Resolution-PC 91-47,\~ ~11~~~'~ RFSOLUTI~N NO. PC91-47 ~~ Y A RESOLUTION OP' THE A~IAHEIM C7TY FLANNING COMMISSION TF13M:NATING ALL PROCEEDINGS IN CONNECTION WITH CONDITIONAL USE PER2,IT NO. 570 WHEREAS, on May 25, 1964 ConditiotYal UAe Permit No. 570 wae granted undo.r Rpsolution Nc~. 1173 by thA Anaheim Plann.ing Commieei.on to establish a ch~.ld day carg nureo-y at 1916 Weat Ball Raad. WHEREAS, Roy L. Moore, property owner, hae submiti:ed a lettex requedting terminatian of ~onditional Js~ Pc~rmit No. 57U in conjt~nction with a minur ac~dition to an Existing wedding cht~pgl which is pRrmitt~d under Conditionsl Uae Permit No. 864. NOW, THEREFORE, 13E IT RESO~,VED ~hat the Anahei.m City plannit~q Commieai.on doea hereby terminate all procc~edinr~s in c~nnection with Canditional [Tse Permit ho. 5'10 on the baoie of the foregoing ~ii-dir~gs. THE ~'OR~~O=NG RE50LUTIUN was adopt4d at the Planning Commiss~.on maeting of April 8, 1991. l, ~ . 't, :. / ~ ~ <...~ ~1 . ` ~~'x_' y ~ ;i. ~ ~~. < «_- CHAIRWOMAN, P.NAHEIM CITY PL N NG COMMISSION A'I'TEST : ~~ . ' ' -~ . , - - j:~~Y,r ~... ^y: ~,.,~" -`J~•~'~'-e-~- i~, CRETARY, AI~IACi~IM CITX ~'J,ANNING COMM7SSION i ' ~ , i 1 ~ I. ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA j COUNTY OF ORANGE ) 04• GITY QF 1~NAHEIM ) I, J~inet L. Jensen, Secr~t~ry of the Anaheim City Planning Cemmi~aion, dc~ tiereby cQrta.fy tha~ the foregoing r.eenlution was pasead and adopted at a-ne~ting af the Anaheim City Planriing Cammissio~n held on Apri]. 8, 1991, by the following vcL•e of th~ membera therQOf: AYES: COMM:[SSIQNERS: BOUAS, BOXDSTUN, ElELLYER, HENNZNGER, MCSSE, QEFtAZP. NOES: CUMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMFlI~S_ONERS: FELDFiAUS IN WITNE5S WHEREOF, I have her.eunto eei: my hand this ~g'~~ daY `-:~; 19y1. of _ /~, :;-i i ____, ,.. ' ~ r ,~~i` ~,~_~;,~,,'':' '• ~ SECRETARY, ANA,HET4~I CITX PLANNING COMMISSION CR).151M.P -1- PC91-47 ~,,,:fi_«~,,,._,.,, ~, .. , ~.. `' _ _ ~. ~