential, Multipie_F~nily) Lone. Y~ "~n~ to the Rh{_2qpp z• 1'}lzt althouqh the Anaheim Geiieral Plan currently desqqnates subject prop~r~y for Mer~ium D~:nsi.L Cummi~sion has r~commendQd to ~• Y Kgsidontzal La~xd Uses, t;he Planning No• 283 to chan ~• 1~Y Council anproval of Geu~ral P1an ArnendmQnf 9 tha land use desiqnation to Low-Medium Densi~y Residential. 3• Phat the prap~sc~~q ~~~1~~;~4ification uf sUbjQ~t property is ~~mmun~ty. `~nd/or dos.irabl~ ~oj• t:h~, o~derly and proper developmQnt of thQ 4• That the pruposE3d recia~siFication of sub;jecC p:oper~~, does prcperly relate t~ *he zones and thc~ir pQrmittod uses locally c~3tablished in c.lose proximity to subjQCt pro~,er•t1 3nd to thr zones anc3 their p~rmittod usQs generally estab]zslied throughout tha cunimunity. b. That no one iudicated their pregence at sa.id public hearing in opposit.iun; and that: no correspondc~nce was received in opposition to subjeci: netitioti. lzzzr -i- PC 90-Oft ~ ~ ~ ~~~,I~'~2NTA F~~1V~RON,j~k~'~ITAL pT~.Jl~L~~Y ACT _ rzNDI~: That tho An~hsim CiYy Planning Commia~ion has re~viewed ~he proposal to reclagsify subject property to tha ~tM-290U (Ro~idantial, Multiple-Family) Zone on a rectangularly shanQd parcel of land consis~ina of approxim~tely 2.~3 acros, ~~avxng a Erontage of appraximately 266 fe~t on tho wost g~dQ oL•.Kuort Street, having a maximum depth of apgroximately 4~10 r.eo~ and being located ap~roximakoly 395 feQt noc th o£ t:-e centorline of C~i•ritc+s A.venuo; ancl does horeby ~pprova tho Negative Declara*.ion tir,on fi.n~li.ng that it has considered tho Negative DQClarat,ion together with an,y comments reccived during the pub].ic revi~w pror.ess and further Pinding on the basis oE the initaal study and any comments receiveci ~hat there is no sub~t~intial ovider.ce Chat 'the project will havo a~igni:icant ~ffoct on the environrnento NOW, THEkEFORE, 23~ IT RE50LVED that tkie Anaheim CiLy Planning Commission dot~s hereb,y grant s~tbjoct Pratition f~r ReclassiEicatian and, by ~u doing•, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Mun.icipal Cado be smended to oxclude the abavQ-descriried property from the RM-1200 (Residen~ial, Multiple Famil,y) 7,onQ and to incorporate saiii described proparty i.nto tY:e RM-2400 (Resi@ential, Multi.ple Family) Zone upon the followar~q conai.tion which is hareby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the pi•oposc~d u~e of subject pr.opez•ty in order to preser~P the satet~~ and gerieral wel£ar~ of the Ci~izens of• th~_~ City of Anaheim: 1. That completion of these reclassi~ieation proceedings .is contingent upon approval af GenQral Plan Amendmerit No. 283 by L•he City Council. F3F 7T FUR1'HER RESOLV~D that thQ Anaheim City Flanning C~mmission does ziereby £iz~d ancl det6rmine tliat adoption o£ this 22QSOlution is 9xpr~ssly prQ@icated uprn applicant's compliance wiL-h eaaki and all ot tYie cnnditions here.inabove sot f.orth. Should any such condit.ions, or any part therenf., be dac.lared invalicl or unenforceable by the final judcJment uE any court of competen~ jLir.isdic.tion, ther_ ~his Reso:lution, and sny approvals ht~rein c.ontained, shal.l ba deemed mzll anra voic°.. THE FnRb~OTNG R~SOLUTION was adopte~ at the Planning C,ommissiori meeti.:~g of 3az~uary 3, 7.99Q. , ~ . ; ~. ~ . , ~ ~ ~~--.._..__ ~ ~ _ _l ~ -,~;:~_._~i:._ ~_ ~ ~~.,.; ~_.,_ ~.: ~. l' ~ ~ i `" C. <7.... .l%{ ti . ~. .. ~ C~lAIR'AOMAN PRO TEM, ANAFi:~YM C~ANNING COMtQISSION ATTEST: -~~.2' ' '~~_L~_.~_ , 7:-_•' __'1'~~;.-.' - ---------• -- t,.:a..-t_ ~ _ _- ACTYNG SECRETARY, Arlfl.HEii•! CTTY PLA:7NING COMhSISSTQ?7 -,,1 '?° PC 90-0$ • y ~. ~ s~ ;; ;; ~ 1, ~ .~ STATE OF CALIFORNiA COUNTY OF' ORANGE ) ;:;s. CITY' OF ANAFiEIM ) I, ,7anet L„ Jensen, Ar.ting Secretary qi the Anahs.im C3.ty P1lnning C~mmission, do h~reby certzfy that the foregoinq reso.l~~tian was passed anr3 ~idopted at a mc~eting oi Che Anaheim City planning Cammis~inn held on January 3, Y990, by the following vote af. the members tl~eroof.: AYES: COh4dT~5I0NERS: BOYDSTUtd, AOUA~, FCLDHAUS, HFGLYEk MC BURN~Y, MESSL: NOES: CO2~h1TSSY0NERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIO.dERS: HERF3ST IN WITNFSS WH~REOF, I have hc:raunto set my han~3 this , _, clay of _ . 199~. , ACTIC~G SECRETARY, ~1NAFiEIM CITY PLANNTtIG COhIhf7SSI0PI -3- PC 90-08 :;;