Resolution-PC 90-86I .l.Yl. 3~:~.QU~I:~Y9N Nq~. F429_~~ A RESOT~U1`JON OF' TFIE ANAf'.CIM CITY PLANNING COMMTSSION THAT PE~TTTION CUR VARTANCC N0. ~039 BF GRAIvT~D WEi~REAS, the Anaheim C:ity Planiiing Cornmiesion did receive a veri[i~d Pc~titi.on for. Var,ia-ico ic~r cortain real property situated 3n the Ciry of Anaheim, C~unty of Uranqe, Sta~r~ of Califor.nia dascribt~d as: THAT F'OF2TTON OI' VINF:'iARD LOT "C••1" OF ANAHEIM, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECURDED IN BUQK 4, PA~GS ti29 AND 630 OF UEEDS OF' L~S ANGELk;S COi]NTY, CALTFORivIA, DESCP.TBEA AS FOLLOWS: COMMLNCING l~T A POTNT. IN TEiE NORTHEI2LY GTNE OF SAID LOT, SAIp POItiT HEINL' SOUTEi 74° 29' ~15" WEST 2.5~ FEET F'KUM THE NURi'{iCAST COl2NER Ok' SAIA LOT f TIiFNCE ALONG A LINE PARALLEL W.ITFi ANn UTSTANT WESTERLY ~.50 : L'EGT, AS MEASUR::D l~'C RIGHT ANGLES, FROM THE EASTERLY LIlIL•' Or SAID LOT, SOUTH 15° 27' 18" EAST 36U.00 FEE:T ~ 'TO Tflt 'P[tUE POINT OE' F3EGINNItdG; THENCE AL.UNC A LII3E PAItALLFL WITIi AND DISTI~IT SOtiTHERLY 350 .00 ~EET F. RUM SAID .,.~~~.;'ISEkL't L3P{~ OF Srlll LOT, SUUTH '14° 7.9' 45" Wf:S1 239.91 1•'LET TO THE EA51'ERLY I~INE OF ROSE STREET AS SHG~rN GN rRACT N0. 272"s PE[t MAP REC012DED IN BO~K 84, PAGES 1~3, 2U 11tID 21 OF MIS~F.LLANE4U5 MAPS, RECORDS OP SAID OetANGE CUUPITY; TY.ENCE ALONG SAID EAS:fERLY LINE, NORTH 15° 30' 24" WEST 341. a0 FEET TO THE; FsEGINNItJG UF A TI~NGGNT CURVE, CUNCAVE SOUTH-EASTF.RLX AND Fi1~VING A RADIUS ~F 15.00 FEE:T; T:iENCF. NQI2THERLY AND NORTII-EASTGFLY AI.ONG 5AIll CJRVE THROUGH A CGNTRAL ANGLE 90° OU' 14", AN AEZC LENGTFI OF 23.56 FEE1 TO ZTS TANGEt~CY WI'fH A LINE PARAGL~L WITH AND DISTAN'f SOU2FiERLY 3.50 CE£T AS MF.ASiJRED A~ RICHT ANGGES EROM ;;AiD NOE2T.EiEI2LY L'lNE: OF S11TD LOT; 7.'HENCE NOHTH 15° 30' 15" WEST 3.50 E'L•'CT TO THE NORTHFRLX i.INE OE' S11ID LAT; THENCE NORTFI 74° 29' 45" EA5T 219.74 FEET 11LONG THE 210RTF~ERLY IINC OF SAID LOT, TO A POIlJ'r ON SAID t70RTF1ERLY LTlIE, SA"ID POItiT AF.ING ON A LTNE YARALLEL WITFi AtJD DI5TANT WESTECtI.Y 2.50 FEBr, AS MEASURIsA 1-T RIGHT A.lJGLf;S, FROM THE F,A5TERLX LINE OF SAYU LU'P; T~{E'~CF. SOiITH 15° 27' 18" EAST 3ti0.QG ['EET TO THF TkUE POINT OF I3EGINiJItJG. WFiEREAS, thc City P:i~,nniny Commission did f~41d a public hoaring ar tt~o ~i,vic Center in the City ~~ Anahofm on April 5, 1990, at I:~O p.m., rzotice hE ~aid pub.lic hearing having be!en duly g:vc~n as xequired by law and in accordanco witli Che provi ,ions of the Jlnahe.im Muni.r:ipa~ Code, Chaptor 18.03, to bear and consider ovidencn Eor anct aqainst said propo3ed variance and to investtgate and mak~ findings an(i rer.orn:nen~lations in connaction L•herewith; ind 137t~r -1- PC90-8b :, ~~~.~ ~,~; WFiEREAS, s~id Comrnfs~.i,on, ttfter Aue inspar.tion, investigation and st:u~y mudc~ by itsa.lf. azid in its vehalf, rand aEi;er due c~nyi~lern~ion o~ a11 ~vid~ncca und r~purts offerad ~t satd tiearing, does find t~nd datormine tho f~Iluw.ing facts; 1• Peti~ioner requests waiv~r oF t}iu following to construct a 3,7~U 3q,~~, commercial ratail bu.ild.inq: ki=x_T_~Sl~_..?~4 +Q4~80 . 020 - ~~~.RY~D14nG~.9.~...r ? aht-4.~-w€~y,. s'~_t~_~1~~9~~4s? (Impr~~e~L~?S~~ ~d?.S.1G.5~_.~~~4~~W-s~3t requirec~; ~~51~~~~2l~ °nxv proposed) 2• Tf~?~.: ~he above-mantionecl waiver is hereby grantPd pursuant to Anaheim Municipal Cocir~ Section 18,04.030.080 (b) on tho ba~Is ktiat the cost nF thc~ re,quirecl improvemcnt~ unreasonably er.ceeds the burdRn or impact crpat~d by the devolopmdnt projec~. 3• That Che requested variance will not be materlally detrirnQntal to the publ.ic wel.fara or injurious to CY~e Qrop~r~y ar improvemer.t~ in sttch vir,inir_y ~n~t zone in wnic2i the property is .located. 4• mhat no ana indicated t:hQir presence at sz-id public huarinq ' in opposition; ar.cl that no cox•respondence was received in oppo:iition tu subjecL• p~tition. ~.~~~~.R~A l;ctVlnC?.,'.o"t•~~~~ Q~I-LITY' r--- _ ~..•~~. -------~~ F_IfIDI Pxrector or his authurized representativ~ has cirr~t~;mtne ~ hrt Tthe proposed PrpJ~~t falls with~n the definit;ior. of Cat;egor.ir,al Cxert~ptfuns, CIa~3 3, a~ definec3 in the Stat~ CIR Guidelina:~ and is, thorefore, categoric~lly oxempt L•rom the roquirome:~t to prepare an BSR. NOW, TfiERc.FQRE, Ei~ Ix RESOI.,~;~D t2iat khe Anahoim City Planninq Comrnission 3oes hereby grar~t subjoc~ Petition f~i• Variance, upon the follc.ring condikions wh.ich are t-er~by Pound to ba a necQSSary prerequisf~e to the ~C'OJ)OS~CI use of the subjoct property in ord~r Lo presorv~ the safety and general welf~ro Af Cne C1t12(YYI9 oE Y.t-e City of Analieim: 1• ~ That the logal owr~er of subjecr y-,ropc~rry sh3i1 irravocab.ly pPfer to dedicate to tha City of Ana?~cim a str.ip of lund forty L•iv~- (45) faet fn width from thc~ centerline of thQ sCreQt a.long E~st Street fqr street ~ridoning purposes. 2. * That dama^~QCi and/or hazardous 3idowaiks sl~all be rppalred alonq Rose Stroet a9 required by th~ ~.:iLy Enqineer anii .in accordance with standard plans nn:] spQCifications on Ci7~ ;.n c:he O~fice of kho C_ity F.nq.[neer. 3• * Ttiat the nnw con;;truction authorize~ by this •:eaoluti.on stiall be served by ~ind~ryround utilir..ies. 4. ~ Tl~~t prior to issuar~ce ~L a building permik, the 3Ppropriato trat'fic signal assessment Lee ,^hall bo p~id to tPie City of Anaheim itt an at~ount as establiuheu by City Council resolutl~or-. ~Z ^ ~'C90-86 5. * That plans s2~a11 be sulamil•toQ i:o tlze City Traffic Engixieer for his roview and approval showing canformonce with Enginoering St~nr~ard P1ax~ Nos. 936, P•02 anu 605 pert~in.ing to parking str'sndards. Sub~oct property ~sha11 thor~upon be clnvelo~ed and maintainc~d in conformanco witn said plans. G. That ali driveways :~hall bo r~con.,Lx•uctod to accommodate fifteen (1~) foot raaius curb re~urns .in conEormanr_c~ with Engint~ering Standard No. 137. Exist•ing broken or cracl:od dr.iveways shall be ramoved and replace3 as i•equired by the City Eiigineer. 7. +~ That fire sprinklers shall be ins!:alled a:~ r~quirecl by tha City Eire Departmont. 0. * TLat axisting trash storage areas shall be providgd and maznt~ined in a location acc:spkable to the Stroot Mainterizsncc~ and Nanitation Division and in acc4rdance with approNea plans on fi.le wi~h said lUivision. Such inEormaCion s2ia11 be spccifica:tly shown on the plans submitted foz building per~rsits. 9. * That the trash 3torage az~eas ~hall bQ ro£urbisY,ed to tho satisfaction af tho Street Mair-tenance ai~d Sa.nir_ation Division to comply with approved plans on Ei.le with said Uivision. 10. Tha~ an above-graund fire ~vatsr servico 3ha11 be pr.~~vided with :Eull and effective lan~.scape screening (at time of plantinc~), to the satisfacLf.un oP the Watsr Gnqineering Division. 1=. +~ ~hat tt i.at Lino Adjustment Plat t~ cambii~o the two (2) existing lots shall be submi~~~d to th~: Subdivision Sectiun for review and approval ry the (;ity ~nqir:ec~r. It ~hall thUn ba recorded in the Office oE the Orange [:ounty !<acorder. 12. That in t2ie event a par.c~l mar to si~bdivido s~xbjQCC pr~pert:y ia recordod on subject property, an unsubordinated rec3.pr~c~i access and packing ayreemc~nt in a form ~atisfactory to tlie City Attornoy shail be racorded with the office of tti~- Orange County Recurder. A copy of tha reccrdad a~~reement shall theri be submitCed to the Zoning Uivisi~n. In addition, prc~visions shall be mzde t~ guarantee th~t the entire complex shall ~e manag~cl and maintainad a~ on~ intugral parcol for puxposes of parkinq, circ~xlation, siyn~-ge, land usage and archiCectural control. Sotisfactory pro~f uf said pz•ovis.ions shall be submitted to the Zoni.nq Division. 13. *:fhat a11 air con1itionin.7 fac:i.liLiey and equipmQnt sha11 be ~roperly .hieldeil frorn from adjacent rQSidentiul proporties. specificall~y~ shown on Che plans ~ubmitted -3- other root and ground mdunted view, aud the sound buEferRd Such information 3ha11 be for building pormits. PC90-86 ,^ 1 ~ , ~, ].A. 1'har all plwnbinc~ or ~ther similar pipes an~.~ fixLures l~catecl on the exterior oC the building sha:ll be L•u11y screened by arch.itoctural dovicoe asid/or a~~r~pri.atQ bualding materials; and, further, such information sha12 be sy~ecitically shown on the plans submit~ed f.or buil~iing permits. 15. * That a six (6) faot hiyh masonry bl~ck wall sha11 be maintained a].ong L2ie s~uth ~r.operty line excepcing khP Eront setba~k where tha wa].,1 hoight shall not ixceeci threQ (3) feeC; pcovidecl, howQVOr, that tho City Tral•'fic Enginec~r shall T»ve C2ie aut:hority to raduce the hoic~ht oF said wa"11 L•o nr~Lact v5.su~-1 ].inds-of-sight where pedestrian/vehicular ci~~ulation~ int~r;;eck. Said block wall sha11 be pl~nted and ma3ntained with clingiiig v.ines to eliminate gr~~Li~i opporrunities. 1G. xhat any proposed, parkiz~g area lightinq fixtures udjacent to any residontial pr~perty shall b~ down.-lighLad with a max~mum kieight of twolvc~ (.Z2) feet. ~aid 1.igYiting fir.turos shall be dir.ectad away from adjacent ro~ide:~ti.al pro}~erty lines to protect the residential inl:eqrity o.E thQ ar.ea and shall bo indicateci on tha~ plans submiL-ted for bv.ilding pQrR~ils. 17. 7'hat the proposa.l sl~al]. comply with all signing requir.ementa oP the CL "CommQrcial, Limited" 'lone except as o~hQrwise limited in Cor.di.tion ivo. 18 below, unloss a variance allowing sign waivsrs is approved by Lhp City Cou:~cil, Planning Commission or Zoning i,il~uinlstrator. 18. That any praposerd fre~skanding sign on subject prop~rty shaZl be munumenl-. type not exceedicig four (4) feQt in height and snall bs eubject to the review and a~proval o~ tki~ CiCy Traffic Enqinoer. 19. +~ Ttiat the on-site lt-~~rlsctspir~g nnd irr.igation systera shall bo refurbished and maint~i.ned in complir.nce with City stai~darcis. 20. That subjoct propQr~y shr~ll bo davcslopod substantidlly i~ accordanco wikh plans and specificaCions submitted to the City of AnAheim by tlae petitioner and which plans are c>n file with the Plurin.ir~g Department marked L•'xhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 21. That prior to i;~suance of a buiJ.ding permit or with.in a pex.iod of on~ (1) y~ar from ~he date of this rasolution, whichever occurs first, Conditio,~ Nos. 1, 4, 5, 8, 11, 13, 14 ~nd 16, above-~nentioned, s2za11 be complie~t with. Extensions for Lurther r_imo to complote said conditions may be grante~:~ in accorcianc: with Sectian 18.03.090 of the Anaheim N,unicipal Code. 22. Tliat prior to final buildinq ~nd zuning inspections, Candikion Nos. 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, '10, 15, 19 and 2U, above-mr.isti.otied, sha].1 b~ complied with. 23. * T1iat apprcval ~T this ar~,lic3Cion constitutes approva: of the proposed request ~n].y to the extent. that it complies with r.he Anahoim ldunicipal 'Loning C,ode and any otl~ar applicable City, State and Fe~3era1 rec~ulations. Approval does nat include nny action or Ein3ings as to -4- PC90-86 e ~ .'~ . ~ :~..j':1~_[ ~11 complia,nce or approval ot thQ roques~ regarding an.y other applicable ordin~anca, rc~gulat3on c~r rpq~~ixoment. Coiaditions marke3 with an asterisk (*) are requ~red by establ3.shed laws, cades, r~gulatiuns and agreemants anci are not subject tU nego~,iataon. i~F~ IT T'URTFiER R~SOLCED that tlae Ar~ah~iim City P:lanning Commissi~iz does hereby Eind and c~etc~rmine that adoption oE this Resolution is expre~sly predicat~d upon appllcant's compli~.nce with each and a1J. a~ the eonditions , hereinabove s~t f.orth. Should any such condiri~ns, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenfuxcoable by t;ho final judginent of r~ny court of competent jurisdiction, t.hon khis Resolutidn, and any approvals here.in conta:ined, stiall be de~med nu11 and void. THE FOREGOING FE~O*,UTiON wa~ ado~ted at the P1ax~n3ng Cortunission meoting of April 8, 199U. / ~ , . /~ ~ fls~,~:. = ~:,'~ _ CEIA RMAN ~ , ANAHE~ CITY PLt~NNTNr, (;p~,y~TSSJON ATT~:ST: ~ ` ' p~~-~"~ti(it"``' _--~- SECRE _ARY, At1AFtFTM C:ITY PLANN7~vG COh4,ISSTON STP.TG OF' CAL]'P'OttNIA ) COUNT. Y OI' ORI~NGE ) ~~, CTTY OF ANAFI~IM ) T, Cdith L. Harris, Secretary of tha Anaheim City Flanning Commi~sion, do hereby cerY.ify thaY. the foregoing resoiution was passc~d and adopted at a meQting oF rhe Anaheim City Pl~tining Commis~ion held on Apr.i~ 9, 1990, by the following vote a£ thc~ membors ChEreof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BQ'IDSIUN, BOIIAS, FELDHAUS, HELLYER, H~RSS'P, MC HURN~;Y NOES: C0.'rf'dISSIQNERS: NOPlE TBSE*IT: COMMISSlONERS: MGSSE `~N WIT2JESS WFiEREOF', I havc~ her~unto sK~ my hau3 this /~~ ~> f __.. 19 9 U. ~==• daY ~ f ~l/1i1-.~ . ~ `=-"`-''~-1~ =~ __ SGCi2C1ARX, ANAf;F:IM CITY PL,'~NNING COI~tISSTON 0~ ~ i -5- PC90-86 ~ 1 a