Resolution-PC 91-166P,ESOLU'PION NO. Pi:91-166 ~. A RESpLUTION OF THE }1NAHLIM CITY PLANNTNC COMMISSION '~ `fFIAT PL7'ZTTON F'OR CONDSTIUNAL USF PERMIT NO. :i464 BE GRANT~D WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planninc~ CommiEieion dicl iPCeive a vErifiod Petition for Condi.tional IJse Permit for certain real proptLty aituatPd in :`..ho Gity of Anahei.m, County of Orang~, Sta~e of. California, described aa: PARGFI, }1: PARCEL 2 IN R'HE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY t?F ORANGE, S'~ATE OF CRI,IF'ORNIA, A5 SEIQWI3 ON A MAP FILED 2N BOOK 204, YAGES 45 ANQ 46 OF ?ARCL"L MAPS, IN 'PHE OF['ICE QF TFiE COUNTY l2F.CORUER Or^ OR}1NUE CQUN'.CY, CAL I l'ORN I A. PAFtC~;L B: AN E;ASEMEN'f FOR VE:J;ICUT AR ACCESS P,IGE3T5 OVEk ANA pCROSS THR".' Ck,'RTATN PAP.C..F'L OF LAN[) TO }1ND FROM LA PALMA AVFNUF, ON 'i'FIE 1VORTH, TO AND FROM PRRCE:, 2 OF A PARI:EL MAP k'ILE;~ TD! SOOK 204, PAGES 45 P.ND 46 P.ECORDS OF SA21) OftAN('E C;OUNTY ON T!-iE EAST, DESCRZBGD A5 FOLL047S: F3EGINNING AT TF3E t10RTFIWEST CORNER OF SAID PARCLL 2, ~~ SAID CORNER ALSO IIEING 'I'F1F TRUE PUTNT OF BEGINNTNC; ~ 1 HENCF SOUTfi OU ° 77' U~1" W, 67.00 EEET; THENCE S 8)~ 4Ei' 10" W, 40.OU FEE:'i; THENCE N 00" l7' 04" E, 67.U0 '~'~ FEET; TfiENCE IJ 89" 48' 7t~" I:, 40.00 FEGT TO TFiE TRUE . POINT OF BEGINNING, AS GRAN`f~:D IN EASEMENT NECORDFD 1~ JULY 2, 1587 AS INa^'PRIIMENT NO. 87-37$470 UF nFFiCTRL' ,r RECORDS. WEiERCAS, rh~ Cir•,, planning Commiasion d.id hold a p~~blir hearinc~ r3t khe Ci•.~c Center. ir tho City of Anaheim on acr,~bc~r ~2, 199]., zt 1:3p p,m,, notice of r~~id public 'r,eariny havinq been du~y given ati reqairc~d by law ~r.d in accordanc~ wiLh the pr~viaion~ of the Anahei.m Municipal Coci~, Ch~pter 18.03, tio hear and ccnsider ~:vidence foi a~d against :3aid propos~:d c~nditional use peLn2iti and to :Lnveatigate and make Fi.nciing3 ~-~nd recommendati~n~ in co~ln~;r.ti.on therewith; and WHEREAS, aaid Ccmmission, attFr. c;u~ in1pection, znveutigaticn and atudy made by itself and in it~ behal~, an.l afCer due consider•ati~n ~f all ~vidence and rPporr.s offerec: at sa~_d heariny, doe~ fin~~3 and de~ermi.,;e the following .facta: 1. T}iat the proposed une i~ properly ene for k~hich ~ c~nd.',~ional use perniit ie authori.zed by Anaheim Muni.cipal Code Seclion ~o permS.t a. church in an ex.i~ting induar_rial buLldiny with waive~• ef ti~e followin~ unc~er authori.ty of Cocie Section 1fi.06.Of30: CR1323MS _1._ PC91-1~6 5ECTION5 18.06.05Q.0212 18.06.Q50.022 18.06~05Q.Oi66 18: 06.050.031 and 18.61.066,05U Minimum number of parkinc~~~tacaa. (489. rsquirod; 332 oxisting [plus an additii.onal 153 ripacQS which do not cnmply with Code atandardn For oize and/or locationJ; 2. Tnxt the requostecl waiver ia hereby grailt~d on the ba3i.s that tkie parking waiv~r will not ca~~se an increa3e in traffic cc~nye:~tion in the imm~diate vicinity nor advei:?ely affect any adjoining land use~ and granti~g o; the ~arki.ng waiver undex• the conditions i.mposed, if any, wi11 not be dctrimental to zhe pcace, health, satety and y~i~eral welfare of thr eitizens uf the City of Anaheim. 3. Tha~ t.he prapused uae is herFby grant~d for a perio~~ of tnree (3) years, to expire on OctobFr 21, 199~3. ~~. Tha.t the pr~posed use wi.ll. n~~t adversely aPfect thE adjoining land uoes an~.i the c7rowlh ~nd developme~:t of the ar.ea in which it is ~LOrosed to ~~e locat~c~. S. That the a~.ze. and ahane of. tha eite propo~e~l for the usc is ~3dec~uate to allow the full dev~:lopmenL• of th~ proposed use in a mannc.~x• not detrimental to the parkicular area nor t~ the peace, h~alth, safety and general wel ~are of i:he Citizen~ of the City r~L' Anaheim. 6. That the c~rant.ing of th~ Conditio~al Use PermiL unde:• the conditiona impos~ci w.il.l not l~e detrimc:•ntal F.o tne peace, health, safety at~d general w~ilfar~e of the Citizcns of the City of Anaheim. ?. That th~ t.raff.i.c gen~rated by the pro~~osed u~e wili nut imp~:~e ar- undue burcien upon ttie street:i and highwaye desic7nee~ and improveci to c~~rry the traffic .in the area. 8. That no one indi~-atEd their preaence at said ~~abiic hearing :ri onruaiL•ior,: icld t:hat nc ~c~r.respondenes wao xece?ved in o}~po3ition to the sub~~aeL pc~tition. CALIFZ~RNIA ENVJRQNMENTAL__„gt-pLTTX ACT i'T.NDING: '1'hat the Anaha.im Ci.ty P~.anninc; Commiesion has rev.iewed the pLOpoeal to permit a churcll in aii existi~~g i.nduat~~.ial building ~aith w~iver of minimum numbcr of par.king sp~ces on an irregu.larly-ahapod parcal of land c~neinz.ing of approximat:ely 6.3 acr.~s, having a frontage of approximaL•ely 4C2 f.eet on th~ south :~ide of La Palma Avemir~, having a maximum depth of appro;cimat~ly 65f3 feet, beinc; locar.ed approximately 3,560 feet ezst of. thc~ centerline of Laknview Ave msa and further deacribcd as 5100 Ea4t La Palma Aven~ia, S~aites 111 and 112; and doss hereby approvc~ the Negativa De^laration upon findi.ng Lhat it has con3l.dered the Negati+~o Declarntion together with ai~y r.ommente :ece.ived during tne public roview proceas and further finding on tt~e baeia that tt;e initial ;~tudy and any commenta received tha~: there is r.a aubatantial ~vidence that ~h~ t~YG)P.C:t wilJ. have a significant effect on th~ environment. '2' PC91-166 ---~-- . , . ......1} ,'( "~ IvOW, THEREFORG, BE IT RESOLVED that the AnatiAim City P1~lnning 'i Commic~ion doeo hgreby grani: subject Fatition for Conditianal ilse ~pr.mit, upon ~; :~ Lhe fol'lnwing conditiona which are heieby found to be a necess~zry pr~reR:~iaite f; to the proposed use of the subject property in ord~s t~ pre~~rve the safety ~nd t, general wglfare of the Citizens of the City of• Anaheim: ~~ 'r. '~ J. *•Phat a fe~ for street l:.ghting purposes shal.l ba paid to the City of Anaheim a~sed ~n tho length of str.eet: £rontsqe atong L'a Yalma Avenue in an amr~unt aa eatabliahed by City C~uncil re~olu4iuti, 2. * That prior ta issuance of a buildin~~ permit, a traffi~ signal assESSm~nt fee equaling the diff~rence between the r.hurc h and industrial assessment , Eees shall be paid to the City of Anaheim i.n .an amount as establish~d by ,~ City Council Re~oluti~n. 3. 'k T}iat no required parking ;rea atia:ll be f~riced or otherwi3a t?I1C103E~CI For outdoor at~~r~ge ~r ather nonparking uae~. 4. * T~iat fire aprinklers shall l~e install.ed a3 required by t!1~: Fire Department. 5. * ThaL- L-rash r~tor~ge areas ghall he provi.ded a nd maintain~d in a l~cation acceptable to the Department of Maintenana ~ 1nd in ar.cnrdance with agproved plans on filP with said Uepartment. ;, 6. That a Ylan Shoet fr.r solid wa~te storage an~l c~.llect.ion, and a plan far ;` recycling ehall be 3ubmit•ted to t:he n~epartment oL• Maintenance .for review and appro•ral. 7. '~ That all air conditioning faci.litie:s and ~~her roof and g.rotind mcurit~d Equipment ~hall be prc~perly shi~ld~d from vi-~w. F`; 8. * That due ';~ shall be ~~ minimum '~` Plumbing, ~;:. Anaheim. ~±; worl:. to the c:hange in use and/oz~ ~ccupancy of the buildiilg, plar.s submittpd ~o the Building Civision showing compl.i~:nce with the ~Landard~ of the Ci.ty of Anat~eim, including the Uniform BuildJ.ng, Electrical, Mechani.cal and Eire Code s as adopted by th~ City of The appropriat:e pe~miL-e~ shal7. be obtai~led for any neces~ary 9. That a~ ~equired by Sc~ction of the Anah~~i.m tdunicipal Codc:, subject ahsrch facili.ty aha?1 be li.mitecl to three (3) year3 duraiion; pro~~d~d that Huch use, other than church off ice ~taif. u~~, ~hall not ba pormii:ted on Mn~tday thr.ough F'riday pr.Lor to 6:00 p.m,. T~ao (2) tim~ extenoiuna (up to thrPe [3j years cach} stiall be permitL-ed subject t;, the approval of tr~e Planning Commi~si~n or City Counc~.l rak a notic•~d public heariny. -3•- PC.91-166 .lU. + Th~t the pro~oeal Ahall ~ompty with ~11 eigniny r~quiremente of ~.he N,t, (5C) ".induetrial, LimitFd - 5ce-ifr. Corridor OV@CLGY~~ 7,one unle~s a vari.ancH allowinc~ eign wai.ver.e tn <~ppraved by the Cit:y Cc~unc;il, planning Commi.eelon or Zoning A<iminietrator., and exr_ep~ a~ Oh}~pl"4:18E? 'LriitQd ;~y Co~d1L•ion No, ll h~+rain. " I1 . That any propoeQd fr~~f~~tanclin~~ eigr~ c~n euGjecC proE~~rt_y ~t~ill Le o monument-t~pa not Pxc:~~diny c~ight (E3~ f.ttt3t in hE~igl~t and ch.ill b«~ cuh~ect to thg review and ~pprov~l of r.he City Traffic and 'ir.~insport~t+;~~ 1i3f1jqet Yo dt3t~rr.minR adec~ua~.~ ! ine~-~,,f-siyht. ~ ~ 1 ~ . .. "'Thr.t th,e on-eit~ L~~ndec~~pirict and ;.rr:t~;~tior~ ~iyat~in t~~ti;1 bfr Y,:a:r,tii_r~ed in co~;pliance ~;itr rit~ ~«+,~,tn:ci~~, 13. That nny tz•e~ plnntFC7 on•-~it.Er Fh,~l: bc~ :c~1:-~c~~d :n 7 rir-c~Iy :r.z:~:~~ ~.n ~hP (1~/~3:~:. h.!iFf~ LC ~A Yf!TUVA~j, c::1tY.~,l:.)E?'1~ c~18PAREtC3 <lf:C3/l,: ~~fTal:~. 14. That aubjer,t pro~rt.y ~,haii -•~ devn.~~p~~f su:~nr_ant:aily i,~ ,i:~::.~~:~»:,~~ with ~lt~na ~nd ~p~cf: ir_.~ticr~t ~R,-.-;i~t~•d Lo the C:t~ of i~r,ihei:~: g~ttsinn~r and whi.:'~ p~,,:.~ ;z•r~ .~: '~ t~y tl:~ m.~rked 8xhi:~it *ir.~s. 'r r}~,~~ , , fii~ :•it.i; .:t~,? ?i<~a:~.r:• ,?~;=.r::cer.t. ~;' . 15. 'r.`,dr ~! 2.~. ~C C~unT;~rl:.ii-~lir•..- r~: •, i.,.', .' r ~• • ~ _'SR i•. 1. .jJ <lilY.~iV1': 7.E'•~ .:~ ';'}; p •-n;;::::lt 1')ii~ vr !~riot~ to iss~~,in~e ~: ~ t,a ; L3i r•.q },n - - . r-:it, o-- wiLhir~ <, ~n•rio:f r,f n; F- i=) year fi•~;~ the d~~~~ o~ r•~r:;tu~:.,, wnict:(?Vf?1• f3:~;4:r51 :;.:;±., r~,.,ciir_i~zs: :1Q7• 1~ 2; f) Aflt~ ES~ ~1~.'?S'(?-f.".F.'l~ i<Cf?•j~.•,ARc'.ii ~)Q CO(.'~.F111P'} '.a~[.rl. ~;7:'A.^SI7+'~f3 iOL' ~UC*fiC~ t1IrP. C~~ CO.^:.(;:~'_~ f:dt!j t^l~,:1 ~_:O~]R !'rA•f i.F? rJi•;~n~p~j l.:1 ~r•_•,•Y!i~l!tl'!+ W,.tn ser.~t:~;, 1~.~3~.0~0 ~,; •~;~, „~~.,,~-.~.. ~.,,;; ~ ; . . . ~:p<•: coc'.r~. ~`• :h~t• ~rio: -. t, co•.cer-.•e~•,.,• ~; ,~,~ :~c~yv±t} a~.s!:F;oz•ize•f by ~nin rr~s~:~~*_i-~n or f~nal S,:ilci..r..i ai,-i r.-;rtiir.~~ ir.~~y~r_Lioris v.hicr r._r Concf s. 4 ~~ ' °=t==''4 : ir9~ it1C~-1 ~~J ~ 5~ -t n-.'i ~•f, l9!:,Jf~-;'^.f~fi~ 1G:1Q(i ; -i . ~h:~il .~ . ~:Y ~i~:. ~.;'.k :^- ~ : . ! i. T!~at t-tiis c~~fY:~1[}(:/i1l q.~ ~ .. . ~. rrr.i.. ~R ~r~r~!.c~d (r~r a F:r,~,_,.,, .•~ ,:,~.~,o ~3) year~~ and e.i.~ii rerr.:i:;1L..' i. .}~~~"~'.4IiY ~%. 1•s94. . :f?. • :hat: a~;prc~va' ~d t.l;:_, ~~ I~F?'illQd~ G~}il~ ~---J ~}7°_ 1~. .F~- .. .. . . _~1T:R!.l...i~.F?H t tf'..:~1. :~~ _!-., i:T'^_t)Q3n:T • '~~ ~~- r`~, ';~ i~~3 Ld ~.t. ~~~if? 9t.~' ~.iefT21~ 7:l~llfl~ l.<>C)~, dR'~ _lrY '; -El~>: 3` i: i!Y:ahl~? f`! •. .'ii:.3~ C[~(~UiA~).0113. S•fI'riVB~ ~ ~ , ''7~~ :: :~`...,j iq.!1pY~i ~ie ^ '~~'.:ci,: ,1•;* :f•.^:.ei!fr et'lj~ .]::!1'.;fY ._ E1...~:.^,:1= ;"ff3 !~~ '_(kaptian~e '!L q[J~12'4Y~li '"{ •;ln ..Tt~.'~^it?A* - ~~ ~ re~;ar~i~~,~ ~ry .;+hn,• ~~;~I:r~litiiP rdinanr_e~ r~~,~.a`.cr~ ~r t"n" ~1'n~a~. ,,; ,_ ~ . . _ r,~iie.:co~a -arr~~3 ~rr s r: ;.:•. , ,~nrisk (* 1 %ifP. Yf![~lliC~?(! hjr iFq• ~[Si - F~'~n'j i=t :9, C.r,~3~A~ ~~<''~_7:l':1';;.? l.".'; -1'3Csi~.^'nr:' c .751~ ]"s'8~ :f14'./"F?:%1C~'. !l~)!_ ~".[,!.t.-- £'. 7:~?'jt;". i.i.`~ i'',:1. .. riF _ i r'!RTiiEi? i~?::;~t: .*';~ ~;`,~• ~ Y~n r1ii1~1Rk"' C'Lt ' i':•l1'y` ('~ ~!(.e~ F.t?C~by f in_!, 3:ac1 r.!s.e p ~,~, , "f ••~ "~ !•""~~ iA3:',~; i~ .i~, :l':a! ~Pi rJ1 t~iiA e'~^t? ~ ~ •~ .:~;' '~ n'_'.:'- . ~a^"i :8 4?Xnt'E2fif ~ ~ . .,~~ ~!~ f~q[I ~~~Xlfl l~(;~ 1L'~a^.t ' R „'~;' t.~~Tt'~E? ~: `_~'r ?•ar~~l 3f."3 3 ~ : ',~ ; n .. r _ P~~"z~t70Vf% ¢i~t ifST~fc. ~:r:~. .'i : •, -- `-(;.:'.1f 2.U~~3 .. l.^.' c°:".!4 ... :lir :t~fF ~ f a- ~ % . ~r ~r•.~ ~:,-r ; ~~~~~:, F;~. ~.: ~ AC4!~ i lit 3~ If~ -JC e1t1~f~.g~li" n.;f; j-` (~y •^.i~ I . Pi.i 1 ~c;rt.T`q;.;4 ~ i .L.. ~ ="~~Y_°Lf!IYE , 7fi.BC.fr` 1~T~ '.llt~,~. ? ~' i r, :Yn7r•i'i:• :!3T~r 37.'7 •l;l.• ~~ _,_ ;~! t ~Y'_ ~~ r.oni.ainod, 3:~.~Yi -~n %'c~oy^~n.} r~s: ~ i•~.-3 .,i•i. r . ~•.~ Y, ~,n,o;n. 4- '-' i -: 55 Tt1E FORL(30INC3 RESn„U7'ION wae a~opted nt the Pl~nning Cnmmic~r~ion meeting of Octaber 21, 1991. ~~ /~~~ , ''_j ~ i ~ / y ~-~ _t " C. C. . l' ~ i ~ ~y ~(~- -_~,`.~ _ i 'F1IAIRMAN, ANANEIM C7 Y~ PLANlfffJC CO MM IS;;IOp~ RTT'BST: -:.~-s;' --~. ..._._..._~ - ~... ~--- $Y.riZE:TARY~ ANAHFIM CITY PI.ANNZN(; CUMMISSION STATE dF CALIFORNIA ) CvUi7T~ OF UR31NCiE ~ $s, C:1TY OF ANANETM j I. Janet L. ?n,r;s~~n, ::~~:r~-t ar}~ ox t.hE Anaheim City Pl~nnina Commit~eion, 3o haceby certi f- ti~ :•• th.> Ccre~aoiny r~eol.ution V,aa paDSed ..nd ` ad~Fted ot a me et £nq of t:;ie Anah~•!m Cir.; P', anniny C^mmisaion neld on Oct~~bFr ~ 21, 1951, by ths fol:owinn v~te of th~ ;renbers r.tferec,f r AY~S: C:ClidttYS5IpNF.Rt'i: qQ~1AS, IIF.LI~YF,R. YF.ftniAf `I.F.MF,l. ;sOES; COMISISSL()NFRS: t70;JE AUSsNT: CQMF4ISSII:;~~RS: r3RIS'iOL~ I~4Ii(~Ti~C;ER~ HF.S:iF. ~ Iti W1TlJESS W}fEf2EJ;'. *_ ;~,~~~r, h..rE,~~~r ~ ;~~,~ m~ }~~~c3 thi~ ~ .~/ ~~y ° f ~-__ . `, ~ 991 . ---- __.. S*.:CnE;ARY, AilAfiEIt! C3TY PLAN?JLriG i:G`:1MZS.SIOii ~r'~ P~:~1-lfi~.i 1i~ ~ ,t ~. ~ ,'"~ - - J