Resolution-PC 91-1491~' i'Ue, ~ESOt,v~ri~rr No. pC~~-i~9 ~,~ hlh, A kPSOLUTION Or TFIF ANAEIETM C,TTY PLANNING COMMTSSTON THAT PTTIT.TUN P'OR CUNbITIONRL U5E ~~~MTT NU. 3452 F3G GRANTED WHLf2FAS, the Anaheim City p1z~ning Commi~aion ~,ld receive a veriiied Pptition foL Conditional. Use Permit f~r certain r~a1 property si.ti~ated in the City ~f AnahFim, CauntY ~f (~rang~, State ~f Californi.a, described as: PARC~L 1: AI.L 'PEIAT POi?'.l'ION OF 1'HF NORTH~AST ~UARTFI2 OF THE NORTHW~ST QUAI2TER OP SECTION 13, TOWI3SHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 11 WEST, IN THE ~I'I'Y OF ANAHEIM, AS SHOWN ODl A MAP RGCO~2llED xN E3OOK 51, pA~E 11 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS CF SAID COUN'I'Y DESCRIl3Ell AS E'UI,L~WS: Ct7MMENCI~G AT A POTIJT Zi~ TIiE NURTH LINE~ OH TF1E NC~RTE~WF::;T QUARTrtit OF SAID SF:GTION .lJ, SOUTH f3~ DEG. 41' 15", WEST 29i.16 FEET I'ROM TIfE: NQRi'HEAST CORNPR OF SAID NOR'C~WEST QUARTEFt; THENCE S~UTH Ot7 llEG. 12' 20", EAST YARALLEL W:CTfi THE EAST LINE OI' TH~ LAND U~SCRIBEll UN PAGL 2 OF THAT CERTATN C~rCREE, A CERTIFZF.U COPY OF WHICF•I WAS ~2EC,ORDLp dCTOBGk 15, ~`~~3, IN F300K 6762, PAGE 63 OF OFF'ICIAL R~CORDS, SAID LANG TS SHOWtd ON A MAP REC0:7.QI:D iP] BOOK %d, F'AGE 5, REi;ORD OF SGTRVEYS, TN TEiE OFF'IGE ~F TfiE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, fi6.00 FF.ET TU TEfE SOUTH LINE OF TF3E NQRTFi 6G I'EEZ' OE SAID vORTHWEST QUA:4TER AND THE TRUG FpII~T OF BEGINNING ~~~' THE BOUNDARY OE TEiE LANp DG:iCRIBr D FiEI2EIN; T~ENCF~ CONTINUING SOUTH 0 DGG. 17,' 20", EAST 1LONG SAID PARI~I,LEL LINL 236.55 I';s~T; THENCE NORTH E~9 DEG. ~li' 15", EA~T PARAL.LEL WITH THE NORTH L.iNE OF SAID NC1R1'EiWEST QUARTER £39.50 FEET; THENGr NORTH ~ llEG. 12' 20" WES'T FARALLEI, WL2'H TElr LAST LIN~ OF' THE LAND DF.SCRIBF.D TN SAID DGCREF 236.55 F~CT Tn THE SOUTH T.ItdE Ok' THE NORTE-I 66 FEE1' OI•' SP.ID ~70RTHWEST Q(JAHTER; 'i'iiED1CF SOUPFi 89 DEG. 41' 15", WFg~ Ai.ONG SAID SOU2'H LINE 99.50 FE~T TO `PHE TRUE POTN7' OF CiEGINNING. WHEf?~AS, th-~ City Planniny Commission did hold a pub.lic hearing at the Ci.vic Center in the Cit~~ of AC11Flr'Llll on Septi~mber. 23, 1~'91, at. ?:30 p.m. , r.ntice af said public t~eariny havi.ng been dul_~ yiven as requized b}• law and ti~ ac:cordance wfth thn provi:~i~n:~ ~E the Annhe'_m Mun.ici.~al Cc~3e, Chaptei- 18.03, to hear and COi13~C~@Y evidence for and against said pl:oposed conditional use permit and to inve~ticJate and malse f indin~3 and rec:ommendati.ons in connection t~herew.ith; and WHEREAS, study made by itself evidence and rePorti~ fol.lowing facts: CR1296MS eaid Commiseion, af.~er du~ ingnectxon, investigation and and in it~; behalf, ar.d after due con~iderat'..on of al.l. offered a~ :;aid h~'~~rin~, does find and det~armine the -1- PC9'1-149 '. V 1. That thF~ U~e permit ir~ authorized prpposed use h p~. ig ro erly onP ~oL which a Permit a conv~nienc~ market r wi h t k 'c C~de M if conditf,onal SectS.on 1E3 44 G5 . . ~ e aut faot oad . . 0.195 t~ 2• Ttlat the land usea and the growty an be loc t prupc~sed uee d development will not advc-ra of el Y affect th~ adjoini n a ed. th~ area , _.n . g whicl~ i~ i s pro~osed tc~ -~. That the ~.ize and ahape oi' the s+_te r.o ~ ~ adequatE to a11ow the Ful]. developinent of the , p ~.o~'~'d ~~r the u~e ia detrin~ental tfl t~he paz•t:cular area nor t~ the ~roposect u;;~ tn ~ wel£ar.e of rh~ ~iti Peace, h~alth A} mar.ner not zerirs af the City of Anaheim. ~~ai ""y zn`~ 9~~Era1 4. That the condi,tS.ong grant.i.nq ~~ th~ nQTMr1ition~l UyQ permit ~~l~de.r the impoc~ed Wi.l.l not i~e ~ietr.Lmental to the eace 1enEZ•al welfare of. th~ C.it.i~en3 of t;hP Cit ~' ~ healtn, g~f~.t ., Y ~f Ancihei:~,. Y ~nd 5. That the traffic imp~se an undue burden ger~era,.ed by tl;~ pruposed use will not car.ry the traffi.c itl i:he arp~n rh~ si=Yeets 3nd highway:~ designed and it~proved to 6• Thac no onn indicatEC! ch~ir pr~~ence at said p heari.n ~•n opposit:iori; and thxt no correspondence was received i.n o sub= ublic y ~ect: petition. p~osition ta the C:P.L1'1?nRNIp _ rNVIRONMF.NTIIL~ UALTTY City p11nnyr~~ Commisyion -"~------- ACT FzNqI~IG; That the Anah2im market with has reviewed the piop~sal to permit a convenience talce-out far~t food ~~ consi~ting ~~f appro,~ima.tely 0.4y a~ra rectangularly shape~ parcel oF J,and feet on tlie ~oiith sir3e ~~ having a frontage of a approximaL•ely 236 feet °f L.incoln AvnnuE~ pproximately gp being located ~ having a niaximum depth of centerline of Dale Avenue appYOx1.Riately 7_00 feet we ~~~~ ~:~oes and furthEr described as 28p6 West ;,inr,olntAvenueE h~~~~Y apPr~Ve the Neyative Declarat.iori u ~n corisidPred the Negative Declaration together with an commen*r~ding that .it has ~he public revieW procQSr~ anr~ further findin Y ~ recei.ved d stud y on the babig that the init.ial y and a~y r~~n~nent9 ie~~i~ed tl~at t}iere is no gu~stantia2 evidence that the E~~'~j~ct w.Cl.i hav~ a siynifi.cant ef.fect un the environment. N~W, THF'RCPORE ~o~~nisaion daes hereb ~ RL Ir R~~OLVED that the Anaheim Cit the follc~win Y 9rant 3ubject ~etiti~n far Condit~onal Use Permit,nuP~n g condition3 which are hereby l.~our.d Lo be a to the pruposed u~e of thF aubject propert necessar ~ yeneral. welf~re og the Citizera of thF Y in or~• Y P=ere ufsite ~c~ to preserve the •aafety and City of Anaheim: 1• '` 1'hat tr.aeh stora e 3CCG'~tabj~ tQ Lhe c1reaez sh~lll be provid~~d a.nd maintained in a.locatic,n u~par~ment of Maintenance and a,n accardance with :~ppr.c~•ed ,~1a~iy on file witl~ said PeparCmant, Such information shall b~ ~pecif.ic?lly r~hown on the plans submitCed £or buildi.ng permits, ~• Thac d Plan Sheet for s~li.d waste ~;torage and collection and a recycling shall be submitt~d to the Deuartment of Maintc and a plan far pproval, nance for review -i- PC91-149 r•a:;:,~~,,,.~. _ .. . ., ... 3' Tha~ ~ pPrpttual easement agr~Ement ,. th ttie legal owner(n) oF th~ propertY ~~ the east, prnvidi.nr~ for circulation c~f tr.ash truc.kn fro~n one parcel ta the c~thQr., shall be obtained and aubmitted to th~ City A~ctorney~3 OFfice for reviQw and appioval. Tho approved agr.e~men~ sha11 then be recardc~ci in the Office af thE Orange County Recorder. pro~f of recnrdation shall be oubmitted to the zoni.ng Division. 4• That an unaubordinated parkiny agreement for use of tha parc.~el to the east for par)cing, in a form s~ti:3factory t~ the City Attor.ney, shall k+e „ rec~ordecl with tlie Uf:fice c~f thr~ Orange County Recorder. A capy ~f ~p~~ , i:ecord~d a~reemeni: shall be aubmitted tq tne Zonicig Di~rision. ~. * That all aii- condit:ianing facili_tieK aiid other r~af and ground mount~d equi.pment shall. be oroperly ~hielded from view and ~h~ oound bufferea from adjacent r~sident.ial pr~perti.e~s. Such informatior, shall b~ specifically shown on the plan~ su}amiY.ted for building permits. E• Thal ali plumhing or other aimilac pipeg and fixtures located an 1:he exterior of the bi.iiJ.ding yhall be fully acreEned by archi~ectural deviaes and/o.r app~~opriaLe buildirig mai;erialE; and, further, such i.nformation shall be ~pecifically ahnwn on t}ie plans submitted for building permits. ?• * That the pr.c~posal sh~ll comply with all signing requi~eme.nta of t}ie CL "Cottuneraial, L~im3.ted~~ Zon~, unless a ~~ari.ancc~ allow.ir.y sign waiv~xs is approvad by L-he City Couticil, P)anning Commissin~~ or Zoning Administr.aL-or, anG excFpt as otherwise 'limitE~ by Cor,dition No. 8 of this resoluti.on. ~• 'That any proposed freestr~nding sign ori 3ubject property ~hall be a monument-;~ype not axce~-u~xnc~ eight (8) feFt i.n height and sh~ll b~ aubject Lo thP r.eview and approval of the City Traffi.c and 'Pransportation Manager to det~rmine adequate l.ine~-r~F-3igtst. ~• * That t;ie on-site landscapi :c~ and irrigatioii ~ystem ~liail be r~furbished and m~~intaineG ir~ compliance wi.th CS_ty :;tandard~. 10. That any tree plant~d on-site shall be replaced in a',;~rnel}~ manner in the e~vent that it .is removed, damaged, r.]i3eased arid/or dead. 11• That thP own~r of subject pi•op~rty shall ~ubmit a le~ter requQSting termination of C'onditional Une p~rmit No. 3290 (tu permit a comm~rcial retail center with w3iver. nf minimum dir~tance between freeotanding Q~,gng~ to the 'Loning Division, 12• * That street li~hL•ing f~icilities along Lincoln Avenue shall be inntalled a~ ~'equireci by L•h~ Ot•i.lit;.c~s Gensral M~~nager .in accordance with ~p~cif~cations on file i.n the Office of ~he Ut.ilitiet~ General Manager; ~r that security in ~he form of a bond, certi£icate of deposit, letter of credit, ur ca3h, in an amount and form satisfactory to L•he City of Ar,aheim, ahall be po<,ted w.ith thc~ Ci.ty to guararltee the satisfaatory completion of tl~e sbove-mentioned iRipr.ovemen~s. Said securit~ ahall be pcsted with the ~ity og Anahcim pricr to ir~suanc.e of a building pFrmit. ThF above-rr~quired improvements shall ~~~ instal.led prior to occupa.ncy. -3- PC71-.149 p•va~,:, 13. Th1t sul~je±ct pronei:t:y ahal?. be de~velop~d subt~tant,.ially ir, ~ccordar.ce with pians and speni~`icationa s~abm.9.tted to the City of A~7ahetm by the petitioner i~nd which p7.a.na are on file wi'h the P].anning D~partment marked Exhil~i.t No6. 1 tlirough 3. 14. That prior t.o comrnancement of ttie act.ivi'ty aul:ho~ized by this rQSO2ution, or prior t~ isnuance of a buildin~~ permi.t, or within a psriod of ~ne (].) yeaz~ from tkie date of thi~ re~olut;i.on, whichever ~~ccur~ first~ Cor,clit:.an Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1.7 and 12, ~bove-mentic~n~d, ahall Ue co;iiplied with. Exten~ioris for fur~.haz- *_ime to complete said conditi~~ne r~aX bo granted. in accordance ~,ith Section 18.Q3.09U of the Anaheim Mun:.cipal Code. 15. '!'hat ~xior to the comm~?ncement of the a~.tiva.ty auth:~rizEd by this resolution or. priar to iEinal building and zoning ins~ections, whichever cccurs f:.rat, Condit.ion NoA. 9, 12 and 13, abovc~-menti.on~d, shall be com~].i~c~ ..,±t::. 16. * That app.rova~ of ~his ~ipplication consti~ut~s approval of thQ p~oposed requent only to t:he extent that it camplie3 with the Anah~iro biunicipal Zoning Code ~nd any othE~r applicable City, State and Federal regulai~ions. Approval doe~ not inclu~:ie any action or findings as to ccmpliance or approve;l of the request rer~arciiny any other applicable ordiilance, reyulation or rer,u.ir~ment. Condition~ markecl with an aat~risk (*) are r~qui_r~d by es~:.ablishsd ]aws, codes, regu].ations and agreements and are, therefore, not s~bject t~ negotiation. BE IT E'URTIiER ~~SOLVEL' that the Anaheim CiLy F~lanning Cam[n.ieaion cloe3 hereby find eind del-er~rine that adopL•ion of. thi.s Resclutic~n ie expresaly predi.cated upon applicant'~ compliance with each and a11 of the ccnditions her~inabovQ sHt forth. Shculd any such condition, or any part thereof, be d~clared inva3_id or unenforr.eable by the final judgmeni; of any court of competent jurisdiction, th~rn tltis kiesolution, and any approvals hErpin ccntained, shall ba c~eemPd nul.l and void. THL FOFiF.G07NG I2ESOLUTTUN was adopted at the '~'J.anning Conuriseion meeting of September 23, 1.~)91.. ,,.•-~ J ,,,, ~'V~ "'L'~,.,4. ;YRMAN, ANAE3E'IM y~%/ ~~. ~/~'L-'~ L ~ I CITY L~ NING MIS ' N A`rTEST: ~ ~ / J ~ _ ~ / ~ "~'~~~~ .---- SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CI1~Y PT AN'~~ING CUMMISSTOt7 -4- PC91-149 ^ ,.. ~'•~•; S'TATE OF CAT~II'ORNTA ) COUNTX OF OTtANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM } I, Eclith L. 'Harris, Seczei:ary of tlie Anaheim ~ity Plazlning Cc~mmis9ion, do hereby certify that the forego.ing resoluti~n was passed and adopted at a meet.ing oF the Anaheim Ci~y Planning p~mmisaion held on SaptemY~er 23, 1991, by the following vote of. the mernl~ers therecE: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BRISTOf, HELLYER, fIF~]NINGER, PERA2A, 2~MEL NQES: CQMMISSIONFRS: MESS~ ABSENT: CQMMISSIONLkS: NO:?E o f --~~~~,~`_' , 19 91. ~ - ._.__ ~ 1 r SEC.RET~1 Y, ANAHFTM C_TTY nLAIVRIING COMMISSION IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~ day -~- PC91-I49 ~;~s