Resolution-PC 91-187,. . .., • , , ~ ~, , u ~~.~t.~ z~,~~;~. }2~~SnLUT[ON 1V0~ ~;9.~~1~ A F2ESbLUTION OF `i'H~ ANAHEIM CITY F~L.ANNI;IG C~JMMYSSIOH THAT PFTITION HOR RECLASSIFICATIUN NO. 91-92-AG BE GR11[G'Y'~D WHF:REAS, ti~Q Anaheim rit.y P1Rnning C~m..mloaion did re~ceivQ a vr~ri: ie~ pstiti~n for R~~c'taa,~if.i.cati.an f:~r .r.e~1 px~perty aitua~ed in tho r:Lty of }lr aheim, Coun~y of Ora.ng~, Stai:e uf Calitprni.a, dencril~e~d ~rs follc~wv: THG SOU'I'H 170 k'ErT OI~ THE CAST ON~ •HAX,L' OI' TFi~ h'~ST OI3E-HAL,F' QF' 1'HE SOUT[TI:AST ~UA12TL;R OF TFiE SOII'I'H4iEs'1' QUA~TE;R OF' S~CTZnN 14, Ir1 TGFiNuFiIP 4 SO(iTFf~ R1~NCE 11 W~;ST, I(+I 'PIi~ RRNCHG T.f};~ CO°O'!'Eu, I!V TFiE CTT~ OF ANAFiE'IM, COVIVTY OE UFtANGE, S'1'ATF•. CF CALJF'ORN~A, AS SHOWf7 ON A M.AP '.T`HEREOF' l2~CORDEU IIJ ~3UUK 51, YAGFJ 7, P;T ~Eu. , MZSCELLANEOUS tdA~s, fiECr~TtAS Or BGUK 51, PAG:, ?, ~T SL¢. , MIS~GI.L' RNE:OUS MAPS, R~CQItUS OF uAID t~12AP7GE CcaUClTY; GXCk:P:C THE wr•.s~c~;RI.l' :L 52 , 5 P'E~;2 , W!-iF.R~A~, the City Pl~rl[li[ig CC)mmi.CiH1oR did hr~l~ a public E~~aring at t Ze C:I.vi.c Centnr in khe Cifiy of Anahaim ori Octol~er ?.1, I?91 ak 1; 30 p. m. , no~i.~ 3 of said publ.ic h~ax•ing h~lving becn duly givc~ii as x•equired by law and 1.n acc~rl~nc.c~ with r_hF provinionn of the Anaheim MunAcipal Code, Chipter 18.03, ro h:+~ir and con~ider. evidAnce far. and again~t sa.i.d propoyc~.3 x•eclagnif~.cat..ion and :o inv~sL-fg~te artd make fir~dirigs and rec~mmendatian~ in conne,,tion there ~ith; that r~aia public he~~ring w.~n contir.ued ko the f:ovember i8, 199J. F~lanr..r~g C.ommiaeian meQtiny; kt~at aaid ~~ublic hearing wfid conLir.i.ied ta tha t~ovem ~er 18, 1991 ~lanr,inc} Cu;nmia~.ion meet.i~:g; ,-~nd WFi~R~A~, auid Gor,imiaaio;-; after du~s inspection, f_nvratigatian and ~-:udy madF~ by it.self and in ita nehalf, and after~ du~ conaid~ra4:ion of aIl nvi.cie ice and rw~nrte offcrec~ at r~aid h~aring~ c,~es ~ii~d and d~terminE~ the i~~llo ~~ng facts3: .l. That thE~ petitioner prn~r.~fle~s r.celagEifir,aLi.on nf aubj~ct F.r.oge.•L-y from AS-A-43 O~JO (Reoic~c~n~.isl\:~qricultural) Zone ~~a "~:hn FtM-24U0 (Re:si~lc~nkial, Mul.tipl~-Family) oi- u leaa i.r.tense zone. 2. Tiia~ the An;~heim Cen~ra.l. C~l~n ._tE>c~i.c~r:ates auh;er.t pro~~erty fc~r L• ~w~!~'erlium DF~nc~ity reo±dential l~~nd uc;~a. 3• Thrz~, thc~ pr~pon~ci ~erlatt:~Lf.icatioh c7f c~:ibject ~rop~rty ics ~`~=F':~ ~~~~'X r+nd/o= ~ie~irabl~: zor the orci~rly and pro~~er davelr~~~m~nt cf tlie cor,i:r.~:: iit~~. ~l. 2'i~,1t L•he prc~~~oaeal ~ec.iarsai:icarion at nubjc~c't pro~,~rty da~e pr~~c~..'ly rel~te to th~ r.oncr~ anci thei.z pnrmit:ted usr~Q local.ly ~sta~].S.rsheti i.n t1~n;~ pcoxS.mity r.o ei~~bj~cL• E~rorerty ~nd tv r.t•~~r aonea and l:ht~iz~ p~rm.lY.t~cl ~.~gne yet7er.,.lly ~i~taY~lfc~tusri t.hrougha~:r. thta corrr~unix:f. ~I2~.35' :1,7 -I-• FC91-1t37 JY1.~. .I , . jL4.i~` 5. That 3 peraons indicatpd their prQyence at sF,id pub:.ic hearl.ng in oppoai.tion; and that na corrQapondence wae r~c~ived in opp~tiltion to aubject peti~:3.nn. CkT.~iF RNT1~ ENVIRONMENTI,L ~UAIt,ITY ACT F_,[ND~NG: That th~ Annhoim Citl P1anr~ing C~rnmission hna revi.ewcd the prepus~l to amend ttie Land Ueo E].emont~ ,aE iho r.,~n~ral Plan, rc~clr~3ignAting aubj~ct properky from th~ oxiating Low Deneil:y RosidnntiaX dFSi.gnal•i.~n to tlla Low~-Medium ar•;neity kteaid~n".:ial clesignati.onj and to r~,clarsr~ify eubjer.t property trom the RS-H-q3,000 (Ranidc~nti,al\Agricu.ltural) 7onE L•o tha RM~24~C (Reaidential, Multiple-•I'amily) or a 1seE i.ntanr~e zane t:o eHtzbli.ah a 1-~.ot, 9-unit, FtM-240Q ^or.clominium oubdi.vieion on a rectangul.~rlyw~haped parco]. nf lan•.i c;on~i~ting ~f. approximately q.4; acLe having a frontage af apY~roximately 17~ feeat on ~ho north eide nf Ball 12c,ad, hraviny a maxtmum depth of approxxmate:ly 117 f~aot, Uein~ lo~ated approxi-nately 35Q t6eL- east af the centerline of oakh~~.-~n Uz'ive and furth~r doe~•ribpd as 3253 taos~t Ball F.oa~-i: ac:d does herek~y approve the Neyativc~ Daclaration upon finding that i.t ~. .r~ con~.Ldered t.he NogntivQ D~claration toc~ethQr with ~ny conunenta rNCC~iveci during tlie nublic r~view proceg~ ar~d further finding an the basis that the i.nl.tial ~tudy ~-~nd ar,y com,mor.t~ rs~c~pivec~ that r.h~ro ia na aubstanti.al evidence rh~:~t the project wili. hav~ a eignlf.tcant ~ffc:ct on the QnvironmenL. NOW, 7'fiERErORG, aE T'f RF;.~OLVED that the Anaheim Ci~y Planning Conim~.seion rloea ner~~by apprcve thc ~uh,ject Petition for P.ec.lassification to authozf.x3 an amen3ment tc~ ttie: Zoning Map of the Anaheim Municipal Code to excli~de thE ~bova-doscribed property f.r~m ttit RS-A-43, U0~ (R~:sidential/Agriculturalj 'Lc~nc and to ia:cox-porate 3aid de~cribed property into the RM••240~ (Residential, Multipl.~-Family) Zcne upon the foliawing conditic~ns which ar~ hereby f.ounci tn be a ne~•essary prerequiaite to the propor~ed une of ~ur ject prr,perty in ordor to Z;Leoerve the aafety and goneral weltare of the Citi•r,ens of th•r_ Ci.ty ot Aii,~hei;Y;: 1. * T:iat a i~e for atreet tree purp~se~ chall be p~id ta th~ City of Andheim based on tlle len.gth of• atr.•eet frantage along Uall Roaa in an amour-t ar establieh~<I by CiLy Council re~olution. 2. *:'lta~ comF7letio7 of these r~clasaifi.~,ation proceed:.nga i» contisigQnt upnn apl~rova]. of Ger,eral Plan Amr_ndmeni: PIo. 322 by th~ City Council.. 3. '.Chat pr.Lor ~o placemant of an ordinance rezcning nub;ect property an an agandn f~r Ci.ty Gourzcil con$idEration, Cor~dition No~-. 1 and 2, abave-tnenL• i.onar~, nh711 be compl.eted. 'Phe City Co4ncii may approve or cii~apnr.tive o zoning ordinance at i~~ diar_reti~n. If the ordinancc~ is dia.ip~roved, the procedur.e H~~t fort•h i.n Anaheim M~inicipal CodQ 5or.tion 18.03.Ofi5 eh~-11 apply. ';he provif;ions or rightn yr~znted by this r~nolution ~hall b~come null and void by action of the Planning Cemmiasion Ufll°Li8 aaid condi.tiona ar~ c:m~lied with ;~ith.in one (1) year fram tho date ~f thi.:~ rec3r-'.uY.ion, ar such L'urther time a3 th~ Pl~~~;ning Commis~io~i may qranc. -? "' PC)1-187 . .. ~ ~ . . ~. ~ . .. ~ ~,^ ~~ ~ :•i`~ r ~ iC~~fl14{~~~1 . . . . , . i:t i; h. * Th~.t a~prov~l o~ thik a.p~~icacion con9~.itutae approval of th~ propased roqueet only to the extent, that lt cornp? iQr~ with thc~ Anaheim Munici.pal 7oni;~g Cac~e and any ~thdr appli.cable City, atate rscad F'ederal regulatl.uns~ Approval dc~es not lnc:lude any ac~i.on ar ftndings as to campliance or approval af the requPet- rec7arding any other appliaable nrdinance, rdgul~ri~ri ar r.~quirement. Condit~.ona marked with an ast~risk (*) are required k~y o~tabliahcad lawA~ cocZes, rQ:ulati.~ne and agraamenta and ~re, ther.e~ore, not eubject ta neyotlflti.on. H~. TT FUP,THER RESULVED that ~his r.enolution eh- :~ i~.;~: conatitute a rPZOninc~ of, ~r r.ammitment by the City ~o r~zane the sixbjecL• pr.aperty; a.ny auch r•ezoning ehall require an ard~.nance o~ the Gity Counci.l ~ahich ac-all be a le~~i3lativo act which may be nppro~re~i or denied b,y the City Council ai: ito sale di&crc~L- ion. ~~ I'P FUR'PHER RESOLVE~D that the Anaheim City Planninq Commission doea tiereby fi.nd a:id detarmine that adoption of this Resolut_on i, eepre~tsyy pre~icated upon ~p~iican~'a complianc~ with aach and al]. of the con~itions herein.a~ove neL- forth. Should any auch conditi~n~, or. any part thereof, be de~lared invalid or u~~enEorceab.le by th4 ~'inal judgmant nf an,y court of r.~mpetent jurisdiction, then thia Resolutfon, and any approvala hereiri cant~.ined, Khall b~ deemed nuil ~nd void. Tf3~ FOREGOING RLSQLiiT:CUN wa~ ac]opted at the Pl~znning Camn~iaeion mteting of NovembEr lA, i9y1. , ~ ,f,C.-L~%t-~~L, l%"t/ ~~ -C:Ci ~ , /J • %? li' ~ CHAIRMI~N, ANAHEIM I7.'~I: {~f'P~C I~SION ATTF:ST: ~~~~~~~ Y~ ~~~~ SECRE'PARY, ANAHRZM CITY PLANNING COMMIS~ION STATF; OF CALIFORt7TA ) COUNTY OF ARIINGL ) s a. CITY OF ANAIiLIM ) I, Janet L. Jenaen, Secretary of ttie l.naheim City P1ann?ng Comminaion, da herQby certify tt;at the forec~oin~ resoluticn wac~ paesEd and adoptc~d ;.~t a m3~tinr~ of *ha Anahe.im City PlanniTtq Commis~i~n held on NovembPr 18, 1991, by L-he f~llowzng v~te cf tt~e members thereof: AY~S: COD~iDiI~STONERS: HLI,LYER, HrNNINGEk, MESSE, PERAZA, ZLMEL Nc7F,5: COMDfISSIONF,RS: NON° Af3S~NT: CON.MxSSTOPlE12S: PRISTOL ABSTAIN~:D; COMMIS~IONGRS: F~OU:1S ~(~, If7 WI'!'i~FSS WHFRF:4F, I t~~ve hereunro ~eL mX hand thie ~f ~K- day o f ..~•~~'~w_..._.. , J. 9 91. _ _......_ ~"~.-~ =~W ,~ ~a~l~..:. ._~ ~r ~.~._Y.~ ~~. ~. / SF:CR~'fARY, ANA!iEIM CI'~Y PI.ACININC COMMTSSIOCJ -3- FC91-187