Resolution-PC 91-20a~~' ' fv RESOLIJTInN Nn. PC91~-20 ~kn J.;A A RESOLUTIUN OF THE ANAHEIDS CIZ'Y PLANNING C~MMISSION THP,T P~TITIO:~ FOR VAI~IAN'CE NO. 4112 E3F GRF~NTEll, IN PART WHEREAS, ~he Anat~eim City Planning Comn3.eaiUn d~.d recQiva a verified Petition for Variaace Eor certain real pro~¢~rty oituated in the City of Anaheim, Cuunty of• Orange, State of Califorr-ia described ae: PARC~L 9, AS P~12 MAP FIT,ED IIV BC~K 20~.. ~'AGFS 41 TO ~4, INCLUSIV~ OF PAItCEL MAPS IN THE OFF:tCF OF T:iE COUNTY RECORDER OF SiAID COfJNT:'. F1HER~AS, tha City P~anning Comm.isaion did h~ld u public hAaring at the Civi.r CQntcr Ln the City of Anaheirn on February 11, 1991, at 1:30 p.ro., notice o= said public hearing having been duly given as requir~a by law and in accordance wit~h th~ pr.ovision~ of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter :1,8.03, to hear and constaer evidence for and against said proposed variancQ and to i.nvsatigate and m~ke findings and r.ecommendations in aonnection therowith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after du~ inspectic~n, inveqtigat.ion and stud}~ made by 1tAPlf ar;d in it~ behalf, and after ~lu~ coneidezation c~f ai7. ev~dPnce and re~~orts offer~d at 3a.id hearing, doea f?nd ~nd determine the foll.awiny fact3: 1. That the petit:io~Yer. pr.opoaea ~osive~- of the following to ccnstruct .four (4) freestanding aignsc SEC'lIONS - Yei•mi.tted riumber and tvoe of freestandirtcr siqns. and 18.84~062.040 (one 2C sq,.ft, sho~~iny center identi.fication elan on a. 30 inch hiqh decorativ~ wall permitted; fou.r ei3no pro~~osed, connisting of: three ehop„~ir. center identification sic~ns and one 6-foot_ hiah m~nument•-L•vpe seLVlcp station si n) 'l. Ti~at th~ abovA-mentioned :aaive~ 5_s hareby granted, .in part, an the nas:ts th~t there are special c.ircumetances applicable ta the property auch ae sice, ehape, topography, lor,3tie,n and surroundinga which ~o not appl,y to other identically aoned. propert,y in the eame vicinity; and that strtct application of the Zoning Code deprive~ th~ property of privileges en;joyed by other ~ropertie~ in the identi.c~31 zone and c:.lassification in the vicinity. 3. That the reque~tecl variance ia grantecl, in part, for three si.gna, ~ne to be for advertising gaeoline priaes anci with th~ limitation that there shall be no wall signa for. the ca.r wash. ~. That th~r.e ~re exceptic~nal or a_xtrao.~dinary circumstancea or conditiona ~pplicable to the property involved ~r tu the intended u.se ot the properL•y that do not apply g?ne::ally ta thc. property or clag~ of us~ ;.n t.he eame vicinity anci zone. 5. 'Phat; the requeated var.iance, aa ~ranted, ia neceeaary for tlle pxesexvation an~a enj~ymc~lt of a s~bstan~ial pr~perty righC poasasaed by ather property in the same vic~:~~ty and zone, and denied to tht propert}• in qu~sti.An. CR1113MP -1- PC91-20 , .._.. _ --- , ;~,~-- ,:;~ ..n- 6• That: th~ requestea varianc~, a~ granted, will r~ot be materially detrimenL•al tr,~ the ~ublic wel~'are or injuri~us to the propertl or impravemente .in euch vicinity and E~Ile .in which th~ ~roperty ie lacated. ~• That no one inclicated their. preasac.e at aRid public h~-ari.ng in appopition; 1nd that no r.cr~eepdndc~n~e Wa~ rQCeiv~ed in uppositi,~n t~ aubje~~ pet it:ion, CALIHORNIA ENVIRr~NMENTAI~ OUAL`_Ar~T_ FrNnLNG: The planning D~rea•tor ai• h i s "-~"--- aut;;or.izEd representativ~ hac~ determinc:d that the proposed pioj~ct falls wi.thin tha dFfiriition ot Categorical Examptions, Class I1 State EIR Guidelines and i.8, tt1Plefore, catEgorically~ sxemQt~n~romn the requirement to pr.epare an ETR, Nd~, TH~R~FO~t~, BE xT ~SOI~VED that the Anaheim City planning Commiseion doea hereby grant r~ubject Petiti.on Yor Variance, in part, upon ~.:he following ~onditiona which are hereby fo~and to be a necessaY• '.he proposed use of the subject propPrt« Y PrerE4-uisite to g~rieral wel.fare of the Cit.izene of th~ City,ofnpnd}eimto preee.rve the safety and 1• Tflat plana suL-mitted for building oPr.mito r~hall show cUni:ormance with rngineering Standard plan No. ~3ry p~rtai.ni.ng to sight disY.ar:ce vieib.ility. 2• *~'hat un].e~s a varianr.e ia app~~,~d for arid ~rantAd ~~'~ject property Ahail be ,.light3.ng of ~ignage for 6:J0 a.m. aa 3, prohibited between the hours of midnight and ~ecif.ied by Zoning Code Sectxon 18.OS.O9I,p52, 3' * Th~~~t this Var.iance i.s granted subject to the adoption of a zonin ordinance in cannection ~rith Reclasei.f.icatic~n No. 89-90-46 ~ , now pending. 4. That ~ubject ~rop~r~Y shall be developed r~ubstar.tially in accoxdance with ~~~ dt1A and epecificati.ona aubmitted to thr Cit petitioner and which plans are on .file with th~ Planr-ing D~partmentbmarked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 8; provi~ed shnl l be permit t~d ~ howe~~er, tha~ onl,y tliree ( 3) ~igna Lhat• there ehall b~ noowallGabqnshfor~t ieecaL•twa ~h~prvic.e stati~c~ sign, and 5• ~~hat prior to ieeuanc~ ~f a buildin year f.rom L•he datc~ g Permit or within a period ~f ~~n~ ~1~ of this resolution, cvhichevpr occur.e f.ix3t, Cond.ii:ion No. 1, above-mentzoned, shall be coinplied ~~itli. Ext~n~ ione for furthor time ~o complete eaid conditions may be granted in ac~ardance with Section 18.03.090 uf khe Anah~im Municipal Code, 6• That prior. to tinal huilding a-,d zoning inopectiono, Condi~ion Nos. 3 anu ~~ above-m~nti.oned, shall b~.; cc,mpli.ed with. 7. k That appruval of thia application constitute~ a r~quest unly to thE~ extent that it compiieE wlthptheaAnaheimeMunicipai Zoning rode and any ather applic~ble t;it appr~'val does not f.nclude a^ Y~ State and Federal regulatiane. aPP=~va1 pg t Y acti.cn or findinge aa Lo comulipxicQ or he req;~est regard:tng any other applicable ur,l;nance, regul.ation nr reqiiirr.~ment. Conditinns marked with an asteriek * requtzed by e~tabli,~t~r~d lawe, codes, zegulati.ona and agreementc~ ~nd~~ree the.refai~e, not snu,-'ect to negnti,at.tor,. A'. _ 2 ._ ;i.~. . PC91-20 i;~~,• .;,,: . ,; ... . ~ .. ill~~~ BG1 .LT FUR'PHER FtE5~i,VrD th~t tne }~naheim Cl.ty Plannl.ng Cammteeion doAe h~~reby f in~ ~nd dc~t~:rro.in~ th:.t ad~~tl.~n cf thie ~ter!olut.Lun io expreesly pradicatecl upon applicant'r~ compllance with dach and all of thc~ conditlane hexeinabove set- f:oLth. .~houlci any euch condiLians, or any part therQnf, be declarad inval.td ~r unc~nfnrccabla by the Einal judyment of any co~rt o~ com~~ot~nt: juriediction, thon khis Rveol~~tion, an3 any apprnvale h~rein r.ontain~ac~, ohall be d~~r.med null and vaid. 'I'HE FOHrC;OING RFSOI,UTION waa adopCed at the P1a.nning ~ortuniogich mc~otir~y ~f Februacy I1, 19~1. r~ i. ~_~ __~.~_~. ~ _ ~...~_ C:HAIRWC-M11N, ANANfs'IM CITY PI.,}1NNING COMMISSION A'CTEST :~ / r _.-,~ ~ ' ,~ ~ <<.~..,1.__ ~. l, , , _.r.~..~.~1.i.__ _ ~~,__~.,.~ . .-; i-- -+._. SrCRETARY, ANANGIM CSTY FI~AtINit~C; COMMISSION SiATF. U~ CAI,7FORNIA ) !'OUNT~ OF qRANCE ) a.~ . CTTX OF ANAH~ZM ) 1, Edit;h L. :Iarris, Secretary of the F.naheim City Plannir,~ Cammi~eion, cio her~~by certify th.it ttie forego.inq r.p~olution was paeeed and auopted at :~ meeti~y ot L-hc~ An~heim r_ity E~lanning Commieaion held ~n February 11, 1991, by the fuil~win; vot~ ~f r.he mernbere *_hcrec.f: AYF.S: COMMISSICNEH5: BOYD5T'Utl, F39UA5, F~;I.LIHAUIS, HEL1~'iw'R, HENNINGER, ME~'SF„ Fr'.R117.A NOBi: COMMLSSIONCRS•. 170NF, ,+..t ABSF:NT: CdMMISSIUNERS: NONE ~ ~~'~'~ ~~ ~ TN WITNES5 WfiFFtE:OL', T !~.;v~ hereur'.o e~'~ my hand this , i ~' , day c~ f _.~`l !. 1~~~ __., ~~~. ~_ ____ • 19 91 . ~' - ~L ~, . . J~-~ ~ -- ' ( ~ r -~ { ~ ------._-_~~"-!~'~.`-~- _~....~~ ~ ~= . t-^'~.' . :;HCii6TAE1Y, At~AHF.ZN. ClTY YLANNINC CdMMISSIAN -J- PC91•-20 ~F~',°. ~.„ K~.~l:~:'.~... ~~ ~.