Resolution-PC 91-131~ ~ RLSOLUTTON NO. PC91-13~ R RL;SOI~UTION OF TFiE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSTON TL~iAT PETITIOIQ FQR CQNDI'1'IONAI~ USE PERMIT NO. 34~16 BE GRANTGD WHER.EAS, the P.i~aheim Ci.ty Pl.anning Co-nmi~c~i.on did receivo a veritied Petition for Co~lditiona.l Use Permit for ~erLaa.n r.ea7. ~roperty aituatocl in the City o.f ~,~ah~im, County af Orange, State of CaLifar.nia, desc.ribed :~s: TEiAT PORTION OP' TH~ WESTERLY 77.2 ACRES OF LOT ]. IN B'LOCK K OF THE K£tADtER TRACT IPI T.fiE CITX OI' ANAHEIM, COUNTY dP UI2ANGE, STATE OF CALIFORN7A, AS SHOWN ON A MAP i2L:CORD~D IN BOOK 12, PAGES 8? AND 8A UF MISCELLA:]EUUS REC;0ItD5, OF THE COUNTY OF 705 At~GEZ~ES, LYING SOUTHERI,Y CF TEif CENTERL'INE OF THE LAND )?ESCFtIBED IN TIiE DF:ED TO THF. S':ATE OF CF~LIFORNIA RECORDF:D MARCH 1]., 1937, TN BOOK 872, PAGE 300 OF OFFIC~AL RECURDS. FXc:EPT TEIAT YOFiTInN I,YING SOUTHERLX Ol~ THL NORTHF.RLY LIIQ~ OF T1.3E LAi~i) D}~SCRIAEU TN TE3E DE~ll TU THE SANT~1 FL LANU TMPROVEMENT COMPAt1Y, RECORDED riARCEI 4, 1910, IN BOOK 177, PAGE 263 OF D~Ell3, UT' SATD COUNTY. WHER~AS, the City Planning Commi;sior did hoJd a public hearing at ttie Ci.vic Center in the City of Anah~im on Augu,t 12, 1~391, at 1:~0 p.m., notice cf said ~~ubli.c he~ririg having bpen duly giveii a~ Leqt~i.red l~y law and in accor~anc~ with the provisions of. tt~e Ailah~irn Munic.ipal Cod~, Chapter 18.03, to hear and con~ider evidrnce for and 3gainst said pr.opo~ed conc!itional use permit and to ?.nve3tigate and make fin~~iing3 and recommendations ir, connection ther~wirt~; and that said public hearing was continued to the Aug~.ist 26, 1y91 Pl.annirig Comin.issian meeY.ing; and WHEREAS, said Commiscion, afte:: due in~pection, i.nvestigatior. and study :riade by i.tseif arid in its behalf , arid after due conric~erai:ion of all evidence and reports off:erc~d at: naid hearinq, does £ind and determine the following facts: Y, That the ~ropo~ea use is properl.y one for which a conditionxl use perm.it i:~ au~hor..izecl by Anahc~irti Municipal Co~9c- Section 18.44.OS0.01G to p~rmit on--~remi~e sale and c:onsumpti~n of alc:oh~.lic b~verag~s in art apLraximately S,Q00 aq.ft. encloaed bar and yr.ill w.ith waive.r of th~ followiny uncier authority of Codc Section 10a06.080: SECTIONS 18.05_050.U21 18.0...05Q.0231 1f3.06.050.0233 1$.06.050.0235 ~ ~ind - Mi.ni.m~am number o£ p~rkicy snaces. (292 rec~uired; 1a1 exiyti.ny) CFt17_75tdP -i- PC91-131 ;.~;; ,,,~i :i-h~ ~ ~;~ ~~~ 2. That the requested waiver it~ har.eby the Qark:ing waiver will no•~ c~u~e an increase in imn•,ecii.ate vicinity nor adverttely a~fect any adjoining the parking waiver under. th~ condi.tions impoaed will peace, health, saf.ety and ger~~rai wel.f~~re of th~ Anaheim. granteci on thP k,a9i~ that tra°f.ic congeation in the land uses and grant'_nc~ ~t not be c~etrimental to the ~ citizens of the City of 3. That the proposed u~e i.s hereby granted for a period of one ycar, to expire on August 26, 1992. 4. T}~at the prp~e3ed usc+ w.ill not advsrseJ.y a{fect the adjoi.ning lar~d use:~ and th~ growth and dev~lupment of the area in ahich it is proposed t~ be lo:ai~d. 5. Thai: thc sizc~ and shape of the sit~ pr~~~~cd for th~ uc~ is adequate to al'low th~: full development af thE> p.r~po~ecl us? iri ~ manner itot detrimental to the particular area nor t.o ttie pear.e, hea..l'ch, safEty ~-ind generai welfare of thc Citiz~ns of the City c~f Anaheim. 6. That the gruriting of the Conditiona]. Use Fer.~iit cinder the conditiona impo~ed will r~ot bc QetrimFntal to tYie peace, heal~h, saf.nty and yener.~al welfare or the Citizens oI the City of Anaheim. 7. 'Phat the tz•af£ic generate~ Uy the prcposed uae will not irnpo~e ~n u~tdue burden upon the atreeL-s and highways deaigned ar~u improvPd to carry the traffic in L•ha ,~z~ee~. 8. That no one indicatecl i.heir presence at ~aid public he~ring i.n opposit.ion; ~nd that n~ correspondence ~vas received ±n opposi~ion to the subject p~tition. CA1,Ii'ORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUAI~TTY ACT r INDIIVG: That thP Hnaheim City planning Commiaaian h~is reviewed the propor~al tr perrnit on-prantise sale and ccn~umption of alcoholic bever~~ges in an approximateLy 5,U00 c~q.ft. enclose,~ bar. and grill with waiver. of minimum number of parking spaces on an irreg+alarly-ahaped parcel of land con~isting ~,r.' approximately 2.`jl acres, 1•iaving a fronta~e of ap}?roximately 1,Q80 fee~ on Y.he r~outh side of Orangethorpe Aver-ue, having a niaxi;num depth of. approximately 135 feet, beir~g locai:ed ap~raxi;nately 9GU feet aast of the cF~nter]..ine of Piiller Street and further described as 3978 Ea~t Urat~g~~thorpe Avenue; and d~es hereby approve the t~+egative Declaration upcn findiny tha*, it ha~ consi@ered the ~legative D~claraL•ion taaether with an, comments recpived during the publ~c review process and further L•inding c,n the basis that ~h~ initial atudy and any comments recF.~ved that there ie no eubstzntial evid~nce that ihe project will have e~ si.gnificant eFfect on the environme-Yt. NOW, THERGFOFtE, FSE IT RLSOLVb:D ttiat ~he Anaheim City Plannirg Commission does hereby grant subject .Petiti~n for Conuit~onal Use Yermit, upon the following condi.ti~na which ar~ hereby found to be a necer~sazy pi~rAqui~ite r.o the prapos~d u~?e of th~ aubjeci~ proper~y in order to pre~~rve the eafety and general welfare of the Citizens o£ the City of ~,naheim: , ;~1 ~~~~ f+'~ ~+'eA~. ~~'N~1~ 1. * Thai: fire s~ri.nklers shal? be i.nstalled ~s required by the Fire Department. 1'f "fiie wallu" are inatall.ed to the rsatisfaction of the I'.irQ Aepartment, only tl~o wiit containing thQ use r~uthorized under thi,~ renolution n~:ed b~: sprinkled. Z. * That trash at~rage areas shall be pz~`~iaPd and maintained i.n a loca.tioti acceptable to the Street Ma9.nte~lance and a~nitation Division and in accordancp with approved plana an file wi~h said divisi~n. 3. *'.Chac all a1.r cor~dit~ioning faci.litiea and othar root and ground mourited equipment ahall be praperly shield~d from view, 4. That all plumbing or c~ther aimilar pip~9 and fixtuies located on the er.t~rio.r of the building shall be fu11y ecrec;rled by architectural devices and/or appropri~te building mat.Er.ials. 5. * Th~t the pr.opn~al Fshall comply cvith all sign~.tig xequirEmpnte of che CL "CommeYcial, Lirnit•ed" 'Lo»e unless a var.iance all.owi_ng sigri waiver~ is ap~~r;oved by the City Counci.l, Planning Commi.~sion or Zoning P,dministrat~r. 6. * That the an-~ite landscap.inc7 and iriiga*_ion syetem ahall be refurbished and mai.ntai.ned in ~ mpliai~cc with City standard~;. 7. That sut~jECt propprty shall be developed ~ubstantially in accordarice with plans and specifications submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner ancl which p].an~ are on file iV.LtI1 thA planr.ing Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 8. i'hat prior to the commencement of ~1~e activi~y autno~iz~d by this re~olutiun, or prior ta final building ai~ci zoniny inspectiona, or within a perioc: af one (1) year frcm the date of thie resol•uL ion, ~ahichever occur~ firnt, Cond.ition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, ti and 7, above-ir,entioned, shall b:.~ compl.ied witti. 9. That t.hin condi±:icna:. use permit i.s hereby granted for a period o.f one (1) year and ~ha7.1 termin~i;e on August 26, 1g`~2 • 10.* 'Phat a~prov~l of this app7.icztion conatit:utes apprcval of the pr.oposed requF:cc or~ly to thc~ extanL- that it complies wit;h the Anaheim Munici.pal 2~ning Code and any oth~r applicable City, Stat~ and Federa.l rec~ulat.ions. Appr~~val doe~ not i.nclude any action or findine~s as i:a compli.ance or approva~. of the request regarding any c~her. applicak~le orclinance, re5u:lation or requi.r•~ment. Conditione marl:e@ with an asterisk (*) are required by establi~hcd law:~, rodFe, regulation~ ~nd agreement.s and are, tPic~retore, r~ct subject to negotiation. SE IT FORTHEH RLSOLVFD that the Anahe.im Gitiy Planning Commis3ion doer hereby f.ind and d~~t~rmirie that ~dop~i.or. of ~tiis R~FOlution ~s expreasly predicated upon applican~:'s compliance wi~h each 3nd all of ~`he conditions hereinabo~~e set forth. Stiould any such condi.tion, or any paz~ thPreof, be. declared invalid or unenforceable by th~ iinal judgment of any cotirt of competent jurisdiction, then this Res~Lution, and any ~~prc~vals h~rain contained, srall be deemed nuil and void. -3- Pc:91-131 ~ ~1 ~ '~':~~: F'ORFGOING RFSOLUTION WAF1 acfopted at rha Plnnning Commission me~~ing ~f Au~u~t 26, ].99i. ---~ = ,-~. . :~~, ~ .,.. ~~-~ _ ., CF~AIRWOMAN, ANAEIGIM CI'1' PI~ANNT~?C COMMTSSIdN ATTFST: ~ ~ M~ ..~__ ~= .ll'-~i ..~~._._...._._. SFCRET RY, ANAI~FIM CI' Y PLANNING COMMISSIOP7 (~,._., ky.~ l;l, ,v 1r~.. ~ r ~'~ 51ATE OH CA:LTFORNIA ) C'oUN'PY OF ORIINGE ) n~. C.ITY OF ANAFIEIt4 ) I, 7anQt ... Jenaen, SQCratary of the Anal~cim City Planning Commiosiun, do her~by certiff rh~3t t;e for~cyoing reeolution was passQd and aclopted ~~t a meeti.ng of trie Anah~im c;i.ty Planni.ng Commi»r~.lon hold on Augt~et 26, 1991, by ~hp following vo~e of tt~e members tharraof: AY~S: COMMISSIONERS: E30UAS, 80:'DSTUN, FELUF~AUS, MESSF., PERA2A NGES: COMI~SISSZUNERS: FiELLYER, Fi~NNTMGEA AHSENT: COMMI5SIO61ERS: NONE IN WI'I'NFSS WHL•'REc~I', ~ have hereunto se*_ my hand this ~~ J~' c9ay uf _ , 1991. _ __. ~--~~==~- ~-~-~ --- Se:c;RE'f7{RY, ANAEiEIM CSTY pLAN*IING [;OMMTSSION ~1'-' l kyrc,~„r (~/ic~~ ~i G' ^s /J ,': -•4- PC91-].31