Resolution-PC 90-84; ~ ~'~ `+~1 K4,~41.~~.4N NSZ~ p~~.~ag4 ~~~~. A RCSOLUTION UF THE: ANAIiEIM CITY' PLANNTNG C,UMMISSION Tf3A2' F'EZZ'.CTUN E'l3R CONDTTIONAL USE PERMIT N~. 3242 BL DEt7IED WFIEREAS, tlio An~he~im City P].anni.ng Commission d:id rucoiv~ ~ varified Potition tur Candit.toiial Usa Yermit L•or cRrtain real proporty situated in Che CiCy of Ana2~aim, County o~' Orange, Statg of California, doscribod ns: TIiE WEST 150. 00 I'k:ET ~ IE; GAST 345. UO FEET OF THE SOU'.CFI 250.00 FEET OF -. SOZJTHEAST QUAR2ER UF 'rEIE SC~UT'HEAST ~IUAKTLII OP' THE 5UIJT1•:WEST ~UARTLR OF SECTION 22, TOWNSHiP 4 SOU'.fFi, RANGE lU WEST, IN THE RANCFTO SAN JUAN CAJON DG SANTA A~IA, AS SHpWN ON A MAP RECOY,DF.G IN ~i00IC 51 PAGE 1(~ OF DTISC~,f..LANEOUS tdAPS, Rr,CORllS OF ORANG6 COUNTY, CALTT'Oltt~'IA. WFIEREAS~ tt~o City Planning Cor~mi5sion did hpld a public hRgring at tha Civic Conter in the City of Anaheim on January 29, 1990 at 1:30 p,m., notice of sazd public hc~ar.ing having beon duly qiven as rer~uired by law and in ar_corclar:ce with Lhe provisi.ons of the Anah~im Municipal Coc1e, Chapter 18.03, to hear an~ consider evidence tor and against said proposed c:onilitional use permit and to invesr_5gata and make f.indings and recommendations in coniiection therewith; and thar said public; heariug was continued to the February 26, March 12 and Aprxl 9, 1990, Planninq Commissic•n moatin~s; ar.d WFiERLAS, said Commissian, atter due inspection, investigat~on and study mado by itself and in its behal~, and afL•er due consideration of ~11 c~videncQ and reports offer~d at said hearing, d~es find and determine the Collowing fac~s: 1. That: t2ie proJ~osed use i.s properly one for which a condi.tional use permit :s authori.zed hy Anaheim Municipal Code Section authority oi Code Sectio~i3 1E.4(3.050.0'TO and 1ti.48.050.142 to per.mit a 6-story, I~0-ro~,n '~all-suite" 'r~ote] wzth waivar of the follow.inq: ~~S~~~N~~...9_4_t44~~.4.~? - Perai?._~'.t:_';S~ _S'~.~r~s35~ -r Qnr_ ~nto ~.~~C.~~.~. Ay~r ,._~$~..'~ ~,~ ~14 2. :'hat the prop~seci u.^,e i s hQreby denied on the basis that the tra.ffic issiies have not beon mitigated, that thore is an inHdequate refuse c~llection and tt,at there ~re no speciaJ. circumstiances appl.icable to tho property such as size, shape, topography, location and surrounding3 which c3o not ap~ly to ~ther identic~liy zoned proporty in thn ~ame viclnity; and that 3trict application oE tlie Zoning ~~de Qoes n~~t deprive the prnperty .~f privi?c~g~s enjoyed by other oropectcie:: .in the idQrjf:ieal zone and clas~.ificatioci in the viciiiiCy. 3. Thz~; Cho propose~ wa~~c,r was delete~ in connection .rith the submi~tal of revised pla~~s. I377 r -1- PC90-84 i ~ . ~ .~L':.y.,` 4. Thah tha proposeii use wi].Y advc~rsely a~EEect tk~e adjoining land uso~ and thQ growt.h and dc~velupm~rit of the aroa in which it is propoyed to l~c: J.ocated. 5. T.hat tha sizo and shape of the siCe proposQd fur. the ixse~ 3s riuL aaaquar.a tn a.llow the fu11 c~evalopm~nt oE ~he proposac~ uso in a manz~er not detramontal ta t.h9 ~articu:lar area nor tn the poace, health, ~:.feL•y and yeneral weltar.e ~f the Ci~izens uf f:~ie CiCy of AnahQim. 6. That Lhe grantir~q oF the Conditional Us~e Permit under tk~e conditions i.mpos~d, 3.f any, wi11 be detrimental L•~ the peaco, health, safe~y ancl general welfare of the Citizens of the Ci~y ~f Anah~im. 7. That th~ traff.ic ~enerated by the prop~sed use will fmpose an undue burden upun the streets ~nd higr.ways designed and fmprovod to carry l-.h~a tra~fic .iri ~he area. 8. That no onu ind.icated i:he~ir presence at said public hearing in apposition; and that: r.o curresporid~nce was ceceivod in oppositi~n to the subjec~ peCi.tion. ° ,~AI,TkQ~2~1IA ~;NVIRON~I~NTA7, ou~-L~'1X,_ACT _,~,FTND~NY: That tha Anahefm City Plannirig C~mmissi~n tias reviewed the prop~sal t~ pqrmi.t a 6-story, 130-•room "all-suite" hotel Kith waiver of p~±rmitteii encroachment into setback area on a r~ctaugularly-stiapod parcel of land consist.ing of approximatc~ly 0.54 acre, having a frontag~ oF: approximately '150 feet on the north side o£ Katoila Avenue, having a maximum depth of approximately 19fl feet, befng located approxitnately 200 foet west of the centorlino af H~rbor Houlevard and fur~;har de~cribed as 615 West K~tella Avenue; ~nd does hereby iieny a mitigatect Neg~tivc Declaration un the baszs rhat tho Planning Commissiou has cc~nsidc:red the pro~osal with tha mitigatQd Neqative neclarutiQn and accompanying Monitoring progratn, togetk~er with an~• commenta rece~ved d;~ring ; the pubJ.ic review process and further fiiiding on thv basis af the Initial Study that there is subsr.an~ial eviden:.~a that th~ pr.oject wi11 have a significant effect on tha environment. NOW, THEREFORE, f3E IT RESOLVED that Lhe Ant-heim ~ity Planninq Cormniss.ion does 1~ereby deny subject Petiti~ii f.or ~oaditio~it~l Use Permit, on the basis of Cho aEorementi,oned fzndings. !'FIE E'OREGOING RE~iOLliTION was adopted at th~ Plan~.~ing Gommission meotir.g of. April g, 1~90. ~~ ~~ • / .._~.~.~.~..!-~_ ' -!~" ~i ~_~ nt~+-~ f:HA~IRMAN, ANAHE M CITY YLANNING COt~fISSION ATTEST: ; -~'/ ~ ,w ~. ~~ i ~ .._.~:L:~:..~~_.:_.'.~__. '~a_...__~...::.._..~..~...:.:y._ SEZRETARY PRO TEMPOR~. -~I~NAHEIM CITX P~,AN2lING CQbt'riT5SI0N ~ -2 - L~C~3Q-84 ~.`, I1I ;:~ •. ,~1x~yd,~,~y~,~ i A y'. STATr OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ARANGF: ) ss. CI'~CX OF ANAHCItd ) I. JanQt L. Jensen, Secr~tary Pro 'rempore o~ ~he A.»aheim City Planning Cummis~ion, do hzreUy carL•i~y tliat ~he forego3ng reaolu~ion waa passod and ~doptod at a moet;iny of the Ana:~eim ~ ity Planning Commigglpx~ hold oxi Apri1 9, 1590, by the Eol2owing vote uf tho memc,9rs thereof: AYES: COMhlTSSICINERS: HOUAS, BOYUSI'UN, FELDHAUS, FIELLYER, HERBS7.', NOBS: COA".MTSSYONERS: 1dONEU~N~Y~ M~$~E A$SEIVT: COh~fISSIONERS: NONE ~___ ,~~ :[N WI7'N~SS WHL•'R~OF', I kiave hereunt~ s~t my hand this ~~1~''` ~.~ da o f-~~;~:_.`. 19 9 0. Y '~; ~ ; , ~;.:- • ,,,; , ~ r ---~ ; ' ~ ~ , .. ~i,..--~--- =-~-:-''-_.~:.---==~~~.~~. ~ -s'~~.. - ! r , .. SECL~ETARY F'Ri1 T~_;M~/PORE ~ AN7WCIM CITY PL,ANNXNG COMA~SISSION I~ -3- PC90-84 ~ :-0 , . ~r ~; . ~