Resolution-PC 91-148.4' iln~ RESO'LUTION NO. PC91-~4£~ ~~~~ A RP:SOLUTICN Ol' THE ANAHEIM CITY YLANNING COMt4ISSION THA'P PFs'.PITION FOR G~JNDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 345A 13E GRANTED Y;Ii~REAS, i:he Anaheicn C:~ty Planning Commisai.c~n did receive a verif,ied Petition for C~nditional Uye Permit for certain real. pr.operty situated in thc: City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cali.fr~.rnia, ciescribed as: PARCE;L 1 OF TEPd'fATTVE PARCEL MAP NO. 90-244, IN '.H~ CI:T]' OI' A[1AHEIM AIJD fi~ING A SUBDIVISIUN OF 2'HE FOLLOWING DESCRTEED LAND: A PORTiON OF LOTS 1 AND 8 OF THE HEL,FN AND LXNCH'S ^' SUSDIVISTdN~ A^a E~ER MAP RECOR,'~~D IN BOOK 442~ P~GE 15$ ~. b OF n~r~s, IN 'i'HE OFFICE QF THE COUNTY RFCUFDFR OI' LOS _, AAIGLES COUIITY, CAI,IFORNIA, 'e~ND A POR1`TON nF LOTS 46 A:7D 47 OF ANAHEIM EXTE;ISION, 2~15 PER MAP Or^ SURVEY MADG 13Y WI~LIAM HAM~L FILEll IP7 SAID UF'k'ICE pF' THE COUt1TY R~~ORDER CF L~S ANG~L'ES COUNTY, ~. COPY OF WHICH IS RECCRDED IN DOOK 3, PAGE 163 CT SEQ., ENTITLED "LOS ~ ANGELE:S CO~PITY MAPS", TN TY_E ON'rICE OF TFiE COUN1'Y RBCOFtDER OH ORANGE COUNTY, CALZP'qRNZY,, LOCATED PARZ'I~Y IN THE CI7"1 Or ANAHEIM, AND P_iL IN THE CO[JNTY UF ORANG'~, 5TATE OF CALIFORNIA, DE5C12IIIED AS FOLLOWS: 'PHF: NOR'CHEASTERT~Y E35.00 I'EE~ OP' TFi~ FOL'LnWING DESC;RIBED PAFtCCL: BEGTNNING AT THE INTERSL',CTiUN UF THG CENTER LTNL' OP' THE kAILRUAD BTTWEEN LOS NIF.lOS S:['ATIO^7 AND '.CHF T047Iv OF ANAFiEIM, WITH 'I'HL Wr,STERLY LIIvE 01~ TT-3E LANU DESCRIBEG IN ~EED mp ARTHliR ALEXANDER NEIMANN, 12~CQFUED DlARCH 15, 1£i72, IN BOOh 2~, PA~E 396 OF' DLEDS OF SAZU LOS ANGELL•':: CUUNTY, (SAI~ WFSTERLY LIP:E A~ING SHOWN AS STA'PION 1U79+40 UN MAP NO. V-12/6 OF 'rHE SOUTI-tERN P11r_Ir IC RAILROAD COMF'ANY ); THENCE SOUTFIEkLY 476.00 ~EE2' ALONG SAID W~STERLY T.INE TO A'LINE PA~tALLEL WTTH AND SOUTHW~STFRLY 400.00 FEET FRUM SAID CENTEFt LINE; THENCF SOUTHEAST~RLY 2340.00 F'EET ALONG SI~TD PARALL~L LINE Tl~ THE CEI3:CER LINE OF F7ALNUT STFtEE'I, AS SHOWN OI~I SATD MAP HY WTLL'IAM HAM~L; THL•'NCE NORTHERLY S~J5.00 FEET 'r1LONG SATD CENTER LIIJE OF WALNUZ' STREET TO A LINE PARALLGL WITH AND 100.OQ FEET NORTHEASTERLY FROId SAID CEI3TER LtNE OE' THE RAILR01~1D; TH~.NCE NORTHWr.STERLY 2340.OG FGI:T ALONG SAID LAST MENTIONED PARALLEL L'!NE TO SA.LD WESTERLY LINE; TFiENCE SOU'THERLY l ly . l1Q P~ET ALONG SATD WE~T~RLY LINE TO TFiE POINT AF IIEGINNING. , : , n„ ~ ::;~~ CR1295MS -1-• PC9J.-148 'v '^ rz,ri~a. EXCEPTINC '.CHEREFROM '1'HAT T12IANGULAR PARCEL OF LANU REING IN LOT 1 OF THE HELEN AND LYNCH ADDITION, AS SIiOWN ON A MAP RECOF2DEB JUNE 12, 1885, IN BOOK 442, PAGE 158 OF DEEDS, R~CORDS OF I~p5 ANGELES COUtITY, CAI,IFURNTA, SAID LnT 1 BI~.TNG mHE PlORTHEAST QCARTEP. OF THE NORTHEEIST QUAI2TER OF THE NORTEIWEST QCTARTER OF SECTtON 16, 'lOWNSHIP 4 50TJT~I, I2ANGE 10 WEST, S.E3.M., WHICH TRIANGULAR PARC:EL UF LAND SS MUR~ PARTICULARLY DESCRIBEU AS FOLL~OH'S: COMMc;tdCING F~T A CONCRET~' MONUM~NT LOCATEU 1:'I' THE INTERSECTION OF THE CEN'PEP. LTNF. OE' T INCOLN AVE;IVUE W ~'r'EI THE W~ST~R~Y EiOUNnARY LINE UF THE CITY OF ANI,HFIM, SAIP SOUP]DARY. LINE :[S ALSG THE NORTHEASTERLY COkZNER UF SAID LOT. 1; 1HGD?CE WESTERLY FROM SAID CONCRETE MON[JMENT ALONG 'CHE CEN'lERLINE OF LINCOLN AVENZJE, SAID CEN'PEIt LINE BL;ING AI,SO TFiG NURTHEi.1LY LINE dr^ ~AIU LUT 1, A UISTAP7CE OL' 660.G0 FEET TO THE NORTHW~STEriLY CORNEFt OI' SAID L,OT 1; TH~NCE SOUTHERI,Y, ALONG THE WEST~RLY LITiE OF SAID LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF 199.1.1 FEET TQ TI~3E SOUTHWESTERLY COF2NER OF THAT CERTAIN PAF2CEL OF LAND CONVGYED TO RUSSELL EVANS BY ~JI:ED RF^.ORDGD IN BOUK 475 PAGE 157 UE' DGEUS, RECqRDS UI' OR~1NGr. COUNTY, CAL,TFORNIA, SRID SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER BETNG THE TFtU~ FOINT OF EEGINNIlVG OF PAR(:ET. Tn BE fIESCFtIBED; THENCE SUUTFIEASTERLY ALONG TH~ SOUTHWES'PERLY LIN~ OF SHID PARCF:L Or LAND CONVEYL;D TO P.USSELL EVANS, SAIn LIN~ BLINC ALSO TFiE NOR'rEiEA:;TFRLY LTNE OF SAID SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANX'S Pl.7UP~RTY, A DISTANCE OF' 33.1Q FE~T TO 11 POTNT; 'iHE~ICE SOUTHWESTrRLY Am RIGHT ANGi,ES, A DISTANCE OF 50.C?0 FEE;T TQ A POINT IN THE WESTERLX LINE O~ SAID LQT 1, ANU THE WESTERL't LINE OF SAID SOUTHEI2N PACIFIC RATLROAD CUMPANY'S PROPERTY., SA.':D POINT DISTANT 50.00 FEFT, AT RIGHT ANGLES, FROM 'rH!s CEN7'ER L?NE OF 2dAIN TFtAC;'T OP SATD SOUTHERN Pt;CTFIC RA'~L:?OAD COMPANY' S CONSTRUCTED SANTA ANA EiRANCH; 'PF:ENCc: NORTHERi~Y, ALOI•IG TE~F: SASD WESTERLY LTNE OF SAID LC'+T 1, A D:LSTANCE UF 59.96 FEET TC) THL TRUE POINT OF F?i~GINPITNv. AL50 EX~ E.PTING TEiEREFROM TFiAT PORTlOf1 L5' ING 50UTHEASTE;RLY OF r'1 ~~TNE PARALLEL WITH AND DIS?'?P7T NOFTHWESTFNT,1' 40.00 FEET, MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES, FR~M 'I'H05R CERTAIN LINE.`', HAVING CERT,~-1IN COURSES SOUTH 74 UEG. 24' WLST 133.G FEET AND SOUT:; 74 pEG. 24' WLST h44.4 FGET AS DGSCRIBEU IN THE ~EC,OND PARCEL OF Lrrin AS GRANTED TO THE ~ITY OF ANAHE7M lt~ THAT (;FRTAIN DEED RECORDED T~I L~OOK ~.04, PAuE 371 UF D?:EDS, RECQk~S OF SAN FRANCT~CO CUUNTY, CAL71'c)RNIA. -2- PC91-148 ' E~1 . w.., wtiGRI:AS, L•h~ City PJ.anninq Commi~oion did hold ~. pub].ic hc~~riny ,it tt~c~ Civi.c C;~ntc~r in tt~o Ci.tiy of An~helm on SQpt~mber.• 23, 1991, nL• :::30 p.m., noticc~ of nai.d publia haari.n~7 h~iving been ciull given a3 r~squired by iaw and in ac~:ordancF~ ~.~ith the ~rovioion~y ~f the Anahei.m Municipal Code, ChapLer 18.U3, to hear and con~ider ~:v}.dence for ~nd ac~ainr3L• ~a.td pr~posc~d condttion~~tl uee permit SI1C~ to inve~ti.gat-r. and make findiny~ a~id recomriendationa in cont~ection therrwith; ancl 47Fii:Et13AS, aaid Cammi~sion, aft;e: ciun i.nupoctic~n, in~antigation ai~d atud ~ made by itaelf and in its hehalf, ~7tid af.ter duo conAider.atinn of il.l P.Vl~.lence and r(-?[~C)2'C£i offer.ed at safd heari.r.y, does find R:1C~ C~P.tPl'p1LT1G' tho fu.ilowi.nr3 facto: 1. That• the p.r~poE~c:ci u~e is r~r~aperly on~ for which a conditional use permit ia autl~arizecl by AnahF~im ~iunici.pal C~cie Secti.on 1£i.b1.050.433 to permit a self-~torage far..ility ;~i.th iulflclC3E.'C's unit ac~d with w.iiver. uf. tho iollowiny: (A) S_F._C'I'IONS .1b.06.U5f).0121 - Dtin:mum number of_~~arkinc~ s~accs. 18.OG.050.031_ (l72 eequired; 31 propose:~) i 8 . U6 . C1f30 ~+nr3 1f3.G1.066.05Q (El) SI.C'ITON_ 18.61,064.0~0 - Permitl:r~<] enc~oachment~. (Maximum 16 inch h~g,h fence3 permit.ked in 5Q fo~~t _ setback alcng arterial highways; 7 foot higl- wrougnt irur, fence propased 10 fee ~ f rom iiroadway ) ?. ':hat r.iie requesteci waiver (R) ie hereby ,r3n~ed on the basie that r.he parking waiveT- will nor cau~e <<n increase in traf'fic congestion i.n the iminE~r~iate vicini*.y nor adver~aly ~ffect any adjoining land uhes and grantiny of L}~c~ ~ai:kin~ waiver ut~clnr th~ conditionn impo~ed, if any, ~~~ill not b~ :.'.c':., iment~~l to ±:he peacc, h~alth, ~afwty and c~ener.al welfare of t!~e citizens of the City of An~iheim. 3. That Lhe rc:quent~ci .~aiver (B) ir; hereby granted on the baeis th, t there arF~ f,~eci~~.l circumsY.ance~ applicable tu r,he propert:y s~ch aa aize, ~hap~, topogr.aphy, lc,cat•ion and nurcoundinge which do not apply L-o other :der,ticall~ z~~ned propPrty ir. the name vicinit}•; and that strirt application of the 'l.on:ng Code de~rives thn pCOperty of ~,ri~ilegee enjoyed by other.• F pArtiee in the idEtitir_~] 2one anti cla.3r3:fication in the v~cinity. 4. 7tiat tiie prop~>ed une will not adversely affect the adjoining l~nr] uoe~ and the yrowr_h ~nc1 c7~~velapmer~k of the arel iri which i•_ ia pt'opotlecl to l~e locatsd. ~. That Chc~ :aize and f;h<ipe o, the aite prop~~ned for tho use is~ aclequ.~c~~ L-o allaw r.he :~~ ~ L r!ev~~lopr.enL of *.he vro~oned use in a manner not de~t:I•i.mc~nCal r.o t:he part:r.ul.ar. arF~a nnr r.o r_he peac~~, health, aafety and qenQral welfare of Che Ci.Rizen, c,f. the Cir_y ~f An~+heim. -3- PC91-148 1 ~ , ~~ikY ~ , 6• ',Ch.it tne r,can~iny of r.he ~;,r~d~`_i.,,~al Ua~ F~ur~mi~ unr9e.r L•he r.oncli~iona impoaecl will not te r~~trimE~ncal to the pa,•ic~3, hoalth, :~afery nnd gen~r~l welfar~ of ttie Ci±:ize»fl ~f hhe City ot ~lnaheim. ~. That the tr~ff.ic: yenetatyd by tih~ proposed uoe will not '.mpose an undut burden upon the ~s~reetr~ and hiyhw~y~ dea~,gned anrl improv~d tcs ~'~~r~'y the traffic in the area. 8• 7'hat t~o o;,r-. indi.cated their preKence at c~aid public hear.ing i~n ~A~~~oit:i~n; and that no cor.re~po~:lpnce wa~ rec~ivc~d in opposition tp the suk~ject petiti~~n. CALIFO~iVIA__._f~NVI.F.OPJM[,NTAL iIALITY ~C'P FINUTNG: That the Anahe.im ~i~Y b'lanning CommS.:3si.on has revieW~~l t2 ~PrnpoQ~~l ti~ leclassify t.he nor.therly approximate 1.7 acre3 of aubject proP°L'ty from the F2~-A-•43,OQ0 (Res.idontial- Agr.icultural) zone to the MI, (Tnduatr.ial, I.imired) znne and to p~Lmib a oc~lf-storac~~ fa~ il ity witti manager ~ s unit and with waiver of. m.i.n.imum number of parking spaces and permi.tted encro~chn,en+:e an r.he irregularly-s~haped parcel of l~:nd conc~isti.ny of aF~proxirrately 3.3 acr.ea having approximal-a frontac~o3 er 84 feet on the nartt~ side of tiroadw~zy and 4p feet on the ~ouLhet-ly terminus of ndams 5treet, havinq ei mrir.irmam depth of approxi.mately 1, 712 fee~ and furtliat• de~cribeci as :5F c„~~rt; n,~,:::c yt ~. r.cc,., an~t does hereby approve tha ~7eqative Dt~c1~3r<_Y;on upon f. i7diiig that it ha~ con~ie3e:ed the :;c:~ative Declarat.ion together wi.L-1; any coinments recei.ved during the public review pr.Uceas and furLh~r Pi.ndiny on the has.is that the initial. Ntud that there is no s~ibs*_ant;a a, Y and any comments reaeive.: 1 cvi._cnr_e that the pr~jAc~t will hav~~ a significant eff.~c~ on the environment. NOW, q~HLREFORF., EG IT RF'SOLVED th~t th~~ Anahcim City Pla.nning CommiRSi~.,~l do~b herebf rJrailt f;uLj~~ct Petit.ion tor Cond~L•.ic~nal Use Permit, upn~ the following rp~~~]LtlOt13 Wr~1Cf1 are hereby found ta be .i necc~~;~arY prerequiaite to tl,e_ proposed ,a~= of thE subject property in order t~ preserve the safety and yener.ai w~lfare of ti~e Cicizc~::~ of the C:ity of Anaheim~ 1• That prior.• t:o is3u~ince of a bu~.ldinq per^~it, n O~cicn to Purchas2 Real F'ropert.y and E::.lcrow In~;~ruct:ions :~hall be ~l~t~r.ovea b Rede~~elopment Ac)eTl~'y anr~ sh~ll be ,. Y th~ AnahQim ~:rop~rty o~~ner. A Memor:~ndum o: opL•ion`taeaurchaaehReal Propertyndhall bf~ T•e`~"~`~U ~"'rF~~i~~ r~ th~~ U~~tion to Furchaee Real Property and Ea~rpw In~3trur.t ions. 2• That ~~rior tu issi~ance of a bui.l.ding penn.i.t, Parcel Map N~. 9p-244 ohall be approved by rhe Cit~ of An~i~aim and rer_orded i.n the Office of. the Ura~irae County Ftecorclai•. s• ~'~~~~~- prir~r to is~u.~nce of a bu.ilding permit, the property uwr,er nhal.l Lranfaf«~r title of two (21 r.~.mnant p<<rc~ls sout:h ~f E3roadway and adjacent to tdanchentr~r Avent~r.. t:~~ tl~t-> Arsaheim Redevelopment A~~enr.y by ~~ recorded grant dend. PC91•• 1 <•8 ~ ~~}17., ~~. ':hat pz•ior Lo iH~u4ince of a buildiny p~r.mit, thQ d~vel,oper shall submit arehih.~ctural ~lana and land~seap~ pl~zng tn tha Red~velo~monc Ayency Executive U.irec~or for review and approval. The landscape plans sh~ll, a" ~ minimum, pr•ovlcl~ foL irri.gated vines L•hat w.i.ll covar bo~h the nort:heaot ~~rui anuthwent olf,vations~ of the prc~ject. Copiea o£ oai,d ~~pproveci piana ~h~ll l~e provid~d to the Zoning Divfaion for incliiainn iri thc: file for nubjer,t Cond~tional Uoe Parmit No. 3454. 5. ~ I'har_ ~t~-eet lightir~~g facilitiea along F3i-oadway ohall bs installed as r~:qu.ired by the Utili~ie~ General Manage1 in accardan~~ with ~peci.fi.cati.vns on ti.J.e in ri~e Offi.ce of the Utilities C4nezal Manager; or that aecurity in the f.orm of a bond, cerCificate of ~eposi.t, letter aF credit, ec• cast~, i.n an ~~moun•~ anci form ~atidfactory to the City of An~~h~~im, EhaLl. be pc,;,ted with the City to auarantPe the aa~is£actory c:ornpletion of the ,:ibave-mentioned improvement~. Said security ~hall b~ poeL-ed with t:l~e City of Ariaht~ ~ m pric~r i•o ia~uance of a buildinq permic to ~naur~ inst-allation prior to ~~ccup~-~ncy. 6. * That subjsct ~~r.operty :shall b~ sPrved k~y undergrouncl utilitiea. 7. * That Prior to i:z~uance of a building permit, the appr.opriate traffic <_3i.qnal assesament fee ~},all be paid tio the City of Anahzim .in an szmnunt as QStc1~71LFIt8(7 by Ci.Cy ~~ounci..l Re3olution. 8• * Tt~at plans ~h~~11 be submitted to *.he City Traffic and 'fransportatioc: Manager for his review and apor~~va1 showing conformance with the 'latest rF:visicn of Er.gineering Standard P1Un Nag. ~136 and 602 pertainirtg to par.king c;Lanciard:s and driveway locations. Subject praperty shall thereuF~n be dev~loped and msir,taxnec9 in cvnforir~ance with szid planc;. `?. * That prior tv cr~mn;encement cf ~3LYUCtUI'c11 tr:3ming, on-siLa fire hydrants ~hall be inst:<-l.l.ec3 ~-nd charged a:s req~aired and approved by the F'~re D~partment. An all-w~~~ther ruad afiall b~ pravided to L-hn hydrants at all timea, ay requit•ttd by tl~e F.i.ra Deparkment. The minimum flnw from any hydrant: sh~ill bc~ onE~ thousanci (1,000) ga).J.onn p~r minutr.. 10. + T:~ar_ all lockabl~~ p~~d~~;trL.3~i ar~d/or vehicular ~iCCP_g3 gateg shall be equipped rri-t}i "knox br~x" CIE~VIG'C:S as required and appr~vF~d by the Fire D~~parLmenY.. 11. * That fire spr.i:ik.ler-:~ en,ii br~ in3tall~d ~~s requfred by thQ b'ire Uep~~rtmer.r.. A~-~hynic,il. barrier ~h~~Il. be in~talled arouiid 2ach eprinkler ciefl.ector t~ pr.•ev~nt sal:or~~d item~ oc• material~ wikhin eigttteen (18) inche~ of r.hF~ dei lecLo1'. 12. * That an a~lequ„te, ~~nobatructed fire truck r,urn-arouncl area, aa required cin~l appa:ovc~3 by the ~ire Depa:tment, ahall b~ ~~~cifi.cally shown on plana aubmittpd for building permixn. Said turn-around area ahall be ~~rmanently markc~ :~nd main~aine~i to the ~atfafacti~n of ~aid Depaztm~nt. 13. That ar~ aqreemr-nr ,t»11 be incl~~:fed :.n each I.~ane to allow ttie farility nwncr/man~g~,r accc~z~.r t:r; tiie uniL• far the purposc of inepectf:ig and maintaining thF, firr r~pr. inkler. uysttem. -5- P~:91-14$ . ,r . . . . . .. ~ , . .,. . . . ,. . . _ . , . . ' ~ ! ~ ;~!T'~l % J.4. * That traah atoraga areas sh~z.ll be ~~eeptab).~ ~o pr~vfd~d and m~l.tntainod i t he U . n a location ~p~Zttment of Maintenance ~'iI)d in ~iPproved plan~ acc~~rdance with o~i til~; with nu.~d pep~rtment. 9~1e~~•fi~~~~lY c~hown on th inf~rmaL•t on ahal.l, be e p.l.anri submittQd Eor buildih~ e 1~• ~ P rmitri. 7'hat a Plan Shc~t for :~olid waate Arot~ge an~ collectJ.on and a plan for roc:ycl..ing f~hall }~e ~ubroiL•L•ed to th and approval. e Departm~rit of M~intenance fo . r review 1F• ' ~'}~~~t: an on-si~e trash trur.k tuln-aL•~und a maint i a ned to , zea .~hail be prc•, idar.i and t~'i~ t+ati.sfaction of l•he pzpartment of t:ur.n-aroun:l Maintonanca, Sai,Y area d}~~11 t.-~ ~~ec~.f.ically shown on p1an building pe~-miks , ~ submitteu for 17. That prior ;.o i~suance of a buil.iincJ e i ' ~'zO p rm Ct rty sf,all provide a r~ t, th~ ~wr~er of subject °Yt~~d , guaranteein ~~venant to the 2~l~ing bivision 9 thar upon L-ermiriaLicn oE u~e atructu of thi3 rer~ :~hal.l be cleac•ed fram the si.te witl~i • all days. ,aid n ' c . ~ f7PL lOC,~ oP thir~ c:ov~n~znr. ~hall hzve fii°st been , 1~ approved Ly t.he City Attorneyo • Th~t unl~s3 otherwine a pprc,ved by the Ylanni.ng CommisaiQn and/o Council, plan~ ~ubmitt•ed E' - r CiL y or. buildinq permi,r_~ ~h~~~l conforrn to Council P~~licy N~, q26 Pei'tainin<~ t~ metal ~~~i;di,ngn. 19. That L•hc~ pro~,~rty ow;itr , ~pr~7~~~ managez ~ha).1 be rea~on~tible f removal within r_wtn~ ~ . Y ~u_ ox gr.affiti ~a,~~ ;,~ui-s of i~~ app).ication. ?~• Th~-~t no ~utdoor ~tor.ace whatsoever shall be p~~rmitt~r~, ~1 • Th~t the 1~~ zl - 1~ 04/11E'Y p; :;u~,af,ct piop~LZY ghall dedicar Ana.`i~im electri cal e r t _ . u. o thc~ City of ..ility easem,, ~ propoaed underqround ~~ ,,, nt'' for. s~y exi~ting ovErhPad w~ an~l F,ny.ineerjng Manaqer. P 1i~~e3, ag requir.ed by the E~octrir.Al ?.2. ~ .hat prior to ~ ,,: itt.; ~nce of a buS_lUin recrc' ti e ~ . a on in-lieu Eee stiall be }~aid L- t' ap~r.opriate park 3nd ~~t t}~~ ,~ as eEtahlishe... bv rity c.b~;r:cil r.e~oluti unir A ~ 1 , . on for t1 ~ man ager H aparY. m~+rt 2~. That the vehicul,ir ~cce,:; to E3roadway sh.~ll be re3tricted t:o er~e~-+es~c acce:~;~ only. . y 24. Th~~L• ther w.~r.n1• hrickClaw equiE~rnei~r anQ any c~ther lar e w ~, nquipment: s1,a11 b~~ inst;illed tu 9 atcr ~JNtem Divi~.ion i.n , `he 3at:.~~fact ion of the Water Ut!,~,ity eit:,cr (aJ u~~icrytoun~ vaults QY (FJ) behind the streQt setbacY. ~rea in a rr~anner fuily scrF~~n~d from all public streets and ~Lley:i. 25• * Thac .il.l a.ic condztionin~ ~ ui mer 1 Lar,•il.itiea anci otl~er roof and y~~u~~{ mount~d ~? F ~t sha] 1 br_ ~~r-~p~r.ly shirlde~l from view. Such i~ be r,~ccifically :~l~own ~n Lt;~ ~,1~~» ~i~~mitted for build.in ~formaL•ion shall g ~:Ermit~. ••6-- PC')1-148 26. Th~t all plumbtng or other similar piE~es and fixturea located on the exterior of th~ building eh~:~l b~ fully scroened by arci'~.ii:AC~ura1 dQVicea and/or arp.r~priate bui.lding materiale; and, further, such informa~ion ahall be~ specificall,y ~hown on the pl~na submi.ttecl for build.i.ng permits. 27. * That the proposal eliall com~~ly with al.l. s.Lgninq z•equirements of the ML "Indus~rial, LimiL•ed" Zone, unlens a varianca allowing siyn waivera is appr~ved by the ~ity ~oui~c.il, Planning Commiasion or Zoning ~dmir~istrat:~~r, and except as otherwise 1 tmited by Condition No. 2f3 of thia re~ol.ution. . ~, 28. That any propo~ae~3 freestanding ~ign on HubjQCt pr.operty ~h~ll be ~ monument-tyF~e not exceediiig eight (8) feet in height and sha11 be eubject to the review a~1c+, approval of th~ CiL•y Traffic and 2'ransportation Manager to derermina adequ~lte line3-of-sight. 29. ~ TYiat no flags, bann~r~ or other temporary adverLi.~.tng devices shal.l be permitted. 30. *~rhat the on-site land~capit~g an~i i.rrigation ayectem ahall be maintainsd ir. complisnr,e witt~ City :~tzndardca. 31. * Tl~at the parking area adjacant-. to Broadway ahall be ecreened from view in conformance with Zoning Code ~ection 1£i.61.066.030. Such screening ak~all. be r~hown on plans submitted for building permits, 32. That aI~y t.rec:~ plantec3 on-si.te :•hall bf~ replnced in a timely manner i.n ~he event that it i~ remov~d, dUmaged, diseaserl and/or dead. 33. * That L-his Condi~ional UsE; Permit i3 granted subject to adoption of a zoning ordina;~c~e in c~nneclion with F<ecl.a~a.ificstion No. 91-92-4, now pending. 3~1. That subject pr_~p~rty ,shall bE~ devc.loped subatantially ir. accordance with pluna ,~nd specificati.vns s~.ibmitted to the City nf Anaheim by the petitionar ar~d which p.lans ar.e on fi1Er with the Planning Department ~~~arked Ext~ibit tdos. i t`~rough 4. 35. ~Tt~at prior tc~ iezsuance of a huildiny p~cmi~, any and all on-site contamination shall k,~ el.imir~at~~r], subject to the approval of the Oranga County Hea).th Care Agency. 36. If ~ny bu~.1~yI1fJ9 along tdanchesttr Avenuc~ ara removed heavy Iandscaping ~hall be i.n ;talled and mai.ntained t:o visually screeri L•he proposal. 37. 2'hat prior. to i33vance of a building permit or withi.n a period of one (1) year frc~r:~ thc~ dat:e of this rettolution, tahict~ever o~curs firat, Con~3ition NoA. .~, ?., 3, 4, 5, 'l, t3, 12, 14, ].5, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26, 31, 33 and 35, abovc~-mentioned, shall be r.ampli.ed with. Exi:enaiona for furthar time to complete f3c11CI conditions may be granted in accordance with Sectipn 1A.03.090 of the Anaheim Municipal Code. -~- PC;91-14ti :',l,~ ~ . ., , ~~ +~ I ~"''xe', ~ J8. That piior ta fitial building ac~d xoniny inopections, Candition Nos. 5, 6, 1.~, 11, 24 ar~d 37, al.iov~-menti.onod, shall b~~ complied wi.th. 39. ~ Tha~ appi•oval. of thifz app.lication constitutoa ~pproval af the propoa~:c1 request only to the ex~ent that it complies with thQ F~nahoi,m Municipal 7,oning Code and any other applicuble City, State And Fed~ral r~:gulations. Approval does not include any actiun ar findinge as •to compli3nce or apprp~a ~ t}ie requ~st reg~rding any oth~r ap~licablo ordinance, regulatian ~ ~]Ul:'~IT1P.A1t:. Conditione marked witti an asteriak (*) ~r~ requi.red by e::~...,ulished lawa, coc~es, regulations and agrc~emente and are, therefore, not Bubject to negor_iat~.on. BE IT FURTHI:R RES~JLVED that tiie Anahoim City Planning Commiasi.c,n c.ia~s hereby find and dc~t2rmi.np that adoptinn of rhis Resolution i~ expreettly ~?r~dicated upon applicant's compliar.c~ with each and all o{ the conditions hereinaLove ~et E'r~rth. ShouLci ~ny sueh conditi.on, c~r an~. ~art thereo', b~ declarec~ invalid or unenforcc~able by the Pinal judc~m~nL of ar~y ~ourt o: competent juri~di.cticn, thc~n thi~ Re~olution, <3nd any approvals herei:~ contained, shall be de~eined null and void. 'lHE P'OREGO.if7G RESOLt)~ZUN wa~ adopted at thE~ P:Lannir!g Commisoiort meeting of S~ptember 2J, 1991. /~'/ ' .r~ ~ ',~~ ,~ ,.,.,_;-Z; ~L '~- F -'L ~ Z~Z/ ) C~I iAN, ANRHGIM CI'I'Y-• PL NNIN CUMMI ZON ATTEST: ~ ~ - ~~.~~._ J '-- ~ SECRE AF<Y, ANA[~EItd CI' Y PI,ANf1If1G C:OMMI'SSZCN STATE OP' CALI2~ORNIA ) COUNTY UN OF2ANGE ) ss, CITY UF ANf1EIEIM ) T, k:dith L. Eiarri3, Secr.etary cf th~ Anah~iiti~ City Planning Comm.i.-si.on, ao l~ereby r.ertify that the foregoing resol~ation wae pasoed and adopL•~c.l at a meet•inr, of. the Ariahei.m Ci+;y Planning Cammisaion held on Sepi;ember 23~ Z99i~ by thF• fnllowing votr-. of i;h~ members th~rEOi: A'1F:S: COMM;SSIONERS: BOUAS, BftISTOL, EiGLLYk:R, fiENH7NGER, MESSF., ~r RAZA, ZEMEI, NCES: COM24ISSIUNERS: NONE i~RSENT: COMMISS?ONF.RS: DfOTJE ///~_~-~-~ IN WIT~7~SS WHERFUF, I have h~reunto set my hand Lhis °~"~~ day o f __S~:S~~~ _ , 19 91. ~ -- - ` _ ---~~ . :sECRETARY, ANAHEIhS CI'lY PLANNING COMMTSSION -~- PC91-148