Resolution-PC 91-202~,.. r , ~ . ~ ~ R~ SOT.,CiT S ON„~NU~PC9 ].~~ 0? A RESOLUT:CON Oi' Tf1E ANAHGiM C'iTY' ~'LI~NNINC COMMI~SIAN 'L'HAT PI~TI'r~ar~ P'OR CONDITTONAL UfiE I'k;TtMLT NO. 3477 F!G GFWNTF'D WHGREAS, the Ariahc~i~~~ L::cy P1.7nning Commis~ss.Lon did re~~c~ive s varifiecl ~c~i:i.tion f~i Co-:dltional Ugc~ I'QrmiC ~or asrL•a.in roal pxopt3l: •".y eituate-d i~•. the City o£ Anah~lm, County ~£ O:anrc~, Statc~ nf C:11ifo.nia, doaciih~d ~os PARCEI,S 1 TO 30 ING'LL'Si~'L UF' :ARCEL M71P NQ. f19--259, A; k~ER MR~~ ~'ILED IN IIOC~K 'l5$, PAGES 9 TO lA INCL•USIVE OF I'}1RCE1., MAF'S, F~.ECURDS UF ORA1~G~' COUNTY, CATIFORN:rl, WHEREF1i;, r.he City Flt+.n;iing t„c~nuni~st;L:.,ii d1:1 ho'ld 1 pablic hear.iny ~t the Civic Ccrzter in the <'i~y r~ti F.nah~ ir,; on Decemh~r 1~, 1991, it 7.: 30 p.rn. , nutice of said publ.i.a hraurinc7 havi.~~e? r,E~n duly q~.v~'n a~ rs'quired by law and in acc~~r.daric~: wi.th the prav.i.aions ot 1:hr~ Anak:ein tdun:.cipal C:ode, C:ha-~ter 18.03, to heaz ar,d con:~id^r eviclence faa' znd a~ai.n3L ~~id pr.'opueed cancl;rin;~U1 uee ~~r:nit and ta inv~:ri~~ate ~sn~ mzk~: tinc3i.r.g.. 3nd rQCOmmend~ti.ons in connection thezewith; ac:d ~;ti~,~~~5, gaid Comminsio:~, after due ina,~ection, i~.~~7nti•hatian and a~udy mado by it~~lf and ir~ it~ k~~~t~nl.f, sind after ~uc cort~idt~r.utinn of a11 evicler-co and report s ~f fer.e~d ah. ~:_u ilE-%ll'~.nCJ, c:::•e~ f ind and dF:t-.ermine i:he follotaing f~C:t4!: ~. That th~ propr~~ea ~.a.>c, is proper;•y onk Eoz which a cond;,:9.ona1 t:~e ~ez~mit ..s! authoriz~~cl by An~'I~c~im Mu~iicLpai Codc S~c•tion 18.51.•nhawroomao permit an °~.nd•a3tr.ially-relat:ed "r.1~3ign ^,~nc~r" to inclucic3 war~l~ou~sir,g, m:.-~-vi"acturin_~ and affic~ u~e:s, and wi.t2i w~iv~:r of the f~ll.owiny: SLC:_7~7t7S_1E3.~!,j,:0!i0.0212 - M~ni;num r~u~;~bFr af,~arklnr~,s~a_r.E.s. ~8.:}6,05U.031 (51E.} reqi'i.rf~r1; 4_F,7 coui~tuLiZe s~ac:eY pr~pcsed) 1N.~6 U80 ;.i;1il ~fi__('~I: Ub6~050 2. '.Ch~t tY:c~ rc>c~uestec3 wai.ver i:t hereby r,rantcd on the ba~is ~har th~~ Parki.n~7 waicer wi11 r.:~C causo~ an increasp i.n traf ~ic conc~{e~tic~~ i,n th~ f,m:a~di~tf+ tis.c~ nity ncr. :~u'vF+r•:~cl~~ a1'fe~c~ ~ny ad jc~irti~ru~ lancl us~cs and granting of ti~~+ parki.nr~ wni.ver un<fisr tti~ c~~ncti r, ions impo:~f~d wi.i 1 noc be ~etrime~~t.ai to thp p~.nr.e, heal"h, Fz~: ~ry ~~~l c~encr~~~+:1. w~lf.arE of tttie ci.tizen~ aE ~h~ ~'.ity of Anaheim. ~ :~, 'Phat: th~ propnr-.c:~] use will not a~lv~r~e.ly affer.t t.he ad~oinLng l~nd ~Kne a-~d the grnw::.h and deve?.upment e; the ;irea iri whi.ch .'tt ia prc~pcs~~d ko ~/? lU~~c3tL'Cl. + 4. That the c~lz~ r.nd ahapQ of the fli~e prop~ac~d fur the u~sQ ia acir~C;llcll:f' L-c~ allow thxs f~al L c3eve ~apmEr.t of rh+~ propo~ed utie in ~a manner no~ ~ dc~trimantal tc 4:he t-tcticsalar. ar~a r:br ~o r,he pQ•~r~.:, hc~~th, ~cs~F~ty and c~er.erll ;~ wel far.E~ of t;},~~ Cirizerf~ of tr~~ rit:y o.'. Anah~im. ~Z.. Pc:91-2(!2 :,•R1370td5 ~ ' _ ....,......,. . ,,.: , , ., . , .., ._ , , „. ,,,,. , , _ „ . . , . .,;ri, ° ; , L', ' ~ '`~;' 7 3 `~';''+i ~,~~, ' ~ 5• Tha~ the ~ conditiorie imposod will no~ra~~~r~detrimental ton~h~iosaGeU°e ~'8rmit unclr~r the general wc~lfare of the C31:izony o£ i:he Cih ~ ' ho~lth, safetv and ,y of Anzhpim. 6' 7'ha~ the tr•~f.fic ggl~erated b impo3o an unduQ burden upon th~ strPOte and hiyhways~~Ie~i.gp~d~andt~in rove not carry the trafflc in th~ area. P d to %. xh`~~' no on~' .tndicaL•ed thetr presence at said > in oPPaai~ion; and rhat on~~ l~tter wac~ rec~ived i~~ ~ o, Public Yiedring '"`` petition. PPo,.itic~n to the subject I CAI,IL'ORN~ IA ~NVTRONMLN~PAL UALITY , City Plannirxg Ccn•,mis~ion haQ reviewc~~F~zO oaal ~o~~1NG~ ~'h''~t the Anaheim relat~r.l "desigr, center" to incluc]e ~ahowrooms~ ware permit an ;.nduetriall.y- ' off'ic~ useo, and wi.th waiyer ~ housinc ~ rect~ngularly-ghaped ~ °f mininiuin i~um~~z of J' manufacturing and • p.. rcP ~ of land ~ pai kl.r~g epacca~ on a ;:~ lc^cat~d at the Aaukheaat ~nsfeting o£ approximatel havinc a ~orner of Winstun Road and State Co1lec~e Boul~~vardD J pproximate fr~ntages oP f,7~ f~,~~ - 635 feet c~n the ~ast aide ~f State Colleye Boulev4rd d~defpr~hinston .Road and :L350 South S'ta~e College B~ulev~rd; and er des~- Neqative Decllration acid acio t dOf'° i ibed as ~ her~bY dpprove a miti.gat~d 5ection 21081.G Q;~ p ~he Mitigati.on Munitoring Pr~ ram Commi~sion ha~ t~e Public kesource:~ Cc>d~ ari t;ha }aa91~ ~gat therplanning `' conaidered the pr,n ~Zn~ Monitari.n Poeal with the mfhigated Cl~g~ti~~ p~clarati.on review proce~s ~n~ 9 f'rogram, togethnr with any commen~s received during the public there ic~ no ~uk~qtantialt~videnc~~~hat the rhe basir~ of tha Initial Stud on the envi.ronment. Pxo]ect ~oill have signtficantYeffect PiOW, T'HER~:FOR.4', Gommission un~g h~j.eh ' BE, rT RL~CLVED that the 1?naheim Cit ~ 'the followin Y grlnt sub'ect Peti~ian for Gonditional Uq. ~ Y llanning g conditions which are hereL• ~ Fermit, ~:pon to the propos~d uea~ of the ~ Y found t.o be a r.ec,:sLat• qen~,:al welfare af the CitizensJOfttheoCittYGfn ~Lder. to pres~rve thersafe`ia.it~ Y ~naheim: Y ~n~ 1• That within a re~olution, t:h~ periad of ~iinety (g~) days frrni thc:~ legal property owner shall irrc~.ocal:~ly offertto d~~~^this to the City of Anat~nim a corner cut-off at L•tie co.rr~~L ~,p g~~zLe ~olle e Cioulevard and Winht~n Road Lnr 3 ~'. ~ate ~dewalk acc~ss L~;mp, g 2• That the applicant shal! loo~ ~~n eiyhE i_nch (&") water m~iii tl•irough khe L•ract fr~m Stat~ Coil.~qe Boulevarcl to 47inaton Rnuc~. 3. '!'hat th.e a p latest CitypoflAnaheinc7Water~Ene thP meter and backflow de•rice to meet ginEering Standards, th~ '~• That the existing driveway on v~inston Ro3c; shall be removed and re lac~ with standard curb, gutter, sid~walk and lanciaea~~.nq, P _d 5~ "' That sidewalks shall b~ inAtal.ler~ alon, W± City Enginee.r and in ar~coidance with atandard~planscand~~P~~~fj~~Uionaton file in tt~e Office af the ~ity Engxtieer. -?. - 1 . . , 1 . , ;, , , ,~yz,,,. ~r~~ ~yr . . . ~ _ . ~ ~ . ~ . . ~ v,.~~~: B ~W V : . . ~ .. . ~ ~~~l~ ; e~,~~! ~ 1 ' i. ~ 6. 7:~hat all c~rivaways on St1~e Collogc~ Boulcavard eh all, bo c ten (10) foot r~tdi ~ i uo r.urb rQtuz~na a~ roquired by ~he ~i~y Engi.noc~r in conformAnce witl~ ~nglneering Standarda, 7• * That rat~~ ehal.l not bo i,n~tallad ncr.one any drivewray or.• private atroet 11z a inannnr whiah may advQrael a~P y eet veh.i.cular traffic in the adj~cent pul~lic ~tre~ta. Inatallat.ion of nn at ~ g es ~h~~11 ccnform to Gngin~:uring Standard Plan No. E~09 an~~ sha.ll bc~ ~ut,joc~ t i" ~ tho ieview ~nd ap~rovr~i n~ th~ City Tra£Eic~ and Transportation Manac er l , ~ pr buildin .a~ t~ j~c~uance of a ~1 permi~. I , a• ~ That pric~r to commencement of. s~ruct~aral framing, on-Aite fir.e hvdrante ohall be ins~ t311c~d 1 . ~1ru ctiarqa~d as raqui.x~d and approved by th~ I'ire Df~,~artment, ~1n all-~weather Yr~~id shall bQ provided to the hydranta at all timea, ~cs rEquired h~. t~~•i~ rii~ ~ • ~ ~part m~nt. ~~~ 9 • ~ ~ * That fire A ~ri.nkler~ ~ I .,hall be installed , a3 re~ u.ired b Departm~nt. 7 y the I'ire ~o' T}iat a PJ•an Sh~Pt fcr polid wa~tE atorage and col.lection and a plan for recycling ahall b~ aubmilt d e to tne Departroent of htaintenane.a, for i•evi~w and c~ppraval. L '-1• * That traah etor.age ;irea~ sha1.1 be provided and ~riaintatned in a lor acceptable to t}:a U ati~ • _ n epax tmen~ of Maint~nance ~~nd in accordance with 3ppr•oved p].ana on filr: with said Uepartmen~. Such i~iPorrnation ahall be specifi.cal.ly shown on the plan~ aubro it* ed f . _ or building permits. 12• Thak t.he pz•oposed ofFice use3 sha11 be limited to the following listed ~~tte~ and that an ~;nsubardinated covenant, r~vi~wed and approved by the City Attorney~;~ Office Qo-l.imitin id ; q ~a uses, sha1: l,e rccordeci in the Office of the Orange Courity Rec~rc~er a c:o , f~y of which shall be submitted t~ t.he Zoning Divioion: (1) Accounting - F3ookkeeping, CP~'1 r.irmn or. temporary CPA E'Lrm3 (2) Adv~;~tiaing (-~) Apl~raiuera (~) Bank~ (5) Eiroker.i •- Real Estate, Bu:.;ines3 OppozCUniti~s, ~:tc, (6) ~3uainesa Sy:~tem Comp,sn.ies (7) Commun:cation Consult~3nt~ ($) CornputNr Analysia Fit•ma ( ° ) Credit• Reporting Agenci~~s ~10~ ~~~j•9ne"'g - Industrial, Tnterior, Graphic (11) DevelopmenL• Companios (1%) Facili~y Main~enance and Plannirig (13 ) Insurance C.~m~+anies/Agen~i.Atz (14} Inventory Services (15) Leasing Companiea (.tG) idanayement Consultante/Cornpani~s (17 ) Markc~ti.ng Reaearch (1a) Per.sonnel Agencie~s -3- PC91-202 ,': ~ . ~'~ .~ (19) Quality Contro]. An1].yHis (?Uy Sa1en Off•tooe (which ser.vo ~ha indu~~LiaJ, aroa) (21) ~ecretarial and Aus.Lr-QSO Sorvic~s (?.2) Any uae pormittad under 'Loning Code Sec~i~n 18.6~,020 "P~rmittod Primary ()nQS and StructurQe~~ subjar.t ~o a].1 cond.ttiona r~f said sect•ion. Each tn~ivi.dua]. us~ o}~all rQqui.rQ th~ wrl.ttF7n approval of tl~e 2oning Diviaion pri~~x- to cicaupancy wk~ich ~~rroval ennl,l unly be given whan it is demonstrated ~hat: ouch uaQ ia Qit•h~+r an expresely permitted use in ~uch ,. zone ur mecL:~ the cri.i:oria of Sectior. 18.G1.U50.145 "Co~id~,tior~al Uses and ,. Skructures" o£ the Ar.ahaim Mutlic.i~al Code. 13. 'That a 1anc~sc.~pU and ir.rigation plan tor subj~ct praperty shall bP eubmittacl ta th~ 'Loning Divi~ion for review a~d a~proval, Any decision made by tha 7,unir:g Uivision rogurding said plan may b~ aF~ealad to the Pl~nning Commi.ssion 1nd/or City Cauncil. 14. ~ Ttiat the parkin9 are~ adj~icant to Statt~ ColZcge flnulovard sha~l ba screened fro~n vlc~w in conformance w.Lth 'Loning Code S~,;tinn Suct- ecrt~ening st~all bo ~chcwn on p),aris t~ubmitted for building pF~lmits. 15. That Condltlon No. 1, anove-m=nLioned, ahall be com~~leL-ed wS.thin a period oE tiinety (90y daya from the dat:e of this reao~ution. lE~. Th~it the deveZoper st~a.11 comp.iy wzth Ch~pter 19.G0 "Transportatian Demand" of the F1n~hE~irrr Municipal Code, to the sat_.isfact.ion of. the Citf Traffic and Tz-anspnr~ation Manager.. 17. 7't,at eubjecL• prapexty stiall be develoi~ed substaatially in accardance with plana and sp~;ci.fi~~a4ions ai~brt~itted ta the City of Anaheim b5~ ~he petitioner 3nd which Z:Lan~ are nr. file ~,rith the Planning O~partment marked ~xhibit Nori. 1 and 2. 1£3. That pr.t.or to iastiance ~f• ~ th~ dat~± of ].0, 11, 13, Exten~ion~ for accordancn with commenccment of tne ac~ivi.ty hei~ein approved, or prior to build.ing peimit, or within a per.iod c~f one (1) year from r.h.ta reanluti.an, wiiichevex occur~ fir.•st, Condition tJun. 7, 14 and 17, above-•mentianed, Rl'131.1 bE r,umplied with. fn:ther time to compleL-e aaid condikion~ may b~ grantcd in Soctlon 18.OJ.U90 nf the Anahei.m Municipal L'ode. , 1~. 'PhaL• prfor to cUmmencement of r_h~ activity t~erain app;.oved, or prior to final builc~ing ~--nd z~ning insp~c~tions, or within a perioci of one (1) year from l:he date of ~:his ~~;solution wtiichever occurs fir.sL, Candition No~. , 2~ 3, 4, 5, G, 9 and 17, abovC-mentioned, sha11 bc~ coroplied with. '7.~. That L-he ilevelop~r. shall be rc~aponsible for compliance and any direct co~tfl aae,o~iated ~rith the Mitigatfon Moni:oring Program oat~blishnd by th~ City as rec~uir.ed by Saction 21091.5 of the PiiblLc Ro~ources C~de ta ena~ire impl.c;mcntation of '~hose mitigation mea:~urea idcnl•.ified in the Reccmmended C~ndittnn:•~ of i~pproval for the MitiyaCed Negati~~ Decl~ration. ;~~;,~;~ 2J. ~ "' Tha~ a ~ ppr~v~.l af thi~ nppllcatio~- ^onstitutee ~tipproval of the pLppoctad requea~ only to thq exte~~t that ii: compli~s with the ~-nAt~~t,n Munic:ipal Zon3~n~ r~d~ nnd any other applicabla City, 5hnL•F! and Fedeeal r~a~ulations. lpproval do~o ~c,k include~ any ~~tlon or fi:~dinye ae to c~mpliancc~ or appxov,31 of thEa roc~uent s,•e3y~r.dincj any o~~hQr ~~,~).icabla ordinance, ray~i,ation or r.equiremorit. Condition~ mtirk~d with an aatgrielc (~) arER requ.ir~d by at~ttibl.J.eh~:d :awe, codar~, rnyu:l;,t ic~ncs nd ayroementd and ar~, the_r•.forF, not ~~bjECt to negotlation. B~ !T FU:t'.CHER F2ESOJ.VED that the Anahcim Cit}~ k'l.~~~nning Cnmm~.esion ~OQn her.eby flnd and dc~ter.minc that adopti.on of thia Rc~solur.ion !.a exprey~ly predicated upon ap~-1~,;;anr ~ r~ complia>>.;Q witi- each and r~11 of Che condir.ions hereinabavQ n~h forth. ~t~uuld any auch condi.tior~, or any part Ch~reaf, bo d~clar~r~~l irivalid c~r ui:enforr.eabl~ by r.-~~ final judc~mQnL of ar.y e.uurt of compQtent jurindietr.c~n, t:hen thic ReAOl~tinn, and any aE;pr~oval~ hr~r~Lr~ contair~ed, ohall be deemeci nul.l t~nd ~~L~, TIiF' FORLG02NG RESOLUTJON wa~ adopted aC th~ P1%~nning Commi.~r~ton ;, meeting of Dtcember ib, 1991. _ /. . ~ r ,~ ~ , - ~/ , ~ -~:~:..s~".! '- r' i~~•~ ~ r~1!i_ CFiATFtM~\N, }~NA[iEIM` CT~!'1 PG'.~~NIQING COM2?ISSION AT'TES; : ~ ---- -----~- •~ :~J~~r:•(.~.ti..:., ` SF:CFtETARiC, AtJAHE1n1 CiTY PLI?Nt~Zt~~ CON,MiS:;IUtt STAlE OP C11L,IFOnP7iA j CUUNTY OF ORAp1GE y ;;~, CITY nF P.~SAliF::M ~ [, F~?ith L. F~arris, Sc?~~1'Et3Y~ l af thc~ ~u~; aim C~ty P1~~nning Convni:zaton, do here~bp certify ~~;~t the ~oreyoing re3olut}.on wa~ pae~pd and ~`~OP~~'•d a~ ~: mEeting of t:he Anaheim Cit}• Planning Commis3i.on h~ld on Decemb~er J6, I991, by t:~t following v~te ~f t_he m~mb~~rs thereof: AYES. CON,MIS^ZOFIER,^,: DRT.STOL, FiEI.T.YiaR, :lEPdi17NGC4t, MESSE, P~ftAZl1, ZEti.i:.T. 1;~F~~: COMMtSSIOt1~R;: NOt~r', l~E3S~tii: CCM~SI:;SIC)NE:F2S; OOUf1S ~ L~: ~+~I1'NESS WEiERl:OF', : have her~unto uet my hs:~d thi.fl ,~~~•~ ~` .._.. ~_.~~s,- , i99?.. _ ~ day ~ ~ ( + ,' / _..1,~D..i~•'~'_iiG,.~ _.:__~ L~"-"L1~y_ oE:Ci2E'TARY, At:~1NE "M CITY PL11t7tiItJG Gv:dN.I5SIrlJ -5•- P~C9:-~07 s: ~ .;