Resolution-PC 91-143,;,~ ^;, ~; RESOr,UTI~JDi N~J. PC91-1~13 ~::,:;.yJ ~ RF.50I.liTION OF THE ANANEIli CITY PLANNING COMMTS~ION THAT PET'L'PI~JI~ E~'OR CONDIT'lONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3453 HG GRANTED WEiLR~'AS, the Anah~im Gity P:lan:~ing Commi3sion did receive a vnrif~ed ~etition f.or Conditianal Use> Permit for certain real prUperty ~ituated in tho Ci~y of Ariaheim, i:ot:nty of Orange, Sta~e of Galifarni~z, r.~esr.ribed as; PARCEL 1: THAT FORTION OF LU2' 22 IN BLOCK I~ OF T.iE KRA~MLR TFAC`.P, AS SHOWN ON A biAP FcECORDED IN l30UK 12, PAGE~; $7 AND 8t's OF bSISCELLANEOUS RECOKDS QF.' T,OS laNCEL~S COUIVTX, CALTrORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: REGIiVNING A'1' fi P07'NT TN T'riF. NORTIiERSTERLY LINT.~, OF SF~ID LOT ?.2; :;ATG PAINT B~:IIJG SOUTH 61 DEC. 00' On" EAST 534.55 FEET FROM '1'HF. NORTHERLY CGRNER GF SPID I~GT 22; i!-iENCE CONTI1vUINC~ AZ,ONG SAJD Nqk~THEASTERLY LIt1I: $OUTH 6i DEG. 00' 00" ~AST 355.U0 FE~T; TE3ENCE WEST~RI,Y '19~.00 FEET TO A PO?NT SQUTEI 6 UFG. U8' 00" F~AiT 210.OU FLET 1ROM THF'• FOINT OF BEGTNNING; THENCE NORTH 6 DEG. OF3' 00" WE;ST 210.00 FfsGT Z'O THE F~OINT UF B^GIIVNTNG . EYC:'r'.P'!'ING TFIEREI'ROM THAT PORTTO;d DESCRIB~D AS FULLOWS: BcGItVNING AT TEiE SUU'.PI•iF~AST CG~tNF:Ft OF THF LAND DES~RTBF:~ AS PARCEL :~ 'LN A DEFD TO CARRIL C;qYKENDALL AND HUSBAND RE;C012D~D NOVEMBER 3C, 1927 IN BOUK 109, PAG~ 478 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF' ORANG~ CQ:JNTY, CALTfORNIA, SAID 50UTHGAST COFtNER BETNG A POTNT Iid THE NURTHEAST~:~;L~Y LiNP; UP SAID ~.,OT 22 nZSTANT SO[;TEI 60 DEG. 52' 11" EAST 8t19,~35 FFET FROM THE PTORTHERLY CORNER OF S~1ID LOT 22; THENCE SUUTH A2 DEC. ~2' 17" WEST l0i .~2 rEL:T ALONG 1HF SOUTiI.':RLY L~INE; OF aF.Ib COYK~IJnALL LAPIU TO F~ LINE THAT iS PARALLCL WITH AND 5U.00 L'F,ET SQUTEILASTI;RI,Y, MET:SUR.FD AT RIGHT A~IGI,ES, F'ROt~ THE SOUTHWESTEF:LY ~ROLONGATTON UF THAT ~'ORTiON OF THE CENT~RLINE OF' LR PALMA AVENU~, AS SHOWN IN OFtANGE CnUNTY SURVf::~~c~R~S ALIGNMENT HUOK A/4-9, PA~E 17f3; Tf~ENC~ IJORT'H ~3 DGG. 47' 49" EAS1 85.18 Ff:~I' ALONG 3AID ~ARALLEL LTNE TO TF-lE NOR7'HEASTERLY LINE CF SAIC LOT 22; TIiFNCE SOUTH 6Q DEG. S2' 11" F.AST 22.71 NEET TO TH~ POINT Or' BEGINNTPJG. PARCEL 2: TFiAT PORTTOf~ OF LCT 27. IN IILOCK K O: 1'EIE KP.AEMER ~'RACT, AS SHOWN Oh A MAP REr,ORDED IN BOOK 12, PAGES 8'1 AND 88 c~I' MISCFLLR1dE0US R~CORDS OF LOS ANGELES ::OUNTY, Cr1LIFORClIA, DLSCRiRED AS FOZ,L~OWS: c'R12 ~OMP ~.5;,; ~~ -:~- PC91-143 ~ ~ ~ ~ r,'~"~4~5 BEG2NNING A1' A FOII~T TN THF NOI2THEASTE.RLY LINE OF SAID ~.0'[' 2z, SAID P07NT BEING SOUTH 61 DEG. Op' 00" EAST 534.£5 FEF:T FROM THE NORTHERLY CORNER QF SHTD LOT 22; 7.'FIENCC CONTINUII~IG ALOPdG SAIb N012THrASTERT,X LZNE SOUTH 61 DEG. 00' UO" EAST 1%17.70 FEET TU THE EAST.ERLY CORNER OF SAID I,OT 22; TH~,NCE SOUTH 82 DEC. J.5' 00" WES7' :140.ri . 40 FEF.T ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OP' 81~1ID LOi 2'l TO THF; SOUTHEAST CQRP!ER OF ?HE 2?.87 ACRE TRACT CbNVEYED 7'G HENRY F. DF:RKSEN BY U~ED 'RECORJEP P'P;f3RUARY 16~ 192Z II~ BQOK 367~ PAG~ $7 OF ULIEDS OF OR~1NG~ C~UNTX, C~.LIFO~tIVIA; TFIENCF P7URTH 5 UEG. 08' 00" WEST 1Q?.8,9L I'F.ET TO THE POIPdT OF BEGINNICIG. ~XCEPTTNG 'CHERCI'ROM THAT P012TIUN DESCRIBF~ 1~S FOL'LOWS: BEGINIJI~IG AT A POINT IN TNG i•TOR'Z'fiEAS'fFRLY LINE CF SAIU LOT 22, SA:CD POINT Br,ING S~UTH 61 I~EG. UO' C`0" EAST 534.85 FF.r,T FFtOM THL NORTIiERLY CORNrR OF SAID L'J~ 22; THEN(;L CCi1T2NUINC 1aLONG SAID NURTHGASTERLY i,INE ~OIITH 6l DEG. 0'J' 00" E11ST 355.Ob FEET; THENCE WEST'E~RLY 292.00 IEFT TO A POIN~ SOUTH o DEG. 08' n0" EAST 21U.00 FEET FROM Tf~~ POIP!T OF BE(;TNNTNG; TfiENC';E NORTH 6 DEG. 08 ' 00" 'AEST 210 FEE'I' TO 'PEiE POINT OF' BEGINNING. ALSO ~XCEF~TrNG THGRPrROM q'HAT PURTIOb' DGSCKIB~D A5 FULL047S : BEGINNING AT THC SOU'PHWEST CORNER OF TI-IE LAND DESCRIBEU IN PARCF;L :~ OF THE DEEL' TO JSSSE COYKEI~IDALL 1aND OTHERS, RECORDED T[V BUOK 109 pAGE 480 OF OrFJCIAL k~CO~tDS 7F SAIU OR~NGE COUIVTY; THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LAND NORTII 5 DCG. 37' 28" WGaT 35.38 F'EET TO A CqRV~; CONCAVF. NORTHLRLY~ HA~~TNG A RADIUS GF 467y.00 FEET; TfiENCE EAS'3'ERLY AL,ONG SAID CUR1~E, 1~'ROM A TANGENx' WHIC:H f3EARS SOUTH $3 DEG. Ofi' G1" Et~ia^T~ TiiROUGH AN P,NGLE OT' 1 DEG. .ri3' 05" AN ARC ATSTANCE ~JF 153.71 FF,ET TO THE SOUTcI LINE OF SAID LOT ~2; TFi~NCE ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE SOUTH 82 DEG. 40' 27" WEST 150.84 FEET TO TH~ YOINT OF UEGINNING. PARCF.'L 3: THAT PGkTIUN OC LOT 22 II~ ~3I.OCK K OE' THL KRAEM~R TRACT, AS SHc~Wt1 ON A MAP KECORDEL' IN l300K 1?, PAG~S 87 AND f38 OF IdISCLLLANEnUS itECORDS OF I,pS ANGELES COUNTY; CALII'ORNIA, UESCFtIEi~D AS E'ULT,0~9S: f~EG1NNING• AT 'fHE SOU1'HEAST CURNER OI' THB LAND DESCR.IBED RS PARCEL J. IN A DEGU Tu CARF,I^ CUYKENDALL AND EIUSBAND RF.CURUED NOVEMRER 30, 1927 IN BOQK lUq, F~P.GE 4"/9 OF OFFICiAL R~CnRDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, SFiID SOUTHLAS~' CORDIER IIF.ING A PQINT IN TFiE NORTHH:ASTERLY LINE OF SAID I,OT 22 DIS1'ANT SOU2'H 60 -2- YC91-i43 DI:"„ 57.' 2J." EAST 8E?9.fi5 FLET E'ROM THE NORTHERLY CORNER QF SAI[) LOT ,'.?.; THENCE SOUTH 82 bEG, 52' 17" WE5'I' i02.42 FEF'!' AI.ONG TH~ SAU'T'HERLY L.1:NE OF SAID CbYKENUALL LAND TO 1\ I,INF. THAT IS Ppp11LLGL WITH ANll SU.Ob FEET SQUTHEASTF.RLY, MEASURED l~T RTGfiT ANGLE,3, rROM TFIE SOUTEiWE5'i'ERLX I'RCLANGAq'TOtJ OF' 'PHAT F'ORTIUN Q? TEI~; CLNTERLIN~ C1F I,A PAT r;A AVENUC, AS SHOWN IN ORP-NGE Ci)UNTY Si1F2VLYOR' S AT,ICNMENT BOOK A/4-9, PAGE 17E?; 'PHENC~ NORTH 73 DEC. 47' 49" F:F1ST 85.1E1 B'GET ALOI~7G S11ID PARAI.LEL L~INE 't0 THE NORTHGASTF.ItI,Y :,INE OF S)~ID LdT 22; TH~IQCF SOU'1'H 50 D~:G. 52' :11" EnST 22.1,1 F'EF'T Tf) THF i~GIN'~' O[' [3GGTN;dIt3G. "~HE~E~s, L•he City P.lannint~ ~om::•+.~sion did hold a public heara.ng eit l-hES Civic Cc~citer in the City ~,~ AnahQin. on Septomher 23, 1991, at 1:;;0 p,m, ~ i:otice uf ~aid public hear.ing having been d;aly qiven ~~ required by law and in accarQancc with t:he~ Prov.iflionFS ~f. the Anaheim Muni.cipal Cade, Chapk~r ,1g,0?, to t~~ar. arid connid~r evicience for and ar.~ainf3t ~~id proposeci conditional u~e permit and to i~~•esttqate and make finriiny~ and recommendations in r,onnection ttir.~rewitt;; artd Wf?ERFAS, saic9 Conuni:~sion, aftei d4~ if~:~Nr_,_tiu::, ~-,~•r~ti~~:,r.i_on and studf made by itself and _n itz3 h~t~.~lf, and af~er d~te consideration of all evidence and r.en~~rkf3 offered at r~aid heari.ng, doea find and de~ermine the folluwi.n~3 fact~: 1. Th:,~, t:he prop~~sed iise : s pi'~p,,~ ly one for which a conditiona.l 'a=ie P~'r~~~i~ iEi authorized by A~:ah~im Muniripi~ Co~E, Section for Chc~ cn~1r~truction of uE~ t:u .141, 135 sq.fE. o£ indu ~tri.311y-rel~ted officp usas wir_1~in a propoaed ZO'~.695 e~q. ft. .ind~~hCrial ~~ark. 2. 'ft~z-t t:ie pf-op~3;,a u~~, Will not adveraely affect the acijuining iand u:3f~;~ and r_he growth and ci~vcal~~F;ii,anr_ of the are~i in whicti it i s pro~osed to be lor,a~ed. 3. 7'}~at ttie ~i,e and c~h~~~;~~~ ot :he site~ pr~p~7ae~.~ for the use i.o zd~qi,at~ r.~ allnw the fu.ll da~velopmc~n± ~f the pr.opoaed usE in a m~inner n~t• detrimental r_~ rl~~ F~~~rticular ii'fl1 SIOY tc~ thQ p~~ace, heal.t-h, safe~:y and gene.ral welfare of the Cit:izAn~ of th,a City ~~f Afl;lF~E'lltl. 4• :i"~at the gra;itir,g of thc ConditS.~~nal t;tte PF~rmiL• un~j~±r the cnndiCion~ imPo~ed wiil. not be delr..imental to the peace, h~dith, safer,y and yener:.ti ~~relfare of the Cltizenn oC Lhe City of An.it:eim. 5. 'lhat ttie traffic generated i_~y the propoae•l us~e will not im~,oee ;n andue burden up~n thF~ c~rreet~ znd h.iqhw~,yfl denigned ~~r~d imt:r-oved to c•arry r.he traffic iu the area. G. That or~c, c~~nccrr~ec! p~rson ir~dxcatecl L•h~ic• pc•~~~c;ence at ~a:d public heari.ng; ar.d t;i<it nu corresprndenr_E. w~~ rv±ceivc~t in o~ pouitton to khe subje~~t petiti~n. -3-- F'C91-1~33 , ,::.. , CI~LIFURNJA ENVIRnNMEN'TAS, QUA1~17Y 11CT FINOZNG: That th~~ ~nahe.im City P? anning Comm.ieuic~t haa revi~:w~c; thc propofsal for. thH con~tructi.on c~f up to 14]., 135 ac~. tt. of induetri~--lly--r~lated of.t'icE use~ a~:.r.h1n a pz'C~pos~~d 205, 605 sq.ft. industrial. nark <~n nn irr~c~ularly-ahapc~d parcel of land coneisting of z~p~roximate;.y 14.3 ac:.res located at t;i~ a~uthweat corner of La Falma Avpnuo and White Star Avenue tiavi.ng ~z~pr~ximate fruntage~ of 1,172 fent on the w~et aide ~f White SL•ar Avenuo t~nci 2~30 f~eY. on the c~c+uth si.de of La P~lma Avenue and furthex described aa ?_f39~J F.. La Palma 7Avenu~; and daes her~by approve a mi.tigat~d Negative a~c.laratio;i and ~aorr. the Mitigation Monttoriny Program pursuani: tu Sectinn 7.1OF31.6 of lhe Public RE~~ou.rcea Code on the basia that the Ylanning Commi~sir~n ha~ coneider•ed tho proposal with the mitigato~ Negati.ve Declaratiari and Monitaring ~~roc~ram, to;;ccher with an~~ c~mmente recetvad ciuring the public review procc~os arid furl:her fin:iing, on the baai.o of the Tnit.ial Stur,iy, th~t L•here i:~ no ~tib~~aniial eviden:.e Lhat the project will have a ~ignifi.car~t effect on the envirunmrnt. NUW, 'I'E(I:12EFC`::~, DE iT R~'SOLVEU that the Flnaheim C.ity Planning Commias±on ~?oes h~reby grunt 3ubj~~t Petition for Condit~onal Use kerrnit, upon tnn foll.owing c~nlditians which are hcrEby £o~.ind to be a neceflsary pr.erequisite to rhe pro~o:,e~l u~~ ~~f *_i~e subje~t Urcperty ir. ord~r to , rese~ ~e the safety and ~3eneral wa1£are of the Ci.t.izens of t~~e C.ity of Anahei.m: :. ~. * Thzl st,rcet liyhtinq fac:;.li~ies aloc~c~ WhiL-e Star Aven~ie and t.a Mesa Ave;lue 3h~11 b~ '.nsrallecl rls .equ.ired by the Utilities Ceneral Manager in acrordance with ~~eC1fl.CratLU118 on file i.n the Uffice of the Utilities Ger~eral Dfanagrr; ur tha.~ cecurity in tl~c form of a bond, cer.tificate of dePoait, letter of credi~, or c:sh, iil an amount and form catisfactory to the Cit~~ of Anaheim, shall be po~ted with t~~e City to ~uaranl•ee the oatisfactory completic~n of the above-menL-ioned improvem~:•~ts. Satd 3ecurity shall be po~ted wit.h the Cir.y of Anaheim pri~r to i.ssuancc ~f a building permit. T'~e abov<~-r~quired improvementa Hhall be i.nst•dlled pr.ior to oc.;t~pancy. b.* 7hat at~•eet liyiitir,~ facilit::.es along La Pa2ma nvenue shall be inatalled unc9er.yro~xitd as i-a,uire~ by the Ut+.lities General. Manager in accor.dance with E~J~3C1fLCFltlOfl.~i ort file in rt:e Uffica of tfi~ UtiZit.ir-.s Goneral :dattag~?C~ ~r~ t:hat security in the furm r,f .~ bond, certifi~:ate of depoai~, l~tter o£ credit, ol cast-~, in an arno~nL 4nd form :3atiefactory t.o L•he C.ity oi Anaheim, 9F131.1 b~a nosr_c~d with tha: Ci~y to guarantee the ~atisfacrory completion of t:hs ab~~ve-me~nti.oned undeigrounc3 improvem~nts. Said :~ecur.i.t.y ~h~~~l be ponted witt; the City of Anr~hefm pric.- t~ isauance of a builciing permit.. 'Che abov~-require~l im~rovemento ahal.l be inotalled prior tc occupancy. i. * T;~at aubjec:~ propcrty sh~J.I ue ~erved by iindcrground utiiitie3. 3. ~ Th~t *h:-~ le~al owner of :;ubjer.t p::onert:y shall dedicate to r_he i:ity of Rnah~im a fi.ve (:i) foot wirje pt~blic utility e~~ement alc~ng r_tie northerly portion af t:tte weE~t property line, aB req~iii•e~a by thc3 UtLlitiea D~part.rc~nt.. -~- PC:91-1~3 4. * That Friar to ispuancE~ of a builttir~g pQrm~.~, the ~.-ppropri.ate traffic r~ignal aaraessmont f~e ahall b~ p,~i~3 ti~ L-he rx~Y ~f pnahc~im in an amaunt as estab].iHhed by Citk Council l1F~aolution. 5• * T.I~at plana ahall be submitt.ed to the City Tra:F±c ar~d Traneportation Manager. for. h.is~ reviQw and approval shuw.tng conformance with the later~t revi~i.on uf Engine:ea•ing Standard Plar~ Noe. ~336, 602 and 605 partaa.ning to ~~arking o~andard~ and dr.iveway locariana~ Subject ~~ro~ert,y shall thoreupon be d~veloped and riaintain4d i.n cunformance with safd Plan~. ~• That all dr.iveway~ a}ia11 be conatr•uc~:ed with fi.fteer. (.16) foot raciius r.ur.b returnc~ as r~q~air~d by t:he City ~;ngin~er. 1.n conformanca w.ith Fngin~e~•ing Standarda. 7• Th~t the rlevel~pe.r sf:aT.l ~•ompZy with c.'hapter 19.b0 "Tx~hnsportat.;.~n Demand° of the An~~he.im Municipa.i Code. 8• That khc dQVeloper. sh:_i.l.l improve and/or. replace str.ip.ing, [~i.gninc~ and street marking$ on White Star Avenue between La Palma Avenue and the River~icle Fr~eway (5R 9.1} to Lh~ a~~isfaclion of tht C.ity Traffir. ~nd Trar,&portati.on Man;~per. 9• That a contr.ibuti.or~ sh,31.1 be pa.id to the c'ity o~ Anaheim t~ fund improvemc~nts to th~ L~ Pa.1mtt AJenue ~~.rridur betwec~n Krae.mer f3nuZevar.d and the Orange Fi-eew~~y (SR 5%). Such contrihution sh~11 not exceed fifty five thousand twr~ hundr.ed dol.lars ($55,200) plus ir.flPt.ion .inc; ~ases from the date of. this resolut.ion until the cunti-ibution is actual.Zy paid. T:~is contribut:ion is based ~~pon th~ pro_jQ~t's proporCzonate st~are of ~~orcributed t2•affic to cunrulative traffic volunres th.r<~ughout the La Pq1ma t,venue corridor bet_w~~~n K.raerner E3oulev~t•d and th~ Orange Freeway 10. + That prior to corrmencement of ~tr~cturai framing, fi••e ~~ydrants shall be ir,stallc~d and cliarc~e.i as required and approvad by ..he Fire D~partment. An al.l-weather roa.. shall be pro~-.'tded to the hy~.lranta at all times, aa re<;uired by the Fire Uepartment. 11. •~ That fire aprinklc~rs 3liall be iiiot;alleci a~ requirecl by the ri'ire Dep;~rtm~nt , 12. * That Y.rash storage are3a shall be providc:d a~id maintain~d in a]ocation accepL•aule to th~ Dtr,artm~~nt of Maincenanca and in accordance with appr.oved ~~lana on fiJ.e aiith c~~id Department. Such information ah~l~ be specifically shor~n on r.he plans ~submitted for b,iil.d.ing permi.ts. 13. That ,a Plan Slieet fcr sul~d waste ~toi~aqe and colle~~ion and a plan for recycliny shall be submirted tc th~ Uepartme•it of M•,i.ntenance for r~view and approval.. 14. Th:~~ an on-aite L•rash truck turn-around area sh:i11 1~e provided arid maintained t~~ the sari.~faction r,f th~ ~epartment of M~~intanance. Said turn-araund area ehal? b~ f3pECilir,:~J,],~ ~hown on pl~~:~o submitted `.ox~ bu.ilding p?rrnitn. ~J•' pc9i-ia3 15, That a~s ree~u.ir.ed by the DepartmQn~; of Main~enancQ, all r~ , Pollution D.id~hargc~ and E11.mination ~~ ~~~~~gar.Y National obtained. lratem ~rrrn~:s~ p~rmits shall be 16. That prior to i~du~nce of ahall irrevocabl ~ building pe•rmit, ~he l~gal proper~y owner fif.t Y offer to dtdic~~r_P ro the Ci.ty of Anahoi:n an. ot~~dment y three ( 53 ) feet .in wiclth f.rom the cen~erli.ne of l,a p~-tlma Avenue, thirty two (37,) feet in w.iclth fram the cent~rline of White Star Avenuo `1na a si;~fY (60) f~ot right-of--way along La Mecaa Avenuc~ including a fift (5~) foot cul-de-aar.. Y 17, ThaL- prioi- to issuanc~ of vhall be subm~.L-ted to t}ie Subdi~.vieior~gsectmonrandrbondsmshallmbe~ plana fo±.- White Star Avenue improvFments ' I"i P~~lma Avpnue dn~ pOBtQd shall bc completecl r.ior La FiE~4a Avanue, Z~he inspQCtic~n. ~' ~o final building and zoning 13. That prioi: t~ i~suance c~f a~,,;al~in~ permit, the 1Fgal owner ~~f. aubject ~'rO~p=tY shall gr~nt and record veh~culaz• an unsubordinated c~venant ~~ranting a access easement t~ t:~~ aubjecu pr~p~r~ PraP~rty ewner immediatQly snuth of Y fo~ ingre;~s and e,ress pui•poaes. The covenant shall bQ a~pr~'~'~~ ~y the City Attorney and recorded in the Office of r, County Recor.der, he Or~nge rh~ Lonin ~`~~'Y of the recorded cov~:nant shal.l be r~ubmttt;ed to g Division. 1`~• That priar to i~suanae ~~ ~Uppartinq structures currentt b'~i.lding peri„i.r, all billboarr]Q and their compiet~ly removed from gu~'P Y~xistiny ~~ subject propErt )-~~ pruperty, Y shal.l be 2U• That plane for a Zonin~7 Uivi.~ion fOLG~n1~YP.}1E71g1Vt? ~iyn proqram shall be submitted r_o the "Report and Recomm~clda~ioni~a Pnd appi-n~a1 b~• the Planning Co;~imission as a g .nda item. 21. T',at• no 1-equirec3 parkzng c'l1'P_r7E ~hall be fe outdoor starac~e ar other non--parking u~E~, nced or otherwiae encloaed for Z~• That ~he water b~zckflow q~ equir,;nent ~hall bP F ui ~ment and an}• other .l~-~rgQ water systerr Division i.;i eithPL instal.l.ed t~ thc: oati~faction n;f tt~e Water Utility netback ar.ez ~`;~ under.g~ound ~•ault~ or. (b) behind khe 3~ree*_ alleys, xn e mannpr fully s~reened from a).1 publSc streets ~nd ?.3. That 3 covenant ahall be re mai? to aubdivide subject propertd~~ Providing that in the ev~nt u paL~el par.kin Y ig recarded, the reciprocnl acceas and 9~ epproved by the City Tr.lf.fic and Trans~o:tati4ri M~inager. and the Zoning I7ivieion and in a foz~ rec~x~?e,~ With th~ m 3a~iafactory tu L•he City Att~rney, sha11 bc~ recorde~i covenant raffice ~f tt~e Or.anq~ County Recorder.. A cc~y o~ the shall ~~ ~Y,aJ.l ba ~ul~«~itted to the Zoning Div.ision. Pr~vi_3ions m`~~~ i'~ tih~ covenant to guarant~e that t:he enti.re c;omplex ahall bE manayed and mainta.tnecl ~n ~nE parking, vehicula.r circulation, yLgne~~ntm3jnt~Pa~ce1 for purposes of architectursl cnntrol, a7d that the covenant sF,allab~~r~fe.renc~U~~ deed:~ a~~d t~:anRterring al.i cr any p~~rt of ~he ~nterest in the pxJpQr~Yd in all -6- .?C91-143 24. * That: all a,tr canditJ.onin ~quipment gF~~lt b~ 9 facilitier~ arid oi;lier roofi arid ground cnounted prapeities. ~i~p~~1Y ~~~1~~-~~'d f~om view from ~~d~ac~nt re~iclen~iaL ~ubmitted for hs?~lain~~~~prrnation ,~hall be arecii'ically ehown on the 5 P~rmita. p1anH ~g, That al.t plumbing or otl~er. s~i.milar pipes an~ fixturQa located on the exCerior of th9 bu:ild.in 9 dEVicen and/~~r. ~ 9• ~ha11 be f•ully ~creenc~d inFo~matiot- pPlopr.iate k~uild~.ncj material~ • bY archit~3ctural ahall bn spec.ific~ll , and, ~uz~hA~-. ~uckf building permit~. Y ohown on the plans :~ubmittec? f~r. 26. That any scl.id fences that are maintaineu with clinging v;.nns °~-siL~lE off-site r tu el.iminate ~hall be F~].anred ar.d gratfi.ti appor~unities. 27. That Lh~ ~ro a:aed ~xaes and that an F F off.ice u~~9 3t~z11 be ?imi~eQ to the fo],7.owi:lg liated unsubordi.nated covanant, reviewed an~i approved b ~ity Att~rneY~~ Gftice, so-limitin Office of the Urange Cour~t g 3ai.d u°ES shali be Y ttle y kecorder recorded in thc t~ the 'Loning p~.~a,bi~n: ~ a copy of wh.ich sha11 be submitted (1i Accounting - Bc~~kkee~in (2) Advertising ~ 9' CPA Firmr~ or. tempa;~~;ry ~pA F,irme (3~ Apprai3ers ('~ ) San)ca f~) Brokers - Real ~~t.ate, t3usinE~s oppor~i;nities, °tc. (6) t3usi_nesa Sy~;~~~r~ Compai~ie~ ( ~) Communicatioi~ Cr~n~ult~nt;3 (8) Compu.ter Analy~is Firm~ ( ~) c:redit ReFort ing 1lgencies ~1~) p~&igr~ers - Induntrial, Tnt:~ti~z, ~Lant~ic (11 } Development c'c~n,par.ies (~~ ) Facil_tty M~ i.titenance and Plann.ing (13) In~sura~~ce C.~mpanir.~/~9enri~s (14) Inventor.y Service~ (15) LeaRing Companie~ (1~) t9anag~~»cnt f;qr~ultants/Coiup~n~es t 1 ~ ) Market.in~ ftc~~searct, (18) Personnel Agenci~~s {19) Qu4lity Control AnalyQ~_3 ~I (?~) Sa1~s Office~ ~~ ~ Nhich Serv~ the indu~L-rial arrya; (21) Secretarial. an~q BuC;.ner~fl Servic~a ~' (~?) Any use permi.tted ~ under 'I,oning Codc Sectio,~ 18. Fil , p?p ~~pelmitted i Frimary U:~es ~~nd ,trur.L-ures,~~ an~~ Rubjer•t r~ all conditiona cf s Sectian, ~ aid i Each individuaZ L~QQ Diviai~~n „_ ~hr-11 r~quire th~ pr'"v tO o~~u ~inc wr.it~en apPtov~l of the 7,~ning it i~ ~' ~'' `~11~ ~~+:~ich app;-ova1 Bhall onl demonst.ratE~d that such use is pither a~ ~. ~' hG given when 3uch zone ~r me~ta the criteri~~ or Section 1~~6eos1 oe and Structure Y P~r~~~itted use in ~~y ~ 1.050. ~i05 s" oi•' the, Anah~im Munici.pal CodQ. "Condi.tfonal _•~_ PC91-143 ~; A`~'~~~J~~'i ~~~~ 26. * That the propo~al Qhsl.l comply with all stgning requfrem~:~nte of the M.L "tnduatrial, Lintitc~ci" Zone izn7.ea~ a vzri.ance a.1low.ing s~iyn wa.ivere ls dPFzOV~a by tt~e City Counci.l, ~].anniriq Commi~afan or Zoning Adr~.ini.str~~tor, and except as otherwise reatrfcted by Canclition No, 29 0{ thi.s resc~.lution. ?~• That any proposod freQetancling oign on sub;ect ~ropcrty shall be a mom.~m~nt-tyne not exreedinc~ eighL- (8) fQet in he.i_ght and shall be sub;er,t t~ the r~vi.cw e~nd ap~rpva.l of the ri.ty xiai~ic ar.~~ Transportatiu.n Managor tc deter.mi.ne ac~equai~ linee-of-•aiyht. 3G. That a ~3ndscape and irriyati~n plan far aubject property ai~a11 be :~~atmiL-r_ed to the loning Division for review and appr~val. ~ny decic~ion made by the 2oni.r~g D.ivision re~~arding ~aici plar, may be appealed to thP Planniny Commi„ion and/or Cit.y Coui~cil. 3~• * That the on-aite landscapi.ng artid irrigation sysL•em shal:. be ttiaintained in compliance with ~ity standar~3c~. 31• * That th~ par.king areaa adjacEnL• to ~~11 ~~ublic righte-of-way eha11 ~e ~creer~ed from view in conforrrianr.e wit.h Zuning Cade Section 18.6)..Q66.030. Such 5creening shall. be shooin on plans cubmittEd for. building permits. ~:~- 'Phat zny +~ree pl~iilt@C] on-~ite sha2.1 be replaced in a timely manner in the event that it is remov~:l, damaged, di~ea~~d and/or. dead. 34. ~ That i:tii~ Conditional (J'aF3 Permit i3 grantEd aubject to adaptian of a zoning ordir.ance in connecti~•,n wi.th Recla3sification No. ?0-71-47, n~w pFndiny. 3~. Tt~at the developer ~hall be responsible for c:om~liance and any direct con'~ associated ~,~ith thH Mitiyation Monitoring Program est~bli.ah~d bX tne City ae required l,y Sect-.ian 210F31.6 of the Public Rpsources Code to en~urF~ implementation c~f thoae mitxgation meaaures identified i:z the Reconunended Conditions of Approval for L•he Afitiqated Negative DeclaratLon (Cond.iti~n No~. 7 and 9 of. thie re:~oluti.ori) . 3Ei. That ~~ittiin a per.ioc: of one hur,dred twenty (12U) daya i-r~m the date of this resol.ution, the pr~r~erty owr~er r~hall qrant either (a) u vehicular. ac~eaa easement or (b) a lic~n~e agreEmcnt, in a form appraved 'ny th~ City AL•torn~:y, tc L•he awn~r ~f the acljaeent prop~rty to thq south for the purpoae of providing adE,quate vehicular access between T~a Mesa Avenue and said adjacent proper::y until such time as the proposed conatructfon of t1~e La hiesa RveTlu~ cul-de-sac ~_3 completed. The location and sizs nf said vel;icular dcceaa etial.l be approved by the Cit~y Traftic and 'rran~portation Pdanaaer. Saicl easpment or licenso agrec:ment shall '~e ~ecordEd with the Of2~ice of r_i~~ Orange Ccunt,y RecordPr and pzoof ~f .~ecordation :~hall be furnished to the Zoning Division. a7 • '1'hat ~ub ject property shall be de~;eloped SU~9t3lltlc^~lly in ~ccordance with p_~ine and BpeCifiCatiUtls 3ubmitted ko tho City of Anaheim by the pet:itioner and wh.ich plan~ are r.n .file with the Planning Department m3~l:ed F,xhibit Nos. 1 t}~rough 5. -~' PC9'1-143 ~_~J.. 3~. That pr.i.or ta i~~uance Uf a buil~9ing permit or within ~i period of one (1) year £rom th~ date of thia re~olution, whichever occur~ firat, Con~ition Nos. 1, 3, 4, 5, y, ].'l, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 7.9, ?.0, 24, 25, 2'I, 30, 32 and 34, ~bove-men~icned, ~hall t.~e complied witli. ExL-ensiane for f.urther. time to complete said condition~ may be gran~ed in accardance wir:h Section 18.03.090 of the Anahei~~i Municipa.l Code. 39. That prior to final ki11.11C~111CJ and ~oriing inapectinns, Cor,~it?or. Noes. 1, 2, 6, "l, 8, 11, ~7, 22, 26 and 37, above-m~nti~~ned, shall he cc~mplied with. 40. * Tliat appr.oval of th.ia ap~lic:ation ~ unsti}utea app.r~val oE th~ propoasd r.equest only to the extent t:nat it comp~ies ~oi."h the An~heir~ tsunicipal Zoning Code and an~ o~he~r applicable City, Statc and FederaJ. regula~.ions. Approval dc~es n~t include any ~ctiot~ ox f•indinge as to compli~iyce or appraval of the request ~~:.:?aL•ding any other. applicable orciinance, re~~ulation or ieguirempnt. Conai.tions marked with an a~tQrisk (*) ar~ required Uy established law~, codes, reyulati.ons and agreements «nd are, thc~refoi~e, not s~.~bject Y.o negotiatic;n. F3E IT F!~RTf~i~R RESUT~VED that the Anaheim Cit-y Flar!ning Commission dues hereby find and d2termine that adopt~.ori of thi!s Reaolution is exnreas7.y predicated upon applicant'a com~~li.ance with eack~ and ail of the conditions hEre~.r.above .seh. forth. Si~ould any such conditio-~~, or any part th~reaf, be d~clared i.nvalid or ~~nenforc~able by the final judgment of any court ot cc,mpetent juri.sdicti.an, L•hen thi~ Reeolution, 111C7 ~ny ap~r.ovate herein c~~ntained, ehall b~ deemed null and vei.d. TH~ FORF.GOING RGSOLI~TION was~a o~sted ~t the Pla~,~ in`c~ Commisaio meet~_ng of September. 23, 1991. ,.-' / ~ //~v / ~ ~r ~~../ ~ /~ / ~~r4 F -~ /~ " V ~-_L ~ • •~~~, ^FiAI MP.N, A2IAHLIDi CITY T,a A1~NILdG UMMIS9~ ON ATTLST: ~ . . l~._.l~ . e ~, . . ~ . . :'~~ -~'---1------- -°-- 5rCRF1AFtY, ANP~HEIM CTTY PLnNNING CUMMISSTON STAZ'E OF CAT.TT. QRNIA ) COUNTY ::''C ORANGE ) as. CI;Y UF ANAHEIM ; I, Jr1tlE:t I~. :Jei~~eri, aecr.etary of the Ariaheim City Planning Cummi_3sion, do hereby certify that the £oregoinc~ reaolutior, was passed and adoptied at a me~ting of the Anaheiri Ci.t-y Planni.n~ Commission held on Se~:tember 7_3, 1991, by the foll~wing vote of the ni~mber~ thereof: AXES: COMMISSIUPII:RS: SUUAS, PERA~. IQOLS: COMMISSIONFRS: ~IONE ABSEL7T: COtdfSISSIONEFt5: NON1. IIRISTOL~, HGLLYER, EiENNINGER, MFSSE, 7,F:;MEL ; f. 'LN WTTf1GS5 WFiEREOF, I have t~i:reunto set my hand this , ~~~;.~~"~ day of r"_/•f~ -f"___`, 1991. , i /% , . ~~ ~: , , : ~r": ~ . ., S CRETARY ANAF~EItd, CITY PLANNING COMtd'lSaIODI ~Y~, _9_ PC9?-143 ;~:~