Resolution-PC 91-118~`,:y~~ RE~SOLUTIUN NO. I~C'91^11II A R~SOLUTTON OI~' THL ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOf1 TT-IAT PGTITTON FOR CONDI7.'IONAL LJSC PLRMIT N'O. 3437 BF GRANTED WHCI2ERS, the Anaheim City Pl~nning Cammi~eion did receiv~ a verif.ied Petition fur C~nditional Use Per.mit for certai.n real pr~perty aituate~ in thE City ~f Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described aa: ~r ~ PARCSL5 1, 2 AND 3 AS SEiOWN ON PA?:CEL *SAP PIO. ti5-201, IN T'H~ CITY OF ANAHEIM, FIL~D T1V BOOK 20b, PAG~:(S) G ANU 7, UF PARCEL MAPS, IN 7'HE OP'FICE OE' THE COU[QTY R~CORDEI2 OF SRID COUNT't. >~~ wfiLREAS, the C~L-y Planning Coinmi:~sian did hold a public hearing at •the Civic Center in the Cit.y at ~~nahei.m on Ju1y 29, 1951, at 1:30 p.m., notic~ of said public hearinc~ having bPen duly given ae rec~uired by law and in accord~scice witPi the provisiot~~ of the Anaheim Municipal Cc~de, Chapter 18.03, to ~ hear and coi7sicler eviderice for and against :~aid propo~ed candit.ional une permit and to investig~~tr~ and make findiitgs and recoromendations in connection therewith; and wFiET2EAS, said Corr~mi.:,:~ion, af:ter due inspecti.on, investigation and atudy made by itse].f an•:i in ?ts bc~hal.f, and aftez due conaiderati.on of a11 e~idence ~nd r.Fpori:s ofC~~-ed at sai.d ~lE?1I:lI1CJ~ doe:3 find and determi_nt the followi.nc~ fact:s: 1. ':'hat tl:e propo~,eci use is pi-operly orie fc~r. which a cunditional us~ pr~rmit i~ authorizec? hy Anah~ii~ Muni.r,ipal Code Section 18.61.050.Fi~5 to perm.it an industri_ally•-related off.ice use. 2. That the propo:,e~d u~c w.il]. not adver~ely ~ffect the adjoining land u~e~, ~ind th~ qr_•owtti and d~veloPment of the area in wnich it in propar~ed to be located. 3. That thr-. si::e anu shape of the s.ite pr~pos~~d for the u~e is ac!equate t~ a.l!.cti~ ttie t~ill develo~~ment r~f the nrorosed use i~ a manner not c3~~t•.rimental to tk:e pazcicular are~. nor ta L•he peac~, health, satety and ger~er~l wel~'are of the Citizens of t'~a City af F1nar~eim. 1s ` ~ 4. That the grantin~7 of thc Conditional Use Yermit under the candit:ions impn:,ed will not: be dr.;tz:•i.m~~ntal to t:~e 17ezre, healr.h, safety and genc~.ral wclfare of th:~ Citizen~ of `h~~ City of Anaheim. 5. 'i'hat the ~iaffic ge:ierat~.d by the proposed usE will not .Cmpo~e an unclue burden upoci the stree*.s and highways designed and improved to cazry the traFf? c i.r~ the area. 6. iil opposition; s,.~bject pEt.ition. CR1252h;~ ` ~: ~~,r~; ~ P r ' ~f~ ! Jl!'~ Y 1 ~ "~ S ~ , -i~~ t, ~i` ~ ~y.i~F>:`i:°:;~'''~t That no on~~ indic3te~.j chei_r presE~nce ai; said publi~ ha~rinq an~ that n~~ corre~p~~ndenc~ w~s received in opposition to the --1- PC91-'l18 +s t 55v~~y~r.~; ,::,~ ~~,,;-n,,,: „ . '- ' ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . ~ ~. . . , ,yi' ~ . . . . ~~ ~ ~ .. . ~. ` Y~ ~. P,c~l~. CAT,2P~012N.iA PNVIRONMEN~C'AL____QUFILITY__,_ ACT F1'NDING: That the Anahoir,, City P:lznning Commi.~sion has reviewed the proposal to permit an induatrially- rela:ed nffi.ce use on a rectangularly-~haped parcel of land consisting of approximately 3,4 acr~s, having a frontag~ of. app:c~ximately J4 feAt on the w~at aide of Rich~icld Road, having a maximum depth oE ~pproxiinately 680 Feot, being J ocatQCl approximatel.y 570 fe~t north of the centPrl.ine of La Pa.l~~ia Avenue and fiarther deSCribEd as 4155 Ea3t Ga Palma Avenue; ancl doo~ hereby approve the , Negative Declaration upori findi.ng Y,hat it ha3 con3idc:red the Negative Declarai:ion t~gether with any comment~ rec~ived during the public review ~ p~ocess and further. finding oi~ the basis that the ~nitial study and any comm~nts ~~PCeived that ther.e is no Substantial ev:Ldence that the project wi.ll have a significant ~ffect on the c.nvironment. ~at~r THEREFORE, BC IT RLSOLVF;D that th~ Anah~im Citv Plann.ing Comm.is~ion does hereay gran+~ subject Petitioi~ £or. Conditional. Use i~ermit, upon the iollowing conditions whir}1 are h~~reby found t~ be a necessary prerequisit~ to rhe praposed use ~7f the ~ubject property in order. to prc~ezve the ~afety and general welfare of the Citizens oP tt~e Gity of Anaheim: 1. ~ 7'ti~t ~lrivcw~7ys and aamaged a!zd/ur hazardovs sidewa].k~ be removed and/or ~ recon~tructr_d along R1CIlf LE?ld Rozr.l a~ required by the City Erig.ineer in , ~iccotdance w.ith ~tandard plans and speci.Eications on fi].e in ~he OfE.ice of the City E;ngineer. 2• * That pri~r, tc~ isnuance of a building p~rmit, a traffic aignal asse~ament f~e equaiing the: diff.eL~~nce betwten th~ industrial and r_~mmercial assessment fees r~hall. be paid t~~ the City oF Anahaim in an amou.nt as establ.istiec9 by City Council. Resolut.ioi; N~. 8yR-19g, 3• * That pla~ls sha.ll b~ ~ubmitted to tl7c City T~affic and Tran~porta~ion Manager for.• his review ~7nd apL~roval stiowing coriforrnance with the 1.atest revi~ions ~f Lngi.neer.ing St~.indaLd Plan Nos, ~36 anci 607. pertainiric~ to parking standard~ and driveway lacatiuns. Subject property ~t~alJ. thereupon be developed arid mainta.Cneci in conf.~~rn~ance with aaid plaiis. 4. * 7'hat fire spri.nklers cha].1 be insta7.led as required by the Fire L~epartment . 5. * That tra~}i ~torage .~reas shal.l b~ provided and maintained in a locati.on accepL-able to thc Street Ma.ir~ten~,ncc and San.itation D.ivision and ir. accur.dance with ap~roved pL~n:, on f..ile with sai.d division. fiucl~ information ~ha1L }-~ speci.fica~ly ~hown on the plan~ submitted for fauil.ding ~~ermit~~. 6. That prior to issuance of 3 b~~i.lding permit, a solid wraste management plan with recycling capa},ilit.ies sl~all be appraved by the Street ~y~intc~nance an;i Saciitar_iori D1V:.~10(2, Upon occupancy of the ~roject, said plan ~hall cornmence and shall remain in fu?1 effect as r~quired by said Divisi.on. -2~ PC°1-128 <«i u;4ij '7 . Ei . * 7.`hat due to i:he chvnge in use and/or occupancy of rne building, plane r~haLl be submi.tted to ttie 5uilding Di~~ision c~howing compliance with i:he minimum stan~ard~ r~f tn~ City c~f Anah~im, including the Uniform Building, Pl~.imt~inr~, ~lectr.i.cal, Mechanical and Fire Coder~ ~s adopted by ~he CitX of Anaheim. Ttie appropri.a~~ permits shall k~e obtained for any necas~lry work. That the pr•opused of. fi.e u~es shal.l be limitc.d to the :Eollowing liEted u~cs and that an u~::,ubordinai:ed covenant, .revi~wed and appr~ved by the City Ai:torney's O.ffice so-Lin~~itin~ eaid us~~, sha11 be recorded with the Office of thE Orange Cou:lty R~corder. A copy of th~ recorded covenant sha11 bc~ ~ubm~t:ted to t;h~: Zoninq Division: 1. Accoun~ ing - Book)ceepiiig, CPA Firm~ or. tem~orar 2. Adverti~.ing 3. Appraiser~ 4. Banke 5. Ernkers - Real Estat:i~, Business Opportuniti.es, 6. Bu~iness System Compani~s 7. Communication Consultan~s 8. Compui:Pr Analy~is Firms 9. Credit Reporting Agenc.ie:, 10. De~igners - Industrial, :[titeri~~r, Grzphic 11. L~evelopment C~mpanies 12. Facility Ma.intenance and Planning 13. Tnsurance Companies/Ag^[1ClE?S i4. Tnventory Services 15. Leasii~y Coinpanies 16. Manag~ment ConsultznL•s/C:amoari~s '17. Marlcetin~~ Researcli 18. I~ersonn~l Agencie~ 1~. Quality Cantrol Analysis 20. Salc>~ Offices (which :~erve the industrial area) 21. Secretarial anc~ Busines~ Serv.ices 22. Sp~cialty REStauranL•~ ~3~ Any use permitted under 'Loninq Code Section 18, "Permitted Prin~arp Us~s arid Structures," conci~ti.on~ of said Section. CPP. Firms £tc. 61.02Q and subject to all Each i.ndividua]. u~~e .~Iiall requi.re the written appr~val of the Zoning Division prior ko ~ccuparicy, which apprcval sr~3ii only De giv~n a~kten it is demonsLrat;ed that e~uch u~c i~ either an expressly pc-rmitteft usa in such zone ur meets the criteria of Section 18.61.~50.605 "C~nditional USE?3 and Structures" of L•he Anzheiin Municipal Code. 9. *":hat the proposal. shr~1.1 compl.y with all signiny requ~ rpnients of the ML "Tndustr.3.a1, I,imited" ~one, unle3s a variance allowing sian waivers is eipproved by th~ City Council, Planning Commission or. 2oning I~dmini~trator . 10. T'llat subject prop~l'ty :Sllall l~e develop~d ~ub~t•antzally i.n accoidance with L~lan~ and s~ecifi.cations submitted to the City of Anaitei.m by the ~etitioner and whic'ri plans are on file wi~h the Planning Department inarked Exhibi.t Nos. 1 L-hrc~uyh 6 -3•- PC91-1].8 ~ A~; 1]. That ~rior ta commenr,em~n~ of thF3 acri.vity author.ized by thia renolution, or ~~rior• to .lflE311111CB of. a I~~:ilding ~ormi~, or wiY.hi.n a period oz on4 (1) yoar frnm +-h~~ date of thi3 r~~c~lutivn, whl.chevc~r occur.a firt;t, Condition No:~. i, 3, ,, 6, 7 arul H, abc~v~-ment.ion~d, ohall ae cumpliQd with. Cxttnaion~ for fur~hc~i~ Ci.me Lo cAmp1E~~~ ~a.ici r..ondit i.onR m~+y bQ gran~oci in arr.ardancU wiL-h Section 7.A.U3.U9~ of. tta~ An~~h~im btun.icipal C<~de. 12. 'i'hr-L• priar tc~ _ ~l Uuilc9iny ~~nd zoni.ng i.naUECtlOI1J~ Con~iticii Nos. 1, 4 and 10, above-men~:ioned, :~hal.l bra com~l.ie:d wi.r.h. 1J. *'I'h~t ~.-pprav~~? of thi:s a;~plic~it:ioci con~titutes agpr.oval of tho ~ropoaecl rec~ueot only t~~ the extent ~hat i.t compliec~ with the Anah~im Municipal Zoning Coclr an.i ~~riy otht~r. ~ ppJ.i~~ble C.ity, St~t~~ and Federal reg~~l3tiun3. ~lpproval c1u~~~ not in~lucle any ac;tic~r- or findinga ~:a to COtil()Llclfl~f' or ir)(!YOViIl ~~f ttie req.~~:.~t r~c~arding any other applieable ardina~ce, r.~~gulat:io~: or r-r>,:Iuirement. Conditi~na n~ariccd wfth an aeter.Lek (k) ar~ J:ecjuirt~c9 by n;;t,jI~113}1GC~ ~aw:;; cod~~n, regulations :.ind a~~repmentt~ and :re, tt~erF~fore, not :~uhj~_ct to neg.~tiation. E!r I'1' E'URTHc;Y. Rb;SOL'.'BU t:h;;L the Anlhcim City Planning Commisaion cloen tiec•c~by finu and c3eterinine thrir acl~,~,t:ion of thi~ kecsolution is AxFYessl,y 1)YCG1::3t:!_`G~ liji0.l ilFl~lii:~ii1. .~ i:'viii('~il..-r'iCC i~ii~}7 ~3ni.~l ~i[ll.~ d'll Uf ~.11@ conditf~ns hereinab;,~•i~ ~~c~ fort:h. Sh~::u1c] any .,::c:~• ~:onditi.~.-~n, or- any p: ~t thereof, be cieclarec~ i~iv.~l.i.d or t~t~enforcc:~ril~lr~ t~y the finc~l jud~3me:it r~~ any cu4:t of comp~t~~nt ~llYl!i"ILCt..IOII~ tf:E:f~ i:f~L:; I?E?:~O~iAt10R~ ii~ :.~ d(l~/ it~[)I:OVfll.ki 11@Y~~fl COflt:d'aIlP.Cj~ :irll~.l ~F~ C]Eeiii~?Cj il'l~ ~. :i11C. V~Jllj. 7'E?E I'OREGOLitG izL:~c~I.U"I'IOtJ J a:: adopted aY. ::h Planning Commiaaion /, ~. meetinr, ot Ju.ly ^~, ]991. ' ~ ~ / A-_. , / , , .. .._ ~;_~ ~ ~ Z'. _L~~_ ' li_ J~LCt_c./ Cf?Alit'rJOt~ ti, API/1~-1F:IM CITY L,ANN'!NC COMMISSION nr:~r sl : J _ ~, ------- - ~:.~.~-~w...----c1~ ' -~~- - :;I::;i~E•:'I'AitY, At7Ai:~:It: Ci'I'7 1'L?1~;i;Il~r; ~;r?:S!•ti:;5T0:~ ST~1TE C:i' CALIE~'OI~~lI11 ) CUUI~'i Y UF O:2At: ~~: ) .. _, . CI'IY OF F,NAHE[M ) 1, F;dit•.h I.. H.~rri:~, :;r~r..ef~_irl r~f tlic Ar~.it~e'tm C~.ty Plann.tt~g ~~~mmisRion, do hereb~r :~ertify thnr th~ f.c~reyoiru~ reclol~~tion wara pa~tsed and ad~~p~.~d at a mc~c~~in~~ ~::. ~h~~ Ar.c:}.~~;;,i Ci.`_f :'la:;rin~J Ccm:;~ic~:.ion held rn July 29, i99:i, il~ tncr fol.l~o:inc~ :ot~~ r~: t!:~~ .,.:n;t~crr; tl:~~c•~.~o~: hYE:S: CO;~1dZSSiOtJf:R.;: ;SUt;r~S, i:~~':':::':'~;:;, ;':?1.:~EiF,U:', iiI:L.LYf:it, ElE:~~tl:tlGEft, .':•:Pi:l,I~ ?~UF:S : CO:d:tiS:~ IOi:F':i2:; : 1:~.:)2~i; 11f3:;r.:IT: COMMIS';IO?:ISR:i. b':E:.,SE•; , It! 'n:'PtJF•.~.. L7;i:;i?'r:C;E', . havc f.hnr~ ~r.tc~ r3t!t my ltiand thi R~~ _~iay U E -- -~p-`i,~,y`~ _ ~ 19'3 1 . ' ~ • _ ' --- -----~ ~ _~-~'~ __.__ ~ __.~-~t.,~,.~._ _. _~_ :;r:C{'.'r'TTiF2Y, i1~JAiiF.2~! CT'1Y P1,At7~!!:~(i CU1tISIS:iIAti -~;- P(;9;-llh,