Resolution-PC 91-46,~~~,,~ ,, ;~,e~, _RF~50j~,UTIUN NO. p~9~~ A RESOLU7'ION OP' TF1E ANAHEiM CITY PLANNING CObfMISSION APPROVtNG MQDIFICATJON TU ~nNbITIONAL USE PERMIT NA. 338~ WHERGAS, on Febr~isry 25, ].991, Reclaeei.ficaY.ion Na. 9~-gl_21~ i.n conjunctian with Conditi.onal U~se Per.mit No. 3300 and TQntative 'l~ract M~-p No. 14401 wQre approved by ttis Planning r_Ummit~aion to rezan~ the aub~ect propnrty fr~m RM-12A0 to 1RM•-7.400 and to cc~n~truct a 24-tiniC "affordable" condominium c.omp.l ox . WIit;REAS, the peti.tianer now requesto approval to pei7ni.t an "af.fc~rdable" 24-unit RM-2~00 r.ondomi~ii4m comolex wi,th waive.rs of minimum diatanca betwaon oil drill.tng structuret+ and dwQlll.ng unj.ta, ar_d maximum fenca hoi.r~ht . WHF:REAS, tne CiL•y Platin:.ng Commiea~an did huld a publia hearing at the Civic Cent~r in tha City o: Anahein~ on Apri.l 8, 1991, at 1s3A p.m., notico c~f eaid publi.c hearing having bea-i duly yiven ae requ ~ red by law and :.n a:c~rdance wlth thQ provteionr~ of the r,naheim Mur~icipal Codo, Chapt:er 1A.03, to hear und con~i.der. e~i.dence for And againat ec~id propc~sed condittonal uee psrmi.t and to inveatigalc and make findir~ya and recommR~udatione in c.~nnection t.her~with; and WFiEREA:~, eaid CnnLm.innion, after due ine~ection, investigation and Br~~j~r' mo~Q by itself and in ita behalf, and after due conaideration of s~ll ev.idence and rep~~rte ~ffer~d at eald hearing, doee find and determine the follawing facta; 1, That r.he proposed usc~ .i~ properly ane f~r c~rhich a conditlonal u~e permit ia authorized by Anahaim M:~nicipal ro~e Secti~na 1$.32.0~0.045 and 18.~2.080 to permit an "affordable" 24-•unit RM-240~ cundominium complex with waiver~ t~~ the foiloking: (A) SCCTZON J.7.~2,0'10.0102, ~17.12.070.O.1Q5 and $.$3.020.010 ~____._,..~._____ ( ~1) ~F.'CTTON . ].$ • ~_~4 •2~~02 an Mininum digtance bet.ween oLl drtllina ntr.ucturee and dwe?1~ na unita, (.i50 fec~t r~quired; .113 fec~f, pr.opoeod for t~tructureri) MAximum..~~.~~ ei. ht. ( 6 ~•:et permi.tted; 2 f~et ~ropooed along we~st proporry linQ) 2. That the r~queet.ed waivezH ~re hereby grantcd on the baeie th3t thQra ar.Q apeci&l circumetanccso appJ.icRblo to thE~ Fr~perty euch t~e size, Rhape, tcpograpFiy, locr~tion and aur~uundinyr~ which do nnt apply to ~thet idantLcally zonPd pr~pc~zty in th~ eame vicinlty; a~ci that ~trir:t application of the Zoninq Cod~ deFriveo the pr~~erty c~f ~+rivilegQS ~njoy~d by othar prope~tiea in the idontic~l zonc~ and clasyificition in the viciniCy. CR1152MP _1_ PC91-46 ~ ,~~ :; ~ ~ 3• xhat ~hs propo~c~d ueQ will not advoreelY x~fact tr~e adjoining lAnc9 uo~e an~.l the growth and devalapment of the ai~aa i.n which it ia pro~~oeed ta be 1ocHtod. n. '1'hat t•T~e air.e ai~d ahape of the eito proposed far the use ie adequate to a11ow thc~ fu11 dRVRlopment of tho detL•imental ~.o the part.icular area i;ax to the Qar:RPrhealth usafet ~Aandnner naL- wol~'are of the CiL•izF~ne oF t:he G~ity of Anahc~im.~ ~ ~ } 9Qneral 5• T1~at the granting ~f the C~nditional Use Permi* under thE condi~ione i.mposed will nnt be detrimental to tlie E3RCP. genez•al wc~lfaie of th~ C'it; r.r~t~e a~ the (:ity ~f Annhei.m.p ' health, bafot y and 6. ~h3t the traffic genQratod by thc~ pr.ouosed ueca will not impoee an undu~: burden upon th~ atr.~QL•a and h.ighwa~r~ designed and impzd~~d L•o c4rry L-ho traffic in the area, '7. °rhAt no one ir~dicated t}ieir pr~r~~nce at eaid public hnarinq in op~oHiti~n; and tha.*, no ~orreepon~ence wae rQCeived in oppoei~ion to tho aubjoct potiGa.on. CALIFURNIA Cit- """'----- FHVTROPJM~NTRL U LTTY ACT FIVprN~: That the Rnaheim Y Planning Co~runidsion haa r.evie4,ed the propooal to „ 24-unit RM-2400 concl~minium com lcx PQrmi.t an affordablo" oi~ dri.llin p wit}~ waivere pf minimum diatance bQt 9 ekrvcturQ~ an~ c~Wd7.l.tng units, ancl maximum fance he.tght ouQa irrequlaXly ehaped p3rcel .nf having a frontagP of approximatei ~oneioting of app.r~;~imately 1.07 acres, Avenue, havin y 1$U ~eet on tlie north aido of Jackec,n g a maxiR~um depth og apP:~xim.~t~ly 330 feet, being located $BP'-'~xicr,ately 7S0 feot ~adt of tho centerlin~ of Fark Vieta Str.~et and further refer.rgd to ae 2941 ~'ast: :Jackeon Avenue; and doee hereb~ Neyat•ive Declaxatiot~ and adapr_ ttie Mitigati.on Monitorinf pp~~r~ a mitigated ~e~tion 27.081.6 of thp Public Resourcee Code on the baeis that therp).anning Cortuaiaeion has ~oneidered the p p and ro oeal with the m:tigated vsgative Derlaration together wLth ar~y commente recaivod during tho publlc r.evinw proceee and fukther findiny, on ~!~e b~ais n eubatantial ovidence ~h~~t the ~~hP Initl.~I Study, that therQ fe no environment. PrO~~-'ct will. have r~iynificant eEfect on the NOW, THEF2EFURE, yg '~ F~g~pLVEC that L Cornmic~sion doee hc~reby qXa~~t ~ub ject Petiti.~~n fer Condit.ionale(1se~permi~anning the fullowing conditione whic:h ara hQreby t'uund to bQ a neG~~ea~; to the • p°u Pr~posed use of ~fie aubject ~roperty Ln ~rder to Y PreroquiaiCe genera.l welfare of the C,itizen9 of t~~e City of Ar.ahei.m; Preaerve the safet y and 1• " That a tract ma~ to F recurd the divieion of eubjg~t prope1•ry ehall b~i nu~mi~ted to and appzoved by the Cit;~ of Anahetm and th~n ~e ~ecordod in tt~Q nfficp of the orange County Re_•order. ~• " That prior to ic~euance oF 4 nL~nal aa~eo~ment feQ ohal.l be nuildiny permit, ttie ap~,r.opriate trxff,ic ae ee~ahliehecl by City Council r~oolution.~h~ ~iry of AnahHim in a~ arr,ount -2- I~C91-46 ~1 ~ ~ 4 R',~= Y ;;.4 7 3. k'rhat gat~~s shall no~ be inatalle~ ~croes any dri.veway or pra.vate stzeet in a manner which m~y ndvgre~~lf affeat vehicular traffic in the adjacent public atrHQt. In~tall.arion of any gates ehall conform L•o L~nqin~,ering Standard P1An No. 402 and shal.l bo eubjoct to the ievSAw and appraval of tho Cit,y Traf.fic and Tranaportatian Mangyni prior to iaeuance o~ a bufldi.ng p~rmit. 4. *'i'hat plane ~ahall be ounmftted to the ~i.t•y Tz~-f_ic ~.nd Tran~portiation Manager far hi~ reviow and up}aroval ehowing conformance with the lates~ r4vieion nf EnginRerinq S`.zndurd Plan Noe. 402, 43b and 601 portaining tp parking s~~andarda. Subject proporty shall thereupon be develope3 and maintained in conformance with saic9 ~lane. 5. That •the drivPway an .T~-rjceon Aveniie ehall be congtructQd with ten (10) foot radiue c~~rb r~~L-urn.~ ao requirc~d by thQ Ci~y Engi•neer in confarmance with Fnyineeri.ng sta:~darde. 6. +'I'hat autamatic rol.l-up garage doora utial7. Ue ali~wn on the plana eubmitted for building perm.its. ;;aia doore sha.ll be indtal.led and maintained ae ahown on khe c~ubmitted ~lan~. 7. * Thal• prior to comn~encement• of etri~.r.tural framing, fire hydrante shall be a.netal.led and c;•iarged ao rec~ii.ired ar.d appzoved by the Fire Department. 8. *~Phat t'ire eprinklere ohall be ins~tal.l~d a~ required by the F~re Department-. 9. That elovation a:-awinga show~.ng tho ~ddltion of windowe faci.~g the driveway a~s1~A, color echc~mes, A,pecific tivindow receooes, atc. shall ua submitted to the Housinq Ma:~ager of th~ Community Gevolopment Dc~partment for hie revitw and approvaJ.. 10. 'fhat pri~r tc fir.~zl buflding ana zoning innpectione, ~trast name ul.ane fur any new pr.ivata atreat ~shall be i.nslalled. 11. Tt-~t tt~e uwner of 5iib ject proQerL•y phall submit s let*_er requee*_inc- Cerminc~tion of Variance rro. 3b24 (waiver of maximum buil.ding heiyht to conetruct a 21-•unit apaLtmont cor~pltix) to the 2oning Di.vision. 12. That che d~valoper ehall be reapc;neible for anv direc;t coets ae~eoeiated with thcs monitorir:g and/or repurting required aa ec~t forth by Section 2].U81.6 of L-he P~iblic Reaourceo ~odc~ to ensure impleinentation of those mi.tigation mea~ur~s idontified in ti:s mitigated Nt~gativR Declara~ion that h~ve beQn inc:orporated as conditfons of a~pro~~al for eubjec:t project. 13. * lhat pri~r to ioeuance of a butldiny permit, satiofactory avider-ce ehall be preaonted to ths Duilding Uivieian ehowing that tho pxopoeal is in conf.or~nance with Council Policy Numb~r 542 "Sound Attonuatton ln Fteaidenti~l Project:o" and with Nof.se In~sule~tion Standards apecified in th~ Califarnin Admi.niatrative C~~de, 'i'iL•le 25. -3- PC91-46 ~~~~ ~~ 14. That the pr~pneod conet~:ucta.on of any livabla aroa in any buildl.n~ ehall b~ in conformanca w3.th Hnahs~im Municipal Code Saction pertaining to thc~ proximity to ail we11c~. 15. That ~rior to iaouance oE a builr3ing ~aormit, plano shall be aubmitted ahowing that a11 habitable room~ etiull havp a minimum ceiling height oP eeven and one-half (7.5) f9et. All habitable ronms ehall bn ccnetructed in accordance with aaid plane and the ceiling heighL•s oh~zll be verifidd prior to i~suance o£ a certl.ficatQ of occupancy. 16. That bat.h Qpacae in oach pair of tandem p~-rking epaaes ~hall be aaeigned to thQ same dwelling uni.t. 17. Tt.at the private st•~:eet ahall t~e d~velopc~d in accozdance with Stand~rd DeLail Na. 122 except that ten (10) foot radtue curb r.eturns may be ai.lowed and at-grade aidewalkr~ maX be all.ow~ad providod that the sidewalk materialy aro diotinctive from the street paving maL•erial. 18. * Ttiat subject pro~osal autilorized by r.hie reaolution Ahall be eerved by underground Litiliti~e. 19. R That the water backflow oquipmc~nt and ~ny ~ther large water eystem ecpiipment shall be ingtalled to thQ eatiefacL•ion c~f the Watez Utility ~ ~ivieion in either: (a) undcarground vaults or (b) behind tho etreet ~etback a.rea in a manner fully ecreened from ~.11 public etreete and alley~r . 2U. *'fhah any lockable pedeatrian and/ar vehicular accese gatas ahall be equipp~sd with "knox box" devicee 3o requirQd and approved by ttie Fire Dopartment. 21. * That• sn adequate, unob~t.r~cted trash truck turn-around area ahall bp dpQCifically ehcwn on tt-e plane submittied for building permits, ae required and npprovecl ::~y L•he Stre~:t Mainl:enance and Sanitation Department. Said turn-arc~und area ahall be permanently marked and mainta~.ned to the eatiefa~~ion of said Department. ;,. Y- ~+i . 1 ~ ~ i C ~! j ~; ~;,- r ~~ 22. * That tx~sh sto~aya areas ~hal.l be provided and rnaintained in a loca~ion accept:atylQ t:o the Street 2daintenancc~ and Sariitation D3.vision and in nccordance with npproved ~~lanr~ on fils with said di.vision. Such inforrnation ahall be opecf.fically st:own on the plane submitted for bui].~31.ng per.mite. 23. " That all air condicicning facil.itiea and other roof and gxound mounted equipment ~h311 bo properly r~hieldec! from view, and the eound buffered from adjacent reBidential pi:opertiee. Such infarmatien shall be spacifical.ly ohown on t1~e p2.zne c~ubmitted L•or build.ing permite. 24. That clothee waeher and dryex hookupti shal'_ be incor~,orated into each condominium dwelling iinit and et-alI be e~hown on the plans submitted for bui~dinq per.mits. -a- PC91-46 ~ ;x ~ .. -~~~,~, ~ a:w~ 25. * That the on-aite landeaapi.ng and irrigaticn ~yatem shall be maintained in complian~e with City 9tandard~. d,: 26. * That this Cand~t.ional Uso Permit ie granted eubjQCt ta the adoption of a zoning urdinance in connection with R~clagaifi.catton N~. 90-'~1-21, now pending. 27. 'Phat oubj~ct pr~pQrty ehall be develbped subatanti~ll.y in accordance wi~h plana and epecxficat.tan~ eubmztted tu the City of Anahaim b}• the p~titioner and which plane are on fil~ with th~ Planning Department markcd Exhibit Nos. 1~hr.~ugh 6. 2fl. * That, ±n accordance with Sc~ctiona 17.12.07~.0102 +~rid of the Ana:l~im Municipal r,ode pertainiiig to the conntruction of .reaident.tal. etructures within 150 fc~et oE oil wella, City Council approval of the 5 propoeed dwellingn loc.3ted 113 .F.ee* from the exieting oil well ehall be obtained prior r.~ iaeuance of a building Fermit. 29. 'I'hat prior ~a ~ccuFaancy, the legal pr.optrty ownt~r/dovelopez ehall r.onstruct an e.i_ytit (8) foot higii block wall (150 feet l~ng) adjacent ~to the weet ~roperr.y 1.'_.ne to provide :s vioual/slfety ehi.eld from L-he live oil. well on thQ adjacent pdreel. Howev~r, if eaid livo oil wall ~.a "Cfi~f.~" ~,rior to occupancy then aaid owner/developer Rhgll conetruct r~ eix (6y gout high block wal? (150 feet ].~ng) adjacanr to the w$at proporty :Line. 30. That prior t~ iesuanoe of a buildi.ng permit or within a period of or.e (1) yoar from tha date of th.is resoluti.on, whichev~r. occurs firet, Condition Noe. J., 2, 3, h, 5, 9, 11, 13, 14, J.S, 2?., 22, 23, 26 and 28, above•-m~ntianed, ehall be c~mplieci with. k;xteneione f~r Eurt:h~er ~i.ma to r,omplete said conditiona may be granted fn accordancQ with Secti~n 1f3.U3.09U of th~ Anaheim Municipal Code. 31. That pri~7r to final. bu~lding and zoning inopectiuns, Coxidition Noe. 9, 4, 5, 6, 8, lU, 15, 16, 1~, 18, 19, 27 and 28, abova-me:ztioned, ehall be ccmplied with. 3~~. * That approval. ~.E this application conotitutes appr.oval of thp pr~pnBecl requeet only to the exte~zL• that it compZi.~e wtth the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any ntt~er applicable CiLy, Stat~ and Federal regulatione. Apuroval cioes not .inclu~e any action Qr findinge ae to complinnce or approval of th~ request rogar.ding eny ~ther applicable ordinance, regularion or rFquirement. Cond:ti~na marked with an astoriek (*) are rPquirQd by establiehed lawa, coc~ee, regulatione and aqr~eme~ite and a.re, thF~cefore, noL• aubject to negotiatio.n. ^ ` -5-- PC91-46 r.'~ ~ ~ BE IT FURTH~;R RESOLV~D that the Anaheim City Planninq Cnmmiee~ion doee hereby f~.nd and determi:~c~ that Rdoptiori nf thie Reeolutic+n ie exprse~ely p.rc~dicated upon applicant ~ s comp) iance with daah and al1 af the condi~tioiis hereinabove Agt ~azth. Should any eur}1 conclition, nx any part thexeof, b~e declarc~d invalid or unenfarceable hy th~ fina:L judqment. of any court af compatont juriadiction, Chen ~hie Reso.lutic+n, and any approvals harein contained, eh~ll be deQmeci null and void. THE F'OREGO'LNG t2FSOLUTI4N was adopted e.t the P1ann ing Commiesion rneeting of April 8, 1591, ~, ~'~ , , ~ ~;. ~ ~ , ;~ ,,. j-:._._.. /~- !. ~:t";' i' -~ c~._...~.~;..;L,.~.u..,,~.- ~HATF.W02~AN, ANAHETM CITX ~.ANNING COMtsI5SION ATTEST: ~ , ., . . ;~~I~ . ~ ., ' . ~! ~~, F ~S~C ~TAR'i, ~lAHEIM~,CITY' PL.ANNING CpMMTSSION % ~' ,. STATE OF ^AZ,IFOItNIP~ ) CAUNTY OF OF2ANGI: ) s s. CITY OF ANAHETM ) I, ,'ianQt L. .7enaen, Secretary o£ ths Anaheim City Planning Commiseion, do hereY~y certify that the foregoing resolution wae paseecl and adopted at a meeting of t1~e AnaSeim City Planni.ng Cam-nieaion held uxi Apr! 1 S, 199.J., by thQ foJ..lowing vot~ of tho members tt~ereoE: AY7:,'S: COMMISSIONERS: BO[IAS, E30YDSTUDI, HELLXER, HFNNtNGEA, M^SSE, PERAZA NOES: c:OMITZSSIONEI25: Nc~NE A~SFNT: COMMISSIONERS: FF:LGHAZJS ,/~;.~ ~. IN WITNESS WHEREdF, I kia~~e hareunto net my hand thi~ ,51 r.~,L~~ day ~f y•%~_/~ r~__, 1991. i ~ - ....~LL_.~~'' ~ ....~1.. ' ' r- - ,--'~• ~. SLCF2FTAFiY, ANF\I~iEIM ~~ITY PLAfININt.; CONiMISSIUN -6- PC91-46 ys , ~,~, . ;` y\