Resolution-PC 91-26~yti~' q 0'`f)"'a RESOL~CfTIOP1 NO. PC91=26 A RESOI.rJTTUN OF :CHG ANAFIETM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIUN RECOMMf;NDING TFiAT THE CITY COUNCTI~ }1PFROVE F12:FNDMENT NO. 1 TO D~VELOPMEN2' AG~~EMEP?T NO. i37-01 WtiEREA~, on Uctober. 27, 198'7, the City Council approved Reclassification No• £3?•-8f3-14 pursuant to Resolution No. 87R-443 ar~d Condi+:ional U~se Pezmi.t No. 2946 ~ur~uant to Resolution No. 87k-444 to r~:claesify subj~~ct prap~ezty from the ML, (Llmited Tnduatrial) to the CO (Commercial, Office and Profeaoi.onal) Zane in or~er to permit ttle construction o£ :~ 1,.^,35,3'J3 Hquare Foot cortunercial/office complex (Hanover/Katella Office Park), in~:luding 56,QOQ square feet ~f acceeaory retail. ~ases, to be includ2d witti.in 5 buildinge ranging in height from 110 t~ 223 feet eind three :nulti-•level parking otructurr~ to be constructed aver a 1Q~year., 5-phasE per~od wiL-h waiver of minimum struc~ural satback. WHEREAS, ori Octob~r 27, 1987, l•he City Cauncil als~ introduced an ordinance approving Development Agreement cJo. 87-01 to further. govern thF implernentation of the Hanover/Katel.l.a Ofiiae Park project. On Novamber 10, 1987, the City Council adopted Ordinance N~. 4375 whieh became effective on Decemk~er 10, 1987. nevelopnu~nt- Agreement No. 87-01 was recorded on December 15, 1987. WHF.RI~AS, the d~vel.~aper requa~ctc~d a rccommendation to thE City Council for appr~val of Anendment No. 7, to D~velopment Ag--eement No. 87-O1 be~ween Hanover Real Esta~c~ As:~ociates arid the City of Anaheim to further provide for khe tmplem~ntation af th~ H~~nov~~-/~Catclla Office Park development. WHE22EF,S, ~ur~suant to the California Quality Aci:, Environmental Impact Re'port IV~. 271 was previ_ously aerL•ified by the City Council on Octobs.r 27, 1987 in coc~junction with llc~velopm~nt Agi~eement Pfo. 87-01 and ie adequate to servo as the required en~iroi:mental documentation for Amendm~n*_ No. ]. to the Dev~lopment AgreemFnt; and WFI~'REAS, pursua~il-. to SecLione ?..1 and 2.2 of the Procedures Reaolutian th~ City Plar~n.ing Cuauni:a:~ior, did IZOld a public heari.ng at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on F'i~bruary 25, 1991, at 1;30 p.m., not.ice of ~aid puhlic hearing having bneri duly given a~ required by IdW 3I1C~ in a~cordance with ttie provi~iona of the Anaheim Mun.ic.ipa? Code, Ch~pter 10.03, ta hear and consider evidcncg for <3n:i agai.nsi: flcZ iC~ propc~ged rondir ional uac permit and to invealigato and inal:e findingo and recommendation~s ici cor~necticn th~rewith; and WFIERE;AS, piirrua~lt to the Pracedurea Resol.ution, the Dev~lopPr hae demanstrated eligibility to enter. into thie amended agraement by showincr the following: A. That the project wi.ll result; in the construction of at leaet 7.50,000 square feet of ~ommercial/of.f.ice epace; E3. That the project wil.l be conatracted i, pnasea ~ver a.r. anticipatod period oE' not iess than 5 yeara. C:R1125MP -1- PC91-26 ~-' , 0 ~yiStilh WuFREAS, said ;:~ion, after. due consideration, inepection, investigat~.on r~nd study by it.self, and aftQr duo can~i.deration of a.ll evidence and r~pot i s= offQr.e. . r~aid hearing, DOE;S E'IND: 1. ~hat the p~ :ct io consintent. wlth the General Plan c~f the City of Anaheim. 2. Tk~at tk~e project is compatibl~ with the uaes a~ithorized in and the regulatione ~,~rescrib•~d for in tihe applicable z,oni.ng dietrict. 3. That the project i~ compatible with the orderly development of ~,roperty in th~ surrouciding area; and, 4. That the proj~ct .i~ not otherwise der~r.imental t~ ~.he health, eatety and gener.al welfare of the cit.izenN oL Anaheim. ti. ~': :~: ` i '~~; ; 1'~' ' I'. fl~W, THrREF'ORE, BE IT RESOJ~~ED, that the A~:.~heim City Planning Commi.ssion doe3 hereby find that ~urauant to C~Ql1 Guidelir~es Secti.on I5063, the City ot Anaheim haH reviewed th~: Initial sl:udy oubmitted for the praject and thQ Plannir,g Cummieyion hs~ d~termined that thF previously certifi~d EIR ~~~ adequate to servF ~~ th~ req;a.ir.ed environmental docunientatian fox ~un~ndment cro. 1 to Dev~lopment Agreeroent No. A'7--01, ao t;he environm~ntal, impacts and miti.gai:ion measures ayaociated with thc Hanover/F.atella Office projec~ and Dev~.lopment Agreement t<o. 87-O.1 ware addreased tlirough t.he cerrificztion procese and no addii:ianaL i.mpacte would result from the approval or execution oi this amendm~ant tn the Developme;lt Agreement. BE IT FURTE1k:R RE50LVGD, that pursu3nt to ~he above findlrigs, thg Hnahei.m Ci.L-y Planning Comcnir~si~n doe~ hereby determine that thc~ developar haa demonfltrated Eli.gi.bility ~:o enter into P~rnen~ment No. 1 L-o ue~elopm~nt Agreement Nc. 87-01, as~d doen recommended that the Ci~y Council approve and enter i.nto Amencime[it No. 1 to DevFlopm~nt Ayreemc~nt Na. 87-U1 with the clevelope~. THE FOFtCc>CINC RESc~LU~rwtv w~~~s adc.~pted at th~~+ Planning Commission meeti.ng of Fe~rua~.•y 25, 1991. i ~ ; _ ~.. ~-: ~. '/ -.-.. -. . CHT1IRt~]OMAN, ANAHEIM CI:TY PLANNING COMMISSION AT'I'LST~ ~•,~ ~/ k.J l~~I..~..~L,~l~~ /l ....C. / `^L I' i~G•7 •_--~--- S~CRETARY, ANAHF;IM CLTY I'LANNTP7G CObiMISSION -"l- PC9:1-26 ,,r;;:~;r~ ~i r,~:~:>> ~ : : ~.;; STATE pF CALIFORNIA ) COUN'.CY' OF ORANGE ) a s. CITY pF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harric~, Secretary af the Anaheim City Planning Commiea,ion, do her•eby cartify thaL• tho farsgoing reso:.uL-iAn wa~ paased and adopted at a meeting of the AnahQ;m City Planning Commiagion held on February 25, 19~1, by the f.ol lowing voi:e of the meinbera thereof : ~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: EOYDSTUN, BOUAS, ~ELDHAUS, fiELLYER, HENNZI~GER, ME~SE, PERA7,A NO~S: COMPITSSIONPRS: NC~NE ARSENT: CUMMISSIONERS: NONE ~~r~' lti /kITNESS WHERF.OF, ? havE hereunto s~t my hand ~hie ~~T~ day ~ f ~_._.~1' I ` ~ '1~~~ , 19 91. , ~/ ~ ' i7 ~i ,_...~ cSti. L. ~r _ ,~C~: ' c ' -~ . .~ t. -~ 5EC}Z~,:T_'ARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSION ~~ ,f, , ; '3- PC91-26