Resolution-PC 90-88~~ ,;~`~~-,~ ~~ot, z~iorr .~Q.L~~~ ~ FFSOLCTTZON OF THE ANAFxGIM CiTY pLANNING CGMM];SSTON THAT FF~'TxIUN FbFt CO~t~TD:CT:fONAI, USE PEI~MIT N0. 3265 BE Gg,AI,iT~D WIiER~A5, the An~h~im Fetitzon for Condi.l;ipnal Use permit fornning Commissipn did rec,~ive a verified City of Anaheim, Ceunt o{ cez•tain r~a1 pr~p~rt .Y Or~arige, 5tate of Califarni,a, descr bad+ d~~tgd in the ~~~ SOU:I'HERLY 135, OQ ~~FUf;AL'YPTtIS ~. r ~'EET OF I~OTS 23 AIJD ?,4 OF ORE,,T 'C12ACT", tN TFI~ CTTY OF 1tN11HEIM, COUNTY OF OR,~-NGF, STATE OI' CAT~ RECORDED TN Bppl~ 5~ p~,~ES r~'~~NTA, AS PEY2 MAP MAPS~ ??1;CURDS 29 ~`yn 30 MTSCEL,LANEOUS ~ C~T~IFORNIA, TOGE1'FIF.R FIITH TF E~ NOi2T.. WES RLY 20 000 ~~ET STREET ADJO:[N'JNG SAlU LOTS ~F ~~k~GE VACATED BX [~ESOLUTIUN OF TT3~ pQ~ItDTO~ '~OUTHEAST. A~ ORIINGE COUNT'.Y~ A CERTIFTED COPX Or STIPER~/ISQRa^ OF J~~~RY z3, 1~4a IN BOOK i~ ~ICH WAS RECOHDED R~CORDS Or SAID ORANG~ C:O~TNTYu1~• PAGS 340. OFI'ICIAL . CALTFOR.NIA. ~%~~~PTING THEg~rROM THAT .PORq~ION D.FSCRIBEA AS p~gCEL 1 IN THE LEED TO K05FR'~ N. JACKSON AND S~P~EM~ER 15, lg7a TN gpqK ^ WTFE, RECORDED OFFICIAL RECt~RDS UF SAIL' ORANGg COUNT~, C'AL.IFOFNIA~ UF F7HERCAg, the Cit the r'ivic CentQr in y Planning Conunis~ion did huld a af said l-he City of Ane~i~oim on April 9, 1.990 Public hearing at public liearing having beerz dul n~ 1:30 accordanc~e wirh the Y given p•m•. notice ~'r~~'j~i~ns of the Anaheim Mun c;iralu~~Qd b,r 1~w and to hear and consider evide:i~y for in permit and to iriv~s~ig~~c arid anci against said P ade, Cnapter 18.03, i~her~wi make iindin s and pCO~°s~d ~oilditional use t~i; arid 9' r~cornmendations in connection WHEREAS, said Commissian stud.Y made by itselP and in its behalfrr diie iiis ectior~ evidc~nr.e p ~ xnvPStigation an,~ and renorts oL•f~red , and aftsr due considpraticn followi.nq fz~ts; ~~ said hearin ~f all 9'• does f9.nd ar,r,l d~terr:izae Mhe 1' Tha~ L-he proi~ased us use pPrmj~ i~ authorizea bw Anakieim permil a chuz•~h with waiver ~E the 18.06,080c S~ECTIQNS 7.8 _Q_Z,Q 02 C _ ~ n~- i 1- 8--`-~ 4~ Q~~~4~4 2• 1'ha~ Lhe propos~cl years, to expire on Apr.i1 noti~;eci public hearir~gs for 138Ir e is properly one for which a conditior.al Municip~l C~~e ~~,c~~on 18.G1.050.514 to .Cullowir.g under authority of Code Seclion Minimum n~inkgr pf ~,~~ y~n~~~~PS • ~2~ required; 81 e;~ist;~nq) use is hexQbY qranted fur a period ot: threQ {3) 9. 1993 unless tame ext•ension~ are granted at add.itic+nal peri~~s of. time not ~o exceed 6 yeaxs. -1- PC90-8B 3. Tt~at the r~questod w~yiv~r i3 her.eby grt~nted on tlse b~-sis that the parking waiver. ~~i.ll not cau~e an S:icreaso in tr~ffic congestion ln the Immod.i~itc~ vicinity nur ndv~rsQly afEdct any r;ijoininq land usos ~nd granting of tho pr~rking wai~~ar under the cc~;~diti.ons impoaed, if any, will noE bo detrfm~nt~~l to Che pQ:~ce, he~alth, saEc~ty and yerc~ral wolf.are of the cttizens oE the ~ity of Anal~o3m. 4. That the ~roposed us~ will nol adv~rs~ly affecC tho adjoinir~q land uses an~ the growCh and devu:lopment oC thr. ~rea in which zt is rzoposed tu bt~ 1or.atecl. 5. Ttiat the sizQ and shape af CJ,a aito proposed for tho use is edequata to salufr the full devalopmer.t of the prppose~d u:ta in a mani~er not detrimenta~ ro z}i~ part.i.~~ular ~~rpa nor ko tho ponce, tle~~lth, safQty and general walfare of thE CiLi2ei~s of the City oC Anah~im. 6. Tha.: the gr~nt~.nq oE tha Condit.ional L1SP. Porm.it unrlPr. the conditions imposed, if any, uill not bc~ dotrimental to the paacc, hRalth, safot.y and ge»errl Welfaro of r.h~ CiCizens of thP City of Anahoim. 7. That the traffic genc;~-~tecl by thQ proposed use wi11 not imposa an u:iduQ Lurclcru upon the streets and i;~.ghways desi~n~d ancl improved to cacry the trafEic in the area. 8. Thac no o~ie indic~L•c~d their presence at sai~] pu~lir hearinq in opposition; ,~nd that no correspondence aas received in opposition to thc~ subject peti~ion. ~~Ui~Q~tt?Il~ EtJViROlItdEl~T11~,~~jJ~LITY _ A4'I'__ : I~~Zti~: That the Anaheim C.iti Planniny Commission has eeviewed the pcaposal to permit a church wi.th waivec• nf. minimum number of parking spaces on a rect~ngularly-shag8d pare9l ot land consisting oE ap~,roximately ;.06 acres hav.inq a frontaqe of approximatoly 155 feet on th~~ cast side oE~ fi~d Gum Street, hHVinq a maximum depth oC approximatc2y 29H feet, Leinq ).ucated ap~roximatisly 5U0 feet south cf the centerlins of Miraloma l~venue ~~nd turth~r described as 1Z5U iT~rtt; Red Gum Str~et; anc] does h~ceby approv~ the Negativa Ueclaration upon finding that it has run~idered thc NcqaCive U~~c~aration toyether with any romrients received dnrin~,~ the public review process anu further finding on the basis ot C}1H in.itaal stu~y and any com~netits receivod that there is no aubs~antial evidence th,it the project Hi1I Ixave a si~nificant eECect on the env.ronment. tiOW, T{i~RE:FORB, BF; IT RESf1LVi:U that thc Anaheim City Planninq Commissxon dons herQb.~ granC subject Petition Eor C~nditional ~~9o Purn:it, upon the fol2oMinq ~ondition~ whicti are }~ereby found to bcs a neceasary prerequisite to r_ha proposed use of. tt;e sut.ject propari.y ir, order to preserve the saf.~Y,y and qei.oral w~tE.~re of tTit~ Citizens of the Ciky of Anaheim: 1. * That c~rf;~ewayc. ~=h~,i1 've re}~airt,d a)onq ped •,n 5treeL as rc!g:~iro~ by thr City ~'ngincrer an~t in acc,ord~+ncc w.tti~ stand.~r : pia»s and spRCiEic:atf~ng on f:i1r in the dffir_e o€ Lt,e Cit:y Bnqinee~. ~Z' PCAO-88 ,~ 2• *'Phut ci trat'fic ~ignal assc~ssmc~nt foe eqiia].inq h.h.;, diEf~ronce hotween the induaCric-1 and comme •cial nssessm~nt fdo~a Shal] be paict ko tho Cft;y of An~haim in Tn amouz~t• ns ostablist~ed ~y Clty Council resolution, 3• f' ~'h~t p.lan~ shnll be Q•.~bmitted tn the City T'raff3.c Enc~inoer f~r his rov3~w an~ approval ~lipwillcj r.ontormF,nce with Fng3noQriny Stanclard I'lan Nos. ~3G a:ti~i 602 part~ininc~ Co parking 3taricl~rcis. &ubject properL•y ~ha11 thoreupoii bE~ dc~v~lopecl ar.+ mli.nt~inc~a in con£ormancc~ with said plans. 4. Th~t the d:iveway on [led Gum Strect s}ia11 b~ reconstructod ~o accornmadatR tQn (10) foot: radiu~ curb rE-turas in conforn~an~e wihh Enaine~ring Stt~ndard !l.>. 1~7. 5• ThaL tho ~ight cilstanc~ at thF corner uf the drivoway at Red Gum Stre~t s1ia11 conF, rm to E~igineerfng `.;tandarc~ No. 1J7. G. T~hat tho building shall oc~ upgradod to a TypQ IiI one (1) hour construcliun and a fire alarm system sha11 bo iust;~.11Qt1, a3 r~quired by the City Fir.e ;~epart;menC. 1. *:hflt trash stor.sqQ areas sha? ~ be prr,vx2tr3 and m~{nCainQd in a?ocr~kion accepr_~b1N to thQ Shrc•eL M.~,i~itonance and Sanitation Division and in accordance „rith ap~~r~vud plans on Ci1~ wirh said A.ivision. Such infor;nakion shall be sp~cif.ically sha~an oa thc~ p.lans aubmftted for building permits. 8. * Tiial e:l air ;.oi~ditioninq Cac.t:.itios an~ ot•her root' and qround mounLed cYuipment sha21 be properly ,hielded fi•om vtow. Such information sha11 be sp~cifically 3hown on tho ~i?.311a^ submitted for ~uil~ing pormfts. 9. * Tt~at due to thQ chanys in use and/or occupancy rf. the huildiny, plans :,hal1 bo submi!:ted r.o the I3u~lding ~ivision showing compliance with L•he mxnimum skandards uf thQ ~ity o: Anahoim, including the Uniform Suildinq, Plumbin~, Eloctrical, Mechanical and Fire CodQS a~ ad~ptgd by the City ot An1l~eim. The ~ppropriate permit~ shall bp obl•ained fo, an~ nacessar~~ work. l0. ThaC subjeck church Eacility shal: be limitc,ci t~~ th.ee (3) yoar's durat•fon; a:ul, furtl~er, that ;uch church us~! (uth.;,c than church oEfiCe staff uso) :~hal2 nor. ~F, E~e:mi:tc:d u~i :~on~~,y t2~rough ~riday prior Co 6sQ0 p.m., as speciPied hy Se~~rion ib.u1.05(~.G14 (ct-i~rchos in t_he A»aheim Canyon lndiistrial Area) „c the Anahefm Munir_ipal Codct. Tw~ (2) timo exCensions (up to th~•cv (3j yoar~ each) may be ~ermitte8 subjact to the approval of thc ~larinfng Cortunis3ior, or ~iky ~ouncil a*_ a noticeQ public hearin~;. 12. Th.:~r. tho pr~p~sal ~hail comply xith all ~Cqninq r~qufre:,~euts of tho MI, "'lndur~r.z ial, Limitcd" 7.one, unle~s a vaci.anr.e n.tloainq siqn Waivers is .~pprove8 by thrr City Council, ~lanntn~ Commissf~n a^ Zontng J+dministraCo:. 'i y~~" PC90-88 ± i,~~e ., .. . ~ .. . ,'~,~fyA. 12. ~ That thQ on•-sito lan~ascap.iny and irrlgation syntem sh~ll bc~ refurbished ~nd mai»ta.incc] S.ri co;npliuncN wi tti Ci~y shandard~. 13. That thc~ purking .;rea ac3;jacont to Red Gum Street sha11 be screaned from view iri conform:.,nca witli Code S~ction 18.61.OGG.03b "Requirec9 Improvemei-t of Pai•king Are1s". 1~1. That ~ubjec~ pr~pPrty s}~a17. be dQVeJ.oZ,ecl suhstantially in t~ccordance w.ith plan~ ~nQ spacSfications submit;h.ed to tha C;.ty oE Atiahoirn by the pe~iti.oner anc~ whir,li plans are ~ tile witl: the Planning markod F.ahibi t Nos. 1 L•hrough 4. . i5. 'Thar p~•ior to c~mmonr.Qment of Che ac~ivity auL•h~rized Uy this rosolutiun, or priox to issuanca of a building permit, or within a pcrioci ot one ;1) yeac• from ttie dai-e of. this rasolution, crhlchever occurs fir.~t, Conc]ir.ion pt~s. 2, 3, 7, 8 ar-d 9, above-mentionad, shnll be complied with. L•'xten~~.ons for f.uri:hQr time to complete said co..3itions may b~ grantod in accordance witti Sc~cCion 18.03.090 of the An~heim Murizc.ipal Code. 1(i, Th~+t pr~or r.~ tho commo~icomc~nt of the activ~ty authorized by this resol+~tiun, or Lir~al bui:~dinq ai~d zoning inspections wh:tchever occurs Lirst, Co.:dit.~on No;,. 1, 4, 5, E, 12, 1~ 1nd lA, above-mantioned, shall bP cornplied with. 1~. * Tll~r. ap~roval of this applica~ion constitutes approval of the pr~~posed roquest only to t.h~ exr.ent t.hat it complies wi.th the Anaheim Munici~al 'I.cning C~de and any other ;,Nk~licablQ City, State and Fec!,eral rogulat.ions. Approval does not includQ an}- actio» or ffndinqs as tp comp:~iance or approval ot~ nc~ requost rec;arding any other applicable ordinance, regulation or re~uirement. C~ndition3 marked r+ith an astQrisk (*) are r~quirc~d by esl•ablished laws, codes, requlations and agreerr.ent3 aiid ara not subjr~ct to n~r,otiation. ~E IT FURTHtiR kESOLVEi~ t1-at Che Anaheim City Plann.ing Commi~sipn does h~reby fincl and cler~rcnine thut ado~t=on of thir, Reaol~ition is expr.gssly prodfcated upon applinant's cornpliar.ce with ~ach and :~11 of the conditi,ona h~arpinabovo set forth. Should any such ~r~nditi.cna, or any part thereof, b~ docl2red invalfA or unonforceable by tho f:.nal .judqmeiit of any court of comp4tent jurisr~xcti~~t~, tl~crn this RQ301~,It,lU:i~ and any 9pp~~vals herein c:ontalned, sha11 be de~med nu.l~l ar.d void. 7'HE FOFtEG0Ir1C BES~LUTIGN wa;, aclvpt2cl aL• the Planning Co:nmission mQCz.ing oE April y, 1y90. i ~'•~ '~ , j~t? 1'~~~ ~~ ~~, / ~ -__ ~.LL.___--:.~ e--- ;~'..c_.~- ~•-- --- ---•--- --- - CHAIRMAtJ, 1!NAfiFY~ CITY NL1.:~t~ING C4MMISSI(IN 1-TTL:ST : ~ _ ~~,(f !! , • , ~~ .!A . __!~i.~ _----f-:~_M""'--.._.__. SF.CRETA[tY, ANAftEIM CITY FL;NlJ~HG C:`M~::5S~OK -`~- E'C.90-D8 . . . , . ' .. . -r1~D!I'.hn~.~[7 ~ !"~'~ '\ .. . , _ . ;I^.` ( ,~ . ..,. .~~ S'1'ATE OL' CAL~T.k'ORN7A ) COCJNIY OF OitANGF ) ss ~ CITY QT' ANAHEIM ) T, Edith L, li~rr,te, Sacretary aE ttie Anahoim Cit~y Planning Commission, do hereby r.ert3[y L•hat tho Eorac~o;ny resoluti~~n was passed and adagted at t~ m;,et:ix~g of tho An;,hei.m Cily Planning Commirssio~ ha)i~ on April 9, 1990, by the following vota of tho mombors therooE: AYES : (:OMMI~S10:1FRS s f~OYDSTUN, ~OLiAS, FELDHAUS, HELL.YER, HERBST, MC BURNEY NOES: CONLtitISSIONERSt NONE A23SENT: COMMISSTONERS: MESSE IN S~I~NESS W~iE o.f _~ _, 1990. ~~ REOF, I have horeu~i to set my hand thia ~„~._ day ~ ~ r/~/ ~ (4~J ~~ ~ /// _._.~_~.__~~ .__J~_~_ ~ ~ ~ .L{,/ V l~•~! -~ ~ ^ SBCRETARY, ANAHEYDt CzTY P[ ~TINItdG COTM4ISSIQN _,_ ",19 ;.•~...~ PC90-88 ~