Resolution-PC 91-206l~~R4 *i~?sor,u7~TOr:. r~o,_nc91w..?G6 ~; ~~ A i2PSULUI'InN Oi Tk~L ANJ~f{T':[~1 Ci'I'Y PLAP1NiC7G COMMISS:~h '1'ElA'P E'E'PI'i'IOPJ roti VARTAIQCr NO. 4162 BG cr~turrD WHL:E2~l1s, thE Anah:!~rn City Planninq Commis ~iori did r~reive ~. verifi.csd L~eti~ion for V.iri:-ncn Cor c~ita.in real property s.ituated in ~u~ City of Anaheim, Cr_,unty c~f Oraiic~e, Stale of CaliEornia de3crib~d ats; TIiA~C PCFt'I'IOPI UI~ sEC~P1:oN 3, TOWNSHTP 4;,c~u~I'H, 2?~1t4r,E 10 WF'S'i', I:': TI~iTs I2ANCi10 SAN JUAN CAJC1^: UE SAN7.'A ANA, IN 'TFiE CiTY O[' APIAHEIDI, COU~ITY OF O~~AI~~~1:, STA'PN: Ol~ CALIFORDIIA, AS PLIt t~i11P Rk~CC112DED II~1 i;UOK 51 PAt,'G .l0 ^F MISC:LLLANEOUS PlAPS, ][~ Z'fil; ~6'FT~~i~. OF 'PEiE CUUN'I'Y RCCORDrR UI~ ~A'!U CO~JfITY, DESCRIF:'U AS F'OLIAWS: BFGINC1iIQG A'f ;~ SYIKL: ON TH5 i:ElVTGRLZtvE OF LP:D30N S'I'RE~:T, NGR'PH 0 D1~.GRE1::; %3' QQ" WLST 509.55 b'EG'~' P'ROES '.I'HE "'~UTFfWESI'L:R.LY CU42C7L:R OI' 'I'FIE L~11IJD UE:SCRIREU Tf1 '.I'HE DEeD TO HRNR`t G. t4L•::I~;EN, REC'ORD[sL1 71FEZIi, i3, 1J2Ei I~! f300K. Ci36 F'AGE 354 OF Df:t:DS, SA.TD ~PTY.E t3GiNG THE CIt~R1'EIWF.STERLY CuRDIF~R O:' PAkC~L 2, P.~ StiUY;N Ot~ A t•~AP E'If.,I:D IN ~oOK 1~1 PAGC :L OF' P.GC'~?2D UP :;URV[•'.YS, I[J 'I'ta ~' OFE ICE OI' TI~IE COUt7';'Y RECORDER OF' SF~IC. (:OUNTY; TEiECfCE NORTI-1 Fi~° 37' 00" FAST 42.9C FELT ALOCIG 'filG NOR'1'[il'sR.T.Y I,If![: UF SAID P"t1RCLL 2; 'I'HF.NCF. SOUTH 2° 55' ~ll" EAST 11~1.95 F'LET tU A. I~OTPiT F.A3IERLY 43- ~0 FEET, Idf~ASUI2L'D 11T RIGEiT ANGLES FROI•t SAID C'~:+'I'Lk?I~IiIE; TciErICE Sl)U'I'EI 4" 57' 2f~" L•'T15T 125.An FEET `PO a F'UIN'P EAS'PE12LY 5A.00 I'ELZ' tIEASURc.D .11~ RTGtiT ~iNGLE~ FROM S7~TD CEN'tERLIIdE:; T11F:C1CT SOUTiti 3~i UEGftEC~~ 55' 1G" EAST 43.01 FEET 'I'O rl Y~:t+'I' EAS':'[:RI,Y 83.C~ FEL'P, tdEASUREQ AT RTGHZ' APIGLE~ 'r'i20h1 SA1D Cf:iJTCRL,INF.; 'I'HEiI'iCI: NURTH 89° 37' UU" EAS'P ~I~.~..U FG[:T, A'I' RIGH'T A"lGLES rROh! SAI7 CLi7TGRLIPJE; THFtICL SOU";'fi U° 23' C)Q" F.AS2' 13G.00 FLE': F'ARALLCL ~9ITH S11Ip CEtJTL•'RLif(f~; 'i'F1F.'iJ~.E: SJtJ'I'H G8° 1£i' d8" I:A5T .ilI.IIS C'F.ET 1'U 'i?-iE 50t71'FiEitLY L.INF; UF SAID LAf1D UI' 2•:G. S~R; TE(~"II,E ALOPIC TEiT:; SOr~•r~{r;~L.Y AfdD EAS'CEItLY L,INE OF 'fFiL•' LAE3ll UI:SCRIIiF.D III 'I'FF. Tr^.H:D :O 3ETDI[JE PROPE;R'I'IGS TIJCdf"tPOftATEU, RLCORUFD AUGUST 2, 1963 ICI E300K 6G59 PAGE 838 G? OFFICIAL RECORUS; SOU'1':i f':~° 13' ~i9" EAST 3$1.56 FE:c,'I'; SOiJiil c`~3° 7_0` O:S" EAS'i 2ti3.53 FI:~1'; SUU`iE{ fl4° 3~i' 17." F.A~T 9v.7.G FE~'T AIJU ClUR'1H 0° 24' S6" uAS'1' 1~9.42 FG'r:T 'I'O TEir C:EN':ER UF SAID SECTTQCJ; TFlk:IJ:'E PIORTEi 0° 25' 3U" WL:S'1' 9%?..9Q F'E:E:T .4L0[IG '1'iiF: fi.P.S'1'i:l?LY I.ICIG OF SAIl1 LAIID OE' ML•'ISET? TO TEiE: I'~0:2TFf EF1S1' C:OF.C1~:R U:' SAIEI L~t7;~, SAID C]OR'fHC.AS'i' CORf7EFt E3E.TfIG SUU'I'F- 0° !5' 3U" I:A ;T, 905.C0 F'E:.'I' I'E2Jtd A I.EAD AilD TI~c:Y. II+ THP: F'AVED1I:t1'f ~ti ~'Ili. CEf1TcRI.IiIE ~F• ~Rnr~ceTH~Rf.'L: AVGClUE, ;?1+D UtI T~ :='rr~n.ruHT :,IttE: 3E'1'SJF.EiI 5AID I.GA[) ADID TAC;Y. AMU A 3-LPiCii IROM P[PF: P+IiICH Mi1F2r;S TEIF? 5c)U'I'EiEASTEI2LY CUI2ClER Or S~IC LA:IU UF ASi;ISL•'R; 'I'flT:ClCE ALOCIG TFiF. C~OR'!"'r;FRLY LIfl~ OF SATl3 LA~1D OF NrISEi~ SUUTi{ 8i' 4?.' 4U" 4Ir:ST 9(i2.F~Ei ~E:ET, SOU'I'ff 0 DEGF!E:ES 25' 30" C'AS': 8.(3(7 ?~E:c:T i3Pll) :i9IJTt1 II9° 42' 40" 'r1E;ST 355.~)0 F'I,~T '^n ^.'ElE WCJF2TF14JE;;:TER.L'f CORCJ~it ~~ 1~~ 1 ,,: ~ C:Et1374r:s _, - Pc91-206 .; , ~ ~ > :.~. . „ ~ '.:ii~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~`~' SAID LANC1 OF hiETSF,R, SAID NURTHWf 5TI:RLY Ct~RN~'2 BEING SOUTFI 0° 23' 00" EAST 913.00 I'L~T F'120M A BOLD ON SATU CEIV'~EFtLINL OF ORANGE'fFIORFL AVl;NUE, WHICFt MARKS TEiC NOF2TE1CAui' C~RN~Ft l)C' TIfE w=~S'1' HALL' Ol~ Ti:F' N0227'HWF.ST QUA~2TLIt QL' SAID Sh"GTiUN; TH~;NC[; U° 23' 00" CAS'I' ~107.68 Fr.ET TO 'rI1G F~OTNT' OA' Ei~GINNINC. EXCL;PT TEiAT P~)RTIQN TFiE~2EOF I.YING SC~UTHLI2LY ANU Wr;5'I'}3ItLY OF I'Hf; E~OI,LUW:ING DLSCRTE3rD I~IN°: ~'.. f3EGTNNING AT SAID Prli'JT NGFt'CH Q° 23' GU" WEST 509.55 I~EET FROAS 511ID SOU~':iWF:STERLY CORNER; I'E~IGfICG U° 'ed' 00" EAST 65.16 r~:L'r TU THE 'CF?UG E~c~IP1T OF F~EGTNNING; •i'HENCE ALONG THC ~;G:tTEIERLX ADlD EASTI:RLY CINF.S OF 7'HE rnr~r~ DESCRIDPD IN :'HE LEI;U TU '?'HE: STI~'lE OI' CAI~II'OFZI7IA, REC.ORDED :lULY. '12., .19:i7 IN AGOR' 3960 PNV[: ].91 OF c!~~TCIAL RL~CORDS; SOUT.H 89° 36' UO" F;11S'I' 5~.OU FGLT; THF.NCF'. S~JUTFi 2° 08' 42" EAST ir30.1}3 i~I,ET AND ~OU':Ei 9 I)I:rRF.LS 2L N.I*JUT}:S 50 SE(:ONDS EAST 151.94 E'EG7' ~'O TfiC D:UST SUUT~iL•"r'LY COkNER OC SASD I~AND 01.~ TFiL: STATF. L9HLFIF:AS, tf~e Cit:y P'_anning Commi:;s.ion did hold a public 1;naring at t:hc> Ci.v.ic C~~n1~.er in t;;c r,it:y oE Ar.~ih^im on Oecember 16, 19y0, at 1r.30 p.m., rlr?f'.CF? :J: ..~,i:i t.ii'uii.~ llUclYl[lC~ fl;lVl.fl~ 1Jl?E..''CI .''~.~Uly g.iven d6 required klj~ I.c1W ElI1C~ ,LC1 3ccrt-dance wit!i the ~~roviuion~ of t};e Ana}ieim Flunicipal Code, Chapter 1f3.03, to hnar and caii,idet ~~vid~nce i'oL and ac~ain~t said pro~~sed variance ancl to inv~,tic~zte anr.i m~l;e find.incJs anri rec~m;nenda~i.onc in coar.c;ction `herewith; and 4:ElETtt;AS, sai.d C~.~t;n,i.s~ion, after due .inspection, investiyation and etuciy macic• b•y it~.~:ei~ and i.n i.tc bchalf, an~l after due eona.icierai.ion af ~1. ev.denre ar,c? repcrt::; af'f~ ~eci at :~aid hc~ar~.ng, c;oes f.ind ~ind determinc the followiny faut~: 1. 'I'h~.it tlic: p~_titi:~ner ~~t-o~?ases wa.ivc~r~ of chc~ f~~lloo-~inp to G"Jt:atJLl('+:l ~iU :1c~C~1~10i1i1.t ~ic:iir{L11CJ ~L]3~;G':; ~OI' c111 E2X:.St.i!1~:) C~Y'I.V~~lfl theu*.E~r ;~waptncreL- : (a) ;;F_C~?'TON 1n.G_1.,Gh3._G11 - P.equi_t-`=c1--z_~~~t'n_~e:nni~t of aetbark are~75, ( i~~ fct~t oP 1111C1:~C<~[~].C1cJ adjar,ent. L•c> T.~~mon Street Cr~~jUlC'E?d: O to 10 f.ent propo~ed) (l~) S~:C:'P_COCt_? ;_GI,,OGf,.031 - ~.,ciuirr_d_f•~re~~_nir_g, ~f__~.,arkinr~arcaa. Scleen.-1an~:lsc:~~i.nc{ ret~uire~; ncne prono~~d) 'l. ':nat thr> >b,vn-mF~ntioned wai.vers are hereby granted on thn ba:~iFl that ;,here are :i~?c~cial circum~tancc~a ~~t~1~licnble to L•he E~roperr.y r~~ch as air.e, r?hape, Co~ogr.aE~hy, lor.ation r,nd uu.roundings which do not a~,F~ly L~ uther id~nlicall}~ zoncd pro~erty ir, the s~.me vicir~ir.;~; anci that ~tric*_ anplication o~ the 2oni.ng Cndc dc~~ri.vc~ the pioperty ~E ~~rivilege~ etlj~~yF~s:i b~~ othe~: pr~~E~ertir~r in the ic.lentic~~l. zone ~nd c?a~a::iftc%~ticn i.n t};e vicinit~. -~- PC91-20G ~ :3• That r.ondit±an~ applit;~~b1e pt•or~eity tl~,~,t; d~~ not: 3~~rr~e vicinity and ~one~. ~ •~ h~16C~? ~-,r.e~ c~xceptional or extraoLC.iinary r.ircumstancer~ 01~ ta tf~e ~~rop~rt}~ i~iv~lvc~d ar L•o t1;e lntc~ndcad uo~ of the appl.y genErally to thE~ property r,r c-1~~r~s oE usc~ in i.h~ I ~~• '~~i1t: t~1C3 L't?CUr,~r ?.: czn~ ~ ! ~tc 1 V;11'L~1IlCE~ 1~ nerc:;~aary F~r thQ pi•er~ervation njoym~~nC of ci :iubc•.tanti.al t~I~~eert L•ht ~amU vi.cinity 7nci ::one, and denic~d to rh~19ro~~os~e3~F~cI by oL-h~r pr.c~»rty in I ( rty in q~_~~~;,tion. ` • 'I'hat. t:h~? rc~c ucr,~eci v- ueLriman~al tc~ thc~ pub.iic: ~•,rlfare ~~r tnjurinuanto thei]r•~~».rtt ba ~ ma •QL _+.~~11y , in =3uch vicirti";~ and zone in wtiictl the ~rof~ei•ty ~,~ p I Y ar ~.mp.ruvementn a locatt~d. 6. Th~t no one ir.dic:a~e~~ ~hei.r r~re~e~~cc: a in oppo,itlvn; and that no corre~ t ea.id public hearing pe'ti.ti.on, -~['~r;dence wa~~ rE~reived in oppo~ir.ion r_o aubjer.t ~ (:Al,,~i'J: NI11 .._I~.NVTItpN1lI;PJ'1'AL i.f~,L~'!'Y ar hi~ ~-uLh~rized r.~~>re~ ~ -_~_""_-- AC~-t?,NU7fd~: ~'ne Planning Direcror I ~entntive hac d~tern~in~d tha*_ t:~~e ~ro oeed wiChin the dep~„i t.ion of Cr~LF~c F St<,te J~ric,:il Exeinpti~nr;~ c;la~s ~ ~r~~~'ct fails f:IR Cu:.~:ic~l ine , rinci is, therefore 5, a:~ de.~ i.ned in ~hp requirem~:~nt tu ~,i~af,are an EiR. , car.~~~orically elem~t F fc•~m the I PIGW~ TE?ERF,FOf:~'~ E3E !T Crnninis~ion cloes RESOLVLD t}:at c:::t~ A~~aheini Cit ~ , I~c reby i~~.•;inC s~~b c~~-~~ n.. E lanninc J co:idir_,~~~,s •a~11ic,: 7 ~ e,.:.tio,~ C~Y V3t'18I1f_~e, ~ipcn t}:e f.~~llowing are hereby ~~,und tc, !~e a nc~~e~s,arl prErequisit~ !:o th~. prapc,reci t±s~~ of t}ir: ~uti c:ct. cener.al ;•;~I ~ ~ i~1-opr~rt ~ 3 fax•e ~: t.i~~ , Y in ot•d~r to ~1-eservc_ ttie slfet • Ci.t:i..en, ~,g .- ~ ' •_h~_ Ci.kJ ~~f r~n~thc~im: }~ and 1. '' 1'hat the Ufl-~J' 1L~.? I:~I1~I~~Ciij~~71~ and J anu i.rriyatiort sys' c~it, shall be ~ mainL•ain~>d ?.i c~n~,'~innce t•ri.th Cit ~ rc.f~u:bished } ,t~nd<:tedc;. ~ • Z'hat any trcre I~: -tn::~~d ~,rl-~;itc •~;hc~ ev~nL• tnat 11 b~ rcplzced ir, a ti.mely m,,niter it i.:c ~emovec.3, c?<;m~r~~d in Cl;e ., , di~,e~aso~l and/~~r dead. 3• 1'hr,t :,uh ect , ) prc~i~~t•~,;y ~;h;~l.l t~~ ~3~~•;,~lof~e~3 s~.ib~t<-~nt.iali,: in accord~nce~ plan, and :,p~~cific,iCionr> :;uFnritted ta wi.th [.%ei_itioner ;nc! o.~hic'~ I:,l.~ne, ar~ on ;: thc City c,f Ar~}1~ir.i ~~• Gxfiib.it Phra. i ar~c: '~ ~n t~;itl~ the f~ianninc Dc~art-ms thc - • ~ F nt mark~ ~ 4. 'I't~a:: c,~h~r. thc~ CaJ.tr,~i;:- prc,i~c'rr;• ir; ~U~fE?C~ ~.fl(~ )L"O~n•, I1U i•Uf7C~C7; iiVdlL7aLC' a1S ci IAI~CjBCd(~P F ( ~ ~}• ownnr ~; L11 providr. buffnt alc~ng th~~ ~~n~ir~ L,~r7on SL•r~r,~~t `~ n~ini.~,~~i;,~ ten 10 ( ) f~~t land~can~ frrr,ta.~e of ~ub;~~-t Pr~~~c~zt~. 5. That pr:or to coi;i~nenc~~~r~~:tt o~ L, or within r~ ,~ L,•r'• ac.t.ivity at:chori~E~~a h~ F ri~~l of ,.~n~, 1 f thi~ r.F,sulution wt~ichever or:;;uc:; ; ~,. ~) !",r fro~n ,:hc da~e of ir_>,,, C~~,;dition fJr~s. ~hi~ r~soltatior~, ~nd 2 ~ , compl i~,d s,: i th. , a.~ovu--rr~r.r,t..cnt.c. ', chall be h. * 'I'httt ~~~~)LQ~/71 ~J4 ~.iil.:i a(~(~.ii.•;at:on c:~n:;tit~~ter1 ,~~:pr~~-r~,l of req~.e~ ~ cn l•, •~ t h~ fyYU~OIIP_CI 1 •~- `:lll` r,XY.(:l::: t:~ll'~ LC C:~N(J1lE:fl 4/L~ n :oninc; C~dG_~ nnd at; • h L1~.: r , othor aF;nlic,~;~ic Cit• ~• . nr~ihnim tdun_cip~l H~)~CUV:Il C~G`n;3 ll~"l1: 1:1^jl;~:~(? ~lf~ ~i ~f.r1tC! 711C~ F'^:~•',JnX'7.l Ci?C~l11~C~.JfI'_). .,~', pr o v a i ~~ Y acti.o~~ o r fir,< iii~r~o ~,a to cc~mplian.;~: or the r.•ec~i•~,t reqarding t-ny or.h~•r ~~ c'e~~+I~.t:on or r~:c;u.ixr.n~cn:. c; Pi=licabJ.e onc2iti~ ordinance, re~Tuif:c,d by (?9L'l~J11.1~}lf?(i ~t1:J mar.iced wit:h ,~ri aste.ri~k • :.here[r~r.e, nor ( ) are 5:1f;~(?CC CO r,r_c~nCi.a`_ir~~j ~r Yt?~UL~f.:Oii:l Srlc~ al~lr~~mrnr~ 8flt~ %!Yf•~ PC91-206 ,;.-••. +J ~~ ~~ ' }3G TT P'UftTtlGlt ItE50I.VE~O that. thc~ Anahei.m c.'ity l~lanni.nq Cummio~yi~n d~cia hor~by find e~r:cl ~1.~Cermi.ne ~tizt aclopti~n of• L•hi~ Ft-rsoJ.uL•tun is expresoly ~~.tEaclic:ar.~~ci u1:~on appllcc~itC' :~ r~ompl.tat~cca witt~i ~ach ~7nd a11 ~af the r.anditi.on~ herein~t~ov~ set: fort:h. Sliou.td any ~uch conc;ition: , ur any part there:ot, l~e decl~~red inval.icl GG unenforccable by th~ iinaL judc~inent nf any court of cornpet~i~t juri~d~.C~tiur,, ~hen this RE!fiO~.U~14i1~ and any anprova.l:i h~rain r.ont~ined, ahall he <?ee~nr.d null and void. 'PFIE FUREGOING F2FSUI~UTION was adopted at th~ b~lanni.ng Comm.i.s~ion mec-~ting of: Decemb~~r J.G, 1991. .- ,,, ,1 j- /~, ~~. . / l~ !~ / • f i/ ~ ,..C';:l''i`. at. ~ . }.. ~I` ,i~ / ~. 1 1. 7 _~_ _.1 ~ CHRTRMADI, F1N71[~IEihS Cj~:'L'Y PLAD 12C7t3 COt+itdI^•,ST4N A~rz~~; s~r : l~ ~ ~~ ~~ d°-_ 7~,U,^~:, _ - src~G~r~r~~~t,- a,rtAf~~zr; cz7Y F'LAMNlf~ic cocar~sissioro s~cr,~r~: oF c:nx,rE,oEUa~a, ~ courrz~Y or• aur+ric~: > :~~. CITY OF ANAEIEIM ) I, Edith L. Fiarri:~, Secrct~iry of the An~~hc~i<<: City Planning Com~is~i.on, do hereby ce~tiLy thar the foreguing resolu;:ion waa pss~ed and adoptcd at a mectinc~ of the Anahairn Ci.ty Plzr.ning Commi~,si.~:~n held oc~ Le.:ember. 16, l991, by Lhe folloo;ing vote ot Che meinbei:s thereof: AYES: CUMldISSIC3tQfiF:S: EiRISTOL, H[;LLYL;R, HL•'MflI:JGFR, MI:SSE, P1;FtA7.A, ZI:F;I:L NOES: COMMISSIUPIL•'RS: NOI~i: ABSEPI'i': CGtdMISS~OIJL;F2S: QOUA; ~ IIJ S•:I7'ClESS lvEti•:ftI:UE', 7: liave }1et-cunto ,et my h~lnd thi~ _,,;~~, day o f __~~~1~•~~. _, 19 9 2. . 4 ~ ~ , •----------~~2'R"L''-'~=~-•--~.--` L~'~.~ ~.~ ~ -~ `~ -----+~=~ •- SF:Ci2F"CARY, ANAHE7:1•! CIT'~ PL,AfJNING COMMI5SIUN - ~l •- PC.9: -?.06 _~. ~ ~