Resolution-PC 91-208. . . . .. , . ~~Fi~li'W ~f7;i~.d~ ,~ R[;SOL~U'_C.ION NO_ PC~1-208 A NUNC PRO '1'UI1~; I:Ez.OTU'I'TON OP 'I'F{G AP,~HL,Ild CITY YLANPTING CAMt4ISSTON Ah:L;NUING f2LSULUTIUC: NO. F~C ?;-177 GRAN`I'GD G'L;RTAINTNc 1.'U SP:'C:IF1C' PI~A~! A'O. t37-1 (TEiE fiIC~I1T.11I~IpS AT ANAHI:IM tiTLLS) WHr12LAS, the P1~ZC~ning c'c;mmis~_,ioi1 aclo~~ted Fte:;oliition No. PC91-17! on P7ovembeL 4, 19~~1, .,ma;~da.ng Spec.i fi.c Plan No. 87-2 (Thn !•li7hlands at. Anaheim Hills); anc3 ~ 4JHERLAS, a condition of ~i~proval stipulated to by th~ a[~pi~can~ thZt tht overall entiL•l~mcnt of the sp~:cifi.c plan ara7 would be YC-'C.3UCf'CI by 72 ~snits, wa.~ inadver.tently omitL-ed from ttie resolutiUr~ and Resa'_.~aY.ion IJo. F>C91-i77 should be aoi~nde~~ i.n its entire•ty t~ read as foll.~ws: r;` WF3ERhAS, the City Council approvec? 5~..:;;i.fic Plan DIO. 87-1 (SP87-•1) ~, ('['h~ Fti.uhla.idy at Anahc~im f,i.ll.s) on June 23, ~.~"7 r~nd ~uhsequeni:ly 4do~tFd Ordinanc:e No. ~16C0 (e~tak~.tish.ir.g Ctiapter 18.70 wt:ic}~ i.mplements SP8'/-1 E~n.ing ~,' and Deve'_opmc~nt S'tandrzrcls) ancl Ui•dinance P7o. ~18G1 (esi:ablishinn the ,yP£37-1 ~ ;. ; `Lone) on August 75, 19$'l. SP37-1 is interic.ied to prcvide for. thP aevelopment of a total ~f £i16 ;tcres ir.cludir,g a maxim~.~m of. 2,.1~}7 r~~ir_~~ntial units, 8~crer~ of ca•:mc~rci.al uses, a park site, ar~ 3-aur.e elementary school si.Le and •,; approximately 292 acr~:~ ~f o~~~~n s! ~ce; and [ti~HEREAS, L-he petilioner., Presl~y c~f 5outh~rn C'al.ifc~ri~ia, requests am~ndments ~.=o Or<linance Na. ~1bC~0 L-o (:) Perrnit dc~velupqiE~clt of a 162-unit re:~.idential conuoiuinium COIl1p.LCX ~nste~ad oi a 234•-unit senior ci.tizens' apartmcnt compl~;c ir u~velopm,nc Areu 11 anQ (2) ~~,~raplish certain develo~ment standards f~r i•e~idential. ~:on~•lc;mir:ium~~ in th~ ?,~r.ing and Devel~pment Standards for Ueve.topment Area 11 (Cocle .~nction 18."I0.060.060), WHLF.EA5, lhe Cit_• P].ann.irtc~ Cammis,iun did liold a publi.~~ hear. t.ng at t2~e Civ.ir. C~n~~er in the c'ity o£ l~c~ahei.m on Octobc~r 21, 1~~91, .;l J.:3C p.m., notic~ of :?~1?~i publ?. • heari~iy havi.nr~ q~~~i ,;~uly given as rer.jui.red by law and _n acco:-dance wit;h ~hc ~~~ovi ~iori~ of ~he Anahc-;im t~unicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear ancl co~isider k'VLCjf31'1CE? fur and u(J1111a~ saici propo~ed amendment and to i.ave~tigate and make .Eindi.ngs anc] recommendation~ in cann~cr.ion thercwi;:h; and th~1t said pub:ic h~arinr~ c~:as ronki.nuer.l t:~ the C~ovnmk~~r 4, 1991 Planniny Cammi~sicc~ ~,~ecting; ~nd P7FirRE~1s, ~s.'td Corrdilissii~rt, aftc~r due .ir~~F~ection, iirv~~stigat.ion and srudy made by itself ~r~d iri it:, l,nh~~lf, and aftc~r dtie r.on~ideratio~t of all Avidence anci report~ of:fec•ed at ~:iid tiear.in~, ~90~~ f?.nd and d~Cerm.ine thE followi.ng ~ac',:s: l• That t1~e ti.r~r_ rc~qua~sted amendmer~t L-a t.hP 'Loning an~~ D~velopmenL• Standards far Devc.~lo~~~ner,t Area 1i pF~Ltainn tr~ rn;~uired laY. Fr~ntage i.n th~ R:~f-3,000 Zone. Cor:e require3 tllat~. al.l 1~ts sha11 frant an a public street. The pc-tirioner ~~i~~puse:; t•h~~L a~;riv~ite s~rec~: sysL•em be ~~ac!nitted. CR137t~:,(I -1- PC91 -20~3 ~/ . . , . _.~. .. ~ . . ., . ~ . ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. . . ~ ~ ~ , . - ~ .. .. . ~ _ ~~!~~h ?i ~ ~ f;;~;!ii,+p ~ ~'ro~i~ 2. Thai: th~ ser:ond requested am~ndment to ~atc-.l Zoning and Devclopment Standarr.9,, pE1 tai.ns to the minimum 1at WLCIt~I zequirement in the RM-3,000 Zone. C~~c~e Y'@CIU.1L'E~5 ~I111. ~3LL lui:s maintaS.ri a min.'tmum lot N~1Cit~1 of 70 f~et. ~'h~ p~tit.ioneL pr.oi~os~s allawing the loZy uti..Lized for pri.vate street purpo~ea to mair~tlin a minimum Lat wi:3th of 20 Fecr, 3. 'I'!;at the third requestec: amendme~~C to s~~id 'c~ning and Devel~pment ~~.,Zndard~ pertrjin~ to the mi.nimum number ot required par.ki.r,y apac~a pex d~oel.ling un3.t. Code currc~ntly bases the par)cirig requi.z~~ment far ~~=, condomi.nium units on th~ numb~L• of b~c~rooms in each unii:; 2.5 ~paceea p~r 1- or z-bedroom unit ancl 3.5 ~pacr~~;; p~l 3-bedrpom or lar.•ger unit. Th~ ~etitioner Pr°po~r= ta ba~~ tl;e re~uirc:ment on the squarF f~otage of each ur.it: 2,5 s~,acea per 1, 22, sq, ft. or ~malle.r i.~nit and 3., ~p~~;~s p~,L unit exreeding 1, 225 sq.ft. ~l. That the pLOnos~~d redesiqnation o:E Develop~T~ent Area 11 Prom a Senior C.itizen's apartment comple:{ to a Multi~le••'E'amily, Attactied de~ignatior~ i~ consi.sl-enL- with and compl.imnntai:y L-o suzr~unding land u~es, p~ovid~d that th~ nropo~e~? pi-oj~c~ coufvr:n~ to t)~e 'I.oning and DevelopmEnic Standards of Devc~i.opmen t f1L ea 71 , z, pL ~r~oserl. 5• T~~~7t prop~sed dcv~l.~n,n~nt ;;tandarcls are con~istN~~t wzth thos~ pr~sently utiiizeci by other condominium complcer.es within The Highlande at E1nlhe.im Hilis. ~• That the property pi~p~;;~~i for lhe SL~ecific Plan, as amt~rtded, has unique si.te characreristics ,eich as topoc~rap~~y, location or ~urrounding~ whiu;i ar~ enhanced by spec~ial land usc~ and develp~,nent ~tandard~. 7. T~,ar. tiu~ Sp~cifi.c P;~n, as amer,ded, ie con~i:~tenL 4;it:h t•he goalq ~ind pol.ici.ea of the General P].an anci t.~ith the pur~~~ses, 3t,:~rldzrds and ].and ;ise guidel.~t~es contained ther~in. Q' ~l}'~` -11e Specif-.ic I~1an, ~1s c"!!i1C~I1C~E~d, results in dev~lopment nf de:~ir~ble cl~aracteL• ~•~hich wi17. be comE~ati.bl~ ~;~ith exi:sling and pronosed developmen~. in ~he s~.~t•rouncliny nci.ghborhood. `~. 'Ci~a;: the Spccifir, P~.,~,,, as amended, co7tribute~ to a balance c~F l~nd ti,e~. 10. '1'haL• the ~, ecific Pla ' r •'~ i~, <<~ ~m~nded, res~c~cts env.iranm~ntal and ae:s*_hetic r~~:>ource:~ con:~i~teclt witt~ e^onomi.c reali~ies, i-?1LIF~ORhTA P•.MV7RON,~iG~ITFIL f;F~LITY P.CT I~Tf1DTMC: Thal' tlte Rr1,~i:eittl City P:.anninc ---~-- --- J (:onmiissioc~ has revieH~ed tti~a p:•~posal to amend Ordinance No. 4660 tJ (1) Permi L• dc~velopmcnt of. a 161.-unit rE~c.idential cond~minium camplex ir.ste.~d of a 234-ur.it senior cit ~ r.ens' apartment complex ancl (2) E~ t;abli.sh cer~ain develapme~t standards for r.e~:cle~~t•i.al condominium:, i.n the Zonir..c~ and Develop:n~~nt Stanctarcis fc~r U~ve).opment. Arc~a 11 (Code Seetiori 18.7U.060.060) on property wh.i~:h cons;:~7~3 of a~~pLOximately 1'1.40 acres ~~en~~r~zlly b~unded by The Summit of r.n~ihe.im Hi11s Devalo~~ment Area 101 to the northea~t;, The Efighlands a: Anaheim Hill;; bev~lopment Area & to the nortr,west, The Highlanda at Ar.aheim Hi113 ~evelc~m~~~~ Rrea 12 to thc: south anr] 1he Hightands at Anaheim Fiills Develc~r,m,~,nt A~e~a 1Q to the f:esr_ and further descria~r~ as Develop;nent Area 11 of -7.- PC91-208 .1~7~~,.~ . a..., ~~; ~ ~~~~ ~ The Highlan~ls at Ana,._.Lm Hi11s Spec.ific Plan (SP87-1); ~nd do~s hereby app,xuvE ~ the NAga~ive T~ec].aration up~n finding th~L it ha~ c:onsidered •the Nagatiue Doclarat:ion together with ~ny cammen~~ rece:ivnd c.lur.ing the public revi~sw process and Eurther findiny on i:he basin t.I11t: t:he initial ~tudy and any com~n~nts received that thei-e is no sub;~t<<ntial evidence ~hat tha pz~o-ject: wi11 h~v~ a si~7nlficant: effe:t on the envirr,nm~nt, NOW, TF1EREb'ORF., F~E IT RGSOLVLP that thA Anahei.m Gity Planni.ng Commi~sir~n doc~ hereby recommend amendmeni: to Developmcni; Area :1.1 ineluclinc~ the Zoninc~ and Development StanriaLd~, as reque~~eri by the appliv~~nt, ancl furt,he.c recommerids that the City Attorn~~y prep,sre an ordiriancF to ~o-amenc~ Chapter 18,70 of the Anaheim tduniei}~a1 c;ocle, a~ follows: bEVELOFh1ENT 5I'ANf.~ARDS . That Sec.i:ion 18.70.06Q.~60 bc: amended in its enti.r.~ty to .rE1c1: "Deve]opment Area il. Arca to be developed for ai:ta~,hed ~ingle family c1u~tFr l:ype hou~ing. A.11 stand,-irds of the "Rbi-3,00~(SC)" 'LGne (Chapter 1~ .? 1) :;hall appl j~xr.ept a~ oth~rwise provided be.law: " Ttzat- Sectic:~ 1r3.7U.OGU.060(a) be a;nenc~~d in its antirei:y to raad: "ReqUired Lot I'rantag~. F.ny laL- mray frorit i.ipon either a pr.ivat~ 01- publ.ic acc~sswzy.'~ That Secti.on 1~i.70.00(1.060(t~~ pc amender~ in it~ Fntirety L•o read: "Fiinimum Lat Widthi. Any lot ut.ilized as a vetiicular accessway s11311 have a minimum width of noL• less than twerty {20) fec~t." 'Phat the P.ir~t sentence ~~f Sect:ion 18.70.U20.q30 bA amended 'co read: "That thc~ maxirnurn nwnber af dwell.ing units permitted Y~y che 5peciEic l~lei~i ~ha1]. be two L-housand ~E~etity f:v~ (2,075!. "(Er.cFpt for szid amendecl tirsr_ sEnter,ce, the r~main~er cE Se,tion 18.70.G20.030 shalJ. be retained). ; Z'haL- a n~w Sectipn 1II.70.060.060;c) be addecl f:r:• Ye3d: "FS1Ril11UR1 Number ' of Parltin_7 Spaca~, pt leas± two e~iid onc-half (2.5) park:i.nq spacc:s ~ aha11 be provided f'ar each unit havinc~ ~ Floor :raa cf twelve t~undred to~enty fivn (1,225) sqiiare [eet or lesG, a~ l~ast two (2) o£ which sha11 b~ cov^re~~; and al least tY,rc~ and ane-half (3.5) park.f.ng ~aacc~s shall be pr.~~~ided for e~ch unir_ havi.ng a f..loor arsa grea:.er ttian twFlv~e hundi-e-:i twenty f.~ve (1,2251 ~r~uar~ fee~, at lea~t two (2;~ ~t whicr. ~hall l~e COVE?):Qd. ~~ AND F3F I1' PUR1'Ei}3R k2ESUI,VE:D, that City Council Reso:lutio:~ 1Vo. i ~~'":t-253 st:all be amcnded by add.ing the P~llow~_ng cordi tion: "7.'hat a:, 1 COI1CILt:lOt] oi approval for the developm~}nt of ~` Development Area No. l:l a~ a candominium project, anc~ a~ stipulatEd t~o at the Planni.ng Commissioi.~'F public hearing, the total nurnuer o*' resir.i~ntial :.,. ~~~ ~~~ith.Ln The H.i~hl3nd~ at Anak~eim r I?illn 5pecific P1«n ::a. £i7-1 -hai: '~ recluced by sev~nty two (7l) ; units ( not to exceed ~wo th~~us..:id sev~:, ; i.ve ( 2, 0'15 ) units ).' ;': -3- I~C91-208 ; ,; , -.-.-.' ,;,.,..W . _. ... . _ .. . ` ,~ ;~. ;'~ ;~ ~, ~ , ~, ~ '%~~ , 'I.'F'tE FOR,.. ..)TtJG rneet.iilq oL- Noveribei- 4, 19~~1.. RI.;SULIJI':[OC7 w~~ .:id.~p~~d a'~''c~,i~c Planning Coti;iini:3s.iar, ..~'"''--..~J, ' J / f,. ' ~ ,, , • , i: _....z.•, ~ '~'' :~'!._!_~._. G°._.~~ ' ~ J / / '~~ '~ C r . ~ L " • ~ t'~T"!'PS'T: . ... . ~:,,,_z.,. ,~- ~ i~ :L___.__... ~~'r11Rb1AN, AIJ11kJE7F1'C:l:'7'Y k~I ~''~f~1NTNG • / ~ `vj` l . ~ ;ODlMTSS:COId l.J ~l /~ J -_•-___._.__ ~/ •L~._~.J~.~~.. ~._.'_-~• _ ~~ ~ .~ _ 1 ~ 1..... ~ / `4: J 1 ~ ~ L - _'_"""'_ srcR~,~r~Fx, t~vr,ri~~::rt~f -:t "'_"t!... ___.~.._ ~r~ r~t,a ~~;: .. ..n / .~ . a:r~c,._co : oro . r trl.r.,sr ~;j:~~rr or cr,irr~~~rrin ~ c~~tlta2 r. o~~ ~ii~r~e.r~, ~<; ~; . CT~'y Gr AIVAiII: C;9 } 1~ F.:dit:h f. I?;tr~ i:;, S.,r, Commi~sic~r, cio , c-t•~t~;r.y of Lhr.. Anaheim C'ity Planniny ~ her~by c'e~r•i.._fy t:h~t•. th~ L'or~.~croit7cJ re.solu~ion t•~as pass~d and adcj:~t,c~d ~l-. a me~eting o~ th~~ An~~t~eim Cil:y Plc:i;zn.inc~ Crnl'11~11j.59ion held on h'OVEf4Y~E~Y ~1~ 1991, ;r~ the ,.'~~:l..lowi.nc vol:4~ ~JI` ~:.}7ti? mc_~mi:~e~r•^ +_h~~c•~oL'. e~Y1?S: COI~iPdI55T0[dER~ : }30Ui~;; ~ 13RTST(~T,~ FIF;l',L,Y[:Fi~ Iff~I~JNINCL;R~ bIC~;~~:il.~ 'LrldEI~ NO~C.: r~UDiD:T~:;TO[1f:RS: °1019Fs 11E3SLN'1': GOhlt•1TS~;1.C~p1l.?i?L;: F~I;;ctl1?~1 \ `~ ( IN fdT'!'fJ}.?;:;5 Pv'1?T?RI?:~F~ T!~~t~~e I1c31'r,iltlto i;n ~ ~- .--. ,, _.~-~~r,., .~ _----. : 1 ~ ~~ ;~ l t ~„ ~ i, ~ ~„~ L r, ~ S ._~~2,~. a ~z / y C , /~ , (Y ~ ~ ~ l c- / ~ ~ ` )~ ~~+ ~ -- --~- -- ' ~ - s.~•..~'!`~-.~l^~- /~'r'~.'vl..,r~ ~,ccr~r• ~r:~r.x, ADIFt(ii;r.rt cr i~r t~t,~i,rr.r~rc c.~at~in»:ssrorv '~',' . y,l~., , ~~j~ : r~'~~r ~~a+ , pl~~iil~r,i. _~~:;~ t,~.^ f yi,C1,'! ' .... ~tl ,Y .,~ `~~t ~:; ,•},~ .; ;S}', ;i^.'!,. y "S ~~ .1t'. ~r'. '~~ ( t M~~ I rl' ': s ~~t'xl r .', , ~dr ~.j,j',,'i I~, r;f~'- r ~r, ~ Z~~~~)1°.~.Q~ ( ~' ,. i'