Resolution-PC 91-207~ ,. ;,,~; .,,;, , :, N ~:~ RE~SOLUTION NO. PC~91-?p7 ~ A I2FSOLIITION OF' TFIL; Ai4~1ElEI.bt C1'!'Y PLAN.DIING GOMb1I:SS?OIV AM[;ND'!NG C'~a•r~lrr COPIDI'PTOI~5 Ok~ ApPROVAL OF CONDITTUP111L US1a I~LRh1iT Nq. 287G wHERGAS, ~n Jzinuar}~ 19, .1~g7, the P.1a~1:~ing C~mmi~sion approved Canditional U~~ pet•rni.C No. 2876 undur Rc:~c~].utipn No. Pi;87-17 to E outdoor racrc~atlanal vehicle sr.~r~7qe fa~i.li.ty hith c~lretalcer.'s rQSic.ience,rtnxt an WHF.F21?AS, Rc•s:~c,lution ~10. PCF37--17 filciude~ the folla~•~ing condition; " 5• 'I'hat: this u3c ~:~ha].1 ex~.,.ir.•e ~n pc~cember. 1, 1991 ." WHLItEAS, the pc~tit.ioner r_F~c{ue<3r~ ame-:dment to said condition of ap~roval p~rtain.i:ig to t.ime limita~.ion to retain a recreaL•i~nal Vf!t11GlE? etora~3 fac.ility wi~h a ~aretikeL ~<; Lenidcance for a ner•iod af torr~nt}~ f.'tve (25} yc~ar:~. ~IHEf?F:AS, t~;e City P1~Znni.ng Com~ni.ssion dici ho.ld a public h~~7ring at th~ Civic Center in ;:he City pf Anah~im on Deceinber 16, 1991, a~ 1:30 p.m„ norice of sa.id ~ubl ir~ i~e~~~ ~.t1i~ h1~in~,a been dul , accordance witti the pr,~visions of t;~e An,~neim Mur~ic~nal~c;odPUi.red L~y law and in hc~ar anc+ cons:der evidence ior. ~.n<: aga:.rist saici proposedCamendment•and to irivestx,7ate and make f5.ndingn and reconm~ridatior~a in coiiner.tion th~rewith; and WIiERER5, ~aici Conuni~si.eri, after due inspection, invest.igation and ycud;~ made ny iGec~~lf and in 1_ts~ beha:f, and after due ec~naiaeration ~f all evidencc and reports effer~~d ~it said hearing, doe:; f!nd and determine the f~l.lowi.nc~ facts: 1• appruxii~iately 2~ '1'hat yeart; t:h~ ex.istirig u~e ~ian ~~,i~ho~.,t: ~eL,: ime r opeLa~E:~-i at thi~ location L•or n . to lhe surrounci~ng ~rea, , ='. ~-~ opposition; :'Fia~ ,ind no or.~ i.ndicated L•t,c>ir c:h~~t r~~•e~~rice at said ~~uk,lic o.-• rl 3ubj~Ct pettti~>R. no cor~.•c ;pon.irnce ~. ~s rer,eived ln ~~po3ition to the C~AI,7_r^,ORN;A 1?NV:(3ZGiJFt:~_tJ'CAL _.nLLI1ALI9'Y t?CT F'T.NDICIG: The ~lanning pireCtor or hi:> aurharized repre~~nta;.ivc~ has determined that the propo,ed prnject fall~ wit.hin the rlefinitLon of Caregorical Lxc~mpti.on,, Class 1, a3 defined in ~he State F,IR G!~i.d~ l.ine~~ <-cxi i;1, therefore~, cat~yr,i ically axempL- fram the~ r~qUi.rem~nt to ~I~E.pat-c an ~'IP.. eloW, rE~r~:EroRE, ~3;,: i•P RrSULV~;U that the Anaheirn C:ity nlanniny ,; Comm.i.s:~.iori doe:~ tlei-eby yr,~nk, i.n n,~r.t, sul~ject a~ne~JmEnr_ for Cond.itional Use Pcnr,it tJo. 2b7G, c~nd b~. doiny so, amcnc.~f; Cc,r.ditian No. 5 of Rego.lution NU. { PC8%-.l'7 ~ '~ Z:O L'r. c1Cl ~' Ei., ~UL L1~4lS 7 "~• That h.l~i:, Condi.tioilal Us~ Perm;.t i.s qtatit~d f~r a e_ tr_n !].0) yr:nra, to expi.re on Uecem~er 1, 2001.° ~"ioci of CP.1376MS -1-• I'C9 i-207 / , °j~I` ~ ~: ~ . ~ . .. ~ . . . .. . . ~, ~ ~,~ ~~;.w~~ M~ THE i'Ot2EGOING RLSULUTION wa:a arlontUd at the Planntng Gnmmi.~ntoti /! / ~ ~j '~. meeti.nc~ of U~cember .16, 1~91. ~ ~ `' ~ ' /.. ,..% f~ ~.-' ~L•' w /~~. /~~ ''~~ :]._.-_~..~__w ~::..'~~__~l i ~-- ~ `~I-1A7RM~11~, ANAEiCI~~bi DIZ'X, ANI~~~NG CUMMI5S70N ATTFST: ~~ ' ~ ~ . ~__~[__~.'lG~~' ' ,^~ECRE'P11RY, AfIA'.-1L;TM CITX P1-ANNIPIG COMMISaION 3`i'ATG UI' CAL'IFORNIA ) rOUNTY OP' ORAPJC;£: ) ~-~ • CTTY OF ANAIiEIbt ) I, EditY~ I,. Elarzi~, SecreLary oi the Anahc~i_m Ci.ty Planning Commi~~ian, do h~reby certify th.it the f•orc~goiny reaolution was pass~d and adopted aL a cneetinq of: the Anaheim Ci.ty Flannin~ Conunias~on heid on Deceinber 16, 1991, by i:li~~ folloo~ing vote ot tF~e members L'h°:nof: pyEF,; ~ Ob1tdIS5TOPIcRS: F?RISTOL; i~ELLYER, HEDIIdINGER, tdrSSP, YE:RA'LA, 'L1':•'G:L i IVAES: CODSt-fISSIOPIERS: f]OhE A6SEflT: COMh!ISSZONERS: "1UAS IN WITNFSS W(-i`c;REOI~, T have hereunto Set my nand this ~~"~^'day of ~„ ~~ 1992. ~ ~ -_-- ~-~~ ~~.~ t;LCRGTT,RY, AC7AHEIDt CITY PLANNING COt•ftdISSION ~.~ -2- PC91-207