Resolution-PC 91-156~ F2ESOLUTTOY NO. PC91-156 A RE50LUTIUN OF THE ANAFIFIM CITY PI~ANNING COb1MIS5I0\' THAT PETITION FOR CONDTTIONAL USE YF~:RMI': NO. 3458 R~; DFNIED WH1:R~A5, tl~e Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commiasi.on did rec~i:~e a verified Patition tor Conditiof~al U3~ Permit for c2rtain real nroperty situaL-ed in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of. Ca].ifer.~;ia, cle~czibed as: LOT 1, 2, 3 ?iND ~1 OF TRACT NO. 27U1, IN THE CT'iY OF ANAI-IEIM, COUNTY OF URANGE, STt1TE OF CAL'1PORNIA, AS PER MAP RECURD~D IN BpOK 1].5, PAGE(S) 5 ANU 6 Or MISCELLANEOUS MAI'S, II3 THE OFFICF OF THI' COUNTY RECORL~~I2 OF SAlU CCUNTY. WHEREAS, thp Ci.ty Planning Commissi.c~r: did hold a publi.c tiearing at th~ Civic Cente: iii the City of Anaheim on Octob~r 7, 1991 at 1:3q p.m., noti.--e af said public tiearing having been duly giver~ ~s required L•~y law and in accor.clance with the provisi.on~ of the Anaheim Muni.cipal C:ode, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider ~vidence for and againsr_ said ~ropos~d conditional ~,~se permit and to investigat~ and make findingc; and rec.ommendations in ~~onnec.tion therF~with; anci WHEI2EAS, said C~mmis~sion, after due inspecti.on, i.cive~tic~~tion and stucly ma~9e by iteelf ~nd in its behalf, ar:d a£~er due ~~n~i.deratiori of. all evi.dence and r.np~r~tQ offerecl at aaicl hearing, doea iine~ and determinc the foll.otioing f.act.a: 1. That t:t~~ propoged us~ i~ properly one for ah.Lch a conditionaJ. u~e E~t~rmit is auttiorized by A~iahei~n Muriicipal Cocie Section to permit the r~tention ar,d expa.n3ion of a cabaret witl~ on-premise aale and cc~nsumptiori of al.cohol, and wi.th waiver of ttie follc~winrJ under aut:nority af. Sect.ion 18.06.U80: S~C'CION5 1£i.OG.,Q50.U211 - t4inimtxm numb~r of ~~ar)cing apaces. 18.06.050.U22 (95 r~quired; EQ exi.ating) 18.OG.050.0235 and 18.44.OE6.050 2. 'Phat the proposed use i~ hereby denied. 3. Tt.at th,e pr.•oposed waiver i~ hereby denied on the basis ttiat subject use permit wa~ cleni.Ed. Q. Thai: the proposed ua~ will adveraely affect the adjoir~ing l~~nd uses and the growth .~nd clpvolopment of the aLea in which it is pr~posed to be located. 5. That the aize anci shape of L•he site propcsed for the use is not adc:quate te allow L•he full cle~~elopment of the proposed u~e !.n ~ manner rio~ dpf.rimental ;.o the particular are~ nor L-o th~ peace, health, ~afety and general wel£ar.~ of tli~ r_itizen~ oF the City af Anaheim. CR13U7MS -1- PC91-:.56 6. That the granting of the Condi.tionzl Use Pe~niit will be aetrim~ntal tn th~ pEace, health, eafety ~nd gerieral. welfare of the Citi.zen~s of the City cf Anaheim. 7. That ~he traffic genez~~ten by t17e proposed u~te will impoae an uriclue Uurden upon the streets and highways desigr~ed and i:npraved Lo carr.y the tr~ffic in the area. 8. That ten (10) ~~eople indicated ~heir. presence at- said public heaiing in oppo~i:ion; and that no corr.espondence was received in opposition to the ~ubjec:t petition. CAL'lFORNIA F.NVIRONMENTAL QliAI.ITY ~1CT FINUING: That tl ~ Anaheim City Pla~;ning Conunission has revic~wed the proposal L-o permit the L. tion and expan~iun o~ a c:abaret with ~n-premise sale anc~ consumpti~n ot a~ ~hol., and wit.h wai;er of: mir.~i.mum numb~r ef par}:ing spaces on an irregularly-shaped parc~l of lrnd consisting of approximatel.y O.t35 acre loczted at the southeast corner of Colch~tster llrive and Colony SL-ree~t, havirig approximate fronlageA oi 119 feet on th~e ,:,outh side of rolchester D_~ive and 312 feet on the east side of Colony StrE~et ar~r] furrher described as 223•G Wes~ Colchester llrive (Suites 10-1?.); and doeta her~:~by deny i:he t7egative llecl~ration ~~pon f.inding that it has consi~iered the P?~eqai;iv~ Der,:laration tagether wi `h rany comment~ rECeived during the public revieo: p~:~ocess and furL-her finding c~~~ the ba~i~ that the initial study and any comme~!tr; received that r_hare is sub~•tantial evidecice that the project will tiave a ~igrii:i.<:~ant effect on tl~e environme~nt, iVOW, THEttGFOftE, 3E IT R~:SOLV~D that t; Anaheim Ciry Planr~irig Commie3ion does hereby cleny suuject Pet~.tion L•ar Coiid.i.t.ional U~e Permit, ~n the basi~ of th~ aforementioned finclings. THE FOREGOTNC ~tA:SOLUTiON was adopted at i:he Planninc~ Conunis~ion me~ring of Octaber 7, 1991. „_ ~J /~ J ~•' ~ '~'4.- / ~ ~} , .,'I ~` ~ /~f '._'.,,~ ~ .r~ .~•l.~l.- ~ ,_ ~_ : . CHA RtdAN, ANAHEIFI C.ITf PLHDININv CODIhIT ION ATTE"T: , -~!`-~=-'_-__ / 'h ~__ SECRE'~ARY, ANAHEIM CITX PI_~AIVNING COMPSISSION -2- PC91~^150 : '~f , -,~,, , ` ''.~~': STATN' pr^ CALIFORNIA ) COUN'!'Y OF ORANGE ~ $s . CITY OI' ,ANAHEIM ~ I, Edith L, f~arria Camm,ission, do hereb ~ Secretary of th~ Anaheim City Pl~nning ado tPC~ g Y ~er.tify that th~ fcregc,i~~g r~solution w~3s p~~sPd and p at a meet.in of the Anaheim Ci.ty planning commisaion held on octoher 7, 19`~1~ ~Y the following vote of the :~embe.rs thereof: AY~S: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, ARISTpL, HEI,LYER, I3ENNTNGER, MESSE NOES ~ ~'E~2A COMM~'S5ION~R5: NONE ABSEfJT; COASDSTSSIONERS: 2EMEL --~~~ L.~~"'=TN WTTNESS F7H~REOF, T have heraunto set m of. 1991. Y harzd ~:his ~ ' day _____._. ~ ~.~" '~ ~ , ~ _ ~~ ~ SF.CR~:TARY, nNAHEIM CIPY PLANNI~G r ~ OMMIS,, IQN _.~- P~91-156 `'`"~~~u,5rl+;~ liic~ ~