Resolution-PC 91-153, ;.7 R~SOLUTIOfI NO. PC91-153 A RESOLUTIQN UF THE ANAY.EIM CITY PLANNTNG COMriISSIQN AMENllING CERTAIN CANDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF CONDITIUNAL US~: PERFiZT P10. 3032 ~ 47FiEREAS, on July ~, i988 the Planning C:ommission approved Condit:ional Usc~ Permit No, 3032 under Re~ol.ution N~. PC88-183 to perrnit a aemi-encloeed '~gard~n church" for ~ period of 3 years on ~roper;.y located ori the south oide of Santa Ana Canyoi~ ftoad appr.oximately 9,689 feet west or the c~nterline nf Gypsum Canyon Road ~nd further descr.i~ed as 871?_ EasC °anta Ana Canyon Road; and WHERFAS, the p~tition~r. !Zae requestea amendment Ca the toll~,~ing ,; conditions of approval cont~Zined in ResoLutio;~ No, E>Cg9-•183 per.ta.ining to a ` 3-year time limitation to permit the temporary church f<:icil.itias for the Garden ','t Church of Anaheim Hills for an addi.ti~•n,,l 3 years. '~ "5. That this permit shall teru~inate in 3 yea~-s on July G, 1991 15.. Tbat subject use shal]. be limited to a time periud expix•ing 3 Y~az~ fr~m ttic ciatc of this resolution. The petitioner may th~reupon file for ~ n~w cunditional use perrr,it to rPtain or expand ~~zbject use, ~~ WFiEREAS, on SEpten,ber 30, 1991 the petitioner submittPd a letter aski;~g for v~a:.vzr of two assessrnente ar.c~ fo.r two addit-ional modul~ar units. E'our 24'x 50' units are shown on the ap~.r.oved plan (h:xhibit No. 1). A revised plan (Revisi~n No, 1 0* Gxhxbit t~o. 1) h;.is been submitted addi.ng the fifrh ar,d sixt:h 24 ~ x Gq modul~tr t.nit~ I the fi.fth uniL is already Local-ad c>n the property). WHLRLAS, L•he City Planning Commission diu hold a public hea:ing at tiie Civic Ce~~ter in che City of Anahe.im on July .15, 19~1, at 1: 30 p.m. , notiae of ;~ctid public hearing tiavinq bcen duly given as requirsd by 1aw and in accordanc~ with the provisions of the ?~ri,ihr~im t4unicipal Cocie, Chapt~:a- 1II.03, to hear and consi.der evidence for aiid ae~air~st 5ai.d prooosed ~mendment a~d to inve9tigate and malce finding~ and ~ econunend~,tions in connection ther~wiL-h; and that said public h~earing wa~ ci7ntinue~] t-o khe Ser~tember 11 an~l the oc~ot~er ?, 1991 Flanning Commissior~ m~etings; and WF3~RGA5, sa:d Commi~;;i<~n, after due insp~ction, iuv~stigatiar, and study mad~ by it3~lf and in i.ts beha.lf, ~~nd afCer. due consider~ztion oF all evider.ce and reports offer~d at :;a~d hearinc, doea find and determine the followitig £actt~: 1. That said permit is being exe~ciaed in a manner not drtrinientay to the particular area and surLOUnding lanci uses, nor to th~ public peace, h~alth, safety anc~ welfara. CR1304MS _1_ F~C:91-.153 ~ "l. 'I'h it an addit i.o~~al 3 yc~ar ~er~c~d wi ].1 allow further Pl~vinir~g Contmi.~r3.ion r~view c.,t ~~.ibir~cr u~~ uE~~n e:<pir~~tion. 3. Tt~a~ r~~ ,,ne indic•aLed tlieir pr.esence at oaid ~ublic heariny in op~oait•ion; a~d that: no ~:orre~ponci~n^~ waa recei.veci Ln O~~OD]Clptl to tro subjoct petitian. C}~LIh'ORNI11 _ 'VIFtONpt~;N:11I__ 1~llALi7 L__ACZ~ hINpING: 'Chat Cha A~taheim City Planni7g Commiaoion has cCV (.fa4:ed Che F~ropof3a.l, a~~+ruval of WfI1CI'1 would n~ceositt~te amenc;ing Condit:ir,n Non. ,, 1'.i and 20 ui Resc;;.uL•ic~;i Cl~. PC$g-1(13 PQLkaining to a 3-year tim~ limita~ion and c.ie~v~lopment in ac~~ord~nca with ~•pproved plans, and d~c~ tier~t-~y f ind r.har. the vegative Dec:iarati.un ~revic~usly appraved in conner,c.ion with ^ondition~~l Uun p~~-m~t H~, 3032 i.~ ac;equ~te to i~r~~' as the required anv.ironm~ntat :iucumen~at{on in cennecti~n with thto reque~t. NOW, TEiEREFOItE, 13H; I'P :ih::i4I,VE;D that the An~heim CiCy Pl~nning Commiaeion d~et~ hereby .imenr.i Ccndition Pto~i, 1 ~ PC3f4-lp3 to read as folla•.~s: ,~' 15' arid ?.0 of Reso~u~ion Nc. ~~2• 'I'~li~L [)C10Y ~C .;i:3Ui1f1Cr_~ Uf a bui.idi.n.3 l~ermit foc• any perman~~nt. b«i t~ai,~:;~, • , .t.c~ ~3~:,urc,E~r:.,irc, !.iaf: i;. ci~:3e<;~rr~~~nr. fc,~, a - <.;ic~n:il shc~li r~~, ~~:;id. `~ • Th.~t thi~ ~:~~rr,~it e~;::~ll. .rc•~rin~~tr, i.n rhre~~ (31 1ear. e o~t Juiy. E•, 199~1. ~~. Ttiat 3Ub]t?C!. i:s~> ~;~i,:~i; be :irt,~t;ed t:c~ <~ tiine ~~~i:i:xi ex~+'triny °'~ ''~~lY h~ 1`~94• 'Che pet.i.tione_• ;nay 4hereupor~ file for a neo~ `ondition,~l u,r, E~~~rmit Lc, T'@t~iLfl OL' ,''iS[~c171CI :~ubjr.~cY. n~e. ?.0. 'I'hat ~ubjer~ pr•or.et'L-y ~;;:al i be d~~vr~lop~d substanCially i.n uccordance w~it.t; i;l.~n~c ~,n~? ::pccL: icati~ns ~ubniitte.i r_c~ tt~~: CiCy cf An,ihc;.i~~ t~ ~ ~ . • , .-. r;e i~c:.. r iciuii~r a~~c, •r,hich planc are un filr~ wirh t'~t~ Ni;~,~n.~l~~ Jcf~„c'tmr~r~ i t marl:~~c itevi:;ir~r iJo. 7 of EX}11Y~1C (i'~. :,' a:l o~her concliLiun:; c;t It•.?:~:,_ :t ' , :-, 1~-,:: ;~o. EC";t ~3 sn~~i: i-c~main in fvll force ~nci eff^~_t. Ti{t: H'ORFGC)ItIG i~E';Ol.U':IJ;: •~~..i;; ~clc;pted .iL t.it~ Pl.;~nniny Commisoirr, meer ir.y ~~[ nct~ber. 7, 1~a9 ~. ~ > ,/ ~I ~ /~ ~_~_. ~! `_'' L--' --L---,.=:~~ ~ G~' L-~ <'TtR i itN,Att , AiiAiii; i'•: C I:'Y F'i,A".'ti t i~C/ 'ph1M I S .ll:l• ~ A'I'TI:i'f : / ~ ~ ~ i ~ / _~_~_..__ ~~_~. ~ _._.~, f~.~t...~:~~.. SECRET?~:~Y, A;+AHEI:{ Ci'i'Y I'~,RPiI~I:~G C!~t•:M,:.~::;Ic~~; YC`>.-:53 S'fATE OF CALIrORNIA ) (`OUNTY OF nRRNGE ) ~e. CI'CY OI' ANAHGII~1 ~ I, Edith L. Fiarriy, Secr.etary cf the Anahe:~.m City Planninq Commi$siun, do her~~by c~rl:.ify that the far.eya~.ng reoolution was pa~aed and adartPd at a meeling of tl~e Anahe~im Clty pl~~nni.ng Conm,'.9niun hcld c~n October 7, 19`~1, by the fallor~ing vote ot thc membF~r:3 thc~reog: AY~S~ CC`MMISSIONERS: E30UAS, l3Ftr5TUL., FfE:LLYEFt [vOE5: COM.yISSIONLRS: , HF.NflINGF.R, MGSSE, PEFtA~^, NONE ABSi:NT: COMMISSIONEFtS; ZFMEJ, IN WITNLSS l:lEfiLOF~ I h~~vc~ h~rr•unl•o .tet my nn::d r,his ~`.~1~.~ o' ~~ ._, 199]. ' day -__~'""_~..'--- '~ ~ ~ ' 1i1.:_ S~CRE:i.'AR'l, ANAHEIM CITY FI~ANNING CC-M.l~;IS.i:ON .. ~ .. ,~ 1'5;4:-253