Resolution-PC 91-37~.;!ia~r;, RLSOLUTION NO. PC9?.-37 A RESO*.UT'IUN OF THE ANI~HEIM CI'!'X PLANNING COMMTS.~.:C~N TI3AT PE;'.CITTON FUF2 VARIIINCF NO. ^.111 BF DENTEU WHEREAS, L-he Anah~i.m City P.lanning Comm.iaAion di.d raceive a~ vQr.ified P~titi~n for Var.iance f.or certain real propezty situated in ~he City nf Anaheim, C~u~ity af Orariga, State of California ~eacribed ae: PAFtCEL 1 AS SHOWN O~T A MAP FTLF;D TN BOOK 3;, YAGE 15 ~F PARCEL MAPS, TN TH~ QFFTCE OF THE ORANf:~ COUNTY I1E CORDER . WHERF~AS, the City F~l.anning Cammisaiori did hold a puUiic hearing at thc: Civit: Cvnter in the City of Anaheim on Marr.h il, ].991, at 1:30 p.m., r~otics of said publ.ir. hearing c-aving b~En duly given as reqwLred by law and in acrpraance with the provfaion3 of ihe Anahoim Municipal Code, ChApter ].8.03, to hear and ootlsider evi~enc;e for and againe~ ea9_d proposed variance and ~c~ investigate and make fi.ndinq~ and recomrn~ndations in conn~ction therewith; and WFiERCAS, ~afd Comniiseian, after due i.nopection, investig3tion ana study madQ by itaelf and iti li:s b~half, and after due consideration of alJ. evidence and rep~r.te uff.ered at aai~ hearing, does find and determine the followir-g far.ts; 1. That; ttie petitia-~er prupoees waivera of the following to ret;a~in twc illegally conatructed apar.~ment unit~: (A) SECTTUNS if3.3~}.U63~U22 - Minimum atructural._ EPtback. and 18_34.UG~ (9 feet xequired; feet: exieting) (Ei) 5F~TIONS 18.f~6.05U.0121 - Minimum number of parkin~s~aces. lf3_Uv.080 (70 requireci; 66 Ex.ietiny and proposed) a.nd 1f3,~34.G6F.,.0 u (C) SECTlON 18.94.06~.032 - Minimum flnor area of dw~llint,~unit. (700 ~cx_ft. requi_red for 1-bedroom unita; onP 696 s~7. fl. 1-k~edroom aF~artment existing) ?.. That the above-mention~d kaivare are hereby denied nn the basie that ther` ar~ nc~ epecial ci_rcumstanc~a spplica~ie ~o the propertf aur.h as ~t~e, shape, top~graphy, lacation and surroundinge which do not apply to other idenzi.cally zonad p.roperr.y in tha eame via~.nity; and that gtrict z~~+plica~ion of the Zoning Code does not deprive th~ property of privileg~e enjoyed Y~y other properti~e in the idEntical z~ne and claseification in ~he vicini.ty. 3. That ther.e are no exceptiunal or extraordi.nary circums~ancea or conditione applicable to the prope~ty invalved oz• to tt-e intended uHe of the proporty that do not a~ply generally to the property or claeo ~f uee in the aame vi.cinity and zon?. CP.1235MP -i- PC91--37 >7fit1~5 ,~-.YR;~ e., 4. 'Phat the r.equer~tr.~d vari.anc~ in not neceeaarx f~r ~th~ pr~oer.vation anct enjoym~nt of ~ aub~atantial. praparty riyht poese~eed by ~ther property i.n the e~me vicinity ar-d zane, and ,9Hnied to the pr~perty i~i queatlon. 5. Tt~at the roquested variance will be materiz-'lly detrimenta~l to the publi.c weliare or injurious tca the property or. im~rovementa in such v.Lcinity and Lone in which the properry ie located. 6. ThaL• one (1) per.r~~~n indica~td their prNSence at said public hearing in oppa~ition; and t:hat tic~ correepoi~dence wag received in oppoeitlon ta subjact pet:.tinn. GALTFQRNIA ENVIRONM~N'fAL QUA~~TY Ar,T FINDTNG: That th~ Anaheim ~ity Planning Commission has revi.ewed the proposal f~r waivere of minir,tum atructural aetback, minimum numbsr nf parlci.>>g epacea ancl mir.imum floor areu af dwelling unit to r~tain two i.ll.egally conf~tructed apartmPat unit.e on a i•aotangularly- stiaped parcel of land cdr.sieting of appruximately 1.0 acre having a Frontage of approximai:ely 220 feet on ttte ea~:~t eic~e of Nutwoo~ 5t:reet, having a n~aximu.a depth af approximataly 203 fe~t, bei.nq locatad appror.imateyy 325 tee'c r~oxth of the centerline of Tamara I,ane and turther described as 1668 South Nutwood Street; and does Fier~by approve the Negative Declaration upon finc~ing that it har~ cc~naidered the Negative Declariii:iori together with any cammente reaei.veci du.ring Lha public r.evfew procese z:nd further finding An tl.le baeis that the initi.al study and any conun~nts recei.v~cl that :,here is r.o dubatantial evi.clence that the project o~ill have a aigni.ficant eftect on the environment. NOW, TIiEF2~FOR~, AE IT RESOLVED Chat the Anaheim Cit}r Planning Gommie0ion doee hereby der.y eubject F~~tition for Variance on the baais~ of tYIP. aforementioned f.3.ndings. THF EOZtEGVING RFSOJ.,U~PION wa~s adnpted at the Planning Commiaaion meeting of March 11, 199].. ~ ~-~- -~- ~/-~-~-(.~ , ~,,~/ ,/, ~_~--` ~:~=~1:~-~c~.~L.~ r..- CHnIRWOMAN~ ANAFIEIM CITY LANNING COMtdISSTON ATTEST: ~ , ~ ~-r• ~ ~7 / ..~' t_- r .. ;-~ ,~..~ .1~~~~~ SECRI~TARY, ANAF3EIM CITY P'LAN~ITNG COb1MISSTON -2- PC91-37 f;~ ~ ~ . , .. .., ;. ,; ' ':iF~ 1`: 1 . S~ATE OF CAr.,Tgp~NT~ ) COUNTY O~' ORANGE ) 8~. CITY OF ANAHETM ~ :[, Edith L. i~~3irie, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commisaion, ~o h'~xe~y cortify that ~he foragoing r~solution wa~ paased and adopted at a meetinq of the i~riahpim C3.ty ~laz~ning Commiaeion held on Dtarrh 11, 1991, by ~hg following votQ nf the membere thereuf.: ,:., AY~S; COMMISSTON~;RS: BOY~5TU1V, HELLYrR, IiENN2NGER, DfESSE NOES: rp~IS&IONERS: NONE ~ kE~A2A ~B5E~1T~ COMldISSIONERS: BOLAS, FELDHAU:; :~N WITNESS WFIEREOF, I havP heer~unto g~~ of. „~ ,~ , 1991. mY .hand this ^ %,~;~r~ ~~y l '.~ ~. ' ~ ~r ~~' , c~..~.~ SECA.c,TAR , ANAHEIM PLANNING CGMMISSTON ~;