Resolution-PC 91-38~~ y~~L'1 RESOLUI"IUN NO_YC91-38 ~ ~.~):1~.'~1 A NUNC PRO TUIvC RE5ULUTION OF THE AN:~,HEIM CITX PLANNING COMMISSION ~.."'~IDING RESOLU'PZON NO. PC91-21 SN CONNFCTTON WITI~T CONDITT~NAL USE k~EFtMI7C NO~ 3262 WHEREAS, on A~ril 23, 19y0, Ylanning Commiseion gran~ed Conditianal Uee Pera~it No. 3262 under Rer~olution No. PC90-95 to permit a 17,890 sq.ft, 12-u.nlt commercia.l retail center and a J.,760 eq.ft. car wash factlity with gasoline ~a1ee and with w~i~~er o£ minimum aetbark adjac~nt to a scenic hiqriway (6Q t~ 70 feet propo~ed) on an irregalarly-ahaped parcel of land cansistinq of approximately 2.25 lcree lacated on the north ~ide of Monte Viata Road betw~en Old Spxinge Road and W~ir Canyon Road; and tniHER~AS, on July 30, 1990, Planning Commis~sion approvad revised plan~t thereby determining subQtantiu'1 conformance with pcevio~z~l.y ap~rovod plans and allowing a 99s incr.Qaae in tl-.e total tLo~r area f.or tha r.etail buildinga; and W'riEP,EAS, the petiti~ner h~se requested modificatioii o£ the wai~ver, as fo].low~, and appr~val of revise~ plana in connection with the prev~ousZy approvFd conditional us~ permit: SECTIOP7 18: 84.062.017. - Setback ad'iac~nt t~ a acenic hicLhway. (minimum 100 feet required alor.g Weir Ca:.y'vii Roaci; 59 to GO feet proposed); and WHEREAS, ~he petitiorier. hae also requeeted a~nendment •ta Gondi~ian No. 30 pertaining to incr.e~~tr~inq the maximum pei-mitted heigh~ ~f parking area l.ighting fixturpe fr~~m 12 to 27 f~et; and WHE.REAS, the City Planning ConUni.asion did hold a public hearing ai: the Civic Ceni:er i~t tha City of. An~heim on F'ebruary 11, 1991, at 1:3Q g.m. , no~ice of oaid gublic hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance wi~h the provieicns of the Anaheim Municipa.l C~de, Chapter 18.03, t~ h~ar and coti~ider evidenc~ for and again~t said ,proposed amendment anci ta inve~tig:tte and m~ke findings and recommendatione in connection therewith; and WK~RERS, said Commier~ion, a£ter due in~pe~t-ion, investigatir~n and si:udy made by itself and in ito behalf, and aft~ar due coneid~rati~n of al1 ~videncc~ and repoY•ta affered at oaid hparir-g, did find and determine ~he following factg: 1. That the requc~~ted w~iver, as modifzed, is hereby a~,provnd ~n the basis that ttiere are no dpecial cizcumetancea appZicable to the property auch aa size, ~shapa, topography (speci.fically, a giade sep~ra~ion bei:ween the eite and adjacent highway), locat.i.on and aurroundi.ng~ which do not apply to othPr identically zoned property in tha oacn~ vicinity; ~nd tbat etrict apy,~licatiun of the Zoni.ng Cod~ doe~t depr:ive the property of privil+~gea enjoyed by other properties 11'1 the identi~al zone and claaeific~tiun in the vicinity; and further that a landscaped berm ehall effectivel.y s~cr.POn the ca1 ~vaah tunnel fram visw, CR1140AS -1- PC91-38 ;;~~,?~~ ,!d!:a~. 2. That revioed p1~ne (labeled Revision No. 2) wtii.ch include a 240 sq.ft. ac3dition to the car waah are hereby appr.uved, and that Conciition N~. 28 ~f Resolutiun Nu. PC90~95 ie amendad to read ac~ fol].ows: "That subject properc,y e}iall be developnr~ stiibetanti.ally in acc~rdaace with plann and spec~fi.catione eub-nitte~, ta the rity of Anaheim by the petitioner and which plane 3r•e ~n file with the Planriing Department maz~ked Exhi.bi{: 11ac~. 2, 4 and 5 and Revisi.~n No. 2~f ~xhibit Nos. 1 and 3." ~. That the requesi:ed amendment to Condition Nr~. 3tJ ie r-ereby denied. WFiERE;AS, due to inadvertence, the information contaiized in Reeolution No. PC91-21 is incorrect 1~ecauAe it gtLtea that the petitioner's entire rc~que0t (modification of i:he waiver, amencimen~ ta Canditicct No. 28 pertaining ta revl.sed plans, and ~~nendme:.t to Condition IVn. 30 ,pertaining t~ parking area lignting fixturea) o~a~ donied; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commiseion approved the requeet, in part, dc~nying c~nly the request~d amendment ta Cor,ditinn No. 30. NOW THEREFORE, be it rPao].ved that Reeolution Na. PC91-21 ie hereby amended, nunc pro tunc, tn approve thz ~;stitio~or's request, in part, ~ranting madificatior, of. the waiver, amending Condit.ion No. 28 as requested, and denyfng amendment to Condition No. 30. TFi~ HOI2EGOING RESOLUT.IQN wza a~op~Lcd ac the Planni~g Commiosi.on meeting c~f March 11, 29q1. ,-, ~ ~' . , J, ~~ ~~ -~-`.. -~~. ~ ,~ . ,!...~- ~~~. ~.,~%„~_~ ~ ~.AIRWOMI~N, ANAHF.SM CITY P~,APItv.T.NG COhIMISSION ATTEST: '~!. ;`.~ i i- , ..., y ~. ,: .. .:.t,' ~ l. ;;'.. ~._ . . ~,S~C ETARY YFtO TE1.d1~OkI;, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNJ;NG GOMMISSIf]N ~' / ~ ~ STATE OF CALII'ORNTA ) CaJN`PY OI' taRAiJGE ) es. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jenoen, Secr~tary Pro Tem~oro of the .Anaheim City P~anning C.o:[~m,i.sc~ion~ dc hereby certify that the furegoing reso].uti~~n waa pae[~ed and a;iop~ed at a meeting ~f th~ Anahaim City Planning Commieeion held on March 11, 1y51, by the f~l.lawing vote uf the merr,bErs ther.eof: AYES: CC-MMISSION^RS: FiOYDSTUN, HELLYFI~, HENNINGER, MEuS~, PERAZA NOES: CGMhIISSSONERS: NONE ABS~N~r: COMMISSIONERS: BnJAS, FE]~DEIAUS . ~ IN WITNESS WHERFUF, I havQ hereunt~ s~4: my }iar-d this -:~~.._''/ day of. ,->, i ~' ~`' 19 9 ~. . ,4...., ,_ ___, ` -=-,~' ' , `% 1 `' ~ aEC22ETARY QRO ~TEMPORE, ANAHE?M CITY PLANN~:NG CQMIdISSION -L- PC91-38 c~