Resolution-PC 91-42i~.. ~ i RE~QLUT~Olj~NO. PC~1_42 K«~~+ A Rk~SOI,U7'70N OF~ THE ANAHFIM CITY I'I~ANNiNG COMMIS:;ION THA7' PETYT.LON ~OR CON~JITIONAI. USE FEFtMIT N0. 3395 SE DFNIEp ~aFI~RFAS, tho Anahei.m CiCy Planning ~ommieeion ciid reueivo a verifi~d F~e~t- i.tion for Cc>ndi*.ional Ileo Permit for certain real praperty r~ituated in the City v•; AnatiQim, Courit.v nf Orr~nge, Sta~e of California, der3cribHd ae: T[iAT I~QRTF.UN QF' L~T 19 OF` ANAHEIM EXT~NSION, IN TH~ CITY (~p ANAHEZM, COUNTY OF ORANGF., STATE OF CALT:uRiIIA, AS SHOWN ON A MA,P OF SURVF.Y HY WILLII~M FIE+l~EL, A COPY OF 97HICH IS SHOWN IN BOOK 3 P?1GF6 162 THROUCH 164 INCLU5IVF, OF LJS ANCELES COUNTY MRPS, IN THF. OFFiCE: Or THE COUNTY RE;COf2DCF~ UF Ol2ANGE COUNTX~ CAI,IFpRNIA, DESCRIBF[1 AS FOLLO~~TS: E3ECINNIWG A'~` PFiE~ INTERSECTION OF !'HE EASTE;RLY LINE OF SAIU L(~'~' 19 WI7'H A LTNE TtiA2' IS PAFtALLEL WITH ANA UISTANT NOR?'NERLY 50.00 FE;F.T MEASURCD AT RIGHT ANGLES FROM TEiE CF.NTER LINE OI' BA.GL P.OAD AS SHOWN ON SAID h1AP; Tii~NCE: SOUTH H9° 56' S2" WFST }1LUNG SA.ID PARALLEL LINE A DISTANCE OF 25J.U0 FEET; THENCE Nt~RTH 15° 10' 70" WEST PAPALLEL WITFi T'IlFi RASTERLY LINE OF SAIq LUT 19, A D.I5TANCE O I~' 331.48 FF.ET; 1'HF~NCE NORTK 74° r39 ~ 5a' EAST 241.3a FGET 'f0 TfIE EASTERLY LINR OF SAID LOT 1`~~ 'PFiEf7CE SOUTH 15° 10' 07" RP.ST 396.68 FEET TO THF POINT OF' f3GGiNNING. . t~[iER~AS, the r.ity pl,~nning Commieaiun did hold a publLc hdar.inq at: the Civic Center in th~ City of Anaheim o.~ March ?.5, 1991 at 1::30 p.m., notice of d~id oublic h~a~inq having been duly given as requ'red by law and in accor.dance wfth thc~ prov.tH,unA o: the An~heim Munici.pal Code, Chapter 18.0~, to hear and conoidQr evidc~nce fur nnd against s~i.d proposad conditional uso p~!rr~it and L•o inventigar_e and makc~ firl~inyd ~nd rer.omn-,endatio~a in connection therewith; ~nri WFiEREAS, naid C:ortunisnion, aft~r due ln~pection, invt~etigation and ot-udy mar.ie by itaeif and in ito behaZf, and af.cc~r duP r.oneideration of all evidence and rep~~rts offered 1L• oaid henrinq, doeo find and detormLne the foll~~winy facte: j• Th~t: th~ propoeeci ueo is pro~rl.y or~e c~r which ~ condiCion~~l uHe ~;ormit i.e ar.thvrized by Anahei.m Mun<.ci~al c:ode S~r.tl.on 1E3.61 .O,1..507 eo pc~rmiC the uut~=! ~1~~ atoraqE of r.oofing mnter. ial and larqe c~qui~menL•/trucke f~r e roofing contractor. 2. That the pr~~pc~aed use io hcrreby denic-d on i~~. b~trs!.g that it ~1.3A had an advc,r~e afiect on the a~ljoining reoLcientfal lnnd ueeo and th4 gxowth and deva_lapm~nt of thu aiea in which it io located. ~:R1 :44ME~ -.t - PC91-42 ~~'~ ~ 3. '~;~st tho npocif~.c .location (ad;~acgnt to reeidential uaee) ai~d the eizo and shnpe of the eite bPi.ng ueed !e nc•ti adequa~e ~o allow thA f~~ll development of the uee in u manner not dotrimonta]. ta the p$rticular area nor to the peace, he~ltl~, eafeCy and gener.al wvlfare of thH CiL•izene ~f the City of Anahai.m. 4. That the yranti.ng of t:he Conditi.onal Uso Permit will be d3trimental ~to ~11A np~c~:, hQt-lth, eafety t~nd g«~neral w~lfare of tho C:itizene ~f thc~ C.t~y of Anaheim. 5. Thx~ twer~ty-five (~5) pr3ople indicated their preaenca at Fsui.d public hearing ir~ ~pposit.i~n; and ttiat no curreapondenca w1a received in uppnc~±tion L-o the eubjAr.t petition. CALIFORNIA ENVIFONMEN.'~AL_~,UALIxY ACT FTNDING: Tha~ tho Anaheim City Pl.anr-icig Conuniesi.on has revi.owod the propoeal ta pormit the outside ~toraye cf i-oofing ma~orial and larqe equipmPnt/tructics for a ruofing contrzctor on a rectan~~~ltrly-ehaped parr.el of land coneigting oP apprc~xf.~nately 2.02 acreo t~aving a fzc~ntage of approximately 254 fer~t on the norLh nide of 6u11 Road, having a maximum d~pth of approximately 32A feet, being located approxi.mately 667 feet west of ~he centPrline of StaCe Callege Daulevard and further. described as 1617 E. Ball Road; and doea hmreby deny the Negative Da~laration upon findiiiy tnat it haa consider~d the Neqative Declaratfon together ~~rith any convnent~ received dur.ing the publir review proceae and further findi.ng on the haaia tl~at tha i.nitial study and any comments recoived thaL there ie r~uba~anrial evidence that *_he projer.t will have a signlf.icant Etffert on the environmQnt. hOW, THEREFORE, BF. IT RESOI.VED that. the Anaheim City Planning L.ommi~eion does h~reby deny aubject Peti.tl.~n fcr Condi.tional Uee Permit, on the baeia of thci aforementioned flridings. TNG FOkGGOING RF.SOLU'TIOPi was adopted at the Plac.ninq Commieeion meeting of Marct~ 25, 1991. ' , ___..~~`~'~ `' ' ~. .~ . ~R%~, ' f~.`c~~_,V CHAIRHIOMAN, ANAHEIM C7TY PLAriNZ~iG COMMISSION ATTEST: / , ~ ; ; t~~ ~f~- ,_._. ,~ ~ - t:.i . t. ,~~:,. _~.._ SECRETAEiY, APIAHEIM CIT'l PL.}1t+NINC COMHI5SION -2- PC91•-42 ;. ~ ~~` ,r~ib4qq ~J•I ~ s~rA~r~ oF c~-z,IFORNIA > COUNTY OF ORANC3~ ) gt~. CITY UF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harric~, Sacretary of the Anaheim City Plarining C~mmiseion, do hereby cc~rLify that the foregoing reaolution was paeeed and ad~pted at a meeting uf the Ariaheim City Planning Gommieai.on held on March 25, 1991, ny the following vote of L•he membQre thdreo£: AYES: CC~MMTSSIONERS: BOUAS, BO]DS7'UN, HELLYEF2, HENNINGER, ME:SSr, PERl',ZA NOESt COMMISSIONERS: NONE AEISE;NT: COMMISSIQN~.RS: F'~I,DFIAUS IN WITN~5S WHGFtEOI', I havo hereun.to ~et my hand thia ? f day af _~~~~ ---~ 1991. ~ ~ ` ~ ~., ~lc_ _~_ ti-- .~ .~ STCRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNI?iC, COMMTSSION ; ~: ,~.: ~~ ...',~:_I~?~j -3- PC9i••42