Resolution-PC 91-115~~ RrSOI~U7.'ION VO. PC9~ _115 ~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF' THE RNAHP:IM CITY P~.HNi~ING CCM'dTSSTON ~ TriAT PETT'r]:ON I`JR RECLASST.FTCA'PTON NC. ~11-92• 02 BE GRF1N'PEI7, UNCONDITTONALLX ~~HEREAS, ttie Anat~aim City Planning Cc~mmiaeion did receive a veri.fi~d petition for Reclaa~.ific:ati.on far Xea1 property 4ituated in t.he City of Anahei~r~, Caunty of O.range, State of California, aeycribed ac~ followr~ z LOTS 1:L i~,ND 12 OI' TRAC't NO. 3313, AS SEiOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN Ei00K 1U7, PAt;ES 3~ fi0 37 INCLUSIVE, MISC~LLANEC~US MAPS, RGCORllS QN OR.ANG~ CGUNT'l, ~ CALIFORN:LA. WH~REAS, the Cit_~ Planni.ng Commir~si~n did hold a public hearin~ at the Civic Center in the c;i.ty of Anaheim on ~uly 29, 1991 at 1.:30 p.m., .~otLce of said pub].ic hEaring having been cluly given as required by law and i.n accordance with the provi.sion~ o= t:he Anahe:im M~inicipal Cor1e, Chapter 1A.03, i:o t~ear and consider evidenr.e for and agair~st said pr.oposed reclaseification and to inveatigate and ma;ce fi.ndi.rigs and recommericlations in c~nnection tilerewitYi; and WHEI2EA5, said Commissian, a£t~r duc inspection, inve3tig~tian anct study made by itself and i:i it~ behalf, and after due consideratinn of al]. evidencE and ::~por~s offered at said hearing, doPS find ar.d deterniine ~hQ follow.ing far_tr: 1. That ttxe petii:ioner praposes recla~sifLCation of subjeci: property from thE ML' (In~]ustrial, Limi.tedj Zone to thE~ CI, (Commercial, Limited) Zone. 2. That the Aiiaheim Gener~31 P~.ar~ de~ignat.es t.he front 1GQ fee~ (a~~~LOximately 33'b) of eubject prapE~rty for General Commerui.a]. land uses ar.d th~ balance i3 de~ignatc~d foz General Indu9trial land uses. 3. Trar thc~ prvposed reclassiiic~~i.an of aubjact proper.ty is nec~ssary anc9/or desirable for the orderl.y and ~~roper development of the cornmunity. ~~. That the proposed reclas~if~cation of subj~:ct property doeR properly relatE t~ the zone~ ~nd their permi.ttPd usea locally established in cl.ose proxir~it.y to ,ub ject propei-ty an~9 to the zones and th~ir per.mitted uses gEnerally establ~shed throughout the community. 5. That five (5) people indicated thair. pr.eyence at said public 1i~aring in oF~positian; and that no corrFS~o~~dei,ce was received i.n oppooition to subj~ct ~etilion. CALIF~RNIA ~I1VII20NMF.NTAL UQ 1~LITY ACT FINDING: '.T~hat the Anaheim City Planning C'oromission ha~ reviewEd the proposal to recJ.a~sif,y aubject pr.~perty from the ML (Tndusi:rial, Limited) Zone to the CL (Commer.cial, Limited) Zonc~ and to permit on-premi~e sale and cnnsumption ~f beer and wine ic~ a p~aposed paol hall with waiver of minirr~um landscapzng of requirec9 yar~ds on an irregulaily-ehaped parcel of land consi~tinq o: approximately 1.2 acrea CR1249MP -1- PC91-115 a . `~\~~ ~iy;.y.~ u.w lacated at the soui:t~easi: c~rner ~f. Anatieim Bor levard and pal.ais Road, having approximate frontage~ of :.73 feet on the east ~i~e of Anaheim Boulevard anc~ 295 feet nn th~ nouth ~ic:^ a° Palai~ Road and ;1,rther desr,~:~ibecl as 1410 South Ariaheim Boulevar.d; and does hereby apprave t.i~e NE~~~a.tive Declaratiari upon findir~g tkxat it has considered the Neg<<tivc~ ,~eclaration togeth~r wit2~ an~~ comments rece:ived. during th~~ publ.ic revie•a proceso and further fiiiding on the basi~ that thc initial ~stud}~ ar~d any comm~;nta received that• there ie no substantial evidence that the pmject ~oil.l have ~ signific:ant effect nn th~s environment. NOW, TH~REFU32E~ BE IT RESOT.,VED that th~? Anaheirn City Planning Commiasion does hereby ~pprnve ~ubject Peti_kion :'or Reclassificati~n to a<<thorize an amendmErit to thz 7oning Map of the A.~aheim Municipal CodE ~o exclude the above•-dFSCribed pr.operty from the ML (Indu~trial, Limit~d) Zone and to incorporate said de~cribed property into the CL (Comm~r•cial, I~imited) Zone, t~ncondii:ionally. 3~ IT I'URTIiER RFSULVGD th~t th~s resolution shall not cansL-itute a i.ezoni.ng of, or commitment by the City to rezone subjeci: property; any such rezoning ~hall require an ordi.nance of t:tie City Caunc3.1 which shall be a legi.~lative act which rnay be approved c~r deried by the City roun~il at its eole discretion. THE FO:tLGOTNG RESUI,UTIO'N wa~; adopted ai: 1:he Planning rommission m~eting of July 24, 1991. ~~'~~ . / n~ __,/-- ;~ ,-~-.,~J J ~' ~ CH~-l'IR~40 N, ANAHEIM GI'1'Y PL t1NING COMM.T.SSION ATTF.ST : -~~-`~~~-~~~L.c.-, SECR~'~ARY, ANAHLIM CITY PLANN:~NG COMb1ISSTUPI STATL OF rALIFORNIA ) COUNTY Ob' ORIINGE; ) ss. CITY OI' ANAHEIM ) I, Edi.th L. Ha:L•is, S~crel-.a.r.y of tl~e Anaheim Ci~y Planning Commisaion, do her~by certify th;:~t_ the £oregoing regolution was pasaed and adopted at a meeting o£ ~he Ar.ah~:im City Planning Commiasion held nn .7uly 29, 1991, by the £ollowing vote o.f the members thereui: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: AOYUSTUN, E30iJAS, F'ELUHR(IS, HELLYF,R, HENNINGER, NJES: COMMTSSIONERS: FERAZA ABSENT: COMMISSIONGRS: MESSP In WITNESS W:•IT'RF.OF, I have hPraunto set my hand this i~~ day o f _~,(~J.~~.____ ~ 19 9 i. ~ . ~ .- ~- -~~._r~~ ~. . SECRETIIF.Y, ANAHTIM CYTY PLANIIING COhIMISB:LUN ^ ' ~1 '1- PC91-115