Resolution-PC 91-135; ~;, ~~ s~ `. RESULUTIdN NO+ PC91-135 A 22ESOLU7.'ION ~f '1'Y.E ANAHL'TM CITX PLI~t1NTIQG CONLKTSSTON APPROVING 1~ T::M~ E~{Z~NS70N FOP, CUNDITIONAL USE P~;RMIT C7A, 3028 WHEREAS, on July 6, 198l3 :he Anaheim Cit.y F~lanning Commier~ian rranted Canditianal Uae Permi.~ 1Vo. 3Q25 ui:der Resolution No. Pc;BEi-1&Q to pexmit a j church f:~cility in thP ML ZanP with waiver af minimurn numb~r of parking ~paces i'~ °n Prop~~'~~ located on the north sidP c~t Winel-.on Ftoad, having a maxi.mum deptl; o~ apprax..mately 630 feet, being locatad approximat~ly y80 feet ea~st of the centerline of state College Boulc:vard and f.ui-ther descr.ibed aa 2201 East Win~ton Roac~, Suite q and; WHEREAS, r~ubject requeat was approveci tar ~ pe.riod ~i' three yea.ra ~nd Fxpired ori July 6, 1991; and ~ ? WHEREAS, the p9til~iOI1P.'Y. has reques~ed a~proval for cc~ntinued operation uf ar, e~cis~ing churr.-~ ~.oith waiver of min.imum number of parking spaces; and ' WHLREA~, ttie City Plannii~g Com~ni~air~n d.id hold a publir hearin~7 ~, aL tne Civic Center in th~ Gity of Anaheim on August 26, 1991, at 1:30 p,m,, ,, riotice af said publ.ic h~a.rinct havi-ig b~en duly g.i.ven as req~air~d by law and in ti accardance with th.e pzoviflions of the An~h~.im Municipal Code . C;hapter 18.03, to klear and cc~noider evidence for and against sa:.d proposed extenaion and to inves~igate and make findings and rec~mmendationa .in c~nnection therewith; and wf-iEkEAS, said Co~tuni.sc~ion, after due ingpection, inv~stigation and study made by itnel.f and in its behalf, and after due consideratior~ of a11 evidence and reports offered at. said hearing, does find arad det.errnine the ~ follawing fact3: l. That said permit is being exerci~ed in a manner not detrim. ntal tr~ the particular area aiid surrouncling land uses, nor to the public pPace, health, safety and genei-aJ. ~uelf~~re. 2. That subject use ha~ opcrated f~,r a pr.riod af three (3) years :n a manner not detrimental to the immediate area and land uses as substani:iated by the Code ~n£orcemeni: Divisi.on. 3• That a thrce (',.i} year la.mitation will allow further. Pl~nning Coinmiseiun review of ttie uae as the Durrounding Stadium 3uaines3 Arez ~volves. 4• 'Phat no one ind.icated L•heir prcbenca s~zid public h~arinq in ap~osition; and that nu corrPSponderi~e ~aas receive:l i.n oppoaition to the subjpct petit.i.on. GALIFC)RNIA ENV~RONMENTAL ~~UALITY A_ CT FINDING: That the Anahein~ City Planning Commission has reviewed thc~ progosal to continue aperatirnz of an existing church with waiver ot' minimum number. of parking t~~ace~ ~nd ~nes hereby r'i.na tha~: the Negative Declaration pievi~us~ly a~pr.u.•ed ir. connection witn Condit~_onal Use Permit [do. 3025 is adequate to serve as the required ~nvironmental documenta~ian in cannectiar, :~~itt~ this requesr. CRI279MP -1- PC91-135 ..:., ~ ,,r~a;t;~ ~ NoW, THEItEFORE~ E3~ IT RESALVED that th~ AnahQim CiGy Planning Cammlaaion do~~4 her~by upprove the time ~xtc~nsiori for Coc~clitional Ua~ Pormit N~. 3025 ~~pnn the f.ollawlnq aonc'itic+n~s wh,.ch nr.« har.ehy foun~~ r.o ba g neeeoeary prer~quiai~.Q to 1.::~ propo~sed u~re of ch~ eub~ect property in orclor to preeervN ~~~c~ gafety a;~d ~JQnarul w~:~( ;r~ of th~ CitizQna af the Clty of Anahe.tm: ~•. Th:;t ~uk~ject uae ohall b4 pez~mitte:,; for a p~a.ri.od of 3 yoz~rA ,~hrough .7u1y ~, 199~.) with furthor. c~xtenr~iona of tim~ being perr~itt~d aa royfEWad and `zi~Pinved b.Y h-ic~ Plnnning Commie;~ion ao :~ rep~rt and recommendati.on itum at th~ wi•itten rFaquest c>f th~ ~~~~plicant. ~. That within a peric~d of one hundred and ~went-y (120) day~- Erom the data of tt~ie r.~aalution, tra4h etoraq~ arpae Hhell be providod ~nd maintained in ~ location acc~ptable ro t:t1E Street Ma.l.nten~nco and 5arl.t~ation Divioi.on and in accorc~ance with approved ~~1a~i~ on file with aaid U.LV].AI.O11. t3E T.T I~'URZ'HER RESOLV~U that the Anaheim City i~l.~nnir.g Commisaion doe3 hereby fin~.~ and dete:rminc~ that adopL•i.on ~f thia Reaclurion ia Axpresaly pi:~dicated upon applicant's r.umpliance with the conditlon3 har~inab~ve aet fc~rtn. Shoulcl ar.y such condition, ~r a~~y part ' hereof, be declared inva~:9 or unenf.orceabl~~ by the fir,al yudc7ment of any court of competent jurisdictiun, than thi3 Reaolutioi~, and iny approvals hE~r~in contained, shall be cieQmed null anrl vai.d. TE1I: FUREGOII~7C l?i:SUi,tJTION was adoptpd at the P.lanninq Commisaion meetiny of A~.igur~t 7.6, 1991. 1~ ~/~ ~ ;~!~`L~ . ;~ ,~.'~/~~ ~~ CHA1RWOMAN, ANAf1EIM CITY P ACJNING rC)MMISSION ATTr:ST: ` ' ~ ~ ~ -- `~~-c__~~~-Ci'~-•L.~--,_._. SL;CRETA .Y, ANA(~EIM CIT ~ ;'•L,1NtiItJG COMyISSION ..~~ f ~~~i . ~~. . _r~`,. ~,~~2.µ-._. STATE O~ CAI,IFORNIA ) i~ , r ,~ ` COUVTX OF ORANGF: ) u;~, CTTX OF ANAt~F,IM ) Coramisni I, Janet on, do hereby L.. JenHe~~, Sc~crc~tary of. cF~rtif the Ana-i~im Gity Planniny acloptec. at a meeting of y that ~h~ Poregoing reacluti.niti o-~as par~~ed ~~nd L•he Anah i ' ~•991, by . e ni City P anning CommiASior. held or~ Auc~ua;_ 2(,, the following vot~e of the membern L•herPOf: ~~'~ti: CUMMISa^IONERS: Ei0UA5, E30YUSTUN, FEIAHAUS, HFZ,LYC:R, F:F'tJNINCER MESSE, F'ERAZA , DfOFS: CUMM:SSZONERS: NONF. AF3Sf:f~'f: COMMISSlONERS: NONE oE ' IN WITNESS WHe,REOF, Z havt~ hereunLo aet my hand thi~ ~ , . . ~~... 1~)91. -1-- daY ~ ---._.__._~L.=~~K.~.~.~!'.. ~_, / ', , SFCNE;TAR'f, ANAHBZM C7TY PLA-~ JIP.~ ~~ N •-t~ ;~.....sJ ~.'),,,~~+.._.. /-. ( _~~ PC~1-135