Resolution-PC 91-39~i' ~~~~'=','~ RESOT~UTI~N NO. PC91-39 ~~~i~~• ::i~:! A FESOT,liT70N OF TFIG AN.AFiEIM GI?'Y PT.AIVIVING COMMISgTON THAT PP,'TITT.OtV HOR CON'DITIONAL US.E PFRMIT Nd, 3391 BE GRAI3TED WHFREAS, the Anaheim City Pla~ning Commiesian d:Ld receivs a verified Petizion for C~nditianal U~e Perciit far r.ertain rea~ eituatod J.n the City of Anaheim, Co,anty of Orange, ~tate of Calp£or~iay deacribed ae: Lt;~T 10 OF T12ACT NO. 4757, AS PEI~ MAp RECpRpED I~I BppK 184, PAGES 47 APiD 48 OF MISCiLLANEOUS MAPS, IN ~'HE AFFICE OF' THE COUNT'Y RECORDER OF SAID ~Oi1NTY. WEi~REAS, the ~~ '~h~ ~ivic Cer.ter in City P].anning the Cit ~f A Commi~sion did !i~].d a~ublic hearing y nahein~ on Msr.ch 11, i991, at• notic4 of said public h~aring having bee d 1:30 p•m., n uly given as re accordanca with thc provisiori9 af the Anatieim Mur icipal C h~ar d ~ ~ ~ a and consider evidence .for and agaiiist . o , e Cha~ter eald 1g,03 to and tr, inveatigate and maky tindinge pr.opased conditional and use permit therewith; and i:hat eatd publ.ic hearing recanunendation~ 1n was c~nnec:tion Planning Commiasion meeting; and continued to the March 25, ],9g1, Wf3FKr.~S, taid Commisaian, a.fter due inapecti~n, inveat:Lgation and stud;~ m~3de }~y ir3elf and in itb behalP, and after due canside~.ation o£ all evidence and ~•e~:orts offered a~ aaid hearing, doea finc.l and determine the following facta; 1. That the proposed ur3e i~ properly one for which a conditional ~-~RE permit ~.s authoriz~d by Anah~im Aiuziicipal Code Section 18.34,050.A20 to expa.n.d ars eaioting uoard and cc.r.e faciiity from six (6) residen~~ to ten (10) z-eaidents wiL-h wa.ivPr of t-:,e following under authority of Code SeCtion iE3. 06.080: Sectione 18.06.050~C~221 - Minimum number of park3rza saaCey, lE3.OF_U50.0269 (17. rPquired; 6 existing and proposed) and i8.34.066 0]0 2. That tho z•equeated wa.i~;er ia herebl~ grantec: un the basis that th~ parking waiver will not cauaa an increa~e iri traffic congeotion .tn the immediate vicinity n~r adverealy a~fect 3r-y adjoining land uBes, and that granting of the parking waiver under the conditione impoe~d, if any, wi].1 not be detrim~ntal to the peace, health, ea£ety and general welfare a:E the r.itizena of thQ City of. Anaheim; and furthe.: on tne baeis +~hat the resident:a in this boarc3 and ~aze fa.cl.lity will nat be allowed to have vehic2es. 3• a'hat the propooed ug~ will not advereely affect ttie adj~ining lar~d uses and thP grawth and development of the area in which it ie proposed to be locaiced. ~. That the size and shape o£ the site p~oposed for the use is ade~uate to allow the full developmer.t of the propoep~ ugE in a manner not detrimental to the parta.eular area noz to the peace, health, oafe;.y and generz~. weZfare cf the ~itizens of the City af Anaheirti. CR1141MP -1- PC31-39 ^ °M~ ,G~',k".} 5. That the grznti.ng of th~ C~ndit•ional. Use Permlt under tho conditione imposed, ~.f any, will n~t be dei:rimentaZ t~ the peace, health, eafety 2rid y~neral welfare of the Ci.tizens of the City oF Anaheim, 6. Tha•t the traffic ge~i~rated by thU progosed uae will nat impuae an undue burden upon the ~tregts and highwayn dg~igned and improvad to carry the traffic in the area. %. That no one indicated their prerence at, e,aid public hear.ing in nppusitic>n~ and th~~t nn curreepondexace wae received ,i.n opF~a.ition to the ~ubject petition. CALIFOFNIA E;N~;IRONMENTAL UALITY AGT FINDING; That the Anaheim Ci~~r Plar,ning Commisai.oii haa reviewed the pr.oposal to expanc3 an ~xist3ng board and care facility £rom 6 xeaident~ to 10 r.esidentra with ~.iaivor of mini.mum nt~rnk~er• of parking apaces on a rectangul~.rly-shapsd pa.rcel of land conr~ieting of approximatcaly 0.2 acr.e having an approximate frontage of 72 feet on the eaet side of Belhaven Street, havi_nc~ a maximum depth of approxima~ely 125 fest, being locatQd 270 feet north of the centea~line of Ball Roa~d and further described a~ 11E?0 S. B~lhaven Street; and does hereby approve ths Negative Declaration upon finding that it has a~neider~d the Negative Declarati.orl togethe.r ~vith any commento r.eceived d~ering the pub].ic roview procees and further finding on the baflie that. tile initial etudy and an~r commentr~ r~;ceivecl that thore ie no aub~tant.ial evidence that the project will hav~ a significa.nt affact on tho envix-onment. NCW, THLREFORE, BE IZ' RESOLVEA that the Rnaheim City P~.anning Commiesion. does hereby grant s~ibject Petition for Conditional Uae Per.mi*_, u~on the following conditions which are laereby foLnd to be a neceesary prerequ~~tite to the pr.oposed use of the subject ~:roperty in c,rder to pr.eaerve the safety anc! general. we.lfare of the Citi,zena of the C.ity of Aziaheint: 1. * That damaged and; ar h,az~lydou~ eidewa.lkd shall be removed and/s~r reconstrucLed along B~lhzven Stro~t aa required by the City Engineer a~nd ; n accorclance with standa:rd ~lans anci epscificatio;ia on file a.n the c~fLi.ce ~f the Ci.ty F.ngicieer. 2. * That fire t~prinklerai sha:L1 be instal'led ae requi.red by the ~'ire DeparL-ment. 3. + That tra~h atoraqa areas sha11 be provided and maintained in a location acceptable to tt~e Street Maintenancc and Sanii:atiun Divieion and in accordance with approved plane on fit~ with said divieion. Such informa~io.A shall be ap~cificdl.ly shown on the plana eLbmitted for building permi~s. 4. That prior to iesuance of a buildicig permit, a solid waste managQment plan with rer.ycling capabilities shall be aPpr~,ved by the Street Maintenance and Sariitation Divi.sion. Upon occupancy of tha project, esid plan shall commence and aball r~main in iu11 effect aa requir~d bX esid Diviei.on. -2" PC91-39 ,~>:~,, 5. ~ That t.he proponal ehal.l camply wi.~t~ a11 eigning roquiremente- of L•ha RM-1200 "Roeidontial, Multi.ple•-Family" Zcne, unlees a vuriance allowing aign waive~n in a~pprnved by the City Council, Plannl.ng Commieoion or Lo~~inq Admi.nistrator. G. *'.L'h~t the on-r~i.te :Lannocaping ar.d i~:r.igati.on ayetem eha17. b4 refurbiehyd and mai.ntainQd in compliancc~ wi.th Cit:y Eitandardo. '1, k That duc~ to the change in uea an~/or. occupancy of th~ building, plans shnll be aubmitterl L•o tho Duilding DiviH3.o~~ ahowinq compliar~ce wi~h the min;mum otandarde~ of tha City ~f Anah~im, inc.ludSnq the Untform euilding, Ylumbin~, ~lectrical, Eiou-~ing, MQChanical ~nd Fire C:o<9ea a~ xclopted by the City oE A~~aheim, The ~ppi•oprlate nerm.ita ehall be crbtained for any neceosary wnrk. Et. That nubject property ~sh~ll be ~evel~.~ped eubatantially in accozdance with F:lane an~ apecificationa subm.ltted to the City oC Anaheim by thH patitionor and which p.lane are on file with ~h~ Plannin~~ Departmant marked ExhibLt Nve. 1, 2, and 3. 9. 'r!'iar ~rio: t:o commencement of tho act~ivity aut:ior.i.zed by thin reoolttt:on, or priar ta i~suance of a building permit, c'~r within a poziod of one (1) year fram the dat•e of th~~s resolution, wt-ic}i~ver occuro firet, ConBitioii Noe. 4 and 'i, ahov~-montioned, ehall b~s compliad with. Extoasiona for furthor time to complete said canditiona may be granted in sccocdatice with S~~ctinn 18.03.090 of ~:.he Anaheim Municipal Code. 10. That ~arior to f ir.al building anri zor~ing ine~e.:tianA, Conditio~ Noa. 1, 2, 3, 6 and 8, above-menL•ioned, ohall oe complied w.ith. 11. * Tliat appro~~al of thi~ ~~pplir,ation conatitutFe approval of the pzopoaed requost only to th~ oxtent vh.~t it comnliea wi.th the Anaheim Municip~l Zoning Cod~ and any other applicable City, State anci Federal regulat•ions. A~~proval does uot include ony :i~tion or findinge ae to c~~mplfanc:e or approv~l of the rec;uest. -egarding any other applicable~ ordi~~a~ce, roqulat.ton or requirement. Ccnditione marked w.tt;h an asterisk (*) are required by ~scab1i.41sed lawe, cc~dee, regu].atione and agzeeme~to an~i are, therefarE~, not r~ubject to nec~otiation. BE IZ' FURTFIF.R RF.SOLVED that the Anaheim C ~ty P].anning Commieoion doee heraby find .3r.d c9eterminQ rhat a~loptf~n of L•hie Fteeo3.ut:on ie expreasly predicatod upon appiicant's compliance with each arid all ~f the conditiona herpinabove ae.: farth. Si~ould any :~~~ch conclition, or any paxt thereof, be declared inval.td or un~nforc~sble b~ L•he fi.nal jud~mc~n.t ~f any court of cumpetent juric~ciicti~n, then thfa Reeulution, ar~d aily appeo~al8 herein contained, ~hall b~_ de~med null and void. ..3.. PC91-39 , ~'i~~•.r.~ THE FOREGO;[NG FtF.SOLUTtON w~o adopted ~t thc~ Plannix~g Commiaeion meeti.nc~ of Mareh 25, 1991. ~, ; -/ ; , -~-~--- ~ ~~•~ c .~!`~--~ ~- ~.~,._..`~ f ii,~ ~:"u_ ~ r ~ ,!` ., ,(~ ~..~. ~~_.,' CH:~IIRWdMAN, ANAHEIM CT~'Y PLANKTNG CdMMISSION ATIEGT: .~ i ~c~.v~ "J ~ ~~.~.~_~~ ~ SEC~CETARY, ANAHEIM CTTY F'LANNINC COMMISSIUN S'rATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF ORANGE ) et~. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) T, ~di.th L. Flarrir3, Sec~Qtary of L•he Anatieim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the £or~going zeeo.~.ution wae passed and adopt~:d at a meQting of the Anah~im City Planninq Cammlesi~n held on March 25, 1991, by ttie foll~winq vote o•° the mPmbers therpof: AYF,S: GOMMISSIONERS: BUUA~, k30YDSTUN, HELLYER, HENPiTNCER, MGSS1s, PERAZA NOES: C~MMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMt4ISSIUNEFtS: F~LDHAUS IN WITNES5 WIiEF.EOF, I have her~unL-o set my hand thio (^, ~L day o: .~1~~_, 199J.. . ~ ~~ ~•, H- "/ ~ y . ~^ (11 ~.t'.~'rC' . ,~it/l..G ;~,CRETARY, ANAHr.IM CITY PLANNING COMMIS~ION -4- PC9.1-39