Resolution-PC 90-96'~~ x~~pLUTIQN N~~.~_~4=.~~ r'~~~e i A RESOLUT.l'ON 0~ '.CHE AN1~:IEIM CITX YLl~NNING COMMISSION :~FIAT. PETTTIOPI FOR COIZDT l'IUNAL US~ PEFMI7.' N0. 3257 8~ GRANTED WHERF.AS, thQ AnatiQim Citiy P:i~nning Commission did receiva a varifiod Peti~~.on fur Ccnditional Use ~errnit for ~~rtain real propertl~ si.tuatc~d in the City oF Anaheim, County of Orange, State 4f C~lifornia, descrfbecl ~s: I~ARCEL 1: LOT 32 OF TRACT N~. 2537, IN TF31. CTTY OF ANAHEIM, COLINTX OE' OKANGE, STATF AF' CALTFURNIA, AS PER MI~P R~CpRDED IN DOOK 7y PAGES 3a ANU 39 OF MISCELLAN~UUS MAPS, REGORD5 OI' ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. PARCEL 2: LOT 33, OF TRACT N0. 'L537, IN THE CITY OF ANAFIEIM, COli2rTY OF ORJ4NGG~ S~.'ATE OT' CALIFORtdIA.. AS SHCWN ON A DtAP RE~ORDED IPT DOOK 75 PAGLS 38 AND 39 0~' M:CSC~LLANEOUS 2dAI~S, RECORAS UI' QRANGE COUNTY, (;ALIFORNIA. PARCLL 3: TT•IAT PORTION OF THG NORTHWEST QJART.ER OF THE 50UTHWES'1` QiJ1+.RT~k OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, ftANvE 10 WFST, IN THE FtANCHO LOS C~XOTES, TN THE CI~Y OF ANAEIEIM, COUNiY OF ORANGE, STATE OL' CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP kECOttDED I:T E~qOK 51, PA.r,E 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, TN THE OFFICr UE' THE COUNTX' RECORUEk OF SATD C~Ut7TY AND D~:5CRIBED l,5 FOLI.OWS: BFGJPiNZNG AT A POINT TN THF: C~NTEf2 LINE OF BROOKHURST "R1;GT, SAID POINT BEING NORTH Q° 40' S0" EAST ~.7.4.31 F~;F.T FROM THE SOUTI{4V~ST CORNER OL' SAI!J NORTHwIEST. QUARTER O.F THE SOUTHWEST. Q'IAkTRR; TEiENCE NORTH f39° 58' 11" EAST ALONG w LIiJE F'ARALLEI. WITH TF?E SOUTB L'!!IE OF SAI~1 D10KTEIWEST QUARTER OF THC SUUTHW~:~T QUARTER 300 F.GET; TFiENCG NORTH 0° 40' UF" ET,ST PARALLEL WITIi SAID CE*ITER LIN~ OF BI200KHURSx ~7.'Y.EET 20U FE81'; T~iFNCE SOUTFi (i9° 5A' 1:L" WES1 PARALLLL TO SAID SOUTH LINE 300 FEET TO A POINT IN SAID ~EN1F~ LINE OF F3ROOKHURST STREET; TFiENCE SOUTH 0° 40' Qa" WE:~T ALONG 5AID CENTL•'R LItJE 20C FEET TO THE POINT OF 9~GIfINING . WHFREAS, ~he. City Planning Coinmis:sion r:lid bold a publir, hearinq t~t the Civic Centor in the City ot Anaheim on April 23, 1990 aL 1:3J p.m., notice of said public heari.ng having beon duly given as requirc~ci by law and in accnrdanc~ with the r.rovisi~ns of ~h~ Anaheim tdunic.ipal Coc9o, (:haptor 18.03, 1394r _Z_ PC90-96 r , ,,.~,. i ~ oe ,~i S~ t ~ ~,t' ~,`G: . , . ' . . _ . . n , ,. , . .. ;,~ a. ;, t ~ . `~~:\~~I;ry ~ ~,~<~...i tc hoar ~zid CGY1Sid ;• .dei~.eo '~or and ac~~inst sa:d proposecl c~nditi~nal use perrnit and L•o lnve: .e ar.d make findinqs and recommendations in connt~ction t;h~.rewith; ~~nd ~ WHERL~~~, ~i~ Cammission, after due inspection, investi~at3ozi and ; u~u~y ma~~ uy ~.•, f~n~S in its behalf., arzd aftar ~lue considaration of: al.l evidence a:~d rep ~:L•s of~c~red at said hQaring, does ~i:~d ~,nc~ detarm~.no tho f:ollowing facLs: 1, Tt~at ttie proposed use is prc~per.ly ana for whS.ch a conditional , tt~e permzL- i.s authorized b,y An.ahF.im Municipal Cac~a Section lb.?3.03~.01.0 to ~4 permit a temporary m~dica]. ofEice Grai].er at an exisCing medic.a:t comp]ex v~ith ~ waiver af ~he following under authority of Code Sectipn 18.Ofi.080: 5~,~1_~ N, 1 6Y050LQ~.1_ - Mininium_i~m~.ei_,~G 1?arkin __~s c se ,~ ~ ~. ~.,~ ~ e_ r~n~_7. .~4. 6i..450 (12?. requirod; ~..1 Propcsed) " 2, That tYie requested waiver is horoby y11nrod ~n the bauis that the parking waivar will nc~t cause an i:icrease in tratfic congestion in thQ immediate vicinity nor adversely affect any adjoining land ix;ies and granting of the parking waiver undor t,he conditious imposaa, if asll, will not bQ detrimental to the peace, Yzoait.Y~, safety and ger~eral welf.ar~ oL r.he citizens ot Lhn Ci.ty of Anaheim. 3, That the propusal is ~or the continuation ef a traile,: which was previously ap}~roverl in cunnc~cti.an with Conditiona~ Use Permit No. 3159 for a temporary }~o~ciod of E months ending an January 25, 1990; and that during t.ie period S1T1Ck? said u~e pe~rmit was approved; thare were no documented viol~:l:ions regarding the "mobil~ diagnostic imagin,q equipmen:" locat;Qd inside the trailer rior Yias the u~e bc3en found to have a cletrimental effeet on th~ surr~anding area. q, That the proposed use will uot adversely sEfec~ the adjoining la~id :lses ~nd the growtih ar~d clevelopment of ~he are~ in whi.ch it is propose3 co be locfltQd. 5, That tkie siLe and shape of tho ,ite proposod for t~Ze use is adoquate t4 allow thc~ full devQlopment o£ rho proposod usc~ in a manner not dotrimental to the parl:icular area n~r to the p~ace, lieaJrh, satety and general welfare ~t the ~itizens of the City of Anaheim. (, That the qranting of the Conditional Use kermi.t under the conditian~ imposed, if any, will nct be detrimental to thp peace, heal~h, safety and gen~ral welfare of thc Citizens ~E L-he City of 1~nahein~. ~, That the traL• f ic geriera~ecl by C'tie prcposed use will not imposo ~an un3ur butden upon the 3hreets and 'niqhways dQSign~d and improved r_o carry the traLL-ic in the ar~a. _L_ rC90-96 ; 1' 3 l~ ~ - _ _ - _ -_ - ' `u . '+ r,^`~"' ,~~ , '. :1 /N~•~~ A. That r~o ~~Q indicaLed the:ir presonce at said publ.ic h,sarxng izi uppasition; and that nu c~rraspondence Was seceived in Oj~~iOSl~]IOI.I t~ ~he subj~ct petition. Dirc~ctor ~AT,ZFORNIA ENV'I~,NMENrAL, _QU~.ITY A~,,T ~I,~AIr~; Tho Planni ~ or hi project . s au~horized representak.ive has deC~xmined th~t t:he pr.~pased falls within the defi niCi f da£in~sd . on o Categoric.a.l Exomptions, C1z$~ q, nS in th3 State EIH Guic3elines and i :from the ~: s, thorefore, catoc~nrically exempt reqixiremenr ho prepare an FIR. Commxcsio NOF1, THER~FORE, F~E IT R~SOLVED that the Anaheim City p~~~~~.nq n c7oes hereb ant upori tho y gr subjecti Peti~ion for Co:~dita.onal U;ze Permit, foliowizig conditions which ar e hareby found ~o ~e ~ n~cessa=y prerequiyite to t:~e proposed use ot r.t~a subject ra ert i p p y n arcier to preserve the saE~ty and gQneral welfare of the Citi~~~ s of the Cit , y o~ Anaheim: 1• Zhak t:he trailer sYiall be locah.ed na clos~r than twenky (~p) ~e~~ to the existing medical f i u f ce build.:ng; th~t on~.Y oxi~ (~,) ~,rai;ler sha11 }~e ~ermitted an~ ,it shall be located i n t;~e innor courtyard area; and that a perman~nt power sourco sha11 bQ supplied with n . , o gasoline or• diesel gener~tors beinr~ permitted. ~~ 2• T.hat any utilitxes nc~cessary L•o ~ erato sub'~r_ located underground. ~ 7 t trazler sh~ll te 3• That the sound from ~11 m~chanical equipment conneatod to tlie tempos•ary trailer su h ~ c as air condit:ioners, slzall be buf~:ered from nearby :eszdeziti r l a p cp~ri:ie;;, ~• Tha'. tha pxopo~al _.hall c~cn~l~ with all signing rc~quir~mc~r~ts of the CL "Commercial Limit ~~ , e~ ~one, un1M~5 a variance allowing sign waivars is ap~,roved by the City Cour~cil, Plannin C i .g omm ssa.on or Zoning Admini,trator. 5• !'iiaL• the hcurs af operation shall ba re,^,tri.cted to: 7 u.m. to 9:30 p.m, - Sat.urday;; anc' Sunclays and 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m, - Wer~kd~y avenings; and, further, thaL• trucks de1i~•~rzllg equipment ~ha11 nat arrive before 7 a.m, or a~ter ~;30 p.m, ur; any day. G• * That tra.^,Yl storag~ ar~as shall bo provided and mair.Lained :.n a location acceptable t.o the Street MaintenaneQ and Sanita~ion Divisiu~ ~an3 in accoraance with approv~,d plans on file with said Division. ~• * Th~t darnay~.~l anc3/vr r.az~~aous sidawalks shal'1 be repaired along Niobe Aven~.e as roquirQd by ~he City Engineer and in accordance with sL•andard plans and specificaticns or filc~ ir~ the Office of th~ City Engineer. r3 Pr_y0-~H ;,i~ ''~ . .. +~ ~; ~k + ~ ~i'~4 '..~ . ; ~w.~ . . ~~~-'~r r 'i ~ a• That subjc~at property sha17. no de~oloped suk~stantially 3n accordanca with plans and specifications submitteu t~ the City of Anaiioim by the peCitioner and which plans are on £ile wz~h rhe Plt~r.ning Department marked Er.hibit Nos. 1 through 3. 9• * That appro~~aZ of thzs ~pplic~tion ccnstiLute~ appruva7. of the proposed request only ta tha extent ~hat it c~mplies wi~th the Anah~im Municipal zoni»g Code and a.ny other applicable City~ SNats and Foderal regu].ations. Approval does nat include ariy action or t3lidings ~~ ta r.ompliance or appr.rval of the request rogardinq any ether ap,pliaaUle ordinancc, regulntion or requirement, Condita.ons marked with an aster.isk (+~) are rPquired by est.ablishad laws, codas, rec~ulatzons and aqreements and ara not subjecti to n~gotiation. B~ IT FURTHE~ R~SOL~+GD tkiat tiie i~nahe5.m City planni.nq Commis$3on does hereby find and ciel;ermine that adoptior~ of this Resol.ution is expressly predicaf:ed up~n applicant's compliance with eac2i and all of the conditions here:inabove set ForY.h. Should any ~uch conditions, or any ~art th~xeof, be declared invalid or unenfarceable k,y ~he final judgrnent of any r•~urt of competent ~urisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein ,' contained, sr,all be deerned nu11 tand void, THE FOP.EGO~NG RESOLTJTION was, adopter~ at ~he Planninc,~ Ccmmissiox~ mectinq of Apri1 23, 1990. ! /% - ,~, ,/~...~ i/ ~~ ~ '--', ~-~- ~:~" '~~__ CIiA:YRMAN, ANAH~I CITY PLANNING COMMISSTOtt ATT~ST: - - -~-ril . _ ,__ ''~ SECRETA:2 , e~NAHEZM CTTY FL~INING COMM:- L p :i -4- PC.'90~96 ;~ ; ' ; ~ `. ~~.~..,`,<_ . • ., ,, ,} ~i1i:;c, r.~a p: , i~ i..y: , . .. ;t v~ , ~ r , _ r~- , . , . ,. . .. ,. . . .. . . .. . . _ ,. . . . . . .,. ~.. .i: . ~ . ~. , c.. ~ r,~~ .~i'4r~~d~~(~jrC'i~ ~ ~~y~ ~ t ~~ r~'t~~ t j f { -0 Y STA.TE OF CALTFOFNTA ) ~ COUNTX OE' pRA.NGE ) ss. ~ CTTI' OF ANl;FtEIM ) f 1, I, Edith L. Harris, SecreL•ary ai the An~h~im C;i~y P1.anning ` Comm.zssior., do hereby certiEy that thQ foregoi.ng resolution was passed Rnd adop~ed at a meotiz~g oi thn Anaheim Ci~y Planning Canunission held on April 23, 1990, by the followina vo~e of the member, tiereof: ~; ~'~ AXGS; COMMISSTONERS: BOXDSTUN, BOUAS; FELDHAUS, i3F'.,RLiST, j~ MC BURNEY, MESSE ii rTOES : ~' COMMISSTONERS: N~NE !: AHSENT: COMtQISSI0NER5: H~LLYER t;; ~,. ~~: IN WI~NESS WHEREpF, I havQ horeunto set my hand this _ _ dax ~' o ~ _._..___`~. . 19 9 0 . '~'~. ~ i' , ~ • ~ ,~ , r _ t'~i SECR~TARY', ANAHEIM CITY 1?LANNI27G COt~ftSSION -rJr ;~ ~~~ 1ak ~ 4 '' ~ '~ '~ -5- PC90-96