Resolution-PC 91-18,.'~ ~ RIs'SOI~i1T?ON NO. _ PC91-ifi A RLSUL(ITTON aF' THE ANFIHEIM C1TY PLANNING ~OMMISSION TEiA'P PETITION FOkz CUNDITIONAL US~ P'FR`~IT NO. 3336 B~ GItANTED WHFREAS, thc~ Anaheim Gity Planning Cammiasi.on did re~ceive a yerified Petit;.on for Car~ditional Us~ Permit for c~rtain real prope.rty sftu~ta_d in thp City of P.naheim, County of Orange, State of Califorrii.a, dQncribed ao: f O'P 14 AND SOUTEi 34. 50 1'k:ET OF LOT 15 C>F 7.'RACT D10. 3251, IN THE CITY OF 'e1NAHETM, CnUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CAI.TFOF2NIA, AS PER MAF RF,CURDEQ IN DWK 100 PAGES ].'~ AN~ 18 OF MISCET,LANEOi1S MAF~S IN Z'FiE OFFICE OF 'PH~ COUNTY Rh;CORDER OI~ SAIB CQfJ;VTX . WEiEREAS, tt-e r.ity Planning Cammieeion did hold a public hearing at the Civic Cei~ter in th~ City of Anaheicn or. N~vembtr 5, 1990, at 1:30 p.m., natice of eaid public h~aring ha~~inq been duly g.iven ae requi.red k~y law and in acr.orclanca wi~t~ the provision~ r,f the Anakieim Municipal Cor~e, Chaptgr 18.U3, t~ hear and condider evidence f.o~ anc9 agd~ngt oaid proposed conditional uae psr.mit and to .invest.ic~ate and make fi.ndir~g9 and recommendations in cannection tharewith; an~l that said public heariny wan continued to the ;~ecembe.r 3, 1990 and Fc~bruary 11, 1991 P?.anning Conuni~oi.on meetinys; nd WFiERTAS, said CQIlUt11HDlO:i, after due inapection, i.nveotigation and fltudy inade by itaelf. and in its behalf, an~ after due con~sideration of ull evideuc~e anr~ r.eporta of.farea at sai~9 hearinc~, doen find anc~ de~Prmine the fo11~ win~~ f.a~ts: ~. 'That the propo~ed u~e ts prop~rty one for which a conditi.oria.l ue~e per.mzt i.a authoriz~d by Anahoim Municipal Code Section 18.G1.U50.070 to permi.t aii autumobile repair facility wi.rll waiver of l;he foll.~wing under au~hor.iCy of Cod~~ SPCtion 1~3.OG.ObO: SECTIONS - Mi.nimum number. or.~arY,;.na_ dp3cEZS. lE?.06.050.031 (51. r.equired; _7.0 ~x.isting) and 1f~.61.Ob6.050 2. That thF requented w~i~rer ia h~reby granted on the banis lhat thEl parkinq waiver wil.l not. cauye an increa~c .in traff:ir_• congestion in the inunediate vlcin~.ty nor adveraely af.fect any adjvining land ur~eo and grantiny uf the parki.ng wal.ver under the conditic~ne impoaed, if any, ~~i.ll not be detrimental to the peace, healtt~, s<~fety and qeneral. welfare ~f the rit•Lze:~s of. tl~e ~ity of Anaheim. 3. 'fhat the pr~po9e~ use i~ hereby grante~~ For a per.iod of two (2) yeare, to c~xpir~ cn 'r'ebruary 11, 1993, with a~oview in :me ~1) year fMom th~ datFs of thio resolution to dc~termirie whether t}ira ~~ae ia beiny opQrated i.n complLanr.a_ ~rith aub ject u:st per.mit ~nd witticut any :tF~t~ imental impact ~~~ Aurrounding uaen and properriee. ~ CR1111MP °1- PC91-?.8 por>~A 4. That the prapoaed us~ will not ad~~araFly affact the ad joining land usea and the yr~wth an~ rlevelc~pment of Che .~rF~~- in a~hich it ie propaeed ta be located. 5. That thQ eize and r~hape of tho RitQ pro_~osed for the uoe ie adequate to a11ow the fu11 aevelopment of tk~e proposer.t us~a i.n a rci~nnar not detirimr~~;~~,a~, to the partlculaL arpa nor to thc~ peaca, hQalth, eafa!y and ganeral welfax•g of the Citix~ne of thQ City of Anaheim. 6. 'Ihat ttie granting of thc? Gonditir,,r.al Usc~ Permit under t!:e ,^onditiona impoaad wi.ll not be detrin:ental to the. peace, heaith, s~aft~ty and g~ner~l welfar~: af th~ Citi~ens of thE CiL•Y of Anahe±m. 7. That the traffic generated by the propo~ed uee will not imp~ae an undue burden unon 4k~e ~tr~;et.r~ arid h~ ghwa,ys des ;.gne;i znd J.rnpr.oved t.a carr}• th~~ ~raffic in the area. 8. Th..~t no one indicatQd their pr.esence a~ aaid public hearing in oppo~i.tion; and tt.at no r.orreapondence was YC~ElVCC~ in oppooit:ian to the aubject pe~ition. CALI~'QRNIA ENVIRONMENTAT. OIJALI'TY ACT FINDiNG: That th~ Anaheim City Planning Commisaion hds reviewed thz propoaal L•o permit an ~utr~mok~ile repair fac.ility with waiv~r ~f minimum :~~mb~r of.. parking spaces on a rectangularly-shaped pai•cel. of land conaist.iny af appr~ximately 0.6 acre having a frontay~ of approximately 150 feet an tt~e ea~at eide of Rose Str.eet, having a muximur depth of appr.o;cimately 1'17 fe~~t, bting leaated appruxima~ely 5~U feet soutti ot' the cent~~rline o:E Santa .Ana Street anc~ further roferred to z~.~ 536 South RoAe Str.eet; aud doeo hereby apgrove the A'egative Declaration u~on fincling that it has conaider~d ttie Negative Declaration together with any cc~mRients reccriv~~d ciuring tt~e Z~ublic review procen3 and further f.inding on the ba3ie that *he a.niti.~l ~Yudy and any cornmentg r•eceived rhat t•herQ is no sut~st~ntial evidence that tl~~ pr.ojtect. will have a, ai.gnificani. eff~ct on the environment. NOW, THEREFOkE, BE I7' FP:SOLVF.D that ~.lle An~heim Ci"y Planning Comr.~ieeion due~ I~ereby grant sub j~~ct,: Petit ion for Con~9itional UeE PoLmit, upon tha s=allooii_ng condit.ions whi.ch ar.e llereby founcl to be ~a necesaary pre~equiHite to the ~ropoaed unc~ of the subject property ir, order ta preaerve r~he ~afety and c3ener~,1 welf.ar.e of the Cit.izens of L-he City of Anahe~im: 1. x Tt~at a traffi~ eiynal aesessment fee equa~iny the difference batween ~ha conme~cial and induet:r.ia.l a~ssesHment feee sn~ll be pafd to the City of An~~hc~.im in an amount. aa e~tabliahed by Ci.ty Council reeolution. 2. ' Tha~: plana ehall be subnitted to thN City Tr~ffi~ Eng±neer !:or his review and approval ehow.ing conformance with the lat~..t reviafon of Engineeri.~g 5tan~jard Pl.an Noa. ~,36 and 60) pertainir.g tu parking otandards. Subject ~;ropE+rty s~iall there;,pon be ~evelopQd and r~taintaine~ ir conformance with oaid pl.ano. ~. *'That -io cuatomr~r parking r~pace~ ahall. be tanclc~m to one ~r~other. -2' PC91-1f3 ~~, .~:. 4. * That no outdoor atorag~ of, c~i~s~~lay of, or work on v~hiclQO or vehicu3.ar par.ta ehall be permitt~d. ~. * Th~t al]. l.ockable p~destrian and/or vetiicu.lar accese gatea shall be equip~ed with '~knox box" devlces ae requlred and approvad b,~+ the Fire Departir~ent . 6. * That gates sha11 nat be i.nc~tal.led acr~so the driveway in any manner which may advernely aF.fect vehicular tra.ffic in thn adjacent ~ublic straet. In~tal.Lati.on of any qai:er~ sh~ll conform to EngineQring Standarc3 Plan No. 4~2 and ehal.l be Eubject *_a the raview and appr~~v~l of the Ci.t1~ Traffic Enqineur.. ~• x That traeh otu aye areas shaJ.l be provided and maintained .in a iocaL•ion accep~able to the StrF~et Maintenance znd Sanitation DiviHicn r~nd in accozdance wirti approveci plans on file wi.Y.h eaid divioion. ~3. *'i'ltat the pr~pooal ohall c~mnl v with all signing requir.ements of thc~ ML "Tndu~tr•ial, :,imited" 7one. ~:ss a variance all~wing eign waivera io approvecl by the i:it_y Council, Planning c;u~iuni3eion or ?.oning Admini~+trator. 9• That aubjec~t: property ~hall be dev~loped subatantially in accordance wirh plane und ~pecifir.ati.one aub;nittAd to the City of Anaheim by the pet:it.ior-Pr anc~ which plana are on file with the Planni~ig Departmensc mxrkpd ~:xhibit 1``0. 1; provi.ded, howev~r, L-hat the buainesa st.rAet addreae ehall b~ placed on tt~e bac-k. of Y.he b~s±idinq ~t~~ additionally idontify the t~aai.r.eso locatio~. 10. 'Phat pr.tor to commenceitiunt ~f tti•~ acti.vity autho~-ized by this resa.lu~ion, or pr.ior t:o ~_ssuance of a buildir~g pnrmit, or wit•hi.n a period of ona (1) year from the date oP thie r~~~olutio•~, whichever acci:rs firet, Condition Noa• 1 and 2, above-rnentioned, AFt:ll he cnmp.L.iQd with. ~xtenaiona for further. time to completc eaid condition4 may be gi-anted ir~ accordance with Secti.on lfl.U3.090 oi the AnahEim Mun.icipal Code. 11. That prior to tlte commencemer~t of the activity au~horizerl by thie r.eaolution or prior tc~ final bui.ld;,.ig ~n~ zoning inspection.u, whichever occ~rs fix•st, r_onrait.i.on Nos. 5, 7 and 9, above-mentioned, aha,ll b~ complied with. i2. Ttiat. no caza wh.ich arfa to be repaiz:ed Ftiall be parked in ttie front parking l~t which ai~E~3 sha11 b~ Y,ept ,zvailable for custamers; that no inop~;rabl~ vehiclee sl~all be etored in ttiF front ~arki.ng lot ax~d that at 1Qast two (2) parking anacer~ in the r~ar. parkinc~ lot ~h~ll b~ z~e~erved f^r employeea. 13. That thia conrlitional uae permit ia gr.anted fur a period uf two (2~ y~~~Q and oha11 te.rminat~ on Fcbruary 11, 1993; and further that thQ uer. ehall be rev.Cew~d in one (1) year £rom ttie date of thi.s ref~olukion to determine wl~~ther the ~~an i~r beiny operated in compl.ianco with r~ub ject uae pera~it ~nd without: any detrirn~nta.i impact on surrnundi.n~ ur~ea and propertiea. -3- PC91-lE :"""~~ ~','(M~'~ 14. +~ That approv~]. at L-his appll.c:a.tion con~tiL-utes approval of the propoeed rc~quest only to the axtent ttiat it compYios with the Anahe.tm Municipal 7,oning Code and any other a~plicable City, State and Federal ragul.atinno. Approval. claes not include Any action or findi.ngs ae to cumpliance or approval of i:he requeot regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulution o~ z~qua.rement. Conditione mrirked wi•th an a~teriak ('~) a.re requirFd by esLabl'_shed laws, codea, rAgul.ationa mnd agreementa and ara, theref.arE, not et~bject to negotiatiort. BG IT FURTHER 'RESOLVED that the AnahQirn City planriing Cnmmiesion do~s hereby find and determi.ne that ac?option nf t)-is Reaolution ie expre~ely predicated ugori a~,plicant'e compliance with each and all of the condi.tians here!nabove sa~ forth. Should any such conditi~n, nr 3r.y ~art ther~af, b~ dec:lared invalid or unex~£orc~abl~, by the final judgmen~ of r~ny court of competent jux•iadiction, then thia Resolution, ~nd any appr.ovala heroin contained, shall 1~~ deamed null snd void. TH~: F'OREGOING R~'SOLUTION was adopted ai; the Planning Gommioei.on meet;nq oi' February 11, '1991. ), .~ ~ ~ ,1 ~ ------ r C_. ~ ,'. ,~ ~ ; . CFiAIRWOMAN, :4Ni~HEIM CT4'Y PLANNTNG~COMMISSTON '° ATTEST: _.~'~~ J ~ . ~~~ ~-'L~L ~.-L: SFCRETARY, ALI.~HEIM CiTY 1~'T,ANNING CUM:~IISSIOI3 STATE OF CALTP'ORNIA ) COUtiTY OF ORANC;E ) t~D, CI2'Y OI' PNAHEIM ) I, Cdi.th I,. H~ir.r.ia, Secratary of the Anah~im City P'lanning Gommission, do hE?reb~r cert:i.fy that i:he forer~o.i:~g reso:.uti.or, wac~ passed and adopted at ~1 meetiny of the Anaheim City Planning Commissi~n 'rield on February 11, 1591, ~~, the following ~~ot.e of the mamber. s tnereuf : AY~;S: COMMISSIONFRS: ~;Ut1AS, B~YDSTUN, FF'.LD4iAUS, iiEI,J,YER, HFhN7NGER, MESSG, PERAZA NOES: CQMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: G'02dMISS?ONEFtS: NONE ~ IN 4JITNESS WHERF:UF, I have h~reuni:o set my hand t_his ~~. day of ~~~T~.., 1991. "'~~ ~L,_~ "\ J ~~.~(iL,c~: __ ._N SECRE'PARY, ANAHEIht CITY PLA~Vt?SNG COt4IdISS70N ~', ~ -'~` PC91•-18